Why is my Bootstrap-Editable with Bootstrap-tables not working? - javascript

I am creating a table which needs editable fields..
This jquery element is appended to the page:
var container = $('#up-modal .modal-body');
var table = $('<table></table>');
table.attr('data-toggle', 'table');
table.attr('data-search', 'true');
table.attr('data-maintain-selected', 'true');
following this, the bootstrap table function is called
field: 'id',
title: 'ID',
align: 'center'
field: 'Permission',
title: 'Permission',
searchable: true
field: 'Extended',
name: 'Extended',
title: 'Properties',
type: 'text',
pk: 1,
title: 'Modify Properties',
name: 'Extended',
validate: function(value){
value = $.trim(value);
return 'Invalid json provided for properties';
field: 'Access',
title: 'Access',
data: tableData
The table is drawn correctly, but the fields are not editable. I can call $('.editable').editable(options) after the table is built and that works fine, but that stops working when pagination is involved.
I am using this example as a reference https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table-examples/blob/master/welcome.html
oh, and I should mention the proper scripts and css files are locally hosted and being included correctly in my html.
Library quick links:

Woops. As it turns out, there are compatibility issues with x-editable, bootstrap 3 and bootstrap-tables.
To fix this all I had to do was include the bootstrap-editable-tables extension


Change Extjs Grid Validation Text

I'm looking at an older project that is using ExtJS. Admittedly, I'm not too familiar with this framework so I learn as I go and as I am asked to fix things. My issue is that there is a grid and each column uses allowBlank: false. This causes a tooltip box to display with some info about what field(s) need to be populated. This all works great, but I am trying to change that text in that tooltip i.e. "Error", "Benefit Category Name: This field is required", and I can't seem to make this work. How can I target and change that text? I'll include a screenshot of the grid and tooptip that I am talking about for reference. I am also using ExtJS version 6.
Here is a sample of one of the grid columns:
columns: [
dataIndex: 'benefit_category_name',
text: 'Benefit Category Name',
flex: 1,
editor: {
xtype: 'combo',
store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
fields: [
data: [],
queryMode: 'local',
valueField: 'benefit_category_name',
displayField: 'benefit_category_name',
emptyText: 'Select one',
listeners: {
select: 'handleComboChange',
itemId: 'benefit_category_id',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
renderer: function(value, metaData) {
metaData.tdAttr = Ext.String.format('data-qtip="{0}"', value);
return value;
I tried to use the metaData property I read about in some other posts, but I can't seem to change the tooptip text (Error, Benefit Category Name: This field is required).
Here is a screenshot of the tooltip mentioned. I know this is an older framework, but any tips I could get would be useful. Thanks for your time.
Thats a simple validation example with custom message.
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank:false, // will show required message - remove key to display vtypeText only
validateBlank: true,
vtype: 'alpha', // check for available types or create / extend one
vtypeText: 'Please change to what you want ...',
renderTo: Ext.getBody()

