Using callbacks JS / JQuery - javascript

I am trying to use callbacks in order to effectively "overwrite" the standard alert and confirm actions in JavaScript.
The code I am using is a bit long winded so I jotted it into a working jsfiddle
I am trying to get it so that a callback is used to determine true or false, but it is coming back as undefined as the callback function is fired before a click is
My questions, is how can I change this to effectively overcome the functions value being returned before the click is called via jQuery?
Example usage:
<button onclick="confirm('This is a test')">Show dialog (confirm)</button>
Example jQuery events:
if (confirm("This is a test")) {
else {
alert("Did not confirm")
Using a loop within the callback messed it us a lot...

You are mixing things up when waiting for the return value.
You are passing dialog.checkForInput as the callback. But in the function you do:
var ret = callback();
return ret;
But the dialog.checkForInput function doesn't return anything, it merely sets event listeners.
As events all run "asynchronously" it would be more sensible to give your dialog a callback function which will be run when there actually would be an event. Meaning: in your checkForInput function (I would name it differently, but whatever) run the callback and pass the action as a parameter. Something like:
checkForInput: function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".dialog_confirm_okay").on("click", function () {
$(".dialog_confirm_cancel").on("click", function () {
$(".dialog_alert_okay").on("click", function () {
And your callback could look like this (assuming your callback was called dialogCallback):
function dialogCallback ( action ) {
alert('Dialog closed with action: ' + action);

Some points I conclude from your code:
The reason why statement callback() return undefined value is because dialog.checkForInput return nothing.
The $(document).ready inside checkForInput is async, so returned value from that block is meaningless (it won't become the return value of the checkForInput as well).
And also you put the return statement inside event declaration, it'll become return value of the event (when the event triggered), not the checkForInput.
I did some modification on your code, this one working. Basically I create new method called onclick, which will be called every time button yes or no is clicked.
show: function (e_type, e_content) {
var d = dialog;
var d_head = e_type == "confirm" ? "Confirm Action" : "Error";
var d_buttons = e_type = "confirm" ? + : d.dparts.buttons.alert_okay;
var _dialog = +"{DIV_HEADER}", d_head) + + e_content + "<div class='dialog_button_container'>" + d_buttons + "</div>" +;
onclick: function (ret) {
$(".errors").text("Return value was: " + ret);
showError: function (e_content) {"alert", e_content);
showConfirm: function (e_content) {"confirm", e_content);
checkForInput: function () {
var self = this;
$(".dialog_confirm_okay").on("click", function () {
$(".dialog_confirm_no").on("click", function () {
$(".dialog_alert_okay").on("click", function () {
Working example:
Hope this will help you.
From the comment section I assume that you want this alert to become a blocking function like window.confirm, so you can do something like if (confirm('Are you sure')).
But sadly it's impossible to achieve this case.
I have some suggestion, you can encapsulate your code better, and implement clean callbacks or promises. Maybe something like this:
showConfirm(function (ok) {
if (ok) {
// "yes" clicked
} else {
// "no" clicked
// or
showConfirm(function () {
// "yes" clicked
}, function () {
// "no clicked"
// or
var customConfirm = showConfirm()
customConfirm.on('yes', function () {
// "yes" clicked
customConfirm.on('no', function () {
// "no" clicked


Jquery custom function with CallBack

I have the following function:
Test.prototype.showToken = function () {
$('#modal').find('#btnOk').click(function (e) {
// here I want to callback
var returnValue = '123';
$('#modal').find('#btnProcess').click(function (e) {
// here I want to callback cancel
var returnValue = '456';
Now I have this in other function:
This works fine... Now I want inside my showToken to have a CallBack so when the click button happens I get in my other function the callback triggered. For example:
// here would like to get the trigger when the btnOK is clicked and also be able to get the returnValue.
// here would like to get the trigger when the btnProcess is clicked and also be able to get the returnValue.
Any clue?
You can accept callback functions in your function arguments.
Test.prototype.showToken = function (options) {
Then when you call your function, you can pass callbacks to do special things.
$.Test.showToken({okButtonCallback: function(){
// This will run on the ok button press.
}, processButtonCallback: function(){
// This will run on the process button press.
Is this what you want?
Test.prototype.showToken = function (okCallback, processCallback) {
$('#modal').find('#btnOk').click(function (e) {
// here I want to callback
var returnValue= ???
$('#modal').find('#btnProcess').click(function (e) {
// here I want to callback cancel
/// ...
/// Usage:
// from OK
console.log("From ok", retValFromOk);
}, function() {
// from process

