Detect if Image Exists with File.Exists - javascript

i try want to detect if an image exists but can't get it to work. If need to load the image if it exits and if not exits it needs to load a default image. The IF/ELSE is working just the first part does not, what am i doing wrong i get all the time the default image
#{ String imageURL = "')";
#if (File.Exists(imageURL)) {
#section cdcover{ src="")" }
else {
#section cdcover{ src="" }

Here is a concept:
var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(); // An image var
bitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri("/*image url*/");; // set a value to our var
bitmapImage.EndInit(); img.Source = bitmapImage;
if (File.Exists(bitmapImage)){ // checks if the var has an existing image


Prerender images from URL in reactjs

Is it possible to prerender a list of images based on URL to prevent first loading on display with react or JS?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I have a carousel of images and all images are display one by one. When an image are are display for the first time this image take some time to be render because she need to be get from the url. And if I display this same image a second time I will not wait. Then I want to know if there is a solution to preload all images directly after get the url in a ComponentDidMount even the loading become longer.
An other example: I have a list of image and I want display them all at the same time. How can I preload them all before end the loading and start the render.
Do you simply want to preload images in advance?
The article of the Preloading Content might help.
componentDidMount() {
const imageUrlList = ['a.jpg', 'b.jpg', 'c.jpg'];
preloadImages(urlList) {
let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (let i = 0; i < urlList.length; i++) {
const imgUrl = urlList[i];
const linkEl = document.createElement('link');
linkEl.setAttribute('rel', 'preload');
linkEl.setAttribute('href', imgUrl);
linkEl.setAttribute('as', 'image');
Not so clear from what you mean by prerender.
By preloading, do you mean that you want that the component renders only when the image is ready?
If so, you could do something like this:
componentDidMount() {
const img = new Image();
img.src = Newman; // by setting an src, you trigger browser download
img.onload = () => {
// when it finishes loading, update the component state
this.setState({ imageIsReady: true });
render() {
const { imageIsReady } = this.state;
if (!imageIsReady) {
return <div>Loading image...</div>; // or just return null if you want nothing to be rendered.
} else {
return <img src={Newman} /> // along with your error message here

Calling a JavaScript function from a link set at canvas opens a new tab with an error

I'm trying to set a hyperlink on a specific part of an HTML5 Canvas. I want that clicking of that hyperlink calls a Javascript function that changes some contents onthe canvas itself but does ont open any new browser tab or page. However, what I'm getting is (i) the canvas contents re actually changed by the function I'm calling BUT (ii) I get a new broser tab displaying an error ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. How can I fix that? Thanks in advance!
My piece of code is (I'm using a variation of the the "link on canvas" solution posted here by 'dogbane' some years ago:
// this function is called from WITHIN another function (print_meteosarriaYearMonthData) which contains the variable declarations
function draw_link(ctx)
//add mouse listeners
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", on_mousemove, false);
canvas.addEventListener("click", on_click, false);
//check if the mouse is over the link and change cursor style
function on_mousemove (ev) {
var x, y;
// Get the mouse position relative to the canvas element.
if (ev.layerX || ev.layerX == 0) { //for firefox
x = ev.layerX;
y = ev.layerY;
//is the mouse over the link?
if(x>=linkX && x <= (linkX + linkWidth) && y<=linkY && y>= (linkY-linkHeight)){ = "pointer";
else{ = "";
//if the link has been clicked, go to link
function on_click(e) {
if (inLink) {
// this function is where the link-related functions are embedded and does the job of changing the canvas contents (depending on the parameter METEODATA_MONTH or METEODATA_YEAR
return false; // is this necessary?
The code of print_meteosarriaYearMonthData is
function print_meteosarriaYearMonthData(yearOrMonth)
var canvas = document.getElementById("meteoinfo");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var linkWidth;
var linkHeight;
var linkX;
var linkY;
if (yearOrMonth == METEODATA_YEAR)
<...code to pint year>
// Print tab & dimmed month with link
<further code to print data on canvas>
linkWidth = ctx.measureText(month+"/"+year).width;
linkHeight = 30;
linkX = meteoYearDataYearAnchorX+50;
linkY = meteoYearDataYearAnchorY-20;;
draw_link(ctx); // CALL TO DRAW LINK FUNCTION
// Get yearly data
<code to get & print yearly data >
<code to print current month>
// start of draw_link, on_mousemove & on_click functions code
function draw_link(ctx)
function on_mousemove(ctx)
function on_click(ctx)
Forget the question. The code was OK. Apparently I was working with a previous wrong version of the Javascript file stored in the cache. Now it is working fine.
Excuse the inconveniences and thank you everybody (in particular to 'somethinghere') who may have looked at the post and try to find a cause for the behaviour I described.

