Why Won't My Hidden Field Populate from JavaScript Function? - javascript

I created a JavaScript function that creates a string that I need to use in another form on the website I'm working on. To do this I thought I would just write the value to a hidden field, and then submit it in the HTML form. However, nothing I do will get the value to appear in the field even though the alert will populate.
function customFunc(){
var customD = document.querySelector('input[name = "customD"]:checked').value;
var customL = document.getElementById('Custom_Length').value;
var customW = document.getElementById('Custom_Width').value;
var lowerV = customL * customW;
var maxV1 = Math.ceil(lowerV/100)*100;
var maxV2 = maxV1 - 1;
var lowerB = maxV1 - 100;
var pStyle = document.querySelector('input[name = "pl"]:checked').value;
var itemTest = pStyle +customD+"."+lowerB+"-"+maxV2;
alert(itemTest );
return itemTest ;
document.getElementById('testSku').value = itemTest ;
On the HTML side I have this as the hidden field
<input type="text" name="testSku" id="testSku">

The return statement ends a function and returns to the caller. Anything after that in the function is not executed. So the assignment to the input's value is ignored. Put the return statement last.
function customFunc(){
var customD = document.querySelector('input[name = "customD"]:checked').value;
var customL = document.getElementById('Custom_Length').value;
var customW = document.getElementById('Custom_Width').value;
var lowerV = customL * customW;
var maxV1 = Math.ceil(lowerV/100)*100;
var maxV2 = maxV1 - 1;
var lowerB = maxV1 - 100;
var pStyle = document.querySelector('input[name = "pl"]:checked').value;
var itemTest = pStyle +customD+"."+lowerB+"-"+maxV2;
alert(itemTest );
document.getElementById('testSku').value = itemTest ;
return itemTest ;


Im trying to auto populate in javascript some calculated user input... can you tell me why this keeps getting a parsing error?

trying to get the calculation results of user input and auto-populate them into the text input fields.. and it keeps giving me a parsing error...
enter code here
function add_number(){
var monthlyPayment = parseInt(document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").value);
var maintFees = parseInt(document.getElementById("maintFees").value);
var memFees = parseInt(document.getElementById("memFees").value);
ar exchFees = parseInt(document.getElementById("exchFees").value);
var result = (monthlyPayment?monthlyPayment:0) + (maintFees?maintFees:0) + (memFees?memFees:0) +
document.getElementById("txtresult").value = result;}
function mpTwelve(){
var monPay = parseInt(document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").value);
var monTwe = monPay * 12;
document.getElementById("mpTimesTwelve").value = monTwe;}
function maintTwelve(){
var maintPay = parseInt(document.getElementById("maintFees").value);
var maintTwe = maintPay * 12;
document.getElementById("maintTimesTwelve").value = maintTwe;}
i.addEventListener('change', (event) => {add_number();mpTwelve();maintTwelve();})})

Reading values from input fields created in an array with document.createElement()

I'm trying to build a table that the user can hit "new line" to create a new row of the table. I do this by foo.push(document.createElement("INPUT"));
function newLine() {
sArr[sArr.length-1].setAttribute("type", "text");
gArr[gArr.length-1].setAttribute("type", "text");
tArr[tArr.length-1].setAttribute("type", "text");
//alert(sArr.length+", "+gArr.length+", "+tArr.length);
var x = document.createElement("br");
function calc(){
var temp = 0;
var total = 0;
for(i = 0; i<sArr.length; i++){
total = total + calc2(i);
var o = document.getElementById("output");
o.value = total;
function calc2(i){
var s = document.getElementById(sArr[i]);
var g = document.getElementById(gArr[i]);
var t = document.getElementById(tArr[i]);
var VO2walkmin = 3.28;
var VO2rest = 3.05;
var C1 = 0.32;
var C2 = 0.19;
var C3 = 2.66;
var Cdecline = 0.73;
var s2 = s.value;
var g2 = g.value;
var t2 = t.value;
var negGrade = g.value;
if(g2 < 0){g2 = 0};
VO2move = ((C1 * g2)+VO2walkmin)+((1+(C2*g2))*(C3*(s2^2)));
VO2inc = VO2rest+(t2*VO2move);
VO2dec = VO2rest+(Cdecline*(t2*VO2move))
//var o = document.getElementById("output");
return VO2inc;
When run, I get the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null
from line 66. Specifically, this line:
var s2 = s.value;
I'm struggling to find my mistake here... and all help is appreciated.
You create a new element, but it has no ID. And so you can't fetch it by ID. The result of document.getElementById(sArr[i]) will be null.
Check this answer to see how ID can be assigned to a newly created element:
Create element with ID
There's no need to use document.getElementById. sArr[i] is the input element itself, not its ID, so you can just read its value directly.
var s = sArr[i];
var g = gArr[i];
var t = tArr[i];

