Search function! JS API - javascript

There's a company that has a local website that provides a list of job search opportunities.
The website is something similar to! Here is the link. -
The entire website is in ASP.NET! C#, SQL, HTML, CSS.
Is there a link or a way to use Indeed API? Or a way to find the basic "Search Function Structure Template? I'm creating an application that needs a basic local job search function.
Everything else can be written in the SQL Database.
I found something that was written in Javascript.
Heres the code -
function indeed_clk(a,sig) { var hr = a.href; var si = hr.indexOf('&jsa='); if (si > 0) return; var jsh = hr + '&jsa=' + sig; if ( jsh.indexOf('&inchal') == -1 ) jsh += '&inchal=apiresults'; a.href = jsh; }function init(){(new Image()).src=document.location.protocol+'//';}if (window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener('load', init, false);}else if (window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent('onload', init);}
I found this inside of there source-code. I'm wondering how all of the positions get displayed. How many databases do you think you this site would take to operate? All of the positions have to be store in multiple databases right?
Is there any open-source code that could provide the same functionality?
Thanks - Blake

Indeed does have an api you can use their site link (you will need to create a developer account):
and additional info, how to's, etc. you can go to:


Change youtube video ID without page reloading

This question is about scripting the main youtube site, client side from javascript.
While it looks easy as a click, I found no way to change the current video by a new non in context video ID without reloading.
This seems to be related with the polymer library in use, with a lot of shadow dom and some special behavior.
Here is the context: I am making for my own use a bookmarklet that load videos from the reddit json api, wich supports CORS calls.
So far so good, I can load many videos, image previews and links into the youtube sidebar, with this simple enough handcrafted script.
Bookmarklet to call the script:
This bookmarklet is loading into the DOM a js file, that is parsing the json api to get what I need.
Here is the content of the called file:
var reds = ["/r/videos","/r/unknownvideos","/r/DeepIntoYouTube","/r/newsreels","/r/fullmoviesonyoutube","/r/SF_Videos","/r/classicfilms","/r/Documentaries","/r/artdocumentaries","/r/ShowsonYT","/r/YTPL","/r/NotTimAndEric","/r/youtubehaiku","/r/PlayItAgainSam","/r/ObscureMedia","/r/360video","/r/AccidentalComedy","/r/amibeingdetained","/r/ArtisanVideos","/r/AwfulCommercials","/r/bestofworldstar","/r/cringe","/r/CommercialCuts","/r/contagiouslaughter","/r/cookingvideos","/r/curiousvideos","/r/deepintoyoutube","/r/documentaries","/r/educativevideos","/r/FastWorkers","/r/fightporn","/r/FuckingWithNature","/r/fullmoviesonyoutube","/r/happycrowds/","/r/idiotsfightingthings","/r/lectures","/r/mealtimevideos","/r/motivationvideos","/r/ObscureMedia","/r/playitagainsam","/r/Prematurecelebration","/r/PublicFreakout","/r/Roadcam","/r/streetfights","/r/sweetjustice","/r/TheWayWeWereOnVideo","/r/trailers","/r/UnexpectedThugLife","/r/videoporn","/r/vids","/r/vines","/r/virtualfreakout","/r/woahtube","/r/listentothis/","/r/Tekno/","/r/reggae/","/r/RootsReggae","r/ska","/r/dub","/r/hip_hop","/r/treemusic/","/r/stonerrock/","/r/frenchrap/","/r/trance/","/r/minimal/"]
var rview = ["","/new/","/rising/","/controversial/","/top/"]
related.innerHTML = "<div style='filter: sepia(38%) invert(100%) saturate(100%) brightness(1) grayscale(0%) hue-rotate(360deg) contrast(100%)'><span id='subR' data-ccc='25' style='color:white;background:#141e1b;font-size:1.44em;width:20px'></span><input type='range' value='0' max='64' id ='redR' style='float:right;width:230px' onchange='redList.innerHTML=\"\";redd(this.value)'><br><span onclick='redList.innerHTML=\"\";' style='float:right;margin:3px 0 0 0'><button id='rflt' data-filter='0' onclick='this.dataset.filter=0;redd(redR.value)'>hot</button><button onclick='rflt.dataset.filter=1;redd(redR.value)'>new</button><button onclick='rflt.dataset.filter=2;redd(redR.value)'>rising</button><button onclick='rflt.dataset.filter=3;redd(redR.value)'>controversial</button><button onclick='rflt.dataset.filter=4;redd(redR.value)'>top</button></span><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><tr><br></div><div id='redList'>"
function redd(it){
subR.innerHTML = reds[it]
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest"GET",""+reds[it]+rview[rflt.dataset.filter]+".json?limit=200",true)
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) {
if(this.status === 200) {
vids = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
cc = subR.dataset.ccc
for (var j=0;j<=cc;j++){
var rt = vids['data']['children'][j]['data']['title'],
rl = vids['data']['children'][j]['data']['url'],
rp = vids['data']['children'][j]['data']['secure_media']['oembed']['thumbnail_url'],
rr = vids['data']['children'][j]['data']['permalink']
redList.innerHTML += "<td><a href='"+rl+"'><img style='width:150px;height:auto;max-width:120px' src='"+rp+"'></img></a><span style='max-width:68%;float:right;text-align:center;font-size:1.23em'><a class='yt-simple-endpoint style-scope ytd-compact-video-renderer' style='text-decoration:bold;font-size:1.23em;text-align:left;min-width:260px' href='"+rl+"'>"+rt+"</a><a target='blank' style='text-decoration:bold;color:black;float:right' href='"+rr+"'>⮊</a></span></td><br>"
related.innerHTML += "</tr><button onclick='redList.innerHTML=\"\";redd(redR.value)'>Load more</button>"
window.onscroll = function() {
var d = document.documentElement,
offset = d.scrollTop + window.innerHeight,
height = d.offsetHeight
if (offset >= '2000' && offset <= '2300') {
subR.dataset.ccc = 25
if (offset >= '2000' && offset <= '2100') {
subR.dataset.ccc = 50
if (offset >= '3400' && offset <= '3500') {
subR.dataset.ccc = 100
if (offset >= '5400' && offset <= '5500') {
subR.dataset.ccc = 150
if (offset >= '7400' && offset <= '7500') {
subR.dataset.ccc = 200
At this stage, clicking a link is just reloading the page.
I tried many things, changing the content of elements, try to alter the "next" recommended video.
Also creating a link in the DOM, isn't working, it is reloading.
Here is the problem in a simple way:
Let's say you are in this yt page
From the console, how to load this non related id -q7ZVXOU3kM
into the page, just like a link click on the recommendation sidebar?
The following is NOT working: Visibility monitor is not attached
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest"GET","",true)
document.body.innerHTML = xhr
This is a fairly complex stuff.
The dom content is constantly changing at every reload, and it include recommended video id into the changing scripts. This id's only are allowed to use the ajax capabilities.
This recommendation are changing at any reload, but they are coming back in loop.
I am building a tool to deeply analyse differences, and i found many interesting things, much more that I was searching.
This topic isn't close!
It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
Despite the videoId being YgGzAKP_HuMif you inspect the <video> you will see something like that:
<video class="video-stream html5-main-video" src="blob:"></video>
You need to find how youtube create their Blob from a videoId and change the src of the player if you want to avoid reloading the page.
But maybe for your project you should think about using the IFrame Player API. It does exactly what you want. And if you want to stay on you can replace the youtube original player by an iframe in the DOM.
Good Luck!
it appears that there is no (public) api for the player on youtube :/
but there is one for the iframe youtube player - there you can just call
player.loadVideoById("Vw4KVoEVcr0", 0, "default");
for details see
That is a quick example I found where you see it in action:
If you really want to directly modify youtube you probably have to dig around in the obfuscated code :/ I tried to find it... but it's obfuscated so you can't easily find it. And even if you find it it will be something like _yt_player.h.xx.xy.h(). Also whenever it will be generated new (and maybe even it is even different for countries... ) your code may break.
Also, it appears to have nothing to do with polymer as there is a player element but it does not have a function to change the video. Apparently, it is only to place the player... control still resides within the js function.
I'm sorry to not have any better news - maybe someone else knows more.
Trying to find a hidden YouTube API is incredibly difficult and it's likely that the next tweak Google makes to YouTube will break your bookmarklet and you'd be back where you started. I think you should take another route altogether. Google provides an API to create, delete, and otherwise manipulate YouTube playlists here:
If you’ve never used YouTube API before, see here:
Then, (finally!) you can write some JavaScript that creates YouTube playlists from reddit at your command.

