Javascript - Controlling Photoshop Externally - javascript

I have a basic javascript which works within an Action... However I want to control Photoshop from outside the application (in a bigger script/project).
Basic Code
var numberOfPaths = activeDocument.pathItems;
if (numberOfPaths.length < 1) {
'DO SOMETHING HERE - E.g. copy file to folder'
} else {
'DO SOMETHING ELSE E.g. log and do nothing with it'
I am trying to open up an image (one-by-one), and check to see if it has a path, then depending on the If/Else statement, do something with it.
I've searched around and haven't found anything that meets what I am trying to do. I am not familiar with Javascript, more into Python. I've tried to do something like below, targeting photoshop similar to how you would in Applescript. Though I'm at a loss.
Photoshop = Application('Adobe Photoshop CC 2014');
var docRef = ('PATH/TO/FILE');
var numberOfPaths = Photoshop.activeDocument.pathItems;
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers!


What could be causing: "Uncaught TypeError: this.captcha_ip.form.submit is not a function" in this (downloaded) javascript?

I'm a total noob to javascript and also this is my first time doing anything but reading this website so maybe I have gone about this all wrong. I've been using PHP+HTML as a hobby for almost 20 years for basic, static websites, but for an M.Arch university project I decided to build a website for a zine, which includes a contact form where I'd like people to be able to submit articles and attachments.
I downloaded an example form and reskinned it to fit the site, but for some reason, the javascript - which I haven't altered in any way - doesn't seem to work. The source website ( ) doesn't seem to have a contact form for me to ask them what's what, and a bit of googling and looking through other stack overflow questions isn't helping, possibly because I don't know enough about javascript to even have the right keywords.
When I inspect the form in my browser, clicking the submit button brings up this error:
Uncaught TypeError: this.captcha_ip.form.submit is not a function
at FG_CaptchaValidator.OnSuccess (fg_captcha_validator.js:42)
at _OnSuccess (fg_captcha_validator.js:120)
at XMLHttpRequest._StateHandler (fg_captcha_validator.js:143)
Here's the function in the downloaded javascript (I really have absolutely no clue where to even begin to bugtest something like this) that the line is part of:
function FG_CaptchaValidator(captcha_ip,captcha_img)
this.captcha_ip = captcha_ip;
this.captcha_img = captcha_img;
this.validate = function()
if(this.validatedCode.length==0 ||
this.validatedCode != this.captcha_ip.value)
return false;
return true;
this.OnSuccess = function()
var msg = this.GetResponseText();
if(msg == 'success')
this.validatedCode = this.captcha_ip.value;
this.ValidateOnline = function()
var url = captcha_img.src;
var postStr = + "=" +
encodeURIComponent( this.captcha_ip.value )+'&fg_validate_captcha=y';
this.Init('POST', url);
I hope there's something obvious that's just slightly off in this code, because I really don't know where to start with javascript. I know it's a bit like PHP, lots of similar functionality, just at different ends... but the actual syntax..?
If it's not this code, then perhaps I've messed something up in my reskin of the contact form itself, or the way the scripts are included, or, I don't know.. Any guidance would be appreciated!
EDIT TO BRING STUFF IN FROM COMMENTS/ELABORATE: Within my <head> section for every page I bring in metajava.php: <?php require("metajava.php"); ?> within that file I have the scripts included (amongst others): <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/gen_validatorv31.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/fg_captcha_validator.js"></script>
I think these two scripts must be getting included correctly, or the browser's inspection console (I use Brave) wouldn't be pointing me to the proper line of the script in the error, and the scripts wouldn't show up in the sources tab(?)
I don't get any 404 errors; the form simply does not submit or appear to do anything unless I'm inspecting the page and see the console error. If I click submit once (with the inspect console open) I get the error I quoted at the beginning, and if I slam it repeatedly like the migrainous bean I am lately, I get a 500 error.
I've also done a little test of the PHP includes by way of adding
echo "filename-for-each-required-include.php included"; to each php include with the title of the file, and they all come in at the top correctly, though it breaks the captcha so I've removed it again now that I know they're working.
I still wonder if it's a javascript syntax thing that I'm not picking up bc I don't know anything really about javascript. I have modified a few simple scripts before but it was VERY trial and error and this is such a complicated looking expression I don't know where to start - is it even meant to be a function?
PS: Thanks for literally YEARS of solving my problems without my even needing to sign up and ask <3

Visual Studio Lightswitch HTML Client validation fails

I have this piece of JavaScript code that's supposed to force a string of text to upper-case characters, but it won't work. I know it hits a breakpoint when I set it, but the code doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to.
I'm new to JavaScript. What am I missing here?
myapp.AddEditVehicle.beforeApplyChanges = function (screen) {
// force string to uppercase
If you'd like to tackle this in JavaScript on the client side, you need to use the following code:
myapp.AddEditVehicle.beforeApplyChanges = function (screen) {
// Write code here.
screen.Vehicle.RegNum = screen.Vehicle.RegNum.toUpperCase();
Alternatively, if you'd like to do this in c# on the server side, you can add the following RegNum_Validate code by selecting the Write Code option on the designer screen for your Vehicle.lsml entity:
partial void RegNum_Validate(EntityValidationResultsBuilder results)
// results.AddPropertyError("<Error-Message>");
if (this.Details.Properties.RegNum.IsChanged)
this.RegNum = this.RegNum.ToUpper();
Please bear in mind that the Write Code option for the RegNum_Validate general method will only be available if you have the Server project perspective selected at the bottom of the entity designer.

