Issues with rotating jqueryUI modal - javascript

I am trying to build a modal that rotates to a particular element, $(.linkmoddet), based on a clicked element in the navbar $('.selectcircle') using the .switchClass function in jQueryUI.
However, I am having issues with the actual math involved, often causing:
only one or two elements to rotate at a time.
multiple elements gaining classes but not losing them.
occasionally losing all the classes involved, defaulting the element in question to a standard size and position in CSS.
Edit: This has now been fixed.
var selectcircle = $('.selectcircle');
var linkmoddet = $('.linkmoddet');{
var circleindex = $(this).index()-1;
var centerindex;
selectcircle.each(function (index){
if (circleindex == index)
linkmoddet.each(function (index){
if ($(this).hasClass('moddetcenter'))
centerindex = $(this).index();
console.log("the center is index #"+centerindex);
var rotation = centerindex - circleindex;
//This is where I start having issues.
var i = $(this).index() + rotation;
var j;
if (i <= -1)
j = i + moddetids.length-1;
if (i >= moddetids.length)
j = i - moddetids.length;
if (rotation < 0)
j = i-1;
j = i+1;
$(this).switchClass(classes[i], classes[j]);
Does anyone have an idea on how to achieve the desired results, possibly in a simpler manner than described above?

Alright, it turns out that I figured it out by doing the following:
linkmoddet.each(function (index){
var classnum;
var newrot;
if ($(this).hasClass('moddetcenter'))
classnum = 2;
if (rotation < 0)
rotation += classes.length;
if (classnum + rotation >= classes.length)
newrot = classnum + rotation - classes.length;
else if (rotation != 0)
/* This is repeated for all the classes available in the classes array.
* ie: 0 being the first class, 1 being the second, etc. It's not an
* elegant solution, but it works for my current needs at the moment
* while I put it in a function in the future. */


How do I iterate through a loop 1 by 1 removing a classList value each time an event is fired?

I have a function attached to a scroll-down event which adds a class one by one to an array of items. I want to now make a function that does the opposite and attach it to a scroll up event. Any help will be met with great praise!
I made a function that when the scroll up event is fired it removes all the classes from the array, but I want to remove them one by one.
var slide = document.querySelectorAll('div.about-slide');
This is the function im using to add the classes to the elements one by one
function addOnScroll() {
for ( var i = 0; i < slide.length; i++){
This is fired on a scroll up event, it removes all the added class from the code above. But I want it to remove the classes one by one.
function removeOnScroll() {
for ( var i = 0; i < slide.length; i++){
The mouse scroll event I'm using.
function onDocumentMouseScroll( event ) {
if( - lastMouseWheelStep > 600 ) {
lastMouseWheelStep =;
var delta = event.detail || -event.wheelDelta;
if( delta > 0 ) {
else if( delta < 0 ) {
So, why not do the opposite of what you do on the scroll down ?
function addOnScroll() {
for (var i = 0; i < slide.length; i++) {
if (slide[i].classList.contains('scroll')) {
} else {
function removeOnScroll() {
for (var i = slide.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!slide[i].classList.contains('scroll')) {
} else {
However, to simplify your code you could just do a new selection each time
function addOnScroll() {
var next = document.querySelector('div.about-slide:not(.scroll)');
if (next)
function removeOnScroll() {
var all = document.querySelectorAll('div.about-slide.scroll'),
last = all[all.length - 1]
if (last)
You can improve below code and it will help updating class one by one Fiddle.
// For Chrome
window.addEventListener('mousewheel', mouseWheelEvent);
// For Firefox
window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', mouseWheelEvent);
function mouseWheelEvent(e) {
var slide = document.getElementsByClassName("about-slide");
var bScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
for (var i = 0; i < slide.length; i++) {
var sHeight = slide[i].offsetHeight;
var offsets = slide[i].offsetTop;
if (bScroll > offsets && bScroll < offsets + sHeight) {
} else {

