Add pre-written function to onclick of division - javascript

I have a division and I want a JavaScript function to fire when I click on the division. I've found ways of doing it, but they all involve writing the function and I just want to just fire to function and can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone help me?
<script type="text/javascript">

Try with
you need to pass a function in argument (not to call the function directly unless view_summary return a function itself)

Try this approach:
$('#item').on('click', function() {

Wrap your code around document.ready thus it make sure that all the elements are loaded.
And use on click to bind an event. not just click
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#item').on('click', function() {view_summary()});


How to use multiple handlers in jquery function

I have some code I am working on and I cannot seem to figure out the terms to search for assistance.
I am trying to add a jquery statement that executes when the #quickSearchResults_section is clicked "AND" when #nav-input is focused out.
So in a nutshell, I am still learning jquery and programming logic and want to use click function and focusout.
Try something like this:
$("#nav-input").on("blur", function(){

Pass function to click event jQuery

I am just wondering what I need to do to pass the clickAssistanceToggle function to my jQuery click event, I have taken a look at some of the answers on here and can't find a simple solution to this.
So far I have this code:
function clickAssistanceToggle() {
$('.car-hub-header-help, #assistance-overlay, .assistance-close-btn').click(function(){
$('#new-car-hub, #new-car-offer').toggleClass('assistance-active');
$('#pulman-assistance').toggleClass('pulman-assistance-active').css("top", fixedPositionCalculator);
As you can see the function wont run like this because it hasn't been passed as a parameter, I have tried passing the function like so:
However this does not seem to work, any idea how I can pass that function to the click event? Thanks
You can call like this,
Also there is a chance that, .new-car-general-enquiry-btn element is not being rendered at the time of binding the event. If so you need to wrap the code inside dom ready event.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.new-car-general-enquiry-btn').click(function() {
Instead of
You need to use
Basically you need to pass the function to be executed when a click is performed on a .new-car-general-enquiry-btn element.

jQuery hover firing without mouse over

I have an element with id=message1mark. The following code will run the two alerts when the page loads regardless of the position on the mouse. Any help would be appreciated.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery("#message1mark").hover(alert("on"), alert("off"));
You need to wrap those alerts in functions:
$("#message1mark").hover(function(){alert("on");}, function(){alert("off");});
Working example:
What you tried would be interpreted as
try to call a function (which is why alert() is executed at the time of binding
and bind its result as a handler (which is nothing in this case)
}, function(){
The correct way is:
jQuery("#message1mark").hover(function() {
function() {
I believe that the alert() function fires automatically on each page. So even though you've tried to make it dependent on the hover function, it doesn't care.
It sounds like what you want is fundamentally a tooltip functionality. Some of the techniques listed in these resources might be a better way to approach things.
Instead of writing in two different functions you can include in one function itself. Below is the code for reference.

how do we change onclick function via .attr() in jquery?

i got this url
<a class="remove_item' rel="4" onclick="javascript:jQuery(#blablabla)" href="javascript:;' >remove</a>
i'm using this simple find and replace
} );
but it seem it's not working. i still not able to replace javascript:jQuery(#blablabla) with another function.
To set onClick you should use something like this $("a").attr("onclick", js);
where js is a string containing your javascript code.
Try attaching the event handler using the below code snippet in your page body:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
jQuery has no built-in way to assign event handlers in that way. Use the DOM0 method to set the onclick handler instead:
item.find('a.remove_class').each(function() {
this.onclick = function() {
Also, don't put javascript: in you event handler attributes. It's incorrect and only works by coincidence.
Why not just do this.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a.remove_item").click(function() {
alert("You have clicked my <a>!!");
//do other stuff
The attr doesn't recognises the onclick attribute, get the html element (.get(0)) and use "raw" functions to extract the onclick attribute.
On Firefox the following works:
You can remove by using
or setting a empty string
$("element").get(0).setAttribute("onclick", "")

Is there a way to trigger inline javascript execution inside some div from jquery?

I have some container on a page with inline javascript. Is there a way to trigger its execution once again after it was initially triggered automatically on a page load?
<div id="mydiv">
<script type='text/javascript'>alert("trigger me again");</script>
You could try:
eval($('script', $('#mydiv')).text());
Just a thought
You need to make a function:
<script type='text/javascript'>
function doSomething() {
alert("trigger me again");
doSomething(); //Call the function immediately
You can then call the function again somewhere else:
You could assign it to a function and set a timer event ... There are two types of timers in javascript (setTimeout and setInterval). However, there are also some jQuery libs for event timers.
What I would do is make that inline javascript call be a function. Then you can call that function over and over after the page load.
I guess you can select your element and then eval() the code inside.
Something like :
function() {