Javascript: window.confirmation

I have a function:
function placeOrder(price, productList) {
var bulletinBoardItem = Number(productList.box1.value);
var stickersItem = Number(productList.box2.value);
var cutoutsItem = Number(productList.box3.value);
var trimmerItem = Number(productList.box4.value);
var resourceBooksItem = Number(productList.box5.value);
var price = new Array(5);
price[0] = 12;
price[1] = 1;
price[2] = 6;
price[3] = 3;
price[4] = 20;
var sumBB = bulletinBoardItem * price[0];
var sumStickers = stickersItem * price[1];
var sumCutouts = cutoutsItem * price[2];
var sumTrimmer = trimmerItem * price[3];
var sumRB = resourceBooksItem * price[4];
and I have a window.confirm box that I need to reference the above function from, but none of the variables are recognized in that function. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here.
<input type="button" onClick="placeOrder()" value="Place Order">
<p id = "order"></p>
function placeOrder(quantity, price, productList) {
var r = confirm("You've ordered Bulletin Boards");
if (r) {
window.alert("Your order has been placed!!!")
} else {
window.alert("Your order has been canceled.");
document.getElementById("order").innerHTML = txt;
You are using txt which is not defined :
document.getElementById("order").innerHTML = txt;
Thus, try to change txt by any defined string and your script will not be failed