javascript: multiple stop image toggle

I am trying to make an image button on my website toggle wallpaper change frequency options (off,5,10,15,30,30,90 minutes). I have created a custom image for each step (so the user can be aware of the current setting). When implemented the user should be able to repeatedly hit the button to toggle through all 7 options, ultimately looping back to the beginning.
I have some code to swap between two images (below), and have used it for other options on the site (wallpaper on/off), but I just can't figure out a way to get the code to work for my new needs.
if (imageId == 'image1') {
if (document.getElementById) {
var img = document.getElementById(imageId);
img.src = (img.src.indexOf("40_unlocked.jpg") != -1) ? "40_locked.jpg" : "40_unlocked.jpg";
I expect I will need to determine the current image, then use a switch to advance to the next option, something like the below, but I don't know how to determine the current image - hoping someone can offer a suggestion - thanks in advance!
function changeIt(img) {
var src;
switch ( {
case "example":
src = "n.gif";
case "example2":
src = "n2.gif";
case "example3":
src = "n3.gif";
img.src = (img.src.indexOf("jj.gif") < 0 ? "jj.gif" : src);
This should get you started
Name your images n0.gif through n6.gif.
//isolate the number of the current image
var num=this.src.split('.gif')[0].split('n')[1]-0;
//add 1 and take mod 7 to loop it back to 0 if it needed
//set the src to the new image
Try creating an array of all of the src urls & then toggle it like this.
function changeIt(img)
var src=img.src;
if (index+1>6)

My javascript popup shows for a split second if there's a cookie

I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. It works it just shows the popup for a split second. Would a timeout option be better? Which part is the problem? I'm a little new to Javascript so I don't really know what to exactly look for.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/** Create a html cookie and set expiry as a day. **/
function createCookie(name,value,days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = date.toGMTString();
document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; expires="+expires+"; path=/";
/** Check if already a cookie has been created. **/
function readCookie(name) {
var flag = 0;
var dcmntCookie = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < dcmntCookie.length;i++) {
var ck = dcmntCookie[i];
while (ck.charAt(0)==' ') {
ck = ck.substring(1,ck.length);
if(ck) {
cparts = ck.split('=');
if (cparts[0] == name) flag=1;
if(flag) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/** Check if cookie exists else create a new one. **/
function checkCookie(name) {
if (readCookie(name)) {
document.getElementById('google').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('google').style.visibility = "hidden";
else createCookie(name,"cookie 4 the day",1);
<script type="text/javascript">
function closeThisDiv()
var openDiv = document.getElementById('google'); = 'none';
<body onLoad="checkCookie('MyCookie')"
If your goal is to have the element with id="google" to be hidden from the very beginning of the page display (so it never shows), then you should add a CSS rule that loads in the head section like this:
#google {display: none;}
Or, you should add a style element to the HTML itself:
<div id="google" style="display:none"></div>
As your code is currently written, it sounds like it is doing what it is supposed to. It waits for the entire document to be loaded (including images) and then it hides the element with id="google". That means the item will show briefly while the page is loading and then your code will hide it.
If you can't modify the CSS or the HTML for the google object and you're just trying to hide it as soon as possible with javascript and the google object is present in the HTML of your page (not added programmatically), then you can do this:
other HTML here
// script that executes right before the /body tag
This will at least not wait for all images to load before hiding it.
I fixed it like this:
Create a css property of display:none; for #google
Then switch around the last portion of code to display only if they don't have the cookie, and to create the cookie.
/** Check if cookie exists else create a new one. **/
function checkCookie(name) {
if (readCookie(name)) {
else document.getElementById('google').style.display = "inline";
document.getElementById('google').style.visibility = "visibility";
createCookie(name,"cookie 4 the day",1);
In case anyone runs into this problem. Worked great for me.

Javascript if/else statement using image src as condition

I have a voting script with an arrow system (upvotes and downvotes).If user clicks upvote, the arrow changes to the green arrow, meaning vote registered. If they click again, I want the arrow to revert back to the original image. However, using my code, it changes the image on the first like, but doesn't revert back on a second click.
if (like.src = 'vote_triangle.png') {
like.src = 'vote_triangle_like.png';
} else {
like.src = 'vote_triangle.png';
Use a more lenient if statement like:
if (like.src.indexOf('vote_triangle.png')!=-1) {
like.src = 'vote_triangle_like.png';
} else {
like.src = 'vote_triangle.png';
I know it's a very old thread, but I would like to add my findings here for future reference.
I found the following code wasn't working:
function swapImage() {
var element = document.getElementById("myImage");
if (element.src == "image1.png") {
element.src = "image2.png";
} else {
element.src = "image1.png"
Showing alerts containing the element.src taught me it contained the full path to the image in my local machine. Thus, the if statement had been always evaluated to false.
To fix that in a logical manner, what I did was get the attribute of the element, as the following code shows.
function swapImage() {
var element = document.getElementById("myImage");
if (element.getAttribute("src") == "image1.png") {
element.src = "image2.png";
} else {
element.src = "image1.png";
By using the function getAttribute("attributeName"), I was able to retrieve the path contained in the src relatively to the project directory.
I would suggest, instead of using img soruce as conditional statement, use a global variable, change its state once the upvote is clicked by say +1 and for downvotes -1.
//when 0, show upvote image, make it a global by declaring before any function
var UpVote = 0;
//when upvote clicked, when greater than 0, show down vote img
UpVote = UpVote +1 ;
//conditional logic for img source
if(UpVote > 0){
like.src = 'vote_triangle.png';
like.src = 'vote_triangle_like.png';

