Can you use Google API to search for addresses without widget? - javascript

I see, but don't see a way to just use their API to find those results with a custom widget. I see they have APIs without widgets, like places ("Joe's Pizza Shop"), but don't see the same for addresses which is hard to believe.
I want to use my existing autocomplete to avoid having a set of CSS for the usual autocomplete and then another set for this widget, and to avoid JSONP.
So is there no such API for addresses or am I missing something obvious?

Yes, there is an API for that:
You can use AutocompleteService.getPlacePredictions to get the same predictions as you'd get via the Autocomplete widget, and use it to implement your own UI.


How do you pass a value to a custom envelop field using the the JS SDK?

I am trying to figure out how to pass a value to the custom envelope field I have created. I am currently using the new JS SDK. I am able to pass a value to a custom field for my document but am unsure how to do this for an envelope custom field.
and accepted." src="//"></script>
The Docusign engineering team has confirmed the issue. However, we don't anticipate that we can implement a solution immediately. Most likely we'll have a solution later in the beta for Docusign.js.
SDK is simply an API helper. Whatever is available in the API is converted to JS SDK
and for the moment JS SDK seems to be available only in beta:

node.js html querying and parsing

How do i make a dynamic search bar?
Do i need to use html methods? How can i make the bar dynamic?
Hi, i just started learning node.js... while i never developed web applications.
I don't want you to write the code, i just want you to point me to the right direction.
<input type="text" name="search" placeholder="Search..">
Now, how do i get the information someone types in the search bar? And what should i use to have the search bar display information without reloading the page?
Assuming you will not use any JS framework, the easiest way is to use a input with auto-complete feature. One example:
A similar question:
jQuery autocomplete with callback ajax json
you could use to create a bidirectional connection with your server, and update your list each time something new pop's up
and if you're new to the server, take a look at my blog:
I might add a tutorial on how to use this afternoon
You have to use both JavaScript(jQuery) client-side code to make AJAX calls on 'keyup' handler and server-side PHP (or whatever language you use) routine to handle that AJAX call and answer it with JSON array.
If your search will return only plain text results, then you can check aria-autocomplete on the Internet. There are plenty examples. In this method your server answer should contain a JSON array. In a very similar way you can also populate <option> tags in a <select>.
If you dig much more without using aria-autocomplete you can make your own custom-styled display of answers. You can take a look at my site (only in Bulgarian language, sorry). There is a search field in the header. Type some number (like 511) and you will see matching results in a poping div. To achieve this approach the server-side script returns formatted HTML which replaces the content of the poping div.
As #user3429660 advice you use jquery autocomplete.
Create a function who call a webservice that you have defined in your nodejs with express for example. the web service return data in JSON to the function and the view is updated with jquery
1) What you are looking for is getting the value out of the input:
Get the value in an input text box
2) Not reloading page -> look into AJAX (many tutorials online...)

Best way to implement an Attribute-Value search interface using javascript

I am looking to implement an Attribute-Value search interface for my backend; somewhat like AWS - EC2 search as shown in the linked gif below.
Are there any existing implementations in javascript that I can use as a reference?
Edit: I've looked at select2 but it only takes tags.
Tag-it seems like a good place to start.
Edit: I've found the exact solution I was looking for. It's called visual search by Document Cloud

Find and Pull data from API (elgg)

Okay so I'm trying to make a custom elgg website.
One of the main features I need is for users to be able to create events, and for those events to be displayed in a sortable table.
For events, I use a plugin for elgg called Event Manager. I originally thought that the data for the events was stored in mysql, but apparently it's stored in the elgg API instead.
Can anyone give me any tips on where to find the event data, and how to pull it from the api and put it into a javascript/html table?
Pablo Escobar
Regarding details of writing plugins, refer to documentation: and make sure to read through:
To get event_calendar events, you'll need to use one of the functions from elgg_get_entities family. You'll most likely need to filter by type (object) and subtype (event_calendar), apply some filtering (metadata_name_value_pairs parameter to elgg_get_entities_from_metadata) and sorting (order_by_metadata)
For additional support you'll be more successful at page.

JavaScript: Using OmniGrid with loadData

I'm trying to work with the nice OmniGrid control.
Everything is great when I'm setting a URL for an ASP.NET handler that returns an answer.
My problem starts when I'm trying to use the data provider.
I was breaking my fingers trying to find a piece of information of how to use the data provider (can't find the appropriate format of the table content result).
Anyone familiar with such tutorial/example?
My I know how you are trying to integrate it in your pages? and what kind of backed u have to bind?