Touch Events not registering for HTML5 Canvas Authoring using Flash CC

I have been having some issues when it comes to authoring HTML 5 Canvas in Flash CC, mostly as a result of the lack of information on writing JavaScript inside Flash.
I have been converting an existing drag and drop .fla into HTML 5 with the hope of making it iOS and Android compatible. It is already functioning with mouse, but I have hit a brick wall on trying to add touch support.
The only way I have been able to even register the touch events is by listening to the entire window, which isn't very useful when I have multiple pieces that I want to move around.
This is what I have so far, all this code is located on the first frame of the main Scene Timeline, and the scene is composed of 5 pieces and 5 targets for those pieces, as well as a pop up task completed box and a reset button.
MainStage = this;//Declare
//Actual Drag and Dropping
// Initialize:
var numPieces = 5;//<---------------Place number of pieces HERE---------------
var homePosX = [];
var homePosY = [];
var correctAns = 0;
var isClickableAry = [];
var whoAmI = [];//Declared "Globally" so that I can identify which piece is being grabbed later
for (var i = 0; i < numPieces; i++)
var pieceName = "p" + (i + 1);
var piece = this[pieceName];
//This sets the starting position for each piece
homePosX[i+1] = piece.x;//(i+1) is so that Piece names line up with Target names and MC names
homePosY[i+1] = piece.y;
whoAmI[i] = piece;
isClickableAry[i] = 1;//Makes it so each pieces is set as clickable
if( piece ){ = pieceName;
piece.on("mousedown" || "touchstart", function(evt)
//Rather than adding and removing event listeners, just check to see if piece is clickable
if(isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1){
this.parent.addChild(this);// Bump to top
this.offset = {x:this.x - evt.stageX, y:this.y - evt.stageY};
console.log(piece + "PICKED UP, X " + piece.x + ", Y " + piece.y + " is Clickable? ");
//Set Home Coordinates (Where it was picked up)
homeX = this.x;
homeY = this.y;
console.log("touch moved! " + touchobj);
piece.on("pressmove", function(evt)
if(isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1){
this.x = evt.stageX + this.offset.x;
this.y = evt.stageY + this.offset.y;
//Mouse Cursor change'move';
piece.on("pressup" || "touchend" || "touchcancel", function(evt)
var target = this.parent["t"];
//Reset Cursor'auto';
if( target && hitTestInRange( target, 60) && isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1 ){
this.x = target.x;
this.y = target.y;
//If it is correct add one
//Make that button Unclickable
isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] = 0;
if(correctAns >= numPieces){
//If they have answered correctly equal to the the number of pieces
MainStage.complete_mc.parent.addChild(MainStage.complete_mc);//Bump to top
//reset answer counter and make drag pieces and buttons unclickable
correctAns = 0;
console.log(correctAns + "CORRECT!";)
//Return to home Coordinates (Where it was on intialization)
if(isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1){
this.x = homePosX[checkPiece(this)+1];
this.y = homePosY[checkPiece(this)+1];
piece.on("mouseover", function(evt)
if(isClickableAry[checkPiece(this)] == 1){
//Makes cursor a pointer finger'pointer';
//sets cursor back to normal'auto';
function hitTestInRange( target, range )
if( target.x > stage.mouseX - range &&
target.x < stage.mouseX + range &&
target.y > stage.mouseY - range &&
target.y < stage.mouseY + range )
return true;
return false;
//Check which piece it is
function checkPiece(checkName)
for (var i = 0; i < numPieces; i++)
if (checkName == whoAmI[i]){
return i;
//Reset Functionality
this.complete_mc.reset_btn.addEventListener("click", resetPos.bind(this));
function resetPos(){
for (var i = 0; i < numPieces; i++)
var pieceName = "p" + (i + 1);
var piece = this[pieceName];
correctAns = 0;
//Makes Pieces Grabable again
isClickableAry[i] = 1;
//This returns each piece to their Original Starting Positions
piece.x = homePosX[i+1];
piece.y = homePosY[i+1];
//Controlling the Pop Up Window, window pops up when user answers everything correctly
this.complete_mc.exitComplete_btn.addEventListener("click", closePopUp.bind(this));
this.complete_mc.exitComplete_btn_alt. addEventListener("click", closePopUp.bind(this));
function closePopUp(){
In my own troubleshooting with other problems that have come up generally the issue has to do with scope of either functions or variables, since when flash exports the files it generates its own .js file and turns all of your movie clips into code and separates the code that you have written by whichever frame you wrote it on.
Any help at all would be appreciated.
EDIT: After a bit more research I think the problem might have something to do with touch events only being able to target separate elements? So it isn't able to grab objects inside the canvas element just the canvas element itself?
Turns out that adding touch support is incredibly easy. All I was missing was one line of code
this makes all the touch events respond as mouse events. and fixed all my issues.

