Issues retrieving fbsdk Access Token and User ID - javascript

I am trying to retrieve the Access Token and User ID of the logged in user in my React Native App. For some reason when I tried to update the fbsdkcore package, it did not exist anymore. So, I tried to resolve it within the general fbsdk package.
I am calling the js file (of which I think retrieves the accesstoken) in the package as:
const AccessToken = require('react-native-fbsdk/js/FBAccessToken');
And subsequently in my code I try to log it so that I can see if it works, simply by:
But the log only returns:
2016-05-05 10:22:28.276 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] { _45: 0, _81: 0, _65: null, _54: null }
2016-05-05 10:22:28.277 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] undefined
Which does not seem to be the droids that im looking for.
I inspected the code for the js file in the fbsdk package and the getCurrentAccessToken code looks like this:
* Getter for the access token that is current for the application.
static getCurrentAccessToken(): Promise<?FBAccessToken> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken((tokenMap) => {
if (tokenMap) {
resolve(new FBAccessToken(tokenMap));
} else {
Which of course seems reasonable. But since I get this really weird result when I try to call it, I get worried over that I have done something wrong in the bigger picture. I even modified the resolve(null) part of the code so that I could make sure of what happend. But it still returned the same weird "token".
The log also returns this error when logging in:
2016-05-05 10:22:07.630 AppName[15097:415865] -canOpenURL: failed for URL: "fbauth2:/" - error: "(null)"
But I think that is only because I don't have the facebook app on my xcode simulator.
Can anybody throw me a good guess on what I have done wrong??

GetCurrentAccestoken returns a promise.
Maybe you can try:
(data) => {

Try this. It worked for me
(data) => {

function (result) {
if (result.isCancelled) {
alert('Login cancelled');
} else {
// alert('Login success with permissions: ' +
// result.grantedPermissions.toString());
(data) => {
doLoginViaFb(data.userID, data.accessToken);
function (error) {
alert('Login fail with error: ' + error);


React Admin parseResponse doesn't trigger when query returns error

I'm using React Admin and ra-data-graphQl, when I update something in my UserEdit component all works perfect, BUT, when I need to handle the error message from the API, I don't know where catch it.
This is my Update query:
case 'UPDATE': {
const updateParams = { ...params };
return {
query: gql`mutation updateUser($id: ID!, $data: UpdateUser!) {
data: updateUser(id: $id,input:$data) {
variables: {
data: {,
parseResponse: (response) => {
console.log('tr response: ', response);
When the API returns an error, it never reach the console.log.
I was searching a list with options here ( searching something like "parseError", but I did not find nothing similar.
I need to catch the error and show a message in the UserEdit form.
Reading the link that I share in this post, it say this:
but must return an object matching the options of the ApolloClient query method with an additional parseResponse function.
I understand that I should go to the link in the word "query" and check if there is something like "parserError", but the link is broken:
Any help?
Ok, its easier. By adding the onFailure function I can handle the error.

Implementing a custom ember-simple-auth Authenticator

Firstly, I am not a seasoned JS Developer, so please excuse obvious mistakes that I could have made.
I am trying to implement a custom Authenticator for authenticating a user with Keycloak using the OAuth2 Password Grant which requires the client_id be passed as part of the request body.
import OAuth2PasswordGrant from 'ember-simple-auth/authenticators/oauth2-password-grant';
export default OAuth2PasswordGrant.extend({
serverTokenEndpoint: 'http://localhost:8080/something/token',
makeRequest(url, data, headers = {}) {
data.client_id = 'my-app';
return this._super(url, data, headers);
I have a controller that uses this Authenticator by calling this action:
actions: {
authenticate() {
let {username, password} = this.getProperties('username', 'password');
this.get('session').authenticate('authenticator:oauth2', username, password).then(() => {
// Do something
}).catch((response) => {
// Show error
This causes Firefox to hang and gives me an unresponsive script message.
If I remove the return from the makeRequest() method, I can see from the browser debugger that the call to Keycloak actually returns correctly with the object that contains my token etc. However ember inspector shows some errors related to unresolved promises. But I guess that's because I'm no longer returning the promise.
What am I doing wrong here?
How can I fix the unresponsive script issue?
Is there another way for me to achieve my goal?
Edit 1: This is when I remove the return
Here is the actual object that is returned:
This is what ember inspector (Promises) shows:
Here is the stacktrace from the Promise:
Ember Inspector ($E): authenticate/<#http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:77927:9
Actually you solution looks like right.
I guess you have a problem in server response or mismatch request methods GET/POST. To solve this try to debug promise inside makeRequest.
return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch(url, options).then((response) => {
response.text().then((text) => { //<-- here debug text
let json = text ? JSON.parse(text) : {};
if (!response.ok) { //<-- and here debug response
response.responseJSON = json;
} else {
So if problem will here, just rewrite whole method of makeRequest and add you own promise with custom fetch.
Another way is to write custom Authenticator, overriding authenticate, restore and (optionally) invalidate methods as wrote in documentation:

