AJAX content change plus small change effect - javascript

im trying to change an AJAX Code to add a small change effect so users can see that something happend on screen, cause the change of the content is hidden and its hard to notice that only some numbers have changed
function changeBox(post) {
if (http != null) {
http.open("POST", 'ajaxchangebox.php', true);
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (!http) {
if (http.readyState == 4) {
document.getElementById("box").innerHTML = http.responseText;;
I am not familiar with Javascript/AJAX. The kind of effect itself is not important. it should be something flashing, short change of colour or something like that.
Thanks for your help

Maybe this can help: Animate.css
document.getElementById("box").classList.add('bounce animated')
You need to add a listener to catch animation end event:
var onDone = (function(){
var elm = document.getElementById('box');
var animateEndName = function () {
var i,
el = document.createElement('div'),
mapping = {
'animation': 'animationend',
'OAnimation': 'oanimationend',
'MozAnimation': 'animationend',
'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd'
for (i in mapping) {
if (el.style[i] !== undefined) {
return mapping[i];
elm.addEventListener(animateEndName, function(){
elm.classList.remove('flash', 'animated');
return function(result){
elm.innerHTML = result;
elm.classList.add('flash', 'animated');


Preventing Jquery .click toggle function from running over and over with excess clicking

Im building a .clicktoggle function in jQuery and for the life of me i can't get a .stop like effect on it, basically i don't want it to play over and over if mash clicked.
I want it to be applied the the function so its self contained, that's where im stuck.
JS fiddle link
(function($) {
$.fn.clickToggle = function(func1, func2) {
var funcs = [func1, func2];
this.data('toggleclicked', 0);
this.click(function() {
var data = $(this).data();
var tc = data.toggleclicked;
$.proxy(funcs[tc], this)();
data.toggleclicked = (tc + 1) % 2;
return this;
$('div').clickToggle(function() {
}, function() {
<div class="clickme">click me fast</div>
<div class="testsubject">how do i stop it playing over and over if you click alot</div>
Toggle .click seems like something alot of people would use so i thought it might be useful to ask it here
By adding a check to a boolean variable fadeInProgress, you can choose to only queue the animation if fadeInProgress is false. It then sets the value to true and executes the animation. When the animation is completed, set the value to false.
var fadeInProgress = false;
$('div').clickToggle(function() {
if (!fadeInProgress) {
fadeInProgress = true;
$('.testsubject').fadeOut(700, function(){fadeInProgress = false;});
}, function() {
if (!fadeInProgress) {
fadeInProgress = true;
$('.testsubject').fadeIn(700, function(){fadeInProgress = false;});
var clicked = false;
var doing = false;
$(".clickme").click(function(e) {
if (doing) {
} else {
doing = true;
doing = true;
clicked = !clicked;
if (clicked) {
$('.testsubject').fadeOut(700, function() {
doing = false
} else {
$('.testsubject').fadeIn(700, function() {
doing = false;
This example is a simple toggle which only allows you to click when it is not doing anything. I explained on IRC, but as an example here, the function only runs when doing is set to false, which only happens when it's set after fadeIn() or fadeOut's callback function thingymajigger.

WinJS listview iteminvokedHanlder how to

I'm using the iteminvokedHandler and was wonder if there is a better way to interact with the listView.
Currently using this:
WinJS.UI.processAll(root).then(function () {
var listview = document.querySelector('#myNotePad').winControl;
listview.addEventListener("iteminvoked", itemInvokedHandler,false);
function itemInvokedHandler(e) {
e.detail.itemPromise.done(function (invokedItem) {
The problem is that everytime I click on the listview myEdit() is run and propagates within the listview. I was wondering how to do it once and stop invoking listview until I am done with myEdit? Is there a simpler way to handle such a situation as this?
Simple yet hard to see when you have a mind block and forget some of the basics (yes yes I'm still learning):
var testtrue = true;
WinJS.UI.processAll(root).then(function () {
var listview = document.querySelector('#myNotePad').winControl;
listview.addEventListener("iteminvoked", itemInvokedHandler,false);
function itemInvokedHandler(e) {
e.detail.itemPromise.done(function (invokedItem) {
if (testtrue === true){
In myEdit:
function myEdit() {
var theelem = document.querySelector(".win-selected #myNotes");
var gestureObject = new MSGesture();
gestureObject.target = theelem;
theelem.gestureObject = gestureObject;
theelem.addEventListener("pointerdown", pointerDown, false);
theelem.addEventListener("MSGestureHold", gestureHold, false);
function pointerDown(e) {
function gestureHold(e) {
if (e.detail === e.MSGESTURE_FLAG_BEGIN && test === true) {
} else {
theelem.addEventListener("contextmenu", function (e) {
e.preventDefault();}, false); //Preventing system menu
function editNotes() {
//The Code I wish to execute
return test = false;
What I needed was a conditional statement so that it would run if true and not if false. That same test needed to be done in the gestureHold otherwise it would continue to fire myEdit on the invoked item because of the way the gesture is attached to the item the first time it is run.

Using $_GET with Jquery

I currently have the following code on my website:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#contact").on("click", function(e)
I would like to have an if(isset($_GET['email')); trigger this function as well, so have it open on page load if the $_GET variable is set.
I'm rather new with Jquery and not sure if this is possible, I also have another somewhat related question, I'm not sure if I should make a new question for this as I'm fairly new to stackoverflow as well, but here it is.
Say I have two of these:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#contact").on("click", function(e)
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#archivestop").on("click", function(e)
I want one to close if the other one is opened, how would I go about this?
Here's the Javascript-solution:
function getParam(key) {
var paramsStr = window.location.search.substr(1, window.location.search.length),
paramsArr = paramsStr.split("&"),
items = [];
for (var i = 0; i < paramsArr.length; i++) {
items[paramsArr[i].split("=")[0]] = paramsArr[i].split("=")[1];
if (key != "" && key != undefined) {
// return single
if (items[key] != undefined) {
return items[key];
} else {
return null;
} else {
// return all (array)
return items;
if (getParam("email")) {
// ...
Regarding your second question you can use the following to determine if an element is visible:
var bool = $('.foo').is(":visible");
So to hide an element if it is visible you would do something like this:
if ($('.foo').is(":visible")) {
I'm silly and have answered my first question. I still have yet to have my coffee.
The following works, just insert it into the div that is to be displayed:
<div id="contactform" style="<?php if(isset($_POST['email'])) echo "display:block;" ?>">

Wait for all async functions to complete in jQuery

I'm filtering table using jQuery and all is well. This code works nicely:
function filterTable() {
var $equipmentDropDown = $("*[id$='EquipmentTypeDropDownList']");
var $stateDropDown = $("*[id$='StateDropDownList']");
var equipmentFilter = $equipmentDropDown.val();
var stateFilter = $stateDropDown.val();
$("tr.dataRow").each(function () {
var show = true;
var equimpent = $(this).find("td.equipment").text();
var state = $(this).find("td.readyState").text();
if (equipmentFilter != "Any" && equipmentFilter != equimpent) show = false;
if (stateFilter != "Any" && stateFilter != state) show = false;
if (show) {
} else {
function colorGridRows() {
//for table row
$("tr:visible:even").css("background-color", "#DED7D1");
$("tr:visible:odd").css("background-color", "#EEEAE7");
colorGridRows function changes background color of even/odd rows for readability
Now, It would be nice if I can replace show/hide calls with fadeIn/fadeOut but I can't because coloring doesn't work (it runs before UI effect completed. If it was just one function parameter - I would just create function for completion and be done with it. But my table has many rows and loop runs through each. How do I wait for ALL to compelete?
EDITED: Code sample updated showing how I try to use promise() but it doesn't work. It fires but I don't get odd/even coloring.
Use the promise object for animations.
$("*[id$='StateDropDownList']").change(function () {
var filtervar = $(this).val();
$('tr td.readyState').each(function () {
if (filtervar == "Any" || $(this).text() == filtervar) {
} else {

Repeating code block problem

I have the following code in a jQuery JavaScript document running on a page (THIS IS CURRENT):
function windowWidth() {
if(!window.innerWidth) {
// user is being a git, using ie
return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
} else {
return window.innerWidth;
gearsExists = false;
function detectscreen() {
shouldExist = windowWidth() >= 1300;
if (shouldExist != gearsExists) {
if (shouldExist) {
$('body').append('<div id="gearsfloat"></div>');
$('#clickGoTop').hover(function() {
}, function() {
} else {
gearsExists = shouldExist;
This code is from my previous question, branched here simply because I think it is related.
The problem here is that the beginning is fine: it is displayed. However, if the screen is resized to less than 1300, it disappears; still good.
Now I make the window again larger than 1300. Suddenly the gear element is doubled. Another screen squish and largen and BAM, there's three now. Do this several times and it quickly adds up.
How can I stop this?
If you hook any code in resize event, make sure that your code doesn't resize the window again. Otherwise, resize event will fire again and your code will go in infinite loop.
Also, in your code, you are not using the global gearsExists variable. Remove the 'var' at the bottom of the method to use the global variable.
function detectscreen() {
// Your original code
//var gearsExists = shouldExist; //This code will create new local variable.
gearsExists = shouldExist;
EDIT: Here's what I would do:
//We will add only one variable to the global scope.
var screenManager = function()
var pub = {};
var inResizeHandler = false;
pub.getWindowWidth = function()
return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
pub.manage = function()
//if we are already in the resize handler, don't do anything.
inResizeHandler = true;
if(pub.getWindowWidth() < 1300)
//You don't have to remove clickGoTop because it is part of gearsfloat.
inResizeHandler = false;
if($('#gearsfloat').length > 0)
inResizeHandler = false;
return false;
$('body').append('<div id="gearsfloat"></div>');
function() {$(this).stop().fadeTo(500,1);},
function() {$(this).stop().fadeTo(500,0);
inResizeHandler = false;
pub.init = function()
return pub;
$(document).ready( function() { screenManager.init(); } );
Final working version:
Haha! After a while, I decided to ignore everything said by everyone else for a while (sorry) and try to see if I could figure it out myself, and I did!
Thanks to SolutionYogi for all the help, but the code he gave me was out of my expertise; it was impossible to debug. My solution is not as pretty as his (if you can help optimize, please do), but it works:
function WinWidth() {
// check width of content
if(!window.innerWidth) {
// you git, how dare you use ie
return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
} else {
return window.innerWidth;
function gearsAction() {
if(WinWidth() >= 1300) {
'<div id="gearsfloat"></div>');
function() {$(this).stop().fadeTo(500,1);},
function() {$(this).stop().fadeTo(500,0);});
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).resize(function() {

