How to have control over backbutton hit in javascript? - javascript

I have used the concept from below link..It worked.
detecting browser back button in javascript/jquery without using any external plugins
but my problem is,
I have a dialog box which shows different input fields.
So, what i have did is when i click on back button i making that dialog to hide. But at the same time i am using the areyousure.js warning message at popup.. When i change any input field on popup and click on backbutton,I am getting a warning message as "You have unsaved changes. Stay on this page" or "leave this page." but when i click on the stay on this page the popup is getting hide as according to concept of that link.
So , what iam trying is, when i click backbutton after changing anyfield in dialog box , i must get that warining msg and if i click stay on page it should be stay there..
When i dont change any thing just have clicked back button i must just hide the dialog box and load the page..
Hope you all understand my problem.If so, please give me a solution.
My approach for hiding the dialog box when no changes are done on the pop up
bajb_backdetect.OnBack = function()
var popDiv = $('#popupModal #progressDiv');
var popIframe = popDiv.find('#pop-iframe');
I cant do changes in my areyousure.js pages as it is used in most of the code. Some code dont have the dialogboxes..
So, in the current page , i need to valdate both the coditions..

I think this is the solution for you: Detect/Warn when back button is pressed
Let us know if it helps


how to prevent window back button and close tab with javascript

now im doing laravel project. i want to implement javascript code only for preventing the back button and close tab window. i read the article that we can use onbeforeunload(). but this code not suitable with me. because the warning message will display when i want to go to another link menu on my site..
here is my code
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return "Do you really want to leave?";
above code still have problem to me :
i must click at list 1 time on the side. then click close tab, so the pop up will display. if i dont click, the pop up not display and directly close the tab.
im using opera browser but the custom message not display same as what i type. it display "Changes you made may not be saved.". How do i could display the sentence as same as i type?
is there any other code that just prevent only for back button and close the tab? so went i want to navigate to other link menu on my site, the warning message not display.
please help
//you should $event.return = "";
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function ($event) {
return $event.returnValue = "";

Content hide/show

my goal is to hide the content of my homepage when someone visits. onClick to begin button the content should be shown. Content should stay open when user goes to other page and comes back to homepage. But it will be hidden when user closes the window and opens up the homepage again. To achieve this goal I have put the following code but it keeps the content open even when user closes and opens the window. So please help me out.
if (! localStorage.noFirstVisit) {
// hide the element
// check this flag for escaping this if block next time
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1";
Another issue is when the content shows the design gets little messed up(by widening the divs, bringing horizontal scroll)
I would highly appreciate if you check website, suggest me fix or show me proper way to achieve this goal.
You can totally use sessionStorage to detect whether it is new tab(window) or not.
When you first visit this page, set sessionStorage.noFirstVisit = "1";.
After you go to another page and back, sessionStorage.noFirstVisit is still "1".
But when you close the tab or browser and open the page newly again, sessionStorage.noFirstVisit will be undefined.
Documentation is here
The documentation also provide the difference between sessionStorage and localStorage.
I would suggest reading this: Detect Close windows event by Jquery
It goes over window unloading (beforeunload), which I believe is what you're after. You can set/unset your localstorage values there based on certain criteria being met; for example:
$(window).on("beforeunload", function() {
if(localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1" {
// do something
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "[someValue]"
else {
// do something
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1"
Another issue is when the content shows the design gets little messed up(by widening the divs, bringing horizontal scroll)
how about adding something like 'ng-cloak' in angular, to avoid the undesirable flicker effect caused by show/hide.
when clicking the roll-button, it prevents the divs from showing unfinished..

