VideoJS issue - dynamic video element through Javascript Issue in Firefox - javascript

I have created dynamic video element through Javascript with
In firefox, it triggers the post back event. While it works well in IE and Chrome.
So, firefox is the issue here. In firefox, videojs uses webm while in IE and chrome it takes .mp4.


JPlayer - It doesn't work on firefox and IE?

In firefox, when I try to play this demo:
the console says:
Media resource could not be decoded.
I get this same problem with mp3 and wav files. It doesn't work on IE either. It works on chrome and opera.
I have tried changing solution: "flash" but again, this works in chrome but not in firefox. When I make it use flash, it doesn't give me any error message in the console, it just doesn't play the audio files.
The video player demo works in firefox, its just the audio player that doesn't work. Whats going on here?

Safari won't play HTML5/JS embedded audio (MediaElement.js)

Having trouble getting HTML5 audio to play in Safari. Works in IE, Chrome, Firefox.
I have both an MP3 and OGG embedded in my code (tried swapping both just in case, still nothing).
I'm using the MediaElement.js HTML5 audio player. My js is fine.
I have setup MIME types in my .htaccess - nothing.
Any ideas?
(Also not playing on iOS devices as well)

flowplayer load and unload issue

I'm using a latest flowplayer, and i'ved created couple of buttons that provides video source from cdn. With the click event the player should load the video source dynamically. But for some reason flowplayer cant unload and load the source of video properly. Instead I get the following error
html5: Video file not found
function flow(source) {
alternatively I've tried to re-init the flowplayer with every click, but sometime the initial video get loaded instead of the clicked video source. After couple of clicks the flowplayer also get stuck on loading screen.
If you are using chrome for this purpose then from here . Chrome and Flow Player dose not go well together.
Native fullscreen is supported in Chrome 15+, Safari 5.1+ and Firefox 14+ and others will use full browser window. In Firefox 9+ the fullscreen is disabled and needs to be manually enabled at about:config (full-screen-api.enabled;true).
Some Chrome versions have issues with playing MP4 content. Workaround: List a WEBM before the MP4 source and/or set preload="none" as video tag attribute.
Chrome gets stuck when trying to load the same video twice, even in two different tabs.

HTML5 video .ended event called in Chrome, but not FF

I have a bit of jquery acting on an html5/video.js video tag:
$("#video").one("ended", function() {
various animations on page;
The animations run in Chrome, but not FF. Other javascript works, and .bind/.on do the same thing. The video plays fine. Firebug doesn't notice any errors. It should be noted that Firefox can't play the mov/mp4 files, so it falls back to the ogg I specified. No looping, autoplay is on.
Anyone? Thank you bunch's.
When video.js fell back to ogg video for Firefox, it wrapped the video in a different div (but not in chrome). Just selected it and it worked.

Mobile youtube video and its HTML5 player

I am trying to open using an ordinary browser but to be able to play the videos using HTML5 (instead of the default RTSP playback). To do that, I spoofed User-Agent in Firefox, and added there a string corresponding to iPhone's Safari UserAgent string. After I've done that, I see a nice "iPhone-like" version of the Youtube (instead of an ordinary for other mobile devices). But the video, when selected, is not being played (on a "User-Agent-spoofed" Safari i can hear only sound, on "spoofed" Firefox the video is hung with a spinning "video is loading" icon). Why that might happen? what kind of features of Safari for iOS HTML5 version of youtube site may use that the video is not played in desktop Safari and Mozilla?
I have checked the Desktop browser requests and responses with Wiresharked, and found the GET request which corresponds to the video asked (the request's Content-type is video/mp4). But the playback works always only on the iPhone's Safari.
What may be the reason? I tried to look into HTML5 code of the Youtube page that contains video player, but there's so much JavaScript (most of HTML is being generated dynamically) that I got lost in it.
Is there any way to make it work on ordinary browsers (I can modify the requests/cookies on-the-fly)? I'd like to have an iPhone-styled youtube with HTML5 on my desktop browser.
Thank you