w2ui grid hide and show not working properly

I am working on w2ui grid and I need to hide and show it based on certain condition. Grid is not showing back even though visibility:visible property is applied after it is hidden. It is just showing a line.
Please have a look at my code below:
<div id="LastMileGrid" class="col-lg-6 col-sm-12 col-md-6" style="width: 100%; height: 150px"></div>
name: 'LastMile',
show: {
toolbar: true,
footer: true,
toolbarReload: false,
toolbarColumns: false,
lineNumbers: true,
columns: [
{ field: 'recid', caption: 'ID', size: '10%', sortable: true },
//{ field: 'Header', caption: 'Header', size: '20%', editable: { type: 'text' }, sortable: true },
{ field: 'Description', caption: 'Description', size: '50%', editable: { type: 'text' }, sortable: true }
toolbar: {
items: [
{ id: 'add', type: 'button', caption: 'Add Record', icon: 'w2ui-icon-plus' },
{ id: 'remove', type: 'button', caption: 'Remove Record', icon: 'w2ui-icon-cross' }
onClick: function (event) {
if (event.target == 'add') {
var Index = w2ui['LastMile'].records.length;
w2ui['LastMile'].add({ recid: w2ui['LastMile'].records.length + 1 });
if (event.target == 'remove') {
var grid = w2ui["LastMile"];
grid.method = 'DELETE';
//records: [{ recid: 'AAA' }, { recid: 'BBB' }, { recid: 'CCC' }]
And when opening the pop up I call the function,
$('#popup').w2popup('open', {
onOpen: function () {
if ($("#ddlMode").val() == "AIR" && ($("#drpServiceScope").val() == "D2D" || $("#drpServiceScope").val() == "A2D")) {
$('#LastMileGrid').attr("style", "visibility:visible;height:160px:")
else {
$('#LastMileGrid').attr("style", "visibility:collapse;")
modal: true,
You can try to call w2ui["LastMile"].refresh() after hiding or showing.
Answering to help others as I am late :D.
After spending a lot of time to resolve the issue,I have formulize below 2 solutions for w2ui grid show hide issue or column size issue :
1.Change the size of columns to px instead of %.
ie. use
{ field: 'lname', caption: 'Last Name', size: '30px' }
instead of
{ field: 'lname', caption: 'Last Name', size: '30%' },
2. If you wish to keep column size in % due to some requirement:
Depending on where you are rendering grid,you need to handle the resizing.
Calling refresh on grid will send data request again to server.
I don't wanted grid to make call to server each time I show/hide grid, hence written the resize of my own.
To help understand the function please note that in my application,
I have followed naming convention as follows:
If I create a grid then it will be id+"_grid",
If create a form that it will be id+"_form",
same for layout id+"_layout".
So I can get the associated component to a id and establish relation between them.
Call resize() function after you call show().
If below function doesn't help, try adding some milli seconds delay between show and my function resize().
function resize(id){
var grid=id+"_grid";
var layout=id+"_layout";
var form=id+"_form";
if($(w2ui[layout].el("main")).hasClass("w2ui-grid")){ /*means in w2ui layouts main has grid hence call resize. Calling refresh on layout "main" will make grid to reload data again ,hence grid resizing is handled in next case */
w2ui[layout].refresh();/*means main has element other than grid so refresh */
w2ui[grid].resize(); //if grid is directly rendered without a layout resize helps

Kendo UI grid export excel and pdf export, no file created

I am trying to create a kendo grid with excel export. My data is shown precisely as I want it and the grid works fine. However, the saveAsExcel function triggers the excelExport event, but no file is created. Same problem with the pdf export.
Here is my grid options:
grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
height: 500,
scrollable: true,
groupable: true,
sortable: true,
filterable: false,
excel: {
excelExport: function(e) {
console.log('Firing Export');
pdfExport: function(e){
console.log('PDF export');
columns: [
{ field: "date", title: "Time", template: "#= kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(date), 'MM/dd/yyyy') #", width: '120px'},
{ field: "customer", title: "Customer" },
{ field: "amount", title: "Total", format: "{0:c}", width: '70px', aggregates: ["sum"]},
{ field: "paid_with", title: "Payment", width: '130px'},
{ field: "source", title: "Source" },
{ field: "sale_location", title: "Sale Location" }
This ajax is called whenever the search parameters for the data is changed. Where I refresh the datasource.
'success':function(response) {
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: response.data.invoices,
pageSize: 100000,
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
date: {type: "string"},
customer: { type: "string" },
amount: { type: "number" },
paid_with: {type: "string"},
source: {type:"string"},
sale_location: {type:"string" }
The output from my console log is.
Firing Export.
A worksheet object.
Object {sheets: Array[1]}sheets: Array[1]0: Objectlength: 1__proto__: Array[0]__proto__: Object
and and array with these objects for every row in the grid:
0: o
_events: Object
_handlers: Object
amount: 40.45
customer: "customer 1"
date: "2015-11-25T00:00:00-08:00"
dirty: false
employee: 23
paid_with: "Check"
parent: ()
sale_location: "Main"
source: "POS"
uid: "70b2ba9c-15f7-4ac3-bea5-f1f2e3c800d3"
I have the latest version of kendo, I am loading jszip. I am running it on the latest version of chrome.
I have tried all kinds of variations of this code I can think of, including removing my schema, initializing the kendo anew every time in the callback.
Anyone got any idea why this would not work?
Every example on this I can find make it look super simple, just create the grid and call export... So I have to have overlooked something.
I am grateful for any ideas about this.
It could be because the filename is missing.
Here the part with the filename added:
excel: {
fileName: "Kendo UI Grid Export.xlsx"
You can take a look here : Grid Excel Export
And here for the pdf: Grid Pdf Export
I have some following suggestion.
Can you add kendo deflate pako script file into your code and try.
Then remove the pdf export event and just try to export a pdf with toolbar default functionality..check whether its working or not.
try to add a data-source ajax call with in a grid option using kendo-transport technique with read method. http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/data/datasource#configuration-transport

