I am getting this String as input
"countries" : "[[england, australia], [UAE, China], [UAE]]"
I thought that, I need to transform this String into
{"countries": [["england", "australia"], ["UAE", "China"], ["UAE"]]}
Then I can convert it to Object in js using json.parse() method.
I tried various things but none seem to work.
I Tried
I have done this in Java but in Javascript not able to do so.
I am new to js, as in java I can easily do this JSONObject.
Any help will be appreciated, Thanks !!
This requires multiple steps:
Wrap the input in curly braces and do a JSON.parse:
const input = "\"countries\" : \"[[england, australia], [UAE, China], [UAE]]\""
const result = JSON.parse("{" + input + "}")
That gives you an object like:
"countries": "[[england, australia], [UAE, China], [UAE]]"
Then wrap the inner strings with double quotes and parse it again:
const inner = result.countries
result.countries = JSON.parse(inner.replaceAll(/([a-zA-Z]+)/g, '"$1"'))
That gives you result:
"countries": [
One of my requirement in the javascript, I am trying to convert the string which is passing from the database to javascript object.
String passing from the databse:
"validator":["required","numeric","maxLength:14","{type: amountValidate}"]
Step2: Converting to javascript object using JSON.Parse() method, output as follows:
validator: Array(4)
0: "required"
1: "numeric"
2: "maxLength:14"
3: "{type: amountValidate}"
length: 4
Expected output is:
In the below code amountValidate is converting into the function by tabulator js api.
Since I am applying the below function to the type:amountValidate, it should behave as a variable and it should not be in the double quotes.
var amountValidate = function(cell, value, parameters){
var regex = /^\s*-?(\d+(\.\d{1,2})?|\.\d{1,2})\s*$/
var n = value.match(regex);
if(n !== null){
return true;
return false;
Thanks in advance.
The main problem here is that your string is not a valid JSON. Should be something like:
'{"validator": ["required","numeric","maxLength:14", {"type": "amountValidate"}]}'
There are multiple json formatters/validators online, like this one, that you could use to check it.
I have a textbox which accepts user defined key value pairs like:
{'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'} and i want it to be converted to an array of key value pair.
I have code:
var color= document.getElementById('txtColor').value;
The problem is i get it just as a string if i try: color['Apple'] it shows undefined; whereas i expect 'Red'. How can i do the conversion so that i get something like:
var color={'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'}
and get value 'Red' on color['Apple'].
Thanks in advance.
I have a similar usecase. You have to JSON.parse() the value.
var obj = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('txtColor').value.replace(/'/g, '"'));
<textarea id="txtColor">{'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'}</textarea>
I assume following
let color = document.getElementById('txtColor').value; // This line returns {'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'}
If I'm correct you can do following
try {
// Here you can write logic for format json ex. Convert single quotes to double quotes
// This may help to convert well formatted json string https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4810841/how-can-i-pretty-print-json-using-javascript
let colorJson = JSON.parse(color);
console.log(colorJson["Apple"]) // This will return your expected value.
} catch(e) {
console.log('Invalid json format')
var color = document.getElementById('txtColor').value;
//JSON.stringify will validate the JSON string
var jsonValidString = JSON.stringify(eval("(" + color + ")"));
//If JSON string is valid then we can conver string to JSON object
var JSONObj = JSON.parse(jsonValidString);
//We can use JSON.KeyName or JSON["KeyName"] both way you can get value
console.log(JSONObj.Apple, " --- ", JSONObj["Apple"]);
console.log(JSONObj.Lemon, " --- ", JSONObj["Lemon"]);
<input id="txtColor" value="{'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'}" type="text" />
I have an API that returns me a string that contains an array of arrays. The arrays contains strings, like here:
and I want to convert it into a JSON object.
I've tried JSON.parse, but it's giving me an error
[['+00:00 (Etc/GMT)','+00:00 (Etc/GMT)'],['+03:00 (Europe/Kaliningrad)','+03:0
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '
The string that im trying to turn into an object is this one:
