Ignore functions on $watch() - javascript

I have an array of objects. Some of the properties of this object are functions that return values based on the data for this object. For example
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
var с = function(){ return a + b};
I need to include this object in $watch(). But $watch () will go in a cycle (possibly infinite) on the properties of functions. But to get rid of these functions, it is unfortunately not possible. Is it possible to somehow include ignoring all functions in an object on $watch()?

Try and rethink the problem, why not loop through you object and angular.copy() all the non-function elements into a clean array and use watch on that object instead.
btw, you code snippet should read like this if it is one object
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: function(){ return a + b};


Difference between Object.assign and just assign

I would like to know the difference between this:
Object.assign(otherObject, {
someNewProperty: ''
otherObject.someNewProperty = '';
And.. which one is faster?
The Object.assign() method is used to copy the values of all
enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target
object. It will return the target object.
Whereas otherObject.someNewProperty = ''; is a method to directly assign a value to some property of an object.
Obviously the Object.assign pattern is much slower : jsperf.com/assign-vs-equals
For single property, direct assignment (otherObject.someNewProperty = '') is twice faster, but for multiple values - time will grow. Each property + 5% to 10%. Also, code-wise Object.assign is nicer for multiple options.
Object.assign(otherObject, {
prop1: '',
prop2: '',
prop3: '',
otherObject.prop1 = '';
otherObject.prop2 = '';
otherObject.prop3 = '';
You simply can run Profiles tab in Chrome Development tool and run few tests.
Object.assign() is a pretty versatile function that is designed to do complex object composition.
The property dot notation is a straight forward way to assign a single value to a single property.
Regarding which is faster, that's irrelevant considering these are not equivalent, and as one of my all time favorite posts noted "asking which one runs faster is maybe a non-starter".
There is another important thing to show here about the differences between assign directly and using Object.assign(actually, not exactly a difference, but a important thing to be aware).
If you have a Object that's assigned to another variable in JS, like this:
const a = { a: 1 }
const b = a
then, you decided to use Object.assign to change the value in a and assign to another variable(d), you will change the value in b as well(even you not assigning the Object.assign return to a, in this example let's assign to a new variable d).
const d = Object.assign(a, { a: 2 })
console.log(a) // { a: 2 }
console.log(b) // { a: 2 }
console.log(d) // { a: 2 }
Basically, it's important to know that Object.assign will mutate the target object as well all variables pointing to it.
Now, if you use directly the assignment to d, it'll not change the value in a(and in b as well will not change).
const d = { ...a, ...{ a: 2 }}
console.log(a) // { a: 1 }
console.log(b) // { a: 1 }
console.log(d) // { a: 2 }
This is actually a good question:
We just found a bug, where we would assign properties to a file using Object.assign.
const file = new File(["foo"], "foo.txt", {
type: "text/plain",
file.name='test'; // does not update the readonly value but doesn't return an error
Object.assign(file,{name:'test'}); // error: 'Cannot set property name of #<File> which has only a getter'

