loading angular2-modal error with rc1 - javascript

I'm using this library angular2-modal that has some different options, like bootstrap and vex for modals in angular2.
Vex seems to work fine, but as soon as I switch to bootstrap, I get the following error:
responsive-application.js:84712 Uncaught TypeError: core_1.style is not a function

AS I mention on the respone #AngJobs did help me to find a solution, i do a reverse path and instead of upgranding angular y downgrade de library to a working version with RC1
Hope this experience help other Devs :)


Third party js issue in DXP

I am trying to use Progressbar js in Liferay DXp custom plugin. It was working fine in 6.2 however it seems to be not working in DXP.
I have checked the standalone html with this plugin and it works fine however it is not working with DXP 7.0
I am getting
"Uncaught ReferenceError: ProgressBar is not defined"
The file is well loaded on page but I still get this error
I have checked the version of Jquery and it's 2.1.4 in DXP 7.0. The plugin is well supported with this version of Jquery as it works fine on standalone html file.
Not sure if there is any issue with DXP while using third party js plugins as I have faced similar issue while using jquery cookie plugin.
Has anyone faced this issue or is there any way to use third party plugin in DXP?
The way I imported this pluigin in portlet is with annotation
Since it was not working so I have added it in theme and tried but no luck.
Could anyone help me with this, please.
The way I imported this pluigin in portlet is with annotation "com.liferay.portlet.header-portlet-javascript=/js/progressbar.min.js"
Check the generated markup, what actual URL is requested from the server, and if it's being served. I'm assuming that it's a 404 - for example because the file might be missing from your bundle, or in a different location.
If these hints don't help, please edit your question and create an MCVE

Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).tablesorter is not a function

I have a typo3 plugin hat works fine in typo3 6.2.31 now I migrate to 7.6.23. I have several problems with jQuery libraries. I often got this error:
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).tablesorter is not a function
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).tablesorter is not a function
The library is loaded correctly. Is there a way to fix this issue? Thanks.
Check that there is a loaded tablesorter plugin first before the tyop3 plugin, sounds like ideal sort order would be:
jQuery library
Tablesorter plugin
Typo3 plugin
A working solution is:

Electron $(...).selectpicker is not a function

I need your help. I've been stuck with this problem for 2 days.
I'm building an application with electron (by Atom) and I use bootstrap-select. When I launch the app an error rises even if the function in question has not been called yet:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).selectpicker is not a function
Do someone know how to fix that?
I solved my problem. It seems that using
to include the library doesn't work properly, instead, I downloaded the bootstrap-select library and imported manually in the HTML file.

ngCart only correctly works in Ionic app with syntax error

Currently I am developing a mobile app in Ionic for a local coffee roaster. Instead of building a cart from scratch I decided to integrate ngCart as a quick option that works with angular. After injecting the dependency into my app.js some individual components worked just fine, but the shopping cart summary and cart.html did not work. I am not very familiar with Jasmine, but searching my project I found a function I wanted in ngCart_test.html. So I copied the code from there into my CartController.js and that's when things get weird.
When I copied the code over it had an extra "})" which throws a syntax error, but everything works how it should. When I fix the syntax error it says, "describe not defined." I have tried unsuccessfully to fix the describe error but I am more curious as to why the syntax error makes ngCart work properly. I am guessing the syntax error breaks the js and causes the ngCart to load in the proper order, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I can send screenshots or additional info as needed.
Thanks for the help!

Debugging angular-ui bootstrap's typeahead exception

we are using angular-ui bootstrap (angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap), and more specifically the typeahead feature. This have been working fine but after an update from version 0.10 to 0.13 we are getting exceptions "Cannot read property '0' of null" and I'm struggling to find the cause of this exception but I have no idea on how to do that.
Currently I use the sample code from angular-ui's page (the first typeahead box with the US states). I assume that this exception is not really related to angular-ui it self, rather some code in our application. But I need help on finding where...
Can anyone shed some light on how ?
The problem was that the templates was newer than the js files.