Looping in PhoneGap-NFC function

I have a problem in a function PhoneGap-NFC plug-in Intel XDK.
function nova_pulseira(cli_nova_id) {
nfc.addTagDiscoveredListener(function (nfcEvent) {
var tag = nfcEvent.tag;
var = TagID nfc.bytesToHexString(;
if(TagID! == 0) {
nova_pulseira_input(cli_nova_id, TagID);
} else {
myApp.alert( 'error in reading the bracelet.' 'Notice');
The nfc.addTagDiscoveredListener function is used for reading NFC TAG when occurs nfcEvent.
In the first reading it works normally, but when make the second reading, the nfc.addTagDiscoveredListener function is applied two times, the third reading, it is applied 3 times, and so on.
The only way I found to "stop" this function is using location.reload(); but he returns to the Application home page, and the ideal would be to activate a subpage.
I would, somehow, that nfc.addTagDiscoveredListener function is disabled after applying the nova_pulseira_input(cli_nova_id, TagID); function.
PS: I've used
-> Return false;
-> $ .each (Nfc, function () {this.reset ();});
-> Intel.xdk.cache.clearAllCookies ();
-> $ .ajaxSetup ({Cache: false});
Thanks for the help of all ...
Put the function inside a var and redefine it later:
var tagHandler = function () {
function handlerOk () {
tagHandler = function() {
function tag() {

Override (wrap) an existing jQuery click event with another in javascript

Say I have an existing button and attach a click to it via jQuery:
var $button = $('#test').click(function () { console.log('original function') });
Now, say I want to override that click so that I can add some logic to the function before and after it. I have tried binding and wrapping using the functions below.
Function.prototype.bind = function () {
var fn = this;
var args =;
var object = args.shift();
return function () {
return fn.apply(object, args.concat(;
function wrap(object, method, wrapper) {
var fn = object[method];
return object[method] = function() {
return wrapper.apply(this, [fn.bind(this)].concat(;
so I call wrap with the object that the method is a property of, the method and an anonymous function that I want to execute instead. I thought:
wrap($button 'click', function (click) {
console.log('do stuff before original function');
console.log('do stuff after original function');
This only calls the original function. I have used this approach on a method of an object before with success. Something like: See this Plunker
Can anyone help me do this with my specific example please?
You could create a jQuery function that gets the original event handler function from data, removes the click event, then adds a new event handler. This function would have two parameters (each functions) of before and after handlers.
$(function() {
jQuery.fn.wrapClick = function(before, after) {
// Get and store the original click handler.
// TODO: add a conditional to check if click event exists.
var _orgClick = $._data(this[0], 'events').click[0].handler,
_self = this;
// Remove click event from object.'click');
// Add new click event with before and after functions.
return {;;;
var $btn = $('.btn').click(function() {
console.log('original click');
$btn.wrapClick(function() {
console.log('before click');
}, function() {
console.log('after click');
Here is a Codepen
After a long search I reached the same answer as #Corey, here is a similar way of doing it considering multiple events:
function wrap(object, method, wrapper) {
var arr = []
var events = $._data(object[0], 'events')
if(events[method] && events[method].length > 0){ // add all functions to array
function processAll(){ // process all original functions in the right order
}, function(e){,processAll)}) //unregister previous events and call new method passing old methods
$('#test').click(function () { console.log('original function 1') });
var $button = $('#test').click(function () { console.log('original function 2') });
wrap($button, 'click', function (click,e) {
console.log('do stuff before original functions');
console.log('do stuff after original functions');
<script src=""></script>
<div id='test'>click me</div>