using key value pair of same object inside itself with 'this' in javascript

Let's say I have two objects like
var a = {
b: 1,
c: this.b
var funcObj = {
b : function() {
return 1;
c: function() {
console.log(return this.b())
On logging these two like
console.log(a.c)//results undefined
console.log(funcObj.c()) //results 1
Why can't the first function use the this property but the second one can?
I am really confused.
The answer depends on what this refers to in each context. In JavaScript, this is bound to whatever object was on the left of the dot (.) when the current function was called. If we're not in a function, things get a little hairier -- this is either the global window object or undefined, depending on the environment.
In your first example, the value of this is dependent on the surrounding context. As JavaScript builds your object a, it evaluates this.b. Whatever object this is currently bound to has no b property, so the c property is set to undefined.
In your second example, when you call funcObj.c() the this in the function gets bound to funcObj. So, when you ask for the b property, you get the b you defined above. The fact that funcObj.b is a function is actually irrelevant. The following would work just as well:
var funcObj = {
b : 1,
c: function() {
console.log(return this.b)
You cannot refer to other properties in the declaration as part of a Javascript literal declaration. So, in your Javascript literal declaration:
var a = {
b: 1,
c: this.b
this is not set to what you want and a has not yet been initialized yet so you can't refer to it either. There is simply no way to reach the other properties at the time of the literal declaration. This is a limitation of the current specification for Javascript. You could do this instead:
var a = {
b: 1
a.c = a.b;
because a is fully formed at that point so you can then reference other properties in it.
Or, in modern browsers, you could even use a getter to get the "live" version of b like this (which isn't exactly the same functionality as you were asking for since it's a "live" version of b that will track it's value), but shows you another possibility:
var a = {
b: 1,
get c() {
return b;
console.log(a.c); //results 1
In your second example:
var funcObj = {
b : function() {
return 1;
c: function() {
console.log(return this.b())
console.log(funcObj.c()) //results 1
You are calling funcObj.c() and that will set the value of this inside of c to funcObj so thus you can reference other properties via this.
The main difference here is that this is not set to the object inside of Javascript literal definition (your first example), but this is set to the object when you invoke a method as in funcObj.c().
I know this post is a bit old, but I came across it while trying to figure out how to solve a similar issue.
I was wanting to do something like:
const x = {
a: 12,
b: a + 1
console.log(x) //results undefined
(That's extremely simplified compared to what I was actually doing, but the principle is the same.)
My solution was to first create a function that would build the object I wanted, then pass in the primary value I was trying to act on (in this example, the value in 'a'):
function buildObj (val) {
const response = {
a: val,
b: val + 1
return response;
And then:
const x = buildObj(12)
console.log(x) // results { a: 12, b: 13 }
Once x has been initialized, any subsequent attempt to access
will return the values stored therein.
If a future searcher comes across this question because they're wanting to take an action on a value stored in a nested key within the same object, hopefully this will help.

Effect of array1.concat(array2) not persisting after function call

this works:
var f = function(a){
var a = [];
But this:
var f = function(a){
a = a.concat([1]);
var a = [];
Does not work. With work I mean that the changes made persist after the function call.
Now I realise that this most likely has something to do with the arguments being passed 'as reference by value', meaning that a change in reference (ie assigning a new object) does not persist after the function call.
So I wonder, is there a persistent version of concat? Or do I manualy have to push all elements from one array into the other?
Edit: All of you suggesting to return the newly created array: that's pretty much exactly what I don't want. If I wanted to do that I wouldn't have created this question. And I certainly would not have ended it specifically asking for a persistent version of concat.
concat returns a new array, it doesn't mutate the source array.
var f = function(a){
return a.concat([1]);
var a = f([]);
If you do want to mutate the array, just use push.apply to pass array elements as individual arguments to the push function.
var f = function(a) {
a.push.apply(a, [1]);
var a = [];
console.log(a); //1
That's because the function parameter, a, is not the same as the variable a declared in the outer scope. When you assign a new value to the parameter a, it has no effect on the outer variable.
a = a.concat([1]);
Instead, simply return the new array, and use the return value in the outer scope, like this:
var f = function(a){
return a.concat([1]);
var a = [];
a = f(a);
Or perhaps consider using push like this:
var f = function(a){
Array.prototype.push.apply(a, [1, 2, 3]);
This will push multiple values onto the source array, so it's pretty much equivalent to concat except that it modifies the original array.

__hash__ for javascript?

Is there a way to give objects in js custom hashes, just as overriding
in python let's someone define how a given object is hashed into a dictionary.
My underlying question is: what hash function is used to put js objects into associative arrays, and can I over-ride it?
You mean using objects as keys, how do you make sure you access that key again?
The magic method is toString(). Turns out all objects in JS use string keys, and the toString() method is called if it's not a string.
var objA = {
data: 'yay',
toString: function() {
return 'value_as_key';
var objB = {
data: 'some other totally data thing',
toString: function() {
return 'value_as_key';
var foo = {};
foo[objA] = 'abc';
foo[objB] = 'def';
foo['value_as_key'] = 'qwe';
foo.value_as_key = 'omg';
foo[objA]; // 'omg'
foo[objB]; // 'omg'
foo['value_as_key']; // 'omg'
foo.value_as_key; // 'omg'
​​​​​​Usually though, you really don't want to use whole objects as keys. Especially if you dont create your own toString() method, since the default toString() method on basic objects isn't exactly very awesome...
({a:123}).toString() // [object Object]
({b:456}).toString() // [object Object]
var foo = {};
foo[{a:123}] = 'wtf';
foo[{asdf:9876}]; // 'wtf'
foo['[object Object]']; // 'wtf
In JS, you can't control the hashing, but you don't have to.
Two things are the same if they're equal. The hash is not part of the definition, it's just an implementation detail. Under the covers, two different objects may have the same hash, but they're still different, and the implementation has to deal with that magically (e.g., by using a chaining hash table).
Also, the keys of an object are always strings—the interpreter will stringify the values inside the hash constructor, inside the [], or after the ., rather than storing the actual values, which means that this rarely comes up in the first place.
To give some examples:
function X() {}
x = new X()
y = new Y()
h = {x: 2, y: 3} // h has 2 members, named "x" and "y"
a = (x, y)
b = (x, y)
h[a] = 4
h[b] = 5 // h has 3 members, named "x", "y", and "[object Object]"
Put in Python terms, it's as if dict called __repr__ on keys instead of __hash__ (although this isn't quite 100% accurate), which means you can provide a custom toString method to control equal-ness of different instances of your class.

