I have an onClick handler function that passes in the click event and index arguments to the function.
However, turns out I have to declare things in opposite order.. as such:
<button onClick={this.deleteItem.bind(this, index)}Click Me</button>
deleteItem(index, e){
This works without issue. But why must this and index be switched in deleteItem()? Is this documented somewhere I am unaware of?
this and index are not being switched. What you're seeing is the difference between using bind to bind a this value and calling the function directly.
In short, if you were to call the function directly, like so:
<button onClick={this.deleteItem}Click Me</button>
You would get the arguments in the order in which you declared them in the function. But, as you obviously know, calling the function in this way leaves you with a this variable referring to the context in which the event handler was called, not the actual class you have declared.
What you're doing instead is calling this.deleteItem.bind, which is necessary to ensure that the this variable is properly bound when it is called in the context of the event.
The better way to do this is the way shown in the React documentation on ES6 classes: bind the event handler in the constructor of the class.
For example,
export class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {count: props.initialCount};
this.tick = this.tick.bind(this);
tick() {
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.tick}>
Clicks: {this.state.count}
By binding the event handler method in the constructor, it is clearer, and you don't have to worry about the context when you use it.
Sometimes, you need to pass specific data to your event handler. This is possible using the constructor binding method here. Just do something like this:
constructor(props) {
this.myHandler = this.myHandler.bind(this);
myHandler(importantValue, event) {
console.log(importantValue); // will log 'pass this value!'
// and you have access to the event object, if you pass it along
// if you don't need the event object, then just leave it out
render() {
<div onClick={(event) => { this.myHandler('pass this value!', event); }>
Click Me!
By adding an anonymous function as your event handler in the onClick property for your element, you can do anything you want!
Check the documentation for bind(). bind() fixes/binds the context (this keyword) of the function to the object specfied in the first argument, and the rest of the arguments are prepended to the bound function. That's why index appears before event.
I would like to learn how is the value of 'this' set when a function called in JSX as a callback to an eventHandler. I noticed that when I call it directly there is no issue accessing state without getting the famous undefined 'this' error, like so:
import React from "react";
class Accordion extends React.Component {
state = { term: "random term" };
onTitleClick() {
console.log("Title is clicked");
render() {
const renderedItems = this.props.items.map((item) => {
return (
<React.Fragment key={item.title}>
<div className="title active" onClick={this.onTitleClick()}>
<i className="dropdown icon"></i>
<div className="content active">
return <div className="ui styled accordion">{renderedItems}</div>;
export default Accordion;
When you pass it as just a reference, the famous 'this' is undefined error comes back. Then we know how to bind the 'this' and so on. I feel like I just memorized the solution and now would like to learn the difference.
onClick={this.onTitleClick()} - This is not how you set the event listener. You just need to pass the name of the function instead of calling it yourself.
As far as your question regarding the value of this is concerned, value is set depending on how the function is called. This is not specific to React, this is just how value of this is set in Javascript.
I noticed that when I call it directly there is no issue accessing
state without getting the famous undefined 'this' error
That's because when you call it like this: this.onTitleClick() - onTitleClick() is called on this which refers to the Accordion component. But as mentioned at the start of this answer, this is not how you set the event listener. Instead of calling this method yourself, you need to let javasctipt call it.
When you pass it as just a reference, the famous 'this' is undefined
error comes back
This is the correct way to add an event listener but you get an error because when javascript calls the event handler function, value of this is not your component, i.e. Accordion.
To solve this issue, you have two options:
Explicitly set this using .bind()
this.onTitleClick = this.onTitleClick.bind(this);
Use arrow functions instead of regular functions as event handlers
onTitleClick = () => {
console.log("Title is clicked");
Following are couple of related questions that might help in understanding this further:
“this” is undefined inside an anonymous function returned by another function React
How does React share methods between classes(components)
When you pass it as a reference, the this is undefined. In order for this to work, you need to bind the function to the class. You can do that in the constructor
constructor(props) {
this.state = { term: "random term" };
this.onTitleClicked = this.onTitleClicked.bind(this);
Also, when you pass it to the component, don't call the function, just pass it
<div className="title active" onClick={this.onTitleClick}>
Notice missing parenthesis by the this.onTitleClick call.
class SomeClass extends Component{
return <input onChange={------here------}>
I see different versions of ------here------ part.
// 1
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler.bind(this)}>
// 2
return <input onChange={(event) => { this.someEventHandler(event) }>
// 3
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler}>
How are the versions different? Or is it just a matter of preference?
Thank you all for answers and comments. All are helpful, and I strongly recommend to read this link FIRST if you are confused as me about this.
Binding is not something that is specifc to React, but rather how this works in Javascript. Every function / block has its own context, for functions its more specific to how its called. The React team made a decision for this to not be bound on custom methods on the class (aka not the builtin methods like componentDidMount), when adding ES6 support (class syntax).