Move each character of a div based on mouse movement

I'm developing a site and I don't know how to create a javascript animation that looks like this:
I have a div that have some text on it, and when the user moves his mouse over this text, I want each character to move independently of each other, in order to maintain a certain distance from it (the mouse). Also, I want this animation to have rotation, but it isn't that important now. Here's an image explanation:
Here's what I did so far:
<div class="div1">Hello World</div>
var chars = $(".div1").html().split('');
for(var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++){
$(".div1").append("<span class='letter'>"+chars[i]+"</span>");
Can someone help me to achieve this effect? I don't know how to proceed and there's no site or answer that helped me. You can use jQuery or pure JavaScript but, please, keep it simple! Thank you.
Oh here we go, I've found a solution for this.
What I did was using a different class name for each character (.letter + character number) and then created a way of moving the characters depending on the mouse position and distance compared to each character, so, for example, when the distance between the mouse and a character is less than X, and the mouse Y is less than the character Y, then the character will go down.
Thanks to adeneo and Derek
Here's the relevant code:
var chars = $(".div1").html().split('');
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
$(".div1").append("<span class='letter" + i + "'>" + chars[i] + "</span>");
$(".letter" + i).css({
$(".letter" + i).css({
"transition": "0.5s"
$(document).on("mousemove", function (e) {
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
var x = e.pageX,
y = e.pageY;
var distx = x - $(".letter" + i).offset().left + ($(".letter" + i).width() / 2);
var disty = y - $(".letter" + i).offset().top;
if (Math.abs(distx) < 24 && Math.abs(disty) < 24) {
if (distx > 6 || distx < -6) {
if (x < $(".letter" + i).offset().left) {
$(".letter" + i).css({
"left": + (24 / Math.abs(distx) * Math.abs(distx)),
"position": "relative"
} else {
$(".letter" + i).css({
"left": - (24 / Math.abs(distx) * Math.abs(distx)),
"position": "relative"
if (disty > 12 || disty < -12) {
if (y < $(".letter" + i).offset().top + 6) {
$(".letter" + i).css({
"top": + (24 / Math.abs(disty) * Math.abs(disty)),
"position": "relative"
} else {
$(".letter" + i).css({
"top": - (24 / Math.abs(disty) * Math.abs(disty)),
"position": "relative"
distx = 0;
disty = 0;
<div class="div1">Hello World</div>
Updated JSFiddle with CSS Transitions to improve smoothness
Well since you say yo want to learn, i'll give a code to help you out, but you have to work your way through, i haven't test it, i just wrote it blindly so it propably won't work but might give you a good idea of what must be done.
<div class="container">
<div id="coolDiv" class="scatterContainer">Hello World</div>
display: inline;
.container {
margin: 30px auto;
LetterScatterer = (function() {
function LetterScatterer(id) { = id
this.$el = $('#' +;
this.rangeOfaction = 3; // Number of characters to affect
this.maxVerticalMovement = 10; // Value in px
this.minVerticalMovement = 2
this.duration = 100; // In miliseconds
// Event Listeners
return function(e){
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY;
return _this.scatter(x, y);
LetterScatterer.prototype.splitCharacters = function() {
var nodes = [];
var nodesQ = 0;
var _this = this;
this.chars = $el.text().split('');
for(var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++){
var markup = "<span class='letter'>"+chars[i]+"</span>";
this.$nodes = $(nodes);
this.nodesWidth = [];
var width = $(this).outerWidth();
LetterScatterer.prototype.scatter = function(x, y) {
var epicenter;
var offset = 0;
var midPoint, farestLeft;
for(var i = 0, len = this.nodesWidth.length; i < len; i++){
offset += this.nodesWidth[i];
if(x <= offset){
epicenter = i;
leftRange = (this.rangeOfaction - 1) / 2; // We remove one, this is our epicenter, then we get left and right halves
farestLeft = epicenter - leftRange;
for(var i = farestLeft; i < this.rangeOfaction; i++){
LetterScatterer.prototype.animateY = function(node, verticalDisplacement) {
var $node = $(node);
$node.animate({margin-top: verticalDisplacement + 'px'}, this.duration);
return LetterScatterer;
letterScatterer = new LetterScatterer('coolDiv');
What you see in the code is a classlike function, first you pass it the id of the element containing the text that will be scattered. There are some config varaibles, range of action is lets say, if you mouse over one character, how many characters to the left and to the right (also including the current hovered element) should be animated, the max and min verticalMovement, determines how much should move the one that is hovered (max) and those further apart will use min, those in between should interpolate, but i didn't code that far.
We then got a mousemove listener, that calls the method scatter, this method finds which items is currently hovered by adding up each character widht, but now i think about it, it should be easier to just add a listener to the span, and get the current index of that element with the jQuery method index(), then based on that index you animate that one and those in the range. You must create the code that calculates the rotation, and x movement if you want to, but i think i gave you a lot to start, it took me a while to code it, so i hope it helps and this answer satisfies your question. :)

