Cannot Play Audios on IE11 and Edge. Javascript Audio Object Not Implemented? - javascript

var elAudio = new Audio(audioUrl);
This code works fine on my desktop's (Win10) Chrome, FireFox, Edge and IE11.
The weird thing is, the exact code does not work on Windows 10 laptops and throws an error. Cannot play audios & videos basically on those laptops' IE11 or Edge. Firefox and Chrome are OK.
Tested on 3 Desktops Win10 - OK
Tested on 2 Laptops Win10 - Failed
Is there some sort of configuration somewhere?
I already tried those Internet Options on IE, but no luck.


add a div overlay on fullscreen video on mobile browser and ie11

I want to add something overlay on fullscreen
as this demo (i found this on internet, not my code)
print ('')
It works on desktop chrome, safari but did not work on ie11 and mobile chrome, safari. And browser compatibility of the demo above is the same.
Somebody know how to hack to achieve this goal?

addEventListener useCapture support on mobile

It seems that the useCapture flag has a pretty good support on desktop browsers.
In this page:, at the bottom there is a compatibility table, but it's incomplete for mobile.
So my question is: can i use the useCapture flag on those devices: Android, IE Mobile, Opera Mobile, Safari Mobile?
After a little research, I concluded that it should work the same on those mobiles.
Chrome works the same on android: What are differences between Chrome on Android and Desktop Chrome?
Opera browser on android might works the same than the desktop version:
For the main part, safari mobile might work the same as safari desktop: Desktop Safari ( Mac & Windows ) VS Mobile Safari (iPhone) - HTML, CSS, JS support
Ie mobile should work like ie11 desktop:

JPlayer - It doesn't work on firefox and IE?

In firefox, when I try to play this demo:
the console says:
Media resource could not be decoded.
I get this same problem with mp3 and wav files. It doesn't work on IE either. It works on chrome and opera.
I have tried changing solution: "flash" but again, this works in chrome but not in firefox. When I make it use flash, it doesn't give me any error message in the console, it just doesn't play the audio files.
The video player demo works in firefox, its just the audio player that doesn't work. Whats going on here?

Html5 Audio Player Controls Not Working on Chrome

This is only happening on my computer. I tested it on other computers with latest version of chrome, and it works fine.
Testing Website:
The player buttons are not working on chrome for me. When I click on play/next/volume, nothing happens. I see nothing in the log either. What could be the problem?
The player works fine on firefox on my computer.
I uninstalled/reinstalled chrome and still no fix.

VideoJS issue - dynamic video element through Javascript Issue in Firefox

I have created dynamic video element through Javascript with
In firefox, it triggers the post back event. While it works well in IE and Chrome.
So, firefox is the issue here. In firefox, videojs uses webm while in IE and chrome it takes .mp4.