When you should bind the context depends on the functions purpose, if you need to access props, state or other members on the class, then you would need to bind it.
For your example, each is different and it depends on how your component is set up.
Pre binding to your class
.bind(this) is used to bind the this context to your components function. However, it returns a new function reference each render cycle! If you don't want to bind on each usage of the function (like in a click handler) you can pre-bind the function.
a. in your constructor do the binding. aka
class SomeClass extends Component{
this.someEventHandler = this.someEventHandler.bind(this);
b. make your custom functions on the class fat arrow functions. aka
class SomeClass extends Component{
someEventHandler = (event) => {
Runtime binding to your class
few common ways to do this
a. you can wrap your components handler function with an inline lambda (fat arrow) function.
onChange={ (event) => this.someEventHandler(event) }
this can provide additional functionality like if you need to pass additional data for the click handler <input onChange={(event) => { this.someEventHandler(event, 'username') }>. The same can be done with bind
b. you can use .bind(this) as described above.
onChange={ this.someEventHandler.bind(this) }
with additional params <input onChange={ this.someEventHandler.bind(this, 'username') }>
If you want to avoid creating a new function reference but still need to pass a parameter, its best to abstract that to a child component. You can read more about that here
In your examples
// 1
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler.bind(this)}>
This is just doing a runtime event handler bind to your class.
// 2
return <input onChange={(event) => this.someEventHandler(event) }>
Another runtime bind to your class.
// 3
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler}>
You are just passing the function as the callback function to trigger when the click event happens, with no additional parameters. Make sure to prebind it!
To summarize. Its good to think about how to optimize your code, each method has a utility / purpose depending on what you need.
Why bind a React function?
When you define a component using an ES6 class, a common pattern is for an event handler to be a method on the class. In JavaScript, class methods are not bound by default. If you forget to bind this.someEventHandler and pass it to onChange, this will be undefined when the function is actually called.
Generally, if you refer to a method without () after it, such as onChange={this.someEventHandler}, you should bind that method.
There three ways to bind your onChange function to the correct context
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler.bind(this)}>
In this one we make use of bind explicitly to function to make the onChange event available as an argument to the eventHandler. We can also send some other parameter with type of syntax like
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler.bind(this, state.value)}>
return <input onChange={(event) => { this.someEventHandler(event) }>
This is a ES6 syntax, whereby we can specifythe parameters that we want to pass to the someEventHandler function. This is equivalent to .bind(this) however, It also gives us the flexibility to send other attributes along with the event like
return <input onChange={(event, value) => { this.someEventHandler(event, value) }>
Define the function someEventHandler using Arrow function
someEventHandler = () => {
console.log(this); // now this refers to context of React component
An arrow function does not have its own this, the this value of the enclosing execution context is used and hence the above function gets the correct context.
or bind it in constructor like
constructor(props) {
this.someEventHandler = this.someEventHandler.bind(this);
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler}>
In this method, event is directly attached to the someEventHandler function. No other parameters can be passed this way
Is it ok use closures in react, for event handlers?
For example, i have some function and a lot of menu in navigation
and in navigation component i use something like this:
handleMenuClick(path) {
return () => router.goTo(path)
or i should prefer just arrow function?
handleTouchTap={() => router.goTo('/home')}
first variant really make code cleaner, but i'm worried about performance with a large number of such elements
Both should be avoided.
While they'll both work, they both have the same weakness that they'll cause unnecessary renders because the function is being created dynamically, and will thus present as a different object.
Instead of either of those, you want to create your functions in a static way and then pass them in. For something like your MenuItem, it should just get the string for the path and then have the code to do the routing inside. If it needs the router, you should pass that in instead.
The function should then be a pre-bind-ed function (usually in the constructor) and just passed in.
export class MenuItem extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleClick = () => this.props.router.go(this.props.path);
render() {
return (
<Button onClick={ this.handleClick }>Go to link</Button>
You can use an arrow function in the constructor. That way it isn't recreated every render function, and thus you avoid unnecessary renders. That pattern works well for single-line simple functions. For more complex functions, you can also create them as a separate function, then bind it in the constructor.
export class MenuItem extends React.Component {
handleClick() {
constructor() {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
render() { /* same as above */ }
The point of this is that the handler is the same function every time. If it was different (which both methods you describe above would be), then React would do unnecessary re-renders of the object because it would be a different function every time.
Here are two articles which go into more details:
when you define a new method inside a react component (Object) as we know functions are object in javascript.
let reactComponent={
addition: function(){ //some task ...},
render: function(){},
componentWillMount : function(){},
so, every new method should be bind with in the object using bind, but render() is already defined so we don't do
this.render = this.render.bind(this)
for each new function, except react lifecycle methods are needed to be added and hence, we call the object (constructor function) methods using this.method().
I just started learning React and JavaScript.