"[['+00:00 (Etc/GMT)','+00:00 (Etc/GMT)'],['+03:00 (Europe/Kaliningrad)','+03:00 (Europe/Kaliningrad)'],['-01:00 (Etc/GMT+1)','-01:00 (Etc/GMT+1)'],['AKST (America/Anchorage)','AKST (America/Anchorage)'],['ART (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)','ART (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)'],['AST (America/Puerto_Rico)','AST (America/Puerto_Rico)'],['AST (Asia/Baghdad)','AST (Asia/Baghdad)'],['AST (Atlantic/Bermuda)','AST (Atlantic/Bermuda)'],['BRT (America/Sao_Paulo)','BRT (America/Sao_Paulo)'],['CET (CET)','CET (CET)'],['CET (Europe/Amsterdam)','CET (Europe/Amsterdam)'],['CET (Europe/Brussels)','CET (Europe/Brussels)'],['CET (Europe/Budapest)','CET (Europe/Budapest)'],['CET (Europe/Madrid)','CET (Europe/Madrid)'],['CET (Europe/Oslo)','CET (Europe/Oslo)'],['CET (Europe/Paris)','CET (Europe/Paris)'],['CET (Europe/Prague)','CET (Europe/Prague)'],['CET (Europe/Vienna)','CET (Europe/Vienna)'],['CET (Europe/Warsaw)','CET (Europe/Warsaw)'],['CET (Europe/Zurich)','CET (Europe/Zurich)'],['CLST (America/Santiago)','CLST (America/Santiago)'],['COT (America/Bogota)','COT (America/Bogota)'],['CST (America/Chicago)','CST (America/Chicago)'],['CST (America/Costa_Rica)','CST (America/Costa_Rica)'],['CST (America/Mexico_City)','CST (America/Mexico_City)'],['CST (Asia/Shanghai)','CST (Asia/Shanghai)'],['CST (Asia/Taipei)','CST (Asia/Taipei)'],['CST (Australia/Adelaide)','CST (Australia/Adelaide)'],['EAT (Africa/Nairobi)','EAT (Africa/Nairobi)'],['EET (EET)','EET (EET)'],['EET (Europe/Istanbul)','EET (Europe/Istanbul)'],['EET (Europe/Kiev)','EET (Europe/Kiev)'],['EST (America/Indiana/Indianapolis)','EST (America/Indiana/Indianapolis)'],['EST (America/New_York)','EST (America/New_York)'],['EST (Australia/Brisbane)','EST (Australia/Brisbane)'],['EST (Australia/Melbourne)','EST (Australia/Melbourne)'],['EST (Australia/Sydney)','EST (Australia/Sydney)'],['GMT (Europe/Dublin)','GMT (Europe/Dublin)'],['GMT (Europe/London)','GMT (Europe/London)'],['GST (Asia/Dubai)','GST (Asia/Dubai)'],['HKT (Asia/Hong_Kong)','HKT (Asia/Hong_Kong)'],['HST (Pacific/Honolulu)','HST (Pacific/Honolulu)'],['ICT (Asia/Bangkok)','ICT (Asia/Bangkok)'],['IST (Asia/Jerusalem)','IST (Asia/Jerusalem)'],['IST (Asia/Kolkata)','IST (Asia/Kolkata)'],['JST (Asia/Tokyo)','JST (Asia/Tokyo)'],['KST (Asia/Seoul)','KST (Asia/Seoul)'],['MSK (Europe/Moscow)','MSK (Europe/Moscow)'],['MST (America/Denver)','MST (America/Denver)'],['MST (America/Phoenix)','MST (America/Phoenix)'],['MST (MST)','MST (MST)'],['MYT (Asia/Kuala_Lumpur)','MYT (Asia/Kuala_Lumpur)'],['NZDT (Pacific/Auckland)','NZDT (Pacific/Auckland)'],['PET (America/Lima)','PET (America/Lima)'],['PHT (Asia/Manila)','PHT (Asia/Manila)'],['PST (America/Los_Angeles)','PST (America/Los_Angeles)'],['PYST (America/Asuncion)','PYST (America/Asuncion)'],['SAST (Africa/Johannesburg)','SAST (Africa/Johannesburg)'],['SGT (Asia/Singapore)','SGT (Asia/Singapore)'],['TJT (Asia/Dushanbe)','TJT (Asia/Dushanbe)'],['UTC (UTC)','UTC (UTC)'],['VET (America/Caracas)','VET (America/Caracas)'],['WET (Europe/Lisbon)','WET (Europe/Lisbon)'],['WST (Australia/Perth)','WST (Australia/Perth)']]"
This is not valid JSON. You have to replace the ' characters with ".
Your JSON is invalid as mentioned in the first answer but this is a quick fix.
Say you have:
a = "[['+00:00 (Etc/GMT)','+00:00 (Etc/GMT)'],['+03:00 (Europe/Kalini..
Then replace the ' with ":
a = a.replace(/'/g, '"');
Then parse it to JSON:
a = jQuery.parseJSON(a)
Then you have a valid JSON, try console.table(a) to see your valid json!
Hi I need to parse a JavaScript array that has multiple keys in it. Here is an example of what I need to do. Any help is appreciated.
I need this to be broken into separate arrays based on if it is week1 or week2. Thanks again in advance.
The end needs to be like this.
week1 = ["Meth:100,Marijuana:122,pDrugs12"] etc.
Your JSON has severe improper formatting. If it's already an object (which I'm guessing it isn't -- otherwise, you'd be getting unexpected token errors in your browser console), then change the brackets to braces, remove the trailing commas, and add colons after the object items that don't have them (after week1 and week2).
If what you have is a string (obtained from XHR or similar), you'll have to do all the changes mentioned above, as well as enclosing each object item within quotation marks. It should look like:
"week1": {
"week2": {
Whatever you're dealing with that's serving such horribly invalid JSON ought to be taken out back and shot. Be that as it may, this'll require some serious string manipulation. You're going to have to do some thorough massaging with String.replace() and some regular expressions.
After you get the JSON valid, then you can get week1 with JSON.parse and drilling down the resulting object.
function log(what) { document.getElementById('out').value += what + '\n------------------\n'; }
var tree = '[ week1{ Meth:100, Marijuana:122, pDrugs:12, }, week2{ Meth:15, Marijuana:30, pDrugs:22, }, ]';
// string is raw
tree = tree.replace(
'/\r?\n/g', '' // remove line breaks to make further regexps easier
'[','{' // replace [ with {
']','}' // replace ] with }
/\w+(?=[\{\:])/g, // add quotes to object items
function($1) { return '"'+$1+'"'; } // using a lambda function
/"\{/g, '": {' // add colon after object items
/,(?=\s*\})/g, '' // remove trailing commas
// string has been fixed
var obj = JSON.parse(tree);
log('obj.week1 = ' + JSON.stringify(obj.week1));
log('obj.week1.Meth = ' + obj.week1.Meth);
#out {
width: 100%;
height: 170px;
<textarea id="out"></textarea>