Efficient way to run code based on time - javascript

I want to run come specific code after specific timing but with a efficient technique, Not with SetTimeout/SetInterval.
Like request to Database to check data on a after specific time dialy.
I want to query database at after 5:00 pm. So i write this code.
function checkVotingQuestionTime{
var currentDate = new Date();
if(currentDate .getHours =>5){
//go to database
But I have to write this code in setInterval(checkVotingQuestionTime, 60000);
Is there any better way to do this job? I guess current code is performance killer. register event etc

I would recommend using a 3rd party solution like
The first will overwrite setInterval() for you, so that you can use later schedules instead of providing a timeoffset in milliseconds:


Dates - JavaScript and C#

I hate dates, I can never get them to behave.
I have a javascript variable that looks like this:
var currentDate = new Date();
I pass this to a C# Web API controller as a parameter.
My local time was 12:43 but when I put a breakpoint in my action it shows 11:43. The problem is, that if I do this at 00:43 then my controller would take the date as yesterday. I need it to pick out the right day. If I select the currentDate as 02/09/2015 12:43 then I need my controller to use the same date.
I know this has something to do with local times etc, but how can I get them all to use the same one?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not able to update digital clock

I have to display respective time zone in digital format. The clock is displayed but it only updates after refreshing the page. Below is the code I used.
Below is my javascript code:
time: function() {
var zone = _.date.fleetTimeZone();
return moment().zone(zone).format('h:mm:ss a');
Below is my handlebars:
<div class="time">{{time}}</div>
You'll need to turn time into a property, and update it each second, using setTimeout() or something. Then it'll work because of data binding (I assume Ember.js because tags).
Alternatively, just do a setTimeout() and re-render the time manually.

What is the scope of moment.tz.setDefault() when used in Meteor?

TL;DR What is the scope of moment.tz.setDefault()?
I'm sure my problem here stems from my inexperience with both JavaScript and Meteor but I've been struggling with the problem for several straight days now.
I'm working on an app that must take into account the client's timezone but I'm having significant difficulty in forcing the server code to use the client's timezone. Somewhere along the way--that being from the moment the client presses "Submit" to the moment Meteor inserts--my timezone setting is getting lost and local time (of the server) is being used.
The app flow is like this:
(client) user submits form
(client) validation of data is performed
(server) Meteor method is called
(server) validation of data is performed (same code as earlier)
(server) business logic is applied
(server) insert into DB
I capture the timezone at step 1 and try to pass it along through all the steps but I must be missing something because between 4 and 5 the timezone is (seemingly) lost. The fast is, I'm not seeing why. I've checked this 100 times and tried all manner of different permutations but can't figure out where the gap is (I've used soooo many console.log()s it's crazy.)
So instead of trying to set the timezone at every point Moment() is used (because it defaults to calculating in local time) I discovered moment.tz.setDefault() and tried using that at least once on each .js file in my app. But it didn't work.
Reading this it might sound like I'm not doing enough testing but that is not the case. I have spent 10s of hours on this and I'm just not getting it. I'd love to share the code but I think it's just too long and complicated to properly share so I've done my best to explain the problem.
Good news! You're overcomplicating it :-)
Open up a browser console & type time = new Date(). Notice how it's in the correct timezone? That's because the timezone conversion is happening on the client.
Now, type time.valueOf(). As you probably know, you've got the number of milliseconds since 1-1-1970...but in what timezone?? You guessed it, UTC!
So if all you're doing is saving a number, and the client is fully capable of converting that number into the local timezone, why not save the time in UTC on the server? You'll get an ISODate() in your database (which is a fancy int64). Then, when you retrieve it on the client, you can put it in their local time (they might be traveling!) or any other timezone you chose. If it's a meetup in a certain city, simply grab the timezone of that city & apply it to the field. Hint: THIS is the appropriate time to use moment.js, not before!
Edit for time patterns:
Based on the new info, I imagine you have something that accepts an arrivalTime & then makes sure the time is between an earlyArrival and lateArrival say, 7:00 - 8:30AM. So, save the times as dates
timeToDate = function(time) {
return new Date('1970 1 1 ' + time);
earlyArrival = timeToDate('7:30 AM');
arrivalTime = timeToDate('8:00 AM');
lateArrival = timeToDate('8:30 AM');
Then, validate via simple math: earlyArrival < arrivalTime.
OR, if you use simple schema (which you should), a validation pattern might look like this:
departureTime: {
type: Date,
min: timeToDate('5:00 PM'),
max: timeToDate('6:30 PM'),
autoValue: function() {
return timeToDate(this.value);
custom: function () {
if (this.value < this.field('arrivalTime').value) {
return "lateAfterEarly";

How to measure User Interaction time of UI, menu made by Javascript?

I want to measure UI interaction time like following.
Time between Menu selected and showing result.
Time between User typing & showing letters in UI
I think many people suggest me to measure the time between function call & result, but I want to know another way to get the time though UI changes.
Is it possible to check the time for UI changes ?
The tool what I'm developing is made by Javascript and run on Browser.
Here is my answer:
"Javascript is single threaded".
So,what does this means:
Javascript runs code sequentially.It is not possible to run two
different pieces of Javascript code at the same time because it does
not support multithreading.
Execution of javascript code is line by line.So execution of multiple lines at same time is not possible(it will be very small though)
A simple solution:
check_my_time_first() ;//these will be functions returning the epoch time
You just need console.log,flag variables and epoch time.
Firstly,the difference will be ultra small.
var milliseconds_before = (new Date).getTime();//use this code when user clicks
var milliseconds_after = (new Date).getTime();//use this when result appears.
Make use of flag variables to know when some execution has been completed.
Another example:
var execution_over=false;
function doSomething(){
//some code to be executed;
var diff=milliseconds_before - milliseconds_after;
Place this code smartly and you will see the difference in time.
The important thing is to understand the fundamentals.I hope my answer helped.

Coffeescript: Dynamically update time with moment js with coffeescript

I am having trouble dynamically seeing the time update with moment js. It shows the correct time but I have to refresh my browser to get the time update. I would like it to update it in real time. Like momentjs.com main page.
I've tried using setInterval and setTimeout but for some reason I get the below digits that don't even update.
Here's what I have so far code-wise. Pretty simple as far as moment goes and all I want is seconds to keep counting...
update = ->
time = moment().format('hh:mm:ss a')
clock = setInterval update, 1000
console.log(clock) //output: 53296
Any ideas are immensely appreciated.
You should put the output inside of the update method and everthing will work as expected.
The method setInterval won't return the result of the repeatedly called method but an identifier which can be used with clearInterval to stop the execution.
Just a small working example to print the time every seconds and stop after 10 seconds:
update = ->
console.log(moment().format('hh:mm:ss a'))
x = setInterval update, 1000;
setTimeout (-> clearInterval(x)), 10000
If you want to use that time as content of some DOM-Element you can use the following code inside your update function (assuming you have an element (e.g. div) with id "time"):
$("#time").text(moment().format('hh:mm:ss a'))
Plain JS:
document.getElementById("time").firstChild.data = moment().format('hh:mm:ss a')
Try this. If u are dont have to use meomentJS.

