Clearing out data if browser reloads using - javascript

For testing purposes, I am trying to re-create the situation where a new user enters the website for the first time. So all existing data should be reset. I tried to use the id of the data I wanted to remove using data.remove(id) syntax in a ready() method but that did not seem to work. How can I clear out all data when the page is reloaded? Do I manually have to remove each data item using remove or removeAll or is there a simpler way to do sort of a clear browser history which will clear all data from previous sessions?

The easiest way would be to use removeAll. There's no equivalent of clearing browser history because multiple users may be able to read and write to the same document depending on your permissions scheme, so it's hard to define a general rule for what should be cleared.


Retain Dynamically Added DOM Elements when logging out

I recently came across a feature that Salesforce Applications have, i.e. when we log out, the tabs opened during the session are preserved and are displayed again when we log back in at a later point of time.
I would like to implement something similar in my web application where I would like to retain the dynamically created DOM elements so that if I refresh the page or logout, those elements still are displayed unless the end user decides to delete/close/destroy those elements.
Has anyone implemented anything that sounds familiar? If yes, what would be the ideal way to go about it?
Appreciate the help!
I have a webapplication that holds users and adresses as well as various different values. I have implemented a review function as a helper if you go through your data on an infrequent basis. It marks each value as reviewed or not. As this feature is only a helper and a review flag or timestamp is not needed and implemented in the DB, I save an array of data as a JSON string locally using localstorage.
This is enough for my case. You could do the same for your datamodell. You can of course also save this data per user on a separate table in the db. Consider something like: id, userid, featurename, etc.. with this generic layout you can save the state for each feature of your app, be it a tab, a modal, a setting or whatever.
Of course, you need a (preferably JS) function that gets these settings and then can recreate the DOM elements or fetch them via AJAX. You need as well a function that sends an AJAX request to save the information that a feature/window/tab has been opened/closed/etc.
A lot of work for a "nice feature". Might not be a top priority on your bucketlist, but definitly enhances your user experience.
I refresh the page or logout, those elements still are displayed
unless the end user decides to delete/close/destroy those elements.
That can only be possible if before refresh/logout those dynamically created elements are stored.
That can be possible by either storing the value in database or using local/session storage.
Values of the dynamically generated elements can be stored in localStorage like
localStorage.set('someKeyName' ,'value of dynamically generated Elements in string format')
Then after refresh retrieve the values and create those elements and append it to dom

Is there any way to access browser form field suggestions from JavaScript?

Is there any way to access the autocomplete suggestions that appear under HTML input fields in some browsers (representing previously submitted data)? Is this only available to the browser?
I ask as I want to make my own autocomplete implementation in javascript, but I want to intermingle my own suggestions with the users previous searches. A bit like how youtube does (but youtube stores all the data obviously, and it is tied to a login, there are no accounts on my website and never will be).
I was wondering more if there was a way to do it with the data stored in the users browser rather than storing all the data on my server. Is there is a way to grab the data the browser uses to present previous input to a user?
Is the data that appears in html input fields representing previously submitted data only available to the browser?
Yes - until it appears in the DOM.
Is there is a way to grab the data the browser uses to present previous input to a user?
It's a browser-specific feature, and you can't access the data [history] directly (Where do browsers save/store auto fill data). You only can disable storing anything.
I ask as I want to make my own autocomplete implementation in javascript, but I want to intermingle my own suggestions with the users previous searches. I was wondering more if there was a way to do it with the data stored in the users browser rather than storing all the data on my server.
Especially if you want to utilize all previous searches, the browser's autofill doesn't help you anyway. But yes, you can store them in the browser (on the client side) manually: Use DOM Storage, like localStorage. Though I would recommend sessionStorage only, you might run into privacy issues otherwise if everybody using a browser could see the search terms of previous users…
You can use jstorage. Jstorage lets you store up to 5Mb of data on the client side.
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
/* $.jStorage is now available */
// store some data
$.jStorage.set('yourkey', 'whatever value');
// get the data back
value = $.jStorage.get('yourkey');
The only way i see this working is with help of localStorage (html5) problem that it doesn't work in ie<8
Here's an example:

(Temp) Storage of JSON Search Results in Web App

I'm working on a search function for my Web app (HTML, JS & CSS only). I'm using jQuery's .getjson() method to retrieve data from a feed and display those results on a page. Inside of an .each() statement I'm adding HTML markup to the results making some of the elements links to outside sources.
The issue is when a visitor initiates a search on my Web app and clicks on a link from the results to an outside page, then uses the Back button on the browser to go back to the results page, all of the search results are cleared and another search needs to be initiated.
I'd like to temporarily save the search results so if a user clicks on a link from the results, then presses the Back button to come back to the app, all of the results will be available without the new for another search.
Taking this one step further, it would also be cool is the results for past searchs also persists so if the visitor continues to press the Back button, they can see all of their previous searches (with a given limit of course).
HTML5 sessionStorage seems to be ideal for this, but the information that I found points to a tedious coding solution. Can't I just save all of the json results as a JS object and have them re-rendered by my each statement when the visitor presses the Back button? I'm definitely open to using a code library or plugin for this problem. is a good little library for API for persistence. You can use the same syntax as an abstraction for different storage options
You have two ways to approach this issue, one is caching the results on your server and populating the view on-demand, and number two is like you previously mentioned - use sessionStorage. sessionStorage (IMO) has a very straightforward API. You can either use sessionStorage.setItem(key, value) or sessionStorage.getItem(key) -- other methods are available as well such as sessionStorage.key(index), sessionStorage.removeItem(key) and sessionStorage.clear(). It would probably be useful to include a cross-browser polyfill solution for sessionStorage, you can check out the "Web Storage" polyfills section at Modernizr: -- Have fun :-/
Off the top of my head:
Every time the user searches, change the hash in the url to a unique string (e.g. 'search-{userInput}' ... you could of course just forget about the 'search-', but I like my urls in pretty). This should give you back-button support. Then:
Alternative A:
Listen for the hashChange Event, parse the window.location.hash and resend the request to your search URL. Theoretically, unless adding the timestamp to the URL or crazy stuff like that, the caching mechanism of your browser should kick in here. If not, it means an additional request, but that should be ok, shouldn't it?
Alternative B:
Extend your existing search query mechanism by caching the results to localStorage (just don't forget to JSON.stringify it beforehand and use a something-{timestamp} key). Then listen for the hashChange Event and pull the results from your localStorage. Personally, I wouldn't recommend this solution as you're clogging up the localStorage (afaik there's a limit at 2.5mB for some browsers).
You're probably going to have to find ways to circumvent missing browser support for at least the hashChange Event, JSON stringify/parse and LocalStorage, but I'm optimistic that there are enough libs/plugins out there by now.
You think too complicated: your search form most likely does not change the url! Use GET instead of POST and you have the desired result. Right now the browser has no way of knowing which state of the website you want to show and by default shows the first - the empty search form
Caching could be added as suggested, but that really is not the problem here

Is there a way to delete entire contents of localStorage in one go?

I have a web app that populates user page history into the local storage. Ahem. It should be sessionStorage, which I have now changed so that it doesn't persist.
But that left me with an interesting problem: a full localStorage to be emptied. I know you can edit the storage in the developer console to remove the data, but imagine I wanted to use localStorage for whatever reason, and at some point I wanted to completely delete the contents of data that I had placed there programmatically.
I understand local storage is domain specific so this should not be a problem - but my question is how do I globally identify my data and then delete it?
Is there a single js expression that I could use that will just wipe out my data in one hit? Or am I stuck with using naming conventions for my key and then using a reg-ex to select all the keys?
As easy as:
is the method call you are after see or

Changing Javascript History

When I load my php page I append some data. For instance MyPage.php?value=something.
As expected, when I go back and forth using the back button, it always loads with that same data appended. I don't want that. I want that after the page loads, I should be able to change the history to store only MyPage.php WITHOUT the appended data.So now when I would use the back button it would load MyPage.php only. How can I do this - javascript, jquery, php , anything???
If there is a way to do that without touching the history object, thats also fine. I'm just assumng it'll take some history tweaking. I'm also OK if it takes tweaking on the client or server side.
As far as I know, it is not possible to tweak the history like that, nor is it a good way to deal with this.
You could use a cookie to determine when a page gets loaded more than twice, or store the data in a session variable instead, and delete it once your processing is done.
I assume the data is appended by using GET method. Using POST will not append text after MyPage.php but still can pass data to the page.
The history is the history. It's a bit of a hack to go changing that (and you will probably have other issues down the road if you do).
It is better to either have NO querystring at all, and use js or server-side logic to determine the action, or to have js or server-side logic to ignore the second request.
If you are fine with tweaking the history then you can probably look in to this.
history.replaceState({}, document.title, "MyPage.php");
This will rewrite the current window.location to "MyPage.php" without page refresh.