While going through the tutorial, I got to this example code of a component, which creates a toggle button:
class Toggle extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {isToggleOn: true};
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
this.setState(prevState => ({
isToggleOn: !prevState.isToggleOn
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>
{this.state.isToggleOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}
The way I see it, both handleClick and render functions use the class's this object, which is out of their scope (right?).
So why do I only need to bind it into handleClick?
Javascript assigns scope when calling, not when defining. You need to bind() your handleClick() method to the class so that when it's called from the the template it can still access the class' scope via this.
React templates are compiled into javascript functions, so if you didn't bind() your onClick={this.handleClick} handler would be scoped to the template function that called it. In your case, it would refer to the button that was clicked.
If your event handler never referred to this it wouldn't need binding, but since you're calling this.setState() then binding is necessary to keep the handler aware of the class scope.
In any react class, functions like componentWillMount, componentDidMount, render etc are called by react internally while rendering the elements and we never call these methods.
Now since the scope is decided while calling, it's react's job to call/bind these methods with appropriate scope.So we do not need to bother about these functions.
However the other functions like handleClick in above example is a method made by us and react does not know anything about it. Also this method's call is defined by us (i.e. when the button is clicked). So here it is our job to call/bind this method with right scope.
That is why we only bind handleClick and not render function in above example.
class SomeClass extends Component{
return <input onChange={------here------}>
I see different versions of ------here------ part.
// 1
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler.bind(this)}>
// 2
return <input onChange={(event) => { this.someEventHandler(event) }>
// 3
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler}>
How are the versions different? Or is it just a matter of preference?
Thank you all for answers and comments. All are helpful, and I strongly recommend to read this link FIRST if you are confused as me about this.
Binding is not something that is specifc to React, but rather how this works in Javascript. Every function / block has its own context, for functions its more specific to how its called. The React team made a decision for this to not be bound on custom methods on the class (aka not the builtin methods like componentDidMount), when adding ES6 support (class syntax).
When you should bind the context depends on the functions purpose, if you need to access props, state or other members on the class, then you would need to bind it.
For your example, each is different and it depends on how your component is set up.
Pre binding to your class
.bind(this) is used to bind the this context to your components function. However, it returns a new function reference each render cycle! If you don't want to bind on each usage of the function (like in a click handler) you can pre-bind the function.
a. in your constructor do the binding. aka
class SomeClass extends Component{
this.someEventHandler = this.someEventHandler.bind(this);
b. make your custom functions on the class fat arrow functions. aka
class SomeClass extends Component{
someEventHandler = (event) => {
Runtime binding to your class
few common ways to do this
a. you can wrap your components handler function with an inline lambda (fat arrow) function.
onChange={ (event) => this.someEventHandler(event) }
this can provide additional functionality like if you need to pass additional data for the click handler <input onChange={(event) => { this.someEventHandler(event, 'username') }>. The same can be done with bind
b. you can use .bind(this) as described above.
onChange={ this.someEventHandler.bind(this) }
with additional params <input onChange={ this.someEventHandler.bind(this, 'username') }>
If you want to avoid creating a new function reference but still need to pass a parameter, its best to abstract that to a child component. You can read more about that here
In your examples
// 1
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler.bind(this)}>
This is just doing a runtime event handler bind to your class.
// 2
return <input onChange={(event) => this.someEventHandler(event) }>
Another runtime bind to your class.
// 3
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler}>
You are just passing the function as the callback function to trigger when the click event happens, with no additional parameters. Make sure to prebind it!
To summarize. Its good to think about how to optimize your code, each method has a utility / purpose depending on what you need.
Why bind a React function?
When you define a component using an ES6 class, a common pattern is for an event handler to be a method on the class. In JavaScript, class methods are not bound by default. If you forget to bind this.someEventHandler and pass it to onChange, this will be undefined when the function is actually called.
Generally, if you refer to a method without () after it, such as onChange={this.someEventHandler}, you should bind that method.
There three ways to bind your onChange function to the correct context
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler.bind(this)}>
In this one we make use of bind explicitly to function to make the onChange event available as an argument to the eventHandler. We can also send some other parameter with type of syntax like
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler.bind(this, state.value)}>
return <input onChange={(event) => { this.someEventHandler(event) }>
This is a ES6 syntax, whereby we can specifythe parameters that we want to pass to the someEventHandler function. This is equivalent to .bind(this) however, It also gives us the flexibility to send other attributes along with the event like
return <input onChange={(event, value) => { this.someEventHandler(event, value) }>
Define the function someEventHandler using Arrow function
someEventHandler = () => {
console.log(this); // now this refers to context of React component
An arrow function does not have its own this, the this value of the enclosing execution context is used and hence the above function gets the correct context.
or bind it in constructor like
constructor(props) {
this.someEventHandler = this.someEventHandler.bind(this);
return <input onChange={this.someEventHandler}>
In this method, event is directly attached to the someEventHandler function. No other parameters can be passed this way