What version of IE is being used inside Outlook 2016 Desktop app? - javascript

I initially assumed it would be the IE that is currently installed but there seems to be some differences. I get JS related errors when loading my add-in Outlook 2016 Desktop but not in Office 365 (Web). How would I find solution to the problem if I do not know which IE is being used to render my add-in?

I found also some differences on the IE installed on your computer and the one running you add-in. For example, see the answer from Jeffrey Chen here he explains that the two IE do not run in the same integrity level (L-level vs M-Level).
I believe you may be interested in using F12 for debugging your add-in iFrame, see instructions here.

On Windows, the version of Internet Explorer used to render the add-in is the version of your Internet Explorer. The only slight exception to this rule is that note that we're talking about IE here, not Edge. So if you're on Win10, the renderer for the Add-in (at least as of today, end-of-2016) is IE, not Edge.
There might be some other issue that's being masked. Try attaching a debugger when the Add-in runs? (For instructions on the latter, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/37168644/678505).


How do I enable copy to clipboard in Firefox on Linux?

I released a new version of a firefox webextension, Copy
All Tabs last night. The code is open source and available on github.
The new version fixes many bugs and is overall more stable. It works as expected on Windows and Mac (Firefox 61).
However, when I was testing on Linux (both Firefox 60 and 61), the "Copy Tabs" function fails.
Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)
The function that fails on Linux is located in this file:
The major shift was moving the copy and paste functions from a content script that was injected into the active tab's page to the background.js file. The content script approach was failing for Firefox specific pages (e.g. about:debugging) for security reasons.
Given the discrepancy, I'm inclined to think it has something to do with Firefox, but if it's a problem in the webextension I'd be happy to fix it.
If this is a bug in firefox, what is the best way to report it?
Alternatively, does anyone have a suggestion for how modify the extension so that it works effectively on all platforms?
I followed #Dexter's advice and filed a bug in Bugzilla:
Since that time, the plugin eventually started working in newer versions of the browser.
I do NOT know if this might be your issue, but here goes.
Recently switched from Windows to Pop! OS (derived from Ubuntu/GNOME). Had problems with certain Firefox Browser Extensions, specifically those enabling the copying of links from webpages and subsequent pasting them into, say, GVim.
UNTIL I followed the instructions here:
How to Customize the GNOME Shell in Ubuntu Using Extensions
WRT installing GNOME Tweak, GNOME Shell Extensions, and Shell Extensions for Firefox.
I would suggest you try this and see if it helps. I hope it does.

Visual Studio 2013 developers license javascript error

I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 installed, and I would like to start coding windows store apps. Every time I create a project, I'm getting the notification that I need a developer license. This is fine to me, so I press the 'I agree' button.
After doing this, Visual Studio seems to be trying to make some connection to the web, and the next thing happening is a JavaScript error. Literally translated from Dutch it says:
You need JavaScript to login to your Microsoft-account. This browser doesn't support JavaScript or scripts are being blocked. Look into the online Help of your browser to see if the browser supports JavaScript or to enable scripts.
My default browser is Google Chrome, and in the settings of Google Chrome, JavaScript is enabled by default. How do I solve all of this? I really want to start creating windows store apps.
Finally solved this.
The problem is: Microsoft Visual Studio is still making use of Internet Explorer in stead of your chosen default browser. Visual Studio needs to be able to do something with Cookies in Internet Explorer, and this is blocked by default. Lower your security settings on Internet Explorer, and everything is solved.

