api v 3 google maps selecting cities - javascript

Hello is it possible to select custom address after geocoding?
Like in image below?
Also can look on this link from Google maps: click here

This is currently not available directly in the Maps API. However, if you had the polygon boundaries of the region, you could create a polygon overlay.

The Twitter-API has a service that returns those polygon-boundaries.
Add "Search Area" outline onto google maps result

Use a tool to create the boundary by creating it and it will get converted into a JSON file... Use the coordinates of the JSON file to create the polygon....


How to add text description to point google maps api

I would like to add to maps the point's description (red text), like the image bellow. I can't find how to do it on the google maps API.
Then, you want to put a custom text on your map. You could check for Google Maps Custom Overlays property here is the documentation also other people answered this question by giving examples in here and here(this includes working example).Hope these helps!

How to show own list of properties on google maps like booking.com

I'm developing the maps using Google Map API, is there any API or examples can help me to complete something like booking.com?
Booking.com search by Map View function will show their list of properties... What should I do? And how to keep update the maps when user drag from one point to another and the maps will show the properties within the maps?
Booking.com search hotels by Map View
You need to make:
1) a call to your server for locations
2) store all location on the client and render it as a marker. here's an example https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/icon-complex
3) then you can add a click event handler for each marker, here you can find how https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/infowindow-simple
Then you need to customize all as you prefer.

Google Maps multiple pins via query striing

If I generate a link like so:
the link will take me to a position on earth, and have a pin in the middle.
If I use the following link:
It would take me to the same position but without the pin in the middle.
QUESTION: Is there a way to generate a link that would take you to a location, and have various pins placed in different locations (without necessarily being in the middle like in the case above for instance) and have all those specifications done in the query string?
It is not supported to provide multiple pins via query string. Instead you could create My Maps using Google Maps containing multiple markers and then share the URL.
Example: link to My Map

Converting an HTML element to a String/Object

I'm creating an AngularJS app that basically has a table and a search bar. The table is locations, and when you click on a link its supposed to take you to said location via an embedded Google Map. Im having trouble with the Map when I try to Pan it to the new location. Here is what the app looks:
Is there anyway to be able to click on a name/coordinates (name is preferred so I can remove the coordinates column) and convert the coordinates to a string/object that I can use to set a location on Google Maps?
Thanks in advance!!!

Highlighting custom locations on map

I would like to do something like what is shown in the screenshot - http://themanyfacesof.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/map.png
I want to be able to highlight certain areas on a map using PHP as a server side technology and jQuery(preferable) on client side with some tooltip functionality. Is there anything available or any idea how this could be achieved with the complexity involved?
Completely client-side solution: http://jvectormap.owl-hollow.net/
Look into using Google Maps for this. You can overlay lines and polygons which effectively means you can do anything - for example Loughbrough University does this.
A good way to start is to
Log in to Google
Go to Google Maps, then to my maps and create a new map
Draw polygons and line using the tools provided
Right click and copy the link for Google Earth, visit this link but change the output to KML output=kml. KML is just like XML
You now have a file with the exported polygons and lines that you drew. You can then re-draw these onto a Google Map programmatically
I did this the other day to get some rather complex polygons drawn onto a map without having to trial and error the latitude and longitude coordinates for them.
Hope that helps.