Push error while using javascript & PHP

I did try to find solution by myself and tried to fix it but without any good result. I assume it's probably something easy to fix but I got confused and decided it will be better to ask some more advanced people.
I am trying to do some small easy clicking game using javascript (+YUI library, JSON) and everything was fine the code was working, everything is ok as far as I was just using it as .html and simply opening the index.html by my browser (code in code.js and then index.html calling the script) but then I tried to upgrade it and make it to PHP and still everything looks alright till the momment when I launch my "website" by xampp and go to it by localhost, everything looks good and most of the code/website is working but by some reason one main function instead of working is giving me huge amount of text (It was not showing me everything, but this is what Firebug gave me):
<p id="add">function (a){this.push.apply(this,a);return this;}function (d){if(this.length<3){return null;}if(this.length==4&&this[3]==0&&!d){return"transparent"; }var b=[];for(var a=0;a<3;a++){var c=(this[a]-0).toString(16);b.push((c.length==1)?"0"+c:c);}return(d)?b:"#"+b.join("");}function (b){if(this.length!=3){return null; }var{if(c.length==1){c+=c;}return c.toInt(16);});return(b)?a:"rgb("+a+")";}function (){for(var b=0,a=this.length;b</p>
The above code is not mine, it is the output of an "error" I have when I press the button to get credits, I do not have such lines nowhere in my source code and it is cut off at the end because it shows to me this way (firebug gave me whole part as stated above)
I don't have such lines in my code and this happens when for example I want to click on a button that will give me credit by clicking onto it (clicking game, You click on the button it will give You credit):
function credit() {
var a =;
Do I have this problem because I need to use some other function/rewrite my code for PHP ? Or is it because I need to use some push function, or do I have something wrong with my apache? Or it's because of the document.getElementById and I should write it differently while using PHP?
Ps: because it's using different function too, and Fix(a) because it's using other function to beautify the result. Every other functions are working, only the ones that are responsible for adding the credit are showing me this text.
This is Fix function:
function Fix(what){
var str='';
for (var i in what) {
if (i%3==0 && i>0) str = ','+str;
str = what[i]+str;
return str;
Ok I just did check it and it's this Fix function causing problem, everything works fine when I do not use it (for example I do: "document.getElementById("add").innerHTML=a;"). So what's wrong with this fix function, can someone help me make it work? This function is changing the numbers in example 1000 to 1,000 and not allowing it to be like 503.0203

Search function! JS API

There's a company that has a local website that provides a list of job search opportunities.
The website is something similar to! Here is the link. -
The entire website is in ASP.NET! C#, SQL, HTML, CSS.
Is there a link or a way to use Indeed API? Or a way to find the basic "Search Function Structure Template? I'm creating an application that needs a basic local job search function.
Everything else can be written in the SQL Database.
I found something that was written in Javascript.
Heres the code -
function indeed_clk(a,sig) { var hr = a.href; var si = hr.indexOf('&jsa='); if (si > 0) return; var jsh = hr + '&jsa=' + sig; if ( jsh.indexOf('&inchal') == -1 ) jsh += '&inchal=apiresults'; a.href = jsh; }function init(){(new Image()).src=document.location.protocol+'//';}if (window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener('load', init, false);}else if (window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent('onload', init);}
I found this inside of there source-code. I'm wondering how all of the positions get displayed. How many databases do you think you this site would take to operate? All of the positions have to be store in multiple databases right?
Is there any open-source code that could provide the same functionality?
Thanks - Blake
Indeed does have an api you can use their site link (you will need to create a developer account):
and additional info, how to's, etc. you can go to:

function call does not return to calling function

I'm using Shadowbox.js to display a slideshow on a website.
This slideshow shows several pictures and I would like to know who's looking at what pictures.
For this purpose I'm using
Shadowbox offers a so called hook to call a function when the slideshow opens and when it changes to another picture.
I've written a small piece of code to get things moving, but for some reason, I get an entry in my statcounter log, but the shadowbox does not appear.
When I don't use the onopen and onchange in the options, the shadowbox does display.
As a test you can set up a directory where you place below code. Create to subdirs in this directory called "sb" and "pix". Get the Shadowbox-application from the website and store it in the "sb" directory (
Next to that store 3 testimages (called image1.jpg, image2.jpg and image3.jpg) in the "pix" directory.
To check if statcounter is picking up the pictures, you can use my testaccount on (just for viewing: account testcase, password casetest1).
Please find the html with the code here:
Please take into account, I only just starting in javascript and html programming.
I can imagine I'm overlooking something terribly simple ...
Any help is highly appreciated.
Instead of trying to insert an image tag that way, just make one:
var img = new Image();
img.src = "... tracker URL ...";
That's all you need to do. edit Also get rid of all those backslashes in your URL strings; there's no point to them.
edit again I think this is all you need:
var nonsense = 1;
function tracker() {
var img = new Image();
img.src = "" +
encodeURIComponent("http://my.pix/" + Shadowbox.getCurrent().content) +
'&nonsense=' + new Date().getTime() + '_' + nonsense++);
return true;
(added a "nonsense" parameter to try and overcome possible caching issues)
edits — OK note the "return true" and the change of "escapeURIComponent" (wrong) to "encodeURIComponent". (I always get confused because the old deprecated function was called "escape".)
Please hold your horses on my last comment. I made a mistake myself (typo).
Instead of encodeURIComponent I typed enocdeURIComponent (why not copy/paste ... yeah, well I just didn't).
The script is now doing exactly what I intended it to do. I know have a Statcounter entry for every picture in the slideshow! Superb. I'm very pleased with your help, this was really nagging me, not being able to get it running. And the speed of getting an answer here was really amazing!
I've posted your solution on the Shadowbox.js forum as well. I posted my question there too, but no answers yet. But for anyone strugling with the same issue, this solution might be helpfull.
Thanks again, and have a nice weekend!

