Should I learn Angularjs first or Laravel? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a beginner web developer, I decided to learn my first framework so it's my first time to use a framework and I decided to learn Angularjs & Laravel. which one should I start with ?
PS: I code in PHP and I know PHP OOP, also I'm kinda good at JS

Depends on what you want to do.
Basically, if you want to learn by your the self, I think the best way is to have a project.
Not a huge one which should start a revolution on internet, and that you will stop in two months.
One that you need to use and develop for a long time.
It can be lot of things, I let you think about it.
So if you want to do some JS project (canvas, multimedia streaming etc...), you should learn angularJS.
If you prefer to do some data / or server side project, it is better to learn Laravel.
You probably can find some project which need both of frameworks =) - mapping, or multimedia big data I do not know.

I think you should learn Angular first, as it is comparatively easy then Laravel.
Best tutorial I think for AngularJS is its official free course
I learnt from this videos only, its really helpful


Should I learn javascript again after learning Reactjs? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I learned javascript 6 months ago and made many projects to practice it. After that I stop learning and revising javascript as I learned MERN stack. But now I am not feeling confident about my javascript skills.
Should I revise it again or should I continue to learn and practice Reactjs?
You should learn Javascript again if you want to be a good developer. There are 2 kinds of developers out there:
How group - This kind of developer knows how to do things. They know the syntaxes. Then when working on large applications they can't debug things well. They're just copy, & paste experts.
Why group - These people not only know how to do it but also know why the code doing this way. For example, they don't only know what is lexical scoping, but also how scoping works under the hood using a closure.
End of the day, I wanna say, if you only know how to write Javascript, then Javascript seems like a magical thing for you. But if you also know how Javascript works under the hood, you will be a magical thing to Javascript.

questions about php and node.js with answers [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm working with PHP and I love this language but when I look at big websites there a small percentage of them using PHP and the rest of using node.js etc, so based on the big websites like Netflix, etc, have some questions
1- Is PHP required in companies?
2- what PHP framework should I learn
3- what frontend framework, etc, good for PHP?
4- is node.js better than PHP
if there is anything wrong or you can correct me I'm here to learn :)
I'm very lost I really need the answer I don't know where to go.
in PHP there is no way to automatically refresh the page however
there is a guide on this page to do that
if you started to use a framework like Laravel you can do that with
the Browsersync plugin
I have seen a lot of PHP and Laravel projects requests in freelancing
websites than node js so yes it's required
both languages are needed there is no language better than the other
one each one have its use cases

How is the best combination for Laravel VueJs? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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actually i just learn about Vue.js and i have some knowledge using Laravel. I want to combine both of them, im searching for tutorials on internet and i found 2 kind of combination.
the first one is they separate Laravel and Vue, and the second one they combine both of them in Laravel Directory. Which one is the best for use guys? and can you guys tell me what is the benefits of each other? thank you so much.
These are different types of frameworks. You can build a nice UI independently. Yes, you can use both together. In your case, the Laravel will be API backend.
That don't have to be SSR. A Vue.js project can work with any API backend if you can. For example, you have developed a CRM front-end. Its backend can develop using Laravel or .NET Core. Vue doesn't care about it.
If the returned results are the same, you don't need to spend more effort.
What's the SPA?
A single-page application works in the browser and requires no page reloads and no extra time for waiting. The page doesn’t need to be updated since the content is downloaded automatically.
You already use these types of applications every day. Twitter, Trello, Facebook, Gmail, etc.
Actually, if your project needs to Vue.js, use it. In this case, you should ask this question yourself, "Why do we need a Single Page Application?".
The answer to the second question, yes you can. But you don't need to put them to the same directory.
As I said, benefits depend on your project's needs. Enterprise applications are could want to have different microservices, layers, etc.
Laravel and similar frameworks helping these kinds of needs.
I hope these pieces of information could help you.
Why do we need a Single Page Applications
Single-page application vs. Multi-page application
Single Page Application: advantages and disadvantages

Which code design pattern should I use in nodejs? How to design good data base? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have experience in games development(C/C++/C#) but recently I started writing automated test and I wanted to learn some backend stuff. I'm writin platform for automated backups, making builds from git repo and testing. I decide to write server in Node.js with PostgreSQL. I have 0 experience in web development. Never ever have I use a database or javascript. I think homemade project like that will be a good starting point. I want to ask two questions. First: Which code design patter will be the best for learning Node.js? Second - Could you please tell me if this pre-alpha database concept is currently good or should I change it?database
No one will be able to answer your questions as you asked them but I'll try to give you few hints. First of all PostgreSQL is a very good relational database so if you need a relational database then it's a good choice but there are other types of databases like graph databases, document databases, key-value stores etc. that you should also consider when designing your architecture. For anything complex it is common to use more than one database.
It's hard to recommend any code design pattern. I can only recommend starting from a good style guide like the one from Airbnb and enforcing it with a linter - see: - and following a style guide writing your backend in a style supported and recommended by a given framework that you're going to use. Some examples: Express, Hapi, Restify, LoopBack, Serverless, Seneca, Koa, Sails, etc. Google all of them and read examples to see which one feels best suited for your needs.
Links to more frameworks to consider:

Learning/applying jQuery before JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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NOTE: I am not in any way asking whether or not I should learn JavaScript before jQuery. I understand that jQuery is simply a framework for JavaScript and as such JavaScript should be learned first.
I currently know HTML and CSS and I'm looking to expand into JavaScript. I have used several resources from tuts+ to treehouse to learn HTML and CSS, but recently I stumbled across a website called code school that I really enjoy using.
When I go to their JavaScript section, it appears they skip JavaScript all together and jump right into jQuery. My question is - should I learn JavaScript on some other website before learning jQuery on code school? Or do you think it's a good idea to just learn jQuery right out of the gate like they basically force you to do on their site?
jQuery is just a Javascript library. You can't use jQuery without knowing Javascript.
However, by following jQuery tutorials, you may be able to pick up enough Javascript to get along. But if this is the first procedural language you're using, you may also get very confused.
NetTuts, as good as it is for exposing a variety of different frameworks, is not a great place to learn jQuery or JavaScript. I would recommend getting your hands on some books referenced here:

