Google Maps multiple pins via query striing - javascript

If I generate a link like so:,15&14z
the link will take me to a position on earth, and have a pin in the middle.
If I use the following link:,15&14z
It would take me to the same position but without the pin in the middle.
QUESTION: Is there a way to generate a link that would take you to a location, and have various pins placed in different locations (without necessarily being in the middle like in the case above for instance) and have all those specifications done in the query string?

It is not supported to provide multiple pins via query string. Instead you could create My Maps using Google Maps containing multiple markers and then share the URL.
Example: link to My Map


Is it possible to search Google Images using latitude and longitude for a web app?

I'm working on a web application to find images taken in a given location. I'd like to be able to do this using the latitude and longitude retrieved from geolocation to match geotagged images in Google images.
Is this possible? I've searched around a bit; it seems it's possible to search Flickr by lat/long, but I haven't found anything that indicates I can search Google images by lat/long. I can search by place name, but I'm looking for something more accurate than that.
Thank you in advance!
After looking through Google's Custom Search API (the Google Image Search API was deprecated and rolled into it), it looks like there isn't a way to search by geolocation.
Flickr might be your best bet since it's more open.
It's possible to retrieve images and photo taken at a certain place (therefore find a place by lat-long data) with Google Earth. While you are on a specific place, you can add additional layers (by default) including photos on your location.

Any Javascript API for maps with country-specific display?

Is there any Javascript API that does not display the entire world map and later allows to zoom and click to individual countries, but instead just displays the country we are interested and allows region-level clicks? In other words, I am looking for an API similar to JVectorMap but this does not have comprehensive support for all countries and it does not show street-level view when zooming further deep into state/city level. I hope my requirements are clear. If I am interested only in let's say England's map, I want the map to show just England but allow state and city-level clicks with street-level or near street-level views at the lowest level as an optional feature (not too many details at the lowest-level). Google Maps, jHERE etc. seem to show the entire world map and allow to zoom-in, which is not something I want.
If you only want the street maps for one country to be visible, you could download the Open Street Map data into a PostGIS database for that country and that country only, and generate tiles. There are several tutorials on how to download data and make tiles, e.g.

Google Maps API V3 zoom in/out with a button outside the map itself

I'm working on a company website of an acquaintance of mine. The company has 7 offices spread all over the country. He has asked me to create a page listing these offices (with contact info, picture, etc.), and add a Google map to it with multiple markers that indicate the offices.
I've done so, but seeing as the zoom-level (a complete country) isn't really detailed, I was thinking about making the map zoom in to specific markers/offices when clicking on the office in the aforementioned list.
I however have no idea if there's a way to perform actions inside the map, from outside the map. Does anybody know?
The website is not live yet, but as an example, you can take a look at this link:
What I'd like to do is (for example) make the colored block/header perform a map zoom-in to a specific marker when clicking on it.
You must make the map-variable globally accessible, then you may perform any action on the map from anywhere in the page(e.g. map.setCenter() to center the map at a specific location or map.setZoom() to set the zoom-level)
To make the variable globally accessible remove the var-keyword when creating the map

api v 3 google maps selecting cities

Hello is it possible to select custom address after geocoding?
Like in image below?
Also can look on this link from Google maps: click here
This is currently not available directly in the Maps API. However, if you had the polygon boundaries of the region, you could create a polygon overlay.
The Twitter-API has a service that returns those polygon-boundaries.
Add "Search Area" outline onto google maps result
Use a tool to create the boundary by creating it and it will get converted into a JSON file... Use the coordinates of the JSON file to create the polygon....

How to prompt user for place using Google Maps in javascript?

I am new to Google Maps and still new to Javascript. I need to have a user select a location on a map (using Google Map) and retrieve the corresponding town, country, latitude and longitude. If timezone is available too, that would be great.
I can't find an operational code example. Does anyone have one to share? Thanks.
The sample code provided by Google at gets a LatLng from a mouse click and puts a marker on a map. (Just view the source code to see the sample code.)
The sample code provided by Google at takes a latitude and longitude and determines the location via reverse geocoding. (Again, view source code to see the sample.)
Sounds like your functionality is basically parts of each of those samples and fusing them.
You might want to check out the Events documentation and the Reverse Geocoding documentation if you run into any problems (or even if you don't).

