How to run javascript after dynamic modal dialog is completely loaded - javascript

I have a modal dialog that is opened when user clicks in a button. It must be dynamic. It has a lot of images from external sources, e.g. <img src="">. After this modal is opened I want to sum the height of all images loaded. So I'm calling imageCalculation() in onShow
onShow="imageCalculation(); ">
<ui:include src="/somePage.xhtml" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function imageCalculation(){
var total = 0;
$.each($('#form\\:myDialog').find('img'), function(k,v){
total += v.naturalHeight;
The problem is that at the moment imageCalculation() is called, the images haven't been loaded from external sources yet, and naturalHeight is still 0.
Is there a way to run a javascript after all the dialog content is completely loaded?
EDIT: The content from somePage.xhtml is populated by a p:dataGrid that gets HTML code pieces from DB. Some of these codes are <img... So theoretically I can't change them

I've found a plugin to help me: waitForImages jQuery plugin
$('selector').waitForImages(function() {
alert('All images are loaded.');

I'm not sure but you can try to add onload attribute to all pictures.
Like this:
function loadHandler(x) {
console.log(x+" element loaded!");
<img src="img1.png" onload="loadHandler('1 image')">
<img src="img2.png" onload="loadHandler('2 image')">
Then you can count pictures for loading and already loaded ones in loadHandler()


change contents without reloading page

I got a page. Its a key shop website.
I want to make that when the customer clicks on the icon, for example windows7, it removes the other products beside it, and write its description and payment button.
I already succeeded in not allowing the page to refresh, and only view the content.
But the problem is the tab; I want to change it in the end of the page, and whenever I click on the icon for windows7 it opens to me the page I want, but from the top.
I'am using the following code:
$("div.haha").tabs(" > div", {effect: 'ajax'});
i just want it to change content and not to start from top
<div id="haha">
<img class="one" src="imgs/product1.png">
<img class="two" src="imgs/product2.png">
<img class="three" src="imgs/product 3.png">
<img class="four" src="imgs/product4.png">
Actually to access div with "haha" id you should use
I am changing the code, because I had this code on hand and it works pretty well from what I've seen and appears to fit all your needs.
Javascript: (tested with jquery 1.9.1)
<script type="text/javascript">
if uncomment the above line, html5 nonsupported browers won't change the url but will display the ajax content;
if commented, html5 nonsupported browers will reload the page to the specified link.
//get the link location that was clicked
pageurl = $(this).attr('href');
//to get the ajax content and display in div with id 'haha'
$.ajax({url:pageurl+'?rel=haha',success: function(data){
//stop refreshing to the page given in
return false;
html example:
This is the code outside the div. This shouldnt be effected.
<br /><br />
Here are the links outside the div to show you how it works. IMG 2 will refresh page and change url because rel="haha" is missing from the url<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<div id="haha" style="border: 1px solid #ccc;">
Just know, any link you want to load into the div needs a rel="haha" (which can be changed to whatever you want to call it). If you want the page to load completely (like changing pages), just leave out the rel="haha" from the url.
Demo of how the code works:

Load Same Code Twice In Separate Div

I'm creating a resource database that has a scrolling container on the side. Essentially, when you click a thumbnail within the container, it will load the contents of a div which will fade in and display content for that category. Each div tag looks something like this:
<p><a style="float:right" class="a_demo_four" href="/Resources/file1.pdf" target="_blank">
</a>File Desc</p>
And will load as such:
Essentially, I want to be able to display the same exact content when I open another category on this page. I have several different categories, and want to be able to pull the code from say Category1, Category2, and so on and so forth so I can display all of them in a "View All" tab. I've attempted to use jQuery's load function as seen below:
<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
<div id="includedContent"></div>
<h1>This is why I rule</h1>
to load the content from the original div into the view all category, but nothing shows up. Unfortunately, I have very limited knowledge with Javascript/jQuery so I'm having difficulty being able to use the same content in a different div without just copying and pasting the code over. This would also pose problems in the future when I am adding files and have to edit the code twice if I did so.
Thank you in advance!
You can keep your content in a variable like this:
var content = '';
//load first in a div
$('#includedContent').load('b.html', function(result){
content = result;
//from here on, you know you have b.html data in the variable content
//and you can use it elsewhere like this
If you call your code within document ready function will work.
However you will probably need to keep it somewhere as visualex suggested in order to add the content in multiple places as you require.
This is a working jsfiddle,
it loads content from