jquery carousel evolution

I am trying to change an animation in jquery evolution carousel:
As I have a lot of elements showing up in the slider I would like when clicking on the last one in the back to animate itself to the center without having all the other elements before it stepping and stopping through the center.
I am not good at jquery but I think it has something to do with these lines here:
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++){
var animateImage = function(i){
var o = settings,
item = slideItems.eq(i),
pos = slidePos(i);;
item.animate(setSlidePosition(pos), o.speed, 'linear', function(){
if (i == numberSlides - 1){
isAnimationRunning = false ;
if (currentSlide != targetSlide){
else {
self.current = currentSlide ;
any help would be nice

Javascript "For" Loop not working?

I have a Javascript file that I am using to try to animate a dropdown menu. I have the "Toggle" function in that file set to run when I click on a certain div. Here's the script I'm using:
var up = true;
function Toggle(x)
if (up)
for (var i = x.offsetTop; i <= 0; i++)
{ = i;
if (i == 0)
up = false;
else if (up == false)
for (var i = x.offsetTop; i >= -50; i--)
{ = i;
if (i == -50)
up = true;
In the HTML div I want to animate, I have the "onclick" property set to "onclick=Toggle(this)". The first for loop works as it should (it sets the div's top offset to 0). However, the second for loop doesn't set the offsetTop. I know that the for loop is activating because I've tested it and it gives me every integer between 0 and -50. Why isn't it setting the offset position?
1) You must specify a unit to the top ie: = i +"px"
2) Your function won't animate instead of you use a setInterval or a setTimeout
Like you asked, an example. I wouldn't do it like this for one of my project, but i kept your function to make you more familiar with the code.
I Used setTimeout instead of setInterval because setInterval must be cleared when not needed and setTimeout is just launched one time :
var Toggle = (function() { // use scope to define up/down
var up = true;
return function(element) {
var top = parseInt(, 10); // element.offsetTop ?
if ( !top ) {
top = 0;
if (up) {
if (element.offsetTop < 0) { // if we are not at 0 and want to get up = (top+1) + "px";
setTimeout(function() { Toggle(element); }, 10); // recall the function in 10 ms
} else { // we change up value
up = !up;
else {
if (element.offsetTop > -50) { = (top-1) + "px";
setTimeout(function() { Toggle(element); }, 10); // recall the function in 10 ms
} else {
You'd have to use = i + 'px' as top and similar css properties must define the type (px, em, %, etc.) unless they are 0, as this is 0 in any case.
But your script would actually snap the div directly to -50px, as you do not wait between those iteration steps.
I'd recommend to use a library like jQuery to use it's animate() method.
function Toggle(obj) {
top: parseInt($(obj).css('top')) === 0 ? '-50px' : '0px'

