How to use Amazon Elasticsearch to index dynamodb data? - javascript

I want to create a search engine, using javascript for the cllient side and Amazon ES for the backend. However, since i am just discovering the elasticsearch api, i am looking for a detailed explanation of how i can index my dynamodb entries in real-time and then building a customized search engine with some features like auto suggest, auto filling etc.
I can't find any tutorial on the web that explain the entire process.
Any help would be very appreciated.

This plugin can help with streaming the data from DynamoDB:
The readme has some information, I'm not sure if that's the kind of detail you are after, but it's a good place to start.


Web app with SensorTag CC2650

I'm creating a web application using the SensorTag CC2650 for my thesis. I have to use Phonegap to create this app, and I found a very good repository where there are some example of how to show the results of the sensors.
I have one problem; in the examples there are no clear references about how to get data from humidity and light sensor. I wrote to the developer, and I search in the Texa site if there were any documentation that could help me, but I didn't find anything.
I also search in the web, but I didn't found a lot. Most of them was about Android&IOS project.
Does anyone know how to get this parameters? The only thing I found are the declaration of the variables, in the technical documentation.
You will need to read the correct BLE services/characteristics. The readme for the SensorTag can be found here:
And a quick lookup table for all the UUIDs of the services/characteristics can be found here:
So looking at the documentation for the cordova plugin it would be:, service_uuid, characteristic_uuid, success, failure);
And take the UUIDs from the previous table.

Server-less search engine using Firebase and Lunr.js or other helping libraries

Firebase does not really have the capabilities in full-text searching yet so I was wondering if Lunr.js can help (or other libraries). I'd like to know how or to create a good scheme in indexing data directly in Firebase and if Lunr.js can help me with this? I'd like to implement searching without downloading a lot of data from Firebase, just parts of indexed information. Any suggested schemes or libraries to process the indexes?
PS. No server-codes please. I can't afford another tier :D Thanks!

Making real-time ordering dashboard with Firebase

I recently found out about Firebase and it looks like something i wanted for my project. I'm trying to make a real-time html dashboard for ordering, yet i'm very much beginner at javascript so i was hoping someone could help me out.
I'm trying to make real-time dashboard that is blank, and updates div container when specific table in database in updated.This is somewhat what i'm aiming for.
I'm thinking it would work something like:
If database != null then create/show that container. Done button would just delete selected table in database.
But i don't know how to implement that using javascript. Any help/tutorial would be great, i searched a lot and didn't quite find what i needed.
Thanks in advance!
They answer you're looking for is beyond the scope of a single question. There are a number of great resources out there for learning how to set up your first web app using Firebase.
Take a look at their quickstart guide:
Firebase Quickstart Guide
Firebase also offers a number of examples:
Firebase's Examples
In addition, there are also a number of frameworks such as Angular.js, which add another layer of technology to learn, but provide useful features such as routing and data binding. I'd recommend's guide for creating an angular.js/firebase web app:'s Angular and Firebase Tutorial

Search tool in Meteor JS

Im quite a newbie when it comes to DBs and search so please bear with me. Im trying to implement a search function in Meteor app.
Ive checked through atmosphere and chanced upon these 4 options.
Mattodem easy search
Search Source
Elastic search package on Atmosphere (heard this is dated)
Elastic big data package on Atmosphere
My needs are for a simple search, able to handle larger data sets that may have data nesting. For example a task, may have comments or links etc. (Full text and more than regex query will be good)
I read that for easy search, even with some form of elastic or Mongodb application, seems to be application only for a single Mongo collection?For example what if I wanted to search across
Dinosaurs = new Meteor.Collection('dinosaurs'); and
Mammals = new Meteor.Collection('mammals');?
Appreciate any advice on the pros and cons on the 4 options above? 1 seems relative easy to implement but I,m not sure what it means by using elastic engine here. If I were to implement elastic, how do I go about doing it in Meteor? And would it differ from implementing a Elasticsearch HTTP API?
Similarly for Search Source, it supports Elastic too here. Honestly I have no clue on the differences.
This github project demonstrates how to use Meteor with ElasticSearch (not Mongo) for search applications
it basically links a field to a session variable which triggers search on elastic. results are stored in a mongo collection that is pushed to the client through the Meteor mechanics. These are much smaller than the dataset and therefore are quick to update.
As far as searching accross collections, this is a typical problem of database schema definition. If you need to do joins, a mongodb is not the best solution. and relational DB like any SQL DB would be better suited, However, you should be looking into 'denormalization' of your data to see if you can create a structure that will work well for your use case.
This article explains what this means pretty well:
Good luck.

Is Node.js suitable for my project given how I'm using it?

I'm about to start writing an application and I want to include newer technologies to improve my knowledge and gain a skill set.
I'm using mysql to store user data (no choice), Angular.js to display/template content on the dom, and I wanted to use node.js to return results from the database in json format to be used by Angular.js.
My assumption was I could use node.js (along with the node-mysql module and maybe express)to accomplish my database queries that feed into my Angular.js templates.
Additionally, the application will live on a different server than the database itself and may reside in a mobile framework.
Am I way off base when it come to how to use node.js? Am I just using the wrong tool? Am I on the right track?
Any help, explanation, and points in the right direction would be great. Most of the info I've seen are copy/paste from the node.js site/wiki and don't really answer my question.
This is largely an opinion-based question and likely to be closed, but you're not way off base. What you want to do is absolutely (and commonly) done using Node.js.
As a complete aside, you might like to check out Platform-as-a-Service providers such as and; both offer great and easy Node.js hosting and addons (such as NoSQL and RDBMS data stores) which have free tiers.
For that matter, MongoLab and MongoHQ both offer free tiers independent of Heroku, which you could use from your MySQL-only hosting provider if you like.