SharePoint 2013: Redirect to different page after cancel button is hit

I am using SharePoint 2013. I have a custom list form for Feedback and Suggestions. Currently, to access the form, a user clicks on a link that takes them directly to the New Item form.
What I am trying to accomplish:
- When a user clicks save, they are taken to a "Thank You" page.
- When a user clicks cancel, they are taken back to the home page.
Things I have done:
- On the link to the new form, I have added "?source=(URL for Thank You Page" - This accomplished the Save button task, but not the Cancel button task.
What I need help with:
I need to know how to override the default cancel button. Right now it also redirects to the Thank you page. I need it to go to the Home Page.
The only thing I can do to edit the form is add code snippets.
Thanks in advance!
SharePoint out of the box behavior is to send the user to the url in the Source querystring parameter WHEN THEY CLICK EITHER THE SAVE BUTTON OR THE CANCEL BUTTON on the new form.
Since the OP is experiencing different behavior, it is possible (maybe even likely) that someone has added code to the master page of her site to override the oob behavior.
Anyone coming here looking for how to redirect the Cancel button, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check the behavior in your own site before spending hours hunting for some esoteric solution like one of my user's did. I showed him how to use the source parameter, and we solved his issue in <1 minute.
To accomplish this I did the following:
To redirect after Save button is pushed:
Create a Thank You page and copy the URL. Save for Later.
Add "?source=" then the url from step 1 to the end of the link that takes you to your new item page.
EX: https://NewItemForm.aspx?Source=https://ThankYou.aspx
That will redirect to the Thank you page, if you hit save or cancel.
To Fix the Cancel button, do the following as well:
Go to your list > Form Web Parts (in the ribbon) > Default New Form
Insert Script Editor Web Part
Add the following code:
function goToByePage(){
function overrideCancel()
//Custom input button
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = "button"; = "Cancel";
input.value = "Cancel"; = "custominput";
document.querySelectorAll('.ms-toolbar input[value=Cancel]')[1].parentNode.appendChild(input);
document.getElementById("custominput").setAttribute("class", "ms-ButtonHeightWidth");
//Hiding already implemented cancel buttons
document.querySelectorAll('.ms-toolbar input[value=Cancel]')[0].style.display = "none";
document.querySelectorAll('.ms-toolbar input[value=Cancel]')[1].style.display = "none";
//this is main logic to move history back
document.getElementById("custominput").setAttribute("onclick", "goToByePage();");
This will remove the upper cancel button that was in the ribbon, and make the cancel button on the form take you back to whatever page is listed in the goToByePage function.
The code for this comes from 2 different sources:
Hope this helps someone else in the future!

How to clear the text of asp:TextBox when user again open the pop up window?

I follow How to clear a textbox using javascript but my scenario is little change. I have a login button and when user click on login a pop-up window is open. He fill the textbox and for some reason he go back to main page. When he again come to login popup window he previous value is not cleared. May be this is because the page is not loaded. And I do not want to load page again. I want to use JQuery/JavaScript to remove the entered text. I has idea that I write code inside Close button but I don't know how to clear the textboxes. Please help.
Here is the code, scenario is that I used popup for login and sign up. In login popup there is link "Don't have login Id" when user click on it the sign up pop up with form is open.
Don't have Login Id
And the JavaScript method is
<script type="text/javascript">
function function_deletePreviousData(){
document.getElementById("signUp").value = "";
But nothing happened. I think this is because I don't give element id, I just give id of element which I used to land on sign up pop up form. Any idea for clear all form without accessing all elements and give it null value.
Instead of including code in close button click event, we should write code in login button click.This is one of my suggestion.
Try this once:
<script type="text/javascript">
function LoginButtonClick() {
document.getElementById`("TextBox_Id").value = "";
jQuery("#LoginButton_Id").Click( function()
} );
Finally I find the method in JQuery to reset all fields. Just Trigger reset.
Thanks all for help.

Javascript alert popup form

i have search this whole site and google but cannot find it so, here goes!
i would like a way to show a form when using alert.
for example, when user click post, a dialog pop with asking user a few question like a html form and allow user to click submit or reset or cancel, without loading a new page.
i have seen this done but cannot find the same site again.
i have tried putting htm to alert with little success of posting.
any Help is Highly Appreciated!
What you are looking for is a Prompt Box:
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_prompt() {
var name = prompt('Please enter your name','Poppy');
if (name != null && name != "") {
example taken from here:
you can do this with jQuery dialogs -- load the dialog on user click and have a form presented in the dialog. have a look at the demos here:
To complete #Liv's answer you can use jQuery's UI
Reference: Modal Form
The example shows how to create a new user. It will pop up a dialog where you complete a form and you can submit it or you can cancel it.
Use a modal dialog to require that the user enter data during a multi-step process. Embed form markup in the content area, set the modal option to true, and specify primary and secondary user actions with the buttons option.
It pretty much what I understood you need.
Good luck!
HTML can't be placed in system dialogs generated by alert(), confirm() or prompt(). However, you can download jQuery UI and set it up on your Website. (Make sure you have the "dialog" component chosen on the download page.) Then in your JavaScript:
$("<div>Place your HTML here</div>").appendTo("body").dialog({
modal: true,
title: "Enter a title here"
Make sure you run this code after the page has loaded by using either window.onload or $(document).ready().
You will not be able to do this with alert, but you should take a look at how to create modal windows.
I recommend you to use a div popup. What you have to do is setting a background on top of all other elements except the div where your form is. The css property display will be set to 'none' until the form is then activated, by setting display = "block". That can be performed using javascript.