How to get JS script of a Google form?

I owned a google form, how can I get the js script of it?
I click the Script Editor but there is no corresponding js I can find.
I have already searched on internet but no expected answers.
update on 20/08/2017
Assume that I owned a form like this :
Sample Form.
How can I get the corresponding google script of this form?
function myFunction() {
// Create a new form, then add a checkbox question, a multiple choice question,
// a page break, then a date question and a grid of questions.
var form = FormApp.create('Sample Form');
var sect1 = form.addSectionHeaderItem();
var item = form.addCheckboxItem();
item.setTitle('What condiments would you like on your hot dog?');
item.setChoices([item.createChoice('Ketchup'), item.createChoice('Mustard'), item.createChoice('Relish')]);
var item2 = form.addMultipleChoiceItem().setTitle('Do you prefer cats or dogs?');
// .setChoiceValues(['Cats','Dogs'])
// .showOtherOption(true);
var sect2 = form.addSectionHeaderItem();
form.addPageBreakItem().setTitle('Getting to know you');
form.addDateItem().setTitle('When were you born?');
var sect3 = form.addSectionHeaderItem();
var break2 = form.addPageBreakItem().setTitle('Getting to know you 2');
var choice1 = item2.createChoice('cat', FormApp.PageNavigationType.CONTINUE);
var choice2 = item2.createChoice('dog', break2);
item2.setChoices([choice1, choice2]);
form.addGridItem().setTitle('Rate your interests').setRows(['Cars', 'Computers', 'Celebrities']).setColumns(['Boring', 'So-so', 'Interesting']);
Logger.log('Published URL: ' + form.getPublishedUrl());
Logger.log('Editor URL: ' + form.getEditUrl());
Google Script Editor is a way that Google allows people to make their forms (and many other Google services) more flexible and customizable. You can even create Add-ons using Google Scripts. But there is not such thing as a default user script for each form; all forms begin with no user Google Scripts at all and it is up to you to add some more functionality by writing some new scripts.
Now, if you mean to get the javascript source of that form, then you can use Developer Tools in Chrome (F12 key in Windows) and go to sources, there you'll see all the cripts that Google uses for the forms:
And if you left click the form and view the source of it, you'll see some more small script blocks mostly related to the data that the Google Form has:
<script>_docs_flag_initialData={ ....
<script>;this.gbar_={CONFIG:[[[0,"", ....
<script type="text/javascript">var FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_ = [null,[null, ....
Another approach can be to create a html form yourself and send a request to a Google Apps Script Web app. See this example if you want to try it out:
Regards, Peter

