OrientDB Javascript Server Side Functions [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to implement the whole server logic of the OrientDB with the server side Javascript functions but I can´t find a documentation of the server side JS implemantation. The best tutorial that I found is this one:
But thats not enough, for example I want to know, how I can traverse to the graph with JS or if I have a vertex saved in a JS variable how to see which edges are going out from this vertex?
Can someone give me few links with good tutorials or maybe a good documentation for Javascript server side functions?

This is the examples that I made in according with your request:
I have this schema:
JS function to traverse the graph:
and the output(just a piece):
JS function to see which edges are going out from a specific vertex:
and the output:
Hope it helps,


Creating a catalogue template [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm making my first steps learning to code. I have been taking some courses on internet about css, html, javascript, php and mysql. Since some months ago I decided to continue learning while I experiment with wordpress.
As a beginner I always start watching templates, which I decompose to analize and then I see what can I do.
I'm looking for a template with a really basic structure. I would like to use my content as an ipad magazine does:
Do you have some suggestion about a template with a similar structure? Or at least fiddle that could give me a clue about how can I proceed?
Thank you
You can look at the Bootstrap Templates wich are pretty much easy to understand and learn from it.

Upload and display .NET source code on my website [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So what I want is to upload my C# projects onto my website, which I can, and then make my website show the code of my projects very nicely and smooth.
The best example you can compare this with is GitHub projects. For example: https://github.com/restsharp/RestSharp . It would be nice to support multiple langauges but C# is my main one. I don't want mine on GitHub but just on my website.
Any help on finding a API for this or the nessecary source code?
You may have seen http://referencesource.microsoft.com/ which shows code for .Net Framework.
This is done using https://github.com/KirillOsenkov/SourceBrowser. Try this and you should be able to create and host your own static HTML website to browse your C#/VB/MSBuild/TypeScript source code.
You can find more details on Channel 9 - https://channel9.msdn.com/coding4fun/blog/A-modern-means-to-make-your-source-browsable-online

Front-end library to intelligently parse "Collection+JSON" [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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"Collection+JSON" is a special format of JSON that is being returned by an API that I want to use. I am looking for a front-end JavaScript library (not an NPM module) that can intelligently parse the standard "Collection+JSON" format. Right now, the data that I want is in the first element of an array in the JSON, but it seems wonky and short-sighted to make that assumption. So I am looking for a library that will find the key value that I am looking for instead writing this myself. There's gotta be something out there, does anyone know what I am talking about?
I am looking for something like this:
but front-end instead of back-end...
The libary you posted supports that:
Node.js and Browser compatible

Faceted search on client side [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can you suggest a basic faceted search library use at client (browser) side.
I quickly looked through exhibit3, but looks heavy for my usage. It mentioned somewhere that exhibit3 can be used on client side alone, but the setup mentioned a backstage project in java.
Above is an example usage I am looking for (only the category search, no time line view, etc). If it can group data and allow faceted search from json file (independent of backend), that will suit my purpose.
Found a good walk through of one of the exhibit example here.
It pulls lot of dependencies, and wish there a minified version (ready to use :-) ). Anyone uses this for client only solution for relatively medium size data.
facetedsearch.js looks like it would be appropriate. Find it here: http://eikes.github.com/facetedsearch/ or skip the fancy site and go straight to the code: https://github.com/eikes/facetedsearch/

get a summary/overview of large Javascript files [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have several large Javascript files that I need to document/digg into. Unfortunately I do not have any documentation whatsoever on them, and rather than opening them up one by one to check the content of each file, I was wondering if there is a tool out there that will extract a summary from a given JavaScript file.
Does there exist a tool that outputs e.g. all names of functions (if they're not anonymous for that matter)? I've been searching the net for a while, but couldn't really find anything.
Thanks in advance!
Simply run your JS files through the jsdoc-toolkit found here: http://code.google.com/p/jsdoc-toolkit/
It will generate skeletal documentation (HTML) for each js file with function & global variable lists but without any actual documentation. You can then use that as a basis for managing the documentation process. :)