Parse Server Cloud Code Update User

I am attempting to update a parse user field and the function stops in the middle of it:
Parse.Cloud.define("modifyAdminStatus", function(request, response) {
var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
var isAdmin = request.params.adminStatus;
console.log("isAdmin:" + isAdmin);
userQuery.equalTo("username", request.params.username);
userQuery.find({ useMasterKey: true,
success: function(user) {
console.log("Got User")
user.set("isAdmin", isAdmin);
console.log("Set Status");, {useMasterKey: true,
success: function(user) {
error: function(error) {
error: function(error) {
I dont get any syntax errors, when i run the code i get:
Got User
[ ParseUser { _objCount: 2, className: '_User', id: '2vigcitsl6' } ]
in my console. However, it seems to stop the code after i attempt to set the admin status. I have tried running it using useMasterKey but that didnt do anything so maybe I'm missing something and where the useMasterKey should go?
The answer is:
... code here
Returns an array, using query.first (or selecting one object from the array) instead will get one object and allow you to set things on it.
When you're trying to save the user, parse expects two parameters. The first should be an object containing any changes, and the second should be the save options.
So in your case, simply change your save to (null, {useMasterKey:true, success...})
The way you have it now would create a column on Parse.User entitled useMasterKey, if permissions allow.

A promise was created in a handler but was not returned from it

I've just started using bluebird promises and am getting a confusing error
Code Abstract
jQueryPostJSON = function jQueryPostJSON(url, data) {
return Promise.resolve(
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: JSON.stringify(data)
).then(function(responseData) {
console.log("jQueryPostJSON response " + JSON.stringify(responseData, null, 2));
return responseData;
completeTask = function completeTask(task, variables) {
console.log("completeTask called for taskId: ";
//FIXME reform variables according to REST API docs
var variables = {
"action" : "complete",
"variables" : []
return jQueryPostJSON(hostUrl + 'service/runtime/tasks/', variables)
.then(function() {
msg: "Completed Task. Definition Key: " + task.taskDefinitionKey,
type: "success",
displaySec: 3
return null;
The jQueryPostJSON function seems to work fine as is when used else where, but in that case there is data returned from the server.
When it's used within complete task, the POST is successful as can be seen on the server side, but the then function is never called instead in the console I get the error
completeTask called for taskId: 102552
bundle.js:20945 spin target: [object HTMLDivElement]
bundle.js:20968 spinner started
bundle.js:1403 Warning: a promise was created in a handler but was not returned from it
at jQueryPostJSON (http://localhost:9000/dist/bundle.js:20648:22)
at Object.completeTask (http://localhost:9000/dist/bundle.js:20743:14)
at http://localhost:9000/dist/bundle.js:21051:15
From previous event:
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (http://localhost:9000/dist/bundle.js:21050:10)
at HTMLDocument.handleObj.handler (http://localhost:9000/dist/bundle.js:5892:30)
at HTMLDocument.jQuery.event.dispatch (http://localhost:9000/dist/bundle.js:10341:9)
at HTMLDocument.elemData.handle (http://localhost:9000/dist/bundle.js:10027:28)
bundle.js:1403 Unhandled rejection (<{"readyState":4,"responseText":"","sta...>, no stack trace)
The warning I get the reason for, that's not the issue.
It's the Unhandled rejection and the fact that there was in fact no error from the POST.
line 21050 is here I am testing the combination of these to functions from separate modules
jQuery(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+]', function() {
console.log("test key pressed");
.then(function(task) {
Output from the first function call api.getCurrentProcessInstanceTask() seems to indicate it is working correctly, but here it is anyway
getCurrentProcessInstanceTask = function getCurrentProcessInstanceTask() {
if (!currentProcess || ! {
return Promise.reject(new Error("no currentProcess is set, cannot get active task"));
var processInstanceId =;
return Promise.resolve(jQuery.get(hostUrl + "service/runtime/tasks", {
processInstanceId: processInstanceId
.then(function(data) {
console.log("response: " + JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
currentProcess.tasks =;
// if( > 1){
// throw new Error("getCurrentProcessInstanceTask expects single task result. Result listed "" tasks!");
// }
console.log("returning task id: "[0].id);
You're getting the warning because you are - as it says - not returning the promise from the then handler.
Where the rejection is coming from would best be tracked by catching it and logging it. That there is no stack trace suggests that you (or one of the libs you use) is throwing a plain object that is not an Error. Try finding and fixing that.
Your call should look like this:
api.getCurrentProcessInstanceTask().then(function(task) {
return api.completeTask(task);
// ^^^^^^
}).catch(function(err) {
// ^^^^^

Ember data: Rollback createRecord on error

I'm trying to find the best way to avoid adding a record when there's an error using Ember Data:
This is my code:
createUser: function() {
// Create the new User model
var user ='user', {
firstName: this.get('firstName'),
lastName: this.get('lastName'),
email: this.get('email')
}); {
console.log("User saved.");
}, function(response) {
I'm validating the schema on backend and returning a 422 Error in case it fails.
If I don't handle the error, the record is added to the site and I also get a console error.
So I did this: {
console.log("User saved.");
}, function(response) {
Which kind of works deleting the record after reading the server response but:
1) I see the record appearing and dissapearing (like a visual glitch to say it somehow).
2) The console error still appears.
Is there a way to better handle this? I mean, is there a way to avoid adding the record when the server returns an error? Is there a way to avoid showing the console error?
Thanks in advance
You'll need to catch the error in the controller and then use deleteRecord() to remove it from the store:
actions: {
createContent() {
let record ='post', {
title: ''
.then(rec => {
// do stuff on success
.catch(err => {
// do other stuff on error