Display image along with text in a cell when in non-edit mode

I'm evaluating the Kendo UI Gantt chart to see if it fits our project requirements.
One particular requirement is to display a status column which would be a drop down in edit mode and has three statuses
Red 2. Green 3. Yellow, along with an image indicator something like what is shown in the image below
I am able to achieve the above effect when i edit a cell after using a custom editor for the drop down
function statusDropDownEditor(container, options) {
$('<input data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')
dataTextField: "Status",
dataValueField: "StatusId",
valueTemplate: '<img class="selected-value" src="#:data.Url#" alt="#:data.Status#" /><span>#:data.Status#</span>',
template: '<img class="selected-value" src="#:data.Url#" alt="#:data.Status#" /><span>#:data.Status#</span>',
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: function (e) {
// on success
e.success([{ Status: 'Not Started', StatusId: '0', Url: 'Image/red.png' }, { Status: 'Red', StatusId: '1', Url: 'Image/red.png' }, { Status: 'Green', StatusId: '2', Url: 'Image/red.png' }, { Status: 'Yellow', StatusId: '3', Url: 'Image/red.png' }]);
// on failure
//e.error("XHR response", "status code", "error message");
The Gantt Column for Status looks like the below snippet
{ field: "status", title: "Status", editable: true, width: 150, editor: statusDropDownEditor, template: '<img class="selected-value" src="#:data.Url#" alt="#:data.Status#" /><span>#:data.Status#</span>' }
However when done with selecting a particular item from drop down and on exiting the edit mode this is how the cell looks like
Seems like the default cell template in read only mode does not render html and the invokes the toString of the object bound to the cell, is there a way to fix this in the kendo UI Gantt
I have been trying to solve the same issue today and it looks like gantt columns do not support the template properties.
I have created a new feature suggestion on the Kendo user feedback site. If enough people vote for it maybe they will implement this.
The only work around I found was to prepend an image tag onto the field column like this. But this solution is not conditional.
<div id="gantt"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var gantt = $("#gantt").kendoGantt({
dataSource: [
id: 1,
title: "apples",
orderId: 0,
parentId: null,
start: new Date("2015/1/17"),
end: new Date("2015/10/17"),
id: 2,
orderId: 1,
parentId: null,
title: "banana",
start: new Date("2015/1/17"),
end: new Date("2015/3/17"),
views: [
{ type: "year", selected: true }
columns: [
{ field: "title", title: "fruit", width: 220 },
{ field: "start", title: "start", width: 80 }
$(".k-grid-content tbody[role='rowgroup'] tr[role='row'] td:first-child").prepend("<img href='#' alt='image here'></img>");
The sample page is on git.

sending textfield data to servlet in ExtJS

I want send a text field data to a servlet page. I dont know the process. I give the code for textbox and a button below.
var movie_form = new Ext.FormPanel({
renderTo: document.body,
frame: true,
title: 'Personal Information Form',
width: 250,
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Firstname',
name: 'firstname',
allowBlank: false
This is the code ofr a textbox and a button. when i click the button the data of the field will go to a servlet page. But I cant do that. Please any one help me. the name of the servlet page is url_servlet
in your service method (get or post )
you can get your data field values by the attribute "name".
String firstname = reg.getParameter("firstname");
For handling the data in the backend check #The Suresh Atta's answer.
I found some errata in your code:
1) Construct an Ext component with the Ext.create function.
2) Use Ext.getBody() to get the document body.
3) Put your fields in the items config and buttons in the buttons config (Not always the best practice).
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
frame: true,
title: 'Personal Information Form',
width: 250,
url: 'url_servlet',// The form will submit an AJAX request to this URL when submitted
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Firstname',
name: 'firstname',
allowBlank: false
buttons: [{
text: 'Save',
handler: function() {
var form = this.up('form').getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
success: function(form, action) {
Console.log('Success', action.result.msg);
failure: function(form, action) {
Console.log('Failed', action.result.msg);
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
I hope this helps you a bit ;)