Run javascript on multiple selected checkboxes

Hello I am currently writing a web application that calculates a number based on what a user has checked.
You can see it here.
If you go to the link you can see that a person will check a checkbox first and enter a value from the dropdown and type 2 values to get an output.
What I need help with is being able to calculate the value for more than one checkbox at a time.
Right now I can only calculate the value for a checkbox one at a time even if multiple are selected. So basically I need help try to figure how to calculate for more than one checkbox at a time.
I was using an if statement inside my javascript file but thats not giving me the result that I want.
Just remove else if statements, change for IF only. But I have to say that's solution its not that scalable, and for a big application could turns into a nightmare.
I recommend you try to use $("input:checked").each(function() {}); if you dont want to store it and just show the values on the client to avoid further problems and bad code. With your line of thought, you'll need everytime make copy and paste those IF's everytime you want to implement new form labels.
function check(){
var pokemonCount = parseInt($("#pokecount1").val());
var candyCount = parseInt($("#candycount1").val());
var reqCandy = parseInt($("#dropdown1 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount = 0;
evolveAmount = Math.floor(((candyCount + pokemonCount) - 1) / (reqCandy));
var pokemonCount2 = parseInt($("#pokecount2").val());
var candyCount2 = parseInt($("#candycount2").val());
var reqCandy2 = parseInt($("#dropdown2 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount2 = 0;
evolveAmount2 = Math.floor(((candyCount2 + pokemonCount2) - 1) / (reqCandy2));
if ($('#checkbox3').is(':checked')){
var pokemonCount3 = parseInt($("#pokecount3").val());
var candyCount3 = parseInt($("#candycount3").val());
var reqCandy3 = parseInt($("#dropdown3 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount3 = 0;
evolveAmount3 = Math.floor(((candyCount3 + pokemonCount3) - 1) / (reqCandy3));
Just remove Else if to if only
function check(){
var pokemonCount = parseInt($("#pokecount1").val());
var candyCount = parseInt($("#candycount1").val());
var reqCandy = parseInt($("#dropdown1 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount = 0;
evolveAmount = Math.floor(((candyCount + pokemonCount) - 1) / (reqCandy));
var pokemonCount2 = parseInt($("#pokecount2").val());
var candyCount2 = parseInt($("#candycount2").val());
var reqCandy2 = parseInt($("#dropdown2 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount2 = 0;
evolveAmount2 = Math.floor(((candyCount2 + pokemonCount2) - 1) / (reqCandy2));
if ($('#checkbox3').is(':checked')){
var pokemonCount3 = parseInt($("#pokecount3").val());
var candyCount3 = parseInt($("#candycount3").val());
var reqCandy3 = parseInt($("#dropdown3 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount3 = 0;
evolveAmount3 = Math.floor(((candyCount3 + pokemonCount3) - 1) / (reqCandy3));
You've used elseif, so if the first checkbox is checked then it runs that code and stops. You need a series of if blocks:
You are using else if statements in your code, which means that the code of only one of the 3 if statements can be executed. More info here.
You need to replace them with simple if statements, like this:
function check(){
var pokemonCount = parseInt($("#pokecount1").val());
var candyCount = parseInt($("#candycount1").val());
var reqCandy = parseInt($("#dropdown1 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount = 0;
evolveAmount = Math.floor(((candyCount + pokemonCount) - 1) / (reqCandy));
var pokemonCount2 = parseInt($("#pokecount2").val());
var candyCount2 = parseInt($("#candycount2").val());
var reqCandy2 = parseInt($("#dropdown2 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount2 = 0;
evolveAmount2 = Math.floor(((candyCount2 + pokemonCount2) - 1) / (reqCandy2));
if ($('#checkbox3').is(':checked')){
var pokemonCount3 = parseInt($("#pokecount3").val());
var candyCount3 = parseInt($("#candycount3").val());
var reqCandy3 = parseInt($("#dropdown3 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount3 = 0;
evolveAmount3 = Math.floor(((candyCount3 + pokemonCount3) - 1) / (reqCandy3));

Multiplying Variables Not Alerting

I have a script which calls variable values from input fields and multiplies them,
At the minute my function isnt executing, Im getting no alert neither, I think this is because of my if statement, can anybody see whats going wrong?
function Calculate() {
var ContentMinutes = document.getElementById ("ContentMinutes").value;
var ContentMinutesSelect = document.getElementById('ContentMinutesDD')
if (ContentMinutesSelect == 0.0166)
var RenderingHours = 10;
var VideoHours = 5;
var VideoSeconds = 1;
else if (ContentMinutesSelect == 0.0003)
var RenderingHours = 1540;
var VideoHours = 54;
var VideoSeconds = 1;
var RenderingHours = 6410;
var VideoHours = 345;
var VideoSeconds = 124;
var NoOfFrames = document.getElementById ("NoOfFrames").value;
//var EstimatedCoreHours = document.getElementById ("EstimatedCoreHours").value;
var ServiceLevel = document.getElementById('SerivceLevelDD')
var RenderHours = 1;
var CoresInTest = document.getElementById ("CoresInTest").value;
var EstimatedCoreHours = GetNumeric(NoOfFrames)
* GetNumeric(RenderingHours)
* GetNumeric(CoresInTest);
var EstimatedTotal = GetNumeric(ServiceLevel)
* GetNumeric(EstimatedCoreHours);
alert('Estimated Cost = '
+ 'Estimated Core Hours = '
document.getElementById("EstimatedCoreHours").innerHTML =
document.getElementById("EstimatedTotal").innerHTML =
function GetNumeric(val) {
if (isNaN(parseFloat(val))) {
return 0;
return parseFloat(val);
if (ContentMinutesSelect == 0.0166) i think when you do .value you will get string result.
So your comparision should be
if (ContentMinutesSelect == "0.0166")
Your code will display no alert if any line before it results in an error , like if there isn't an element with the id 'ContentMinutes' in your document . The best way to debug would be to use something like firebug , or you could always put in a bunch of alerts and figure out what goes wrong.