version of Chrome supported by Angular.js

I am trying to build a simple AngularJS application using an old Chrome (version 2010).
Then I am facing various problems with routing. Basically Chrome becomes unstable, even crashes often.
I suspect that my old Chrome is not compatible with the specific AngularJS I am using (v1.3.8).
Where can I find such information? I mean the version of Chrome needed by AugularJS of specific version?
I searched AngularJS document, but didn't get a clue.
Quoted from link https://code.angularjs.org/1.3.8/docs/misc/faq:
We run our extensive test suite against the following browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera 15, IE9 and mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari). See Internet Explorer Compatibility for more details in supporting legacy IE browsers.
I think these details above are a little vague as a reference. I understand the recommended practice is upgrading Chrome to the latest. As "Derek 朕會功夫" commented, my environment is restricted to some extent. One of the restrictions is, it is not feasible to upgrade Chrome.
That is why I want to find out the exact Chrome version supported by AngularJS. People may come up with similar concerns with other browsers like Firefox. Right?
Answer To PSL: I am not using bangrang.
BTW, "add a comment" link doesn't work for me , so I have to comment here :(
As far as I can tell, you require Chrome 13 (MDN) from 2011 in order to support the functions tested in the Angular source found here, such as File and Blob.

Use Chrome/Firefox while debugging client-side

I am using camera with getUserMedia and I get a few errors I want to fix. The thing is Visual Studio only allows me to debug JavaScript (I mean hitting breakpoints) with IE, and IE does not support getUserMedia.
If you want to debug in a browser other than Internet Explorer then you will need to use the Developer Tools of that individual browser and set your breakpoints accordingly. Alternatively you could use console.log() and/or console.warn() to get the state of your objects in code. Visual Studio does not and cannot understand the implementations of different JavaScript and rendering engines (V8, Blink, Gecko etc.) - nor should it ever attempt to do so. These engines move so rapidly with six week release cycles the IDE would be a totally misleading proxy for the actual the platform you're supposed to be testing against.
Both Firefox and Chrome allow you to retain console contents beyond a page reload/navigation and there are tools like Browser Link in Visual Studio will allow you to test in multiple browsers simultaneously - inspecting the console results afterwards for errors (interactions will have to be tested individually in each browser).
If you are testing mobile devices Adobe Shadow that would potentially allow you to test on multiple tablets and/or phone simultaneously whilst using Dev Tools (I believe Chrome) on your laptop or desktop. Otherwise desktop browsers dev tools allow you to debug page running on a connected mobile device using the same browser, or - in the case of Firefox - also Chrome instances on the device.
It is well worth getting to know browser dev tools for front end debugging and troubleshooting, as these are much more powerful for this purpose than those provided with Visual Studio. The free CodeSchool course Discover DevTools (focussed on the Chrome DevTools and sponsored by Google/Chrome) may help you discover some of the features of client developer tooling, and many of the interfaces and techniques will be broadly applicable to other browser dev tools.
If you want to test on devices that are not available to you, browsers that you cannot install on your system (e.g. Safari on Windows) or simply a newer or legacy version which you cannot install alongside the one already installed locally then there are services like Browserstack which allow you to do so in hosted virtual machines. There is a Visual Studio extension available for BrowserStack to help connect to projects running locally.

Running COM objects within Firefox or Chrome

This question has been asked many times before: How do I run COM/ActiveX control in other browsers other than Internet explorer. The answer i simply "No! Rewrite your code. It is not recommended, security issue" and so fort.
However, I am in a situation where I can not choose.
The company I work for has a webbased CRM system that we have developed ourselves. Now we want to add phone functionality to it. MakeCall, Hang Up, Answer and so on. The PBX vendor we have chosen has software installed on evry PC that allows this functionality to be called thru a COM-object.
So we have made some tests using Internet Explorer (using new ActiveXObject() ) and everything works great. However, we have a company policy that it must also work in Firefox and Chrome. So, I am searching for a solution, that I hope all of you can help me with.
How can we do this in other browsers? Can I make a plugin that wraps the COM object? Keep in mind, the only way to communicate with the PBX software is to use this COM-object. Security is not an issue as this web solution is only used in-house and we trust the software (COM-object.)
You can use the whole of internet explorer as a plugin in Firefox/Chrome using the IE mode. This essentially embeds IE within Firefox which then hosts the ActiveX control.
The same extension for Chrome is here.

