Changing Javascript History - javascript

When I load my php page I append some data. For instance MyPage.php?value=something.
As expected, when I go back and forth using the back button, it always loads with that same data appended. I don't want that. I want that after the page loads, I should be able to change the history to store only MyPage.php WITHOUT the appended data.So now when I would use the back button it would load MyPage.php only. How can I do this - javascript, jquery, php , anything???
If there is a way to do that without touching the history object, thats also fine. I'm just assumng it'll take some history tweaking. I'm also OK if it takes tweaking on the client or server side.

As far as I know, it is not possible to tweak the history like that, nor is it a good way to deal with this.
You could use a cookie to determine when a page gets loaded more than twice, or store the data in a session variable instead, and delete it once your processing is done.

I assume the data is appended by using GET method. Using POST will not append text after MyPage.php but still can pass data to the page.

The history is the history. It's a bit of a hack to go changing that (and you will probably have other issues down the road if you do).
It is better to either have NO querystring at all, and use js or server-side logic to determine the action, or to have js or server-side logic to ignore the second request.

If you are fine with tweaking the history then you can probably look in to this.
history.replaceState({}, document.title, "MyPage.php");
This will rewrite the current window.location to "MyPage.php" without page refresh.


Clearing out data if browser reloads using

For testing purposes, I am trying to re-create the situation where a new user enters the website for the first time. So all existing data should be reset. I tried to use the id of the data I wanted to remove using data.remove(id) syntax in a ready() method but that did not seem to work. How can I clear out all data when the page is reloaded? Do I manually have to remove each data item using remove or removeAll or is there a simpler way to do sort of a clear browser history which will clear all data from previous sessions?
The easiest way would be to use removeAll. There's no equivalent of clearing browser history because multiple users may be able to read and write to the same document depending on your permissions scheme, so it's hard to define a general rule for what should be cleared.

How to change browser url without changing anything in history

You might think this is a duplicate, but it's not. I've seen the other SO answers about changing the browser url with replaceState() but I have a problem...
On one webpage on my website, it receives a lot of parameters, so the link goes on and on and on... I did replaceState(), and it shortened the URL by a lot. That worked. If I go on another link, and I go back in history, the URL will still be the same that I defined on replaceState() and the page gives a 404 error. Is there a way to just load the link the way it is and then temporarily change the URL so the user doesn't see a huge link but the system uses the actual URL?
I'm using JSP, go ahead and give me answers in JavaScript, JQuery, or Java.
You could store the parameters in localstorage (ie a cookie) then have your next page un-pick them from localstorage, thus reducing the size needed of the URL in the frst place. Example code (stolen from Storing Objects in HTML5 localStorage) :
// add to storage
localStorage.setItem('myAttibute', 'acceptable');
// Retrieve the object from storage (on another page)
var sMyAttibute= localStorage.getItem('myAttibute');
alert("myAttibute=" + sMyAttibute);
Hopefully it'll tell you that my attribute is acceptable.

Passing data from one page to another

Pls can anybody give me the clue of how to pass data from one page(test1.html) to another page(test2.html) and then later pass the previous 2 pages(test1 and test2.html) to a new page called last.html using javascript not php cos it is a local app. tanx
There are several ways to do it, you could pass a query string from page to page (prob a bad idea unless we are talking small bits of data you dont mind people seeing)
You could use local/session storage depending on the browsers you are looking to support.
You could also use a database and have a ajax post/get from page to page (not a great idea)
If you have something like php in the back end you could use a php session.
You could also use a cookie (again not the best idea but a good fallback for local/session storage)
Or you could have a single page app and use something like angular to show/change your page(s)

Forward redirect to previous page

I have a webpage which is linked to from a number of different webpages, a user clicks a link on one of the parent pages, arrives at the webpage and completes a task. When the task is complete the user needs to be redirected to the previous page.
I'm aware I could use the window.history.back() / window.history.go(-1) functions - however what i'd really like is something which the browser considers a 'forward' action so as not to confuse the users if they click the forward/back button after a redirect.
I've tried using document.referrer but this gets blanked in the event of a page reload on the webpage.
The solution would need to be compatible back to IE8 (unfortunately!). Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Fetching referrer URLs can be unreliable no matter which language you use
The best option is to pass the parent url to the task along with the data that you are already sending, despite the initial time outlay (updating the parent pages to do this) it would be the most reliable.
You could try and do a similar thing with a session or cookie to store the url upon starting the task, but it depends on how you have written the current task as to wether you would still need to modify the parent pages.
What about providing a parameter (it may be even the whole url to go after the action) that will let the page know where to go? (like login pages usually do).
It will probably imply modifying all your pages, so it may not be a solution in your case.

HTTP cookie between two HTML pages

I have two HTML pages. After entering few inputs users will be redirected from first page to second page. Before redirecting the user to second HTML page(using window.location="new HTML URL"), I persist few of the user inputs in cookie using document.cookie DOM API.
When I am in the second HTML page, I could not retrieve the value from this cookie. I think since document object would have changed in the new HTML page, my cookie values become inaccessible.
Can someone tell me: how do I retrieve the value from a cookie persisted by one javascript in one HTML page in other HTML page i.e cookie written by HTML A's javascript in HTML B's javascript?
I don't have any server-side code, so I could not take advantage of server-side logic. Also I am not supposed to pass the values in URL. So I need a solution on plain javascript and HTML.
If some one has a better solution please let me know. Thanks
try to use localStorage instead of cookies,
// set your values in the first page
localStorage.setItem('itemKey', 'values');
// on the second page, retrieve them
var values = localStorage.getItem('itemKey');
you can use a jStorage plugin for cross browser behaviour.
also refer to this question for storing objects instead of strings
JAAulde is on point with his answer.
For what the OP is trying to do something like PHP would be great, in that case I wouldn't bother with cookies in order to just pass data between two pages, that's just silly. However, if true persistence was needed and the data requirements were simple cookies would be the way to go even while using a language such as PHP.
Those are rather draconian constraints, is this a class project? That said there aren't any other ways to do what you're attempting, save for an ugly and highly insecure hack of the DOM.

