Injecting JavaScript via AJAX warning message - javascript

I have an AJAX that is going to a div#container as shown below
var loc={};
loc.script = document.createElement('script');
loc.script.type = 'text/javascript';
loc.script.src = "highcharts.js";
But I keep getting this warning on the console:
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of
its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help,
The code still works and functions as expected, but should I worry about this ? What's the best way to re-write my code above to remove the warning ?

<script> tags loads the contents synchronously. When you create a <script> element with external reference, the main thread waits until it returns.
The best way to handle this is to manually load your script and inject it in to JS namespace. Jquery getScript function does the same. It gets the script via ajax, evaluate the script and adds it to the namespace. It really doesn't matter where the script go in the DOM tree since it is not a visual element.
$.getScript( "highcharts.js" )
.done(function( script, textStatus ) {
console.log( textStatus );
.fail(function( jqxhr, settings, exception ) {
$( "div.log" ).text( "Triggered ajaxError handler." );
Here is the documentation.


how to use Jquery getScript caching using dynamically generated url

I am looking for a way cache script with dynamically generated url I am currently using Octobercms that combines all scripts into one file on render I have seen in the past people using php but October cms uses blade the script I have looked at is this one
$.cachedScript( "ajax/test.js" ).done(function( script, textStatus ) {
console.log( textStatus );
the problem I have is that the url the combined script is different on ever installation.
I have figured out how to stop the problem with the "Velocity is already loaded" error by using the following
$("#loader").load(href, function(){
delete jQuery.Velocity;
$.getScript( "", function() {
// Call custom function defined
just need to figure out how to replace "" as this alters any help with this part of the code would be great I have tried user2033464 code but when I console.log(path); after $.getScript I get "ReferenceError: path is not defined"
I have solved my problem as follows
var path= $("script[src]:eq(1)").attr('src'); //needs to be globle to work in getScript
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#loader").load(href, function(){
delete jQuery.Velocity; // stops Velocity reloading error
$.getScript( path, function() { // loads script into newly loaded page into existing page
// Call custom function defined
I hope the helps someone with similar problem thank user2033464 for your assistance

javascript src inside script

I've already lost many hours trying to do something I think it is impossible.
I have a script with a source to a website and that source is a simple link like:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
This script only runs while the document is loading and all my efforts to try to run it after the document has loaded were ruined.
I wonder if I can place the src tag inside the document, will it run after the document has loaded? That script loads a banner from that website and I want to load it x seconds after the page has totally loaded.
Does anyone has a solution to this? I have already asked several questions about this issue in the past few days but I can't get to a solution :/
Thanks in advance!
This problem is the same as mine but does not offer good solutions
Using jQuery (i didn't test it):
var delay = 5000;
$.getScript( "ajax/test.js", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {
console.log( data ); // Data returned
console.log( textStatus ); // Success
console.log( jqxhr.status ); // 200
console.log( "Load was performed." );
}, delay);
From the docs:
The callback is fired once the script has been loaded but not necessarily executed.

Javascript code isn't getting into my document ready listener. (forge iOS)

This is my entire javascript file for the home page of my app. Any ideas as to why it never gets into the document ready listener?
var photos;
url: "",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
photos = data;
error: function(error) {"Couldn't fetch pics!");
//logging output works here
$(function() {
//logging output doesn't work here
//I'm trying to append to the html here, but it never gets into this code
Cross-domain requests are prohibited for security reasons (same as in desktop browsers). You must configure environment to allow requests to your domain. Look at for details.
json files are usually allowed to be read from cross domain and even if this one would't be, I still doubt it could affect ready event. I'm not using document ready function on my page as I was having simillar issues (it fires few minutes after page is loaded, or doesn't fire at all). You could try window.onload or document.onload events. I'd also try to find out how document.readyState behaves and eventually check it manually with interval or try to bind event listener to it.

How can I delay the execution of a script block until after an external script has loaded?