javascript equivalent of php call_user_func

I've found this topic which I've implemented (see accepted answer):
javascript equivalent of PHP's call_user_func()
However, I am having a problem with multiple parameters. I realize what I was doing was turning my parameters into strings and treating it like 1 parameter, but I don't know how to fix this because I am dynamically creating the parameters.
Meaning, I have defined in my code the following:
var a = new Array();
a[0] = new Array();
a[0][0] = 'alert';
a[0][1] = '\'Hello World\'';
a[1] = new Array();
a[1][0] = 'setTimeout';
a[1][1] = 'alert("goodbye world")';
a[1][2] = '20';
Later, I was calling them like this:
var j = 0;
var len = 0;
var fx = '';
var params = '';
for( i in a ){
params = '';
len = a[i].length;
fx = a[i][0]; // getting the function name
a[i].splice( 0, 1 ); // removing it from array
if( len > 1 ){
params = a[i].join(", "); // trying to turn the parameters into the right format, but this is turning it into strings I think
params = params.replace(/\\'/g,'\''); // bc i was adding slashes with PHP
I don't have to use arrays to do this. I don't understand JS OOP (haven't tried yet), though I am comfortable with PHP OOP, so I don't know if there is a way to do this there.
Any help on passing multiple parameters would be appreciated.
First thing to do: Scrap your entire code, start over. Your approach will not get you anywhere where you'd want to be. (Unfortunately I can't tell you where you'd want to be because I cannot make sense of your example.)
There are three ways to call a function in JavaScript.
function foo() { console.log(arguments); }
// 1. directly
foo(1, 2, 3);
// 2. trough Function.call()
foo.call(this, 1, 2, 3);
// 3. trough Function.apply()
var args = [1, 2, 3];
foo.apply(this, args);
call and apply are similar. They let you decide which object the this keyword will point to inside the function (that's the important bit!).
apply accepts an array of arguments, call accepts individual arguments.
The closest thing to call() is PHP's call_user_func(). The closest thing to apply() is PHP's call_user_func_array().
JavaScript objects share something with PHP arrays: They are key/value pairs.
// an anonymous function assigned to the key "foo"
var obj = {
foo: function () { console.log(arguments); }
This means you can access object properties either with the dot notation:
// direct function call
obj.foo(1, 2, 3);
Or through square bracket notation (note that object keys are strings):
var funcName = "foo";
obj[funcName](1, 2, 3);
obj[funcName].call(obj, 1, 2, 3);
obj[funcName].apply(obj, [1, 2, 3]);
Square bracket notation gives you the freedom to choose an object property dynamically. If this property happens to be a function, apply() gives you the freedom to choose function arguments dynamically.
Every top-level function that has not been declared as the property of some object will become the property of the global object. In browsers the global object is window. (So the function foo() in my first code block above really is window.foo.)
Note that this does not work like in PHP. It will point to the object the function has been called on, not the object the function "belongs to". (The concept "belongs to" does not really exist in JavaScript. Things can be modeled that way, but it's only a convention.)
With direct calling (obj.foo(1, 2, 3)), this will point to obj. With call and apply, this will point to whatever object you want to. This is a lot more useful than it sounds at first. Most of the time when you want to call functions dynamically, you will end up using apply.
Check out Function.apply:
function test(a, b) { console.log([a, b]) }
test.apply(null, [1, 2]); // => [ 1, 2 ]
Late to the party, but now with ES6 you can simply do
function FunctionX(a,b,c,d){
return a + b + c + d;
let fx = "FunctionX";
let params = [ 1, 10, 100, 200 ];
let answer = window[fx]( ... params);
let answer2 = globalThis[fx]( ... params ); // this is more cross-platform
to unpack your argument array