Javascript - Controlling Photoshop Externally

I have a basic javascript which works within an Action... However I want to control Photoshop from outside the application (in a bigger script/project).
Basic Code
var numberOfPaths = activeDocument.pathItems;
if (numberOfPaths.length < 1) {
'DO SOMETHING HERE - E.g. copy file to folder'
} else {
'DO SOMETHING ELSE E.g. log and do nothing with it'
I am trying to open up an image (one-by-one), and check to see if it has a path, then depending on the If/Else statement, do something with it.
I've searched around and haven't found anything that meets what I am trying to do. I am not familiar with Javascript, more into Python. I've tried to do something like below, targeting photoshop similar to how you would in Applescript. Though I'm at a loss.
Photoshop = Application('Adobe Photoshop CC 2014');
var docRef = ('PATH/TO/FILE');
var numberOfPaths = Photoshop.activeDocument.pathItems;
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers!

Is it possible for the admin to get the full sourcecode of my js-file if I redirect a Javascript file to a local modified Javascript file?

I created a google-chrome-extension which redirects all requests of a javascript-file on a website to a modified version of this file which is on my harddrive.
It works and I do it simplified like this:
... redirectUrl: chrome.extension.getURL("modified.js") ...
Modified.js is the same javascript file except that I modified a line in the code.
I changed something that looks like
var message = mytext.value;
to var message = aes.encrypt(mytext.value,"mysecretkey");
My question is now is it possible for the admin of this website where I redirect the javascript-file to modify his webpage that he can obtain "mysecretkey". (The admin knows how my extension works and which line is modified but doesn't know the used key)
Thanks in advance
Yes, the "admin" can read the source code of your code.
Your method is very insecure. There are two ways to read "mysecretkey".
Let's start with the non-trivial one: Get a reference to the source. Examples, assume that your aes.encrypt method looks like this:
(function() {
var aes = {encrypt: function(val, key) {
if (key.indexOf('whatever')) {/* ... */}
Then it can be compromised using:
(function(indexOf) {
String.prototype.indexOf = function(term) {
if (term !== 'known') (new Image).src = '/report.php?t=' + term;
return indexOf.apply(this, arguments);
Many prototype methods result in possible leaking, as well as arguments.callee. If the "admin" wants to break your code, he'll surely be able to achieve this.
The other method is much easier to implement:
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/possiblymodified.js');
x.onload = function() {
console.log(x.responseText); // Full source code here....
You could replace the XMLHttpRequest method, but at this point, you're just playing the cat and mouse game. Whenever you think that you've secured your code, the other will find a way to break it (for instance, using the first described method).
Since the admin can control any aspect of the site, they could easily modify aes.encrypt to post the second argument to them and then continue as normal. Therefore your secret key would be immediately revealed.
No. The Web administrator would have no way of seeing what you set it to before it could get sent to the server where he could see it.

How can I get the embed id for Slideshare from the complete URL?

I want to let user add Slideshare presentation and Youtube video on my Website. I don't want them to go through the trouble of finding the embeded code, I want to generate it myself so I determine the size and protocole and they just have to copy the URL they see in the address bar.
It was easy to do with Youtube, I just had to extract the video id. It doesn't seem that easy with Slideshare since the full URL doesn't contain the id that is used when embedding the presentation.
So basically, I want to know how to go from this
Or even more precisely, from "guest196e23/joel-spolsky-100-things-keynote" to "4053571"
I would like a client-side (javascript) solution.
Thanks for your help!
You can easily achieve that using Node.js and JSDOM
function (errors, window) {
var $ = window.$ ,
presentation = $(".twitter_player").attr('value')
if(presentation === undefined){
res.json({presentation_embed:presentation, error:false})
Then simply catch the response inside your AJAX Callback.