Making sure my form isn't being submitted multiple times with jquery show/hide

So when someone hits Reply, I am attempting to pop-up a form to type your response. Once the form is submitted, it disappears until the next time you hit Reply.
This is working except after the 1st time, I am submitting the information twice. If I do it a third time, the form submits three times. Essentially what is happening is the previous form doesn't seem to be resetting after I hide it again.
I checked this website/google and have tried using reset() but it didn't work. Below is the code:
$(document).on('click', '.secretfeed button', function () {
var message_id = $(this).attr('name');
var value = document.getElementById("m_id").value;
$('#comment_form').submit(function (e) {
var commentData = $(this).serialize();
$.post('../../process_comment.php', commentData, processData);
function processData(data) {
Rather than initializing the submit function on every click, move it outside the click function. jQuery may be creating an instance of it for each click.
$('#comment_form').submit(function (e) {
var commentData = $(this).serialize();
$.post('../../process_comment.php', commentData, processData);
function processData(data) {
$(document).on('click', '.secretfeed button', function () {
var message_id = $(this).attr('name');
var value = $("#m_id").val();
The alternative is to unbind the click function before reusing it.
We want a reusable way to handle the state. We will save the state of the button in a boolean which gets turned on and off depending on the status of the request. The pattern is the following:
var isSending = false;
function onSubmit() {
isSending = true;
// Send data
function onComplete() {
// done sending data
isSending = false;
if (!isSending) {
// When data sending is finished:
The above can be encapsulated in a more functional way that uses promises to manage the state. (jQuery AJAX functions all return a promise-like object):
function oneAtATimeFunction(promisedFunction) {
var pendingPromise;
function reset() { pendingPromise = null; }
return function() {
if (pendingPromise) { return pendingPromise; }
pendingPromise = promisedFunction.apply(promisedFunction, arguments)
return pendingPromise;
function submitForm() {
return $.ajax({
url: '/foo',
method: 'POST',
data: { data: 'from form' }
$('#submit-button').on('click', oneAtATimeFunction(submitForm));
Adding a little flare to the UI We can add a way to turn on and off the submit button. First we will define a helper function to handle the on and off state:
function buttonEnable(enabled) {
$('#submit-button').attr('disabled', !enabled);
buttonEnable(false); // disable the button
buttonEnable(true); // enable the button
Putting it all together:
function onClick() {
return onSubmit()
.always($.proxy(buttonEnable, null, true));
// The above is also the same as:
// .always(function() { buttonEnable(true); });
$('#submit-button').on('click', oneAtATimeFunction(onClick));
To see this in action here is a JSBin example.

How to delay 5 seconds in JavaScript

I have JavaScript function:
function validateAddToCartForm(object) {
value = $(".product-detail-qty-box").val();
if(!isInt(value) || value < 1) {
return false;
} else {
var product_name = $("#product_detail_name").text();
var NewDialog = $('<div id="MenuDialog">\ ' + product_name + '</div>');
modal: true,
title: "title",
show: 'clip',
hide: {effect: "fadeOut", duration: 1000}
return true;
I need to pause 3 to 5 seconds before returning true, because I want to show a New Dialog box for a while. How can I implement this delay?
The only way to simulate delay in js is callback on timeout.
change the function to:
function validateAddToCartForm(object,callback) {
value = $(".product-detail-qty-box").val();
if(!isInt(value) || value < 1) {
} else {
var product_name = $("#product_detail_name").text();
var NewDialog = $('<div id="MenuDialog">\ ' + product_name + '</div>');
modal: true,
title: "title",
show: 'clip',
hide: {effect: "fadeOut", duration: 1000}
setTimeout(function() {callback(true);},5000);
where you call it you should do something like:
instead of
function somefunct() {
//code before call
if (validateAddToCartForm(object)) {
//process true
} else {
//process false
//rest of the function
place something like:
function somefunct() {
//code before call
validateAddToCartForm(object,function(ret) {
if (ret) {
//process true
} else {
//process false
//rest of the function
In to answer to your comment.
I assume:
that you want to prevent click event if validate false,
that all elements that you added onclick="..." have class ".clickme",
the element now looks like
<input type="submit" onclick="return validateAddToCartForm(this)" class="clickme" />
so 1st change the element to
<input type="submit" class="clickme" />
add to your javascript the following:
//this handle original click, drop it out, and only pass after validation
$(function () {
$('.clickme').click(function (e) {
var $t = $(this);
//if event triggered return true
if (e.isTrigger) return true;
validateAddToCartForm(this, function (ret) {
if (ret) {
return false;
also I suggest to use "submit" event on the form itself instead of "click" (the demo of submit)
Instead of blocking, you can use seTimeout to remove the #MenuDialog after a certain time.
function validateAddToCartForm(o){
var keep_dialog_time = 5 * 1000; // five seconds.
// Whatever...
/* Use setTimeout(function, milliseconds) to delay deletion of #MenuDialog.
This will get executed keep_dialog_time milliseconds after this call, and
won't block. */
$('#MenuDialog').hide(); // maybe there is another function to do this, I'm not a jQuery guy really.
}, keep_dialog_time);
return true;
JavaScript is single threaded. This means, when you block, you block the everything. Thus, the DOM uses an event loop model, where callbacks are assigned to events. Such a model is also present in node.js too. Above, because setTimeout does not block, code after that call will continue to run without waiting the function we passed to setTimeout to get executed.
I'd suggest to study DOM in depth to get more comfortable with web front-end programming. You may use various search engines to find out cool documentation.