Opening bigger version of picture in new window /w javascript

I've managed to get the picture to open the bigger version of the picture into a new window using this code:
<IMG SRC="pic_small.jpg" onClick="view();">
<script language="JavaScript">
function view() {
imgsrc = "pic_big.jpg";
viewwin =,'viewwin', 'width=600,height=300');
The problem I got now is that I got many more pictures on my webpage and I'd like to not have to write another function for every script but instead having one function for all the pictures. In other words I'd like to have a script that does the same thing as above, but works on all of these (modified if needed) HTML lines
<IMG SRC="pic1_small.jpg" onClick="view();">
<IMG SRC="pic2_small.jpg" onClick="view();">
<IMG SRC="pic3_small.jpg" onClick="view();">
<IMG SRC="pic4_small.jpg" onClick="view();">
I was also wondering if there is some way to make the window that opens the the same size as the big picture.
For your first question
<IMG SRC="pic_small.jpg" onClick="view(this);">
<script language="JavaScript">
function view(img) {
imgsrc = img.src.split("_")[0] + "_big.jpg";
viewwin =,'viewwin', 'width=600,height=300');
To your second question, it can be done.
This depends on your image names keeping that same format. Alternatively, you could do this:
<img src="pic_small.jpg" onclick="view('pic_big.jpg')" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function view(imgsrc) {
viewwin =,'viewwin', 'width=600,height=300');
Using a js library such as lightbox is a good option. It does more or less what you ask. See e.g. Lightbox 2
By including lightbox, in combination with jquery, in your html, you can create a list of images with tags with a "rel" property of "lightbox". Lightbox will then automatically activate when you click the link surrounding the image. Here is an example.
image #1
See more examples here in the "how to use" section in the aforementioned link
Look at jQuery library which almost de-facto library for JS.
Using it you can do something like that
function view(small){
var big = small.split("_")[0] + "_big.jpg";
viewwin =,'viewwin', 'width=600,height=300');
This way all your images will have the same behavior

How can I execute the code inside a <script></script> only when I'll show its container?

I have this code :
Show Agency
<div id="invisibleDiv">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/CompanyProfile" data-id="1035" data-format="inline" data-related="false"></script>
$("#showDiv").click(function () {
When I load the page, I see the scripts loaded from external source, also if the div is hidden. The scripts call with some API and generate HTML/Javascript.
Well, what I'm looking for is to force the script to be unloaded if the parent is hidden; than, when I'll show it (through the link), load the script inside the div.
How can I do it? I'll avoid AJAX.
Show Agency
<div id="invisibleDiv">
<script type="IN/CompanyProfile" data-id="1035" data-format="inline" data-related="false"></script>
$(function() {
$("#showDiv").click(function() {
If I understand it correctly, you just want to delay the running of arbitrary scripts that are provided by the third party? Would something like this work?
<div id="invisibleDiv" style="display:none">Please wait while we load some stuff from Facebook...</div>
Has the downside that you can't pre-fetch the HTML content, but I don't see any other way.
EDIT: ok, it looks like you edited the question whle I was typing this up... so YOU control the content of invisibleDiv, but you want to delay the loading of in.js? try this...
$.getScript("", function(){
Again, you have to make the user wait while the script downloads, hence my addition of pleaseWaitDiv
More edit:
New up a script node and append it.
var scriptNode = $("<script></script>")
$.getScript("", function(){
You can bind it to your showDiv click function, inline scripts are processed right away...the only other thing I can think of is to have the script be loaded via ajax which you don't want.
Try this :

How to load another div while facebox pop up is still open?

I just figured out how to use Facebox. I can open hidden divs in Facebox but how do I get it to dump the current div and load another one without closing the pop-up? I want the Facebox pop-up to load another div (while dumping the previous one) if the user clicks on a link inside the pop-up. I already tried something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
<div id="div1" style="display:none;">
Load the other div
<div id="div2" style="display:none;">
<p>Other div</p>
I somehow knew it wasn't this simple. I already tried searching the net for answers but no dice. Is this even possible? I'm a complete noob when it comes to Javascript so please bear with me.
I found the answer already. Apparently, you need to bind it to a mouseclick event and perform recursion. Here's how I did it:
<script type="text/javascript">
function find_hidden(){
.bind('click', function() {
var glink = $(this).attr('href');
jQuery.facebox({div: glink});
I found the answer here.
From skimming through the source, I think you can just pass a string, like this:
Try this:
jQuery("#facebox_overlay").click();jQuery.facebox({ div: '#your-new-div-id' });

