Google Maps map doesn't load anymore - javascript

I have a problem with my GoogleMaps map that I added to my website.
The maps worked fine yesterday, with markers and all. Today, the code was not changed but when i load the page, markers appear but the map doesn't.
I tried to empty the cache, but it doen't work. Does anybody ever had the problem ?

Well i found the answer.
I'll answer my own question if anyone have the problem.
Apparently, the API key is optionnal but for a certain amount of requests. After a while, you will have to get a API key from Google to make it work.


Is there a way to view all custom marker icons in the Google maps javascript API?

The Issue:
I've viewed the tutorial on the Google Maps API documentation on how to change the icon of a marker. Here's a screenshot of that:
Google Maps tutorial
In this tutorial though, they don't actually elaborate on how they got the link to that icon. And I would like to know if there's anyway to view all the available icons and their corresponding links.
What I've tried
I tried going directly to the link: "", but that returns a 404 error.
After doing some research, I found this: ...This should work, but the icons are a bit outdated and don't really fit with what I'm going for.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. :)

Googlemaps javascript api zoom control +/- signs dissapear

I have to fix a display problem in an interactive online map that uses the Google Maps Javascript API. The problem is that the +/- signs to zoom appear a fraction of a second when the page is initially loaded but then disappear. Here is the link URL of the map:
If anyone has an insigh on how to adress that problem, that would be very much appreciated!
The problem is the buttom has the opacity:0 so you could'nt see it for this reason. If you want to solve it you need check the API parameters and check if you need some paramaters or remove it.

Preventing Google Maps from downloading unnecessary images/sprites

I noticed that Google Maps API v3 downloads some unnecessary images/sprites even though I have all controls turned off and use a custom infoBox