I'm trying to dynamically insert and execute a couple of scripts, and I think I'm hitting a race condition where the second is trying to execute before the first is loaded.
The project I'm working on has an unusual requirement: I am unable to modify the page's HTML source. It's compiled into an app for localization purposes.
Therefore, I'm unable to insert <script> tags like I normally would to link in JavaScript files.
It turns out that the client wants to use a hosted web font, so I decided to build and append the two required <script> tags dynamically in an already-linked JavaScript file.
The <script> blocks are appending correctly in the head of the document, but function in the second block seems to be firing before the external script linked in the first <script> tag is fully loaded, and it's throwing an undefined error.
Here's the relevant piece of code:
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.setAttribute("src", "");
try {
Typekit.load(); // This is executing too quickly!
} catch(e){
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
I tried moving the try block to the window.onload event, but that fires before any of this code is called.
I guess I could dynamically load jQuery and then use it's ready event, but that seems pretty heavy-handed. I'm hesitant to pull in a library on this project, as the client has a lot of custom JavaScript that could potentially clash with it.
What else can I try?
You need to hook into the script element's onload event and execute your code there:
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.onload = onTagLoaded;
tag.setAttribute("src", "");
function onTagLoaded() {
try {
Typekit.load(); // This is executing too quickly!
} catch(e){
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
You can load it with yepnope ( ). I know it's a library, but it's very light (free if your client is already using modernizr). It's well worth it. Hopefully the client doesn't have another yepnope function, and you don't have to worry about the clash.
Are you using jQuery? If not, I highly recommend it. It'll make your life so much easier:
$.getScript('', function(data, textStatus){
try {
Typekit.load(); //executes properly now!
} catch(e) {
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
Combining the scripts into one big seems to be the easiest solution.

Running scripts in an ajax-loaded page fragment

My web app dynamically loads sections of its UI with jquery.ajax. The new UI sections come with script though. I'm loading them as such:
url: url,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
$(target_selector).html( data );
This almost works. The problem is that the scripts included in the dynamic part of the page run before the new page fragment is inserted into the DOM. But often these scripts want to modify the HTML they're being delivered with. My best hacky solution so far is just to delay the scripts some reasonable amount of time to let the DOM insertion happen, by wrapping them in a setTimeout:
window.setTimeout( function() {
// process downloaded Fragment
}, 300);
Obviously this is unreliable and hideous. What's a better way?
will make the function you pass to jQuery to be run after the fragment is inline on the page.
I found it in
ASP.NET Ajax partial postback and jQuery problem
after looking at your question.
Are you familiar with the live() function? Might be what you're looking for here.
The problem is that the scripts included in the dynamic part of the page run before the new page fragment is inserted into the DOM. But often these scripts want to modify the HTML they're being delivered with.
I'm fairly sure that in that case, the only sensible thing is to place the script after the HTML element.
Everything else would become kludgy quickly - I guess you could implement your own "ready" handler that gets executed after your HTML has been inserted, but that would be a lot of work to implement for no real gain.
I solved it by making a new simple ready handler system as follows...
var ajaxOnLoad = (function() {
var ajaxOnLoad = {};
var onLoadQueue=[];
ajaxOnLoad.onLoad= function(fn) {
ajaxOnLoad.fireOnLoad = function() {
while( onLoadQueue.length > 0 ) {
var fn = onLoadQueue.shift();
window.ajaxOnLoad = ajaxOnLoad;
return ajaxOnLoad;
So in the pages which get .ajax() loaded, the scripts are queued to run with
ajaxOnLoad.onLoad( function() {
// Stuff to do after the page fragment is inserted in the main DOM
and in the code which does the insertion, before the update_ui_after_load() call, run
A more complete solution could parse the pages, find script tags, and queue them up automatically. But since I have complete control of the fragments being inserted, it's easier for me to switch to using ajaxOnLoad.onLoad.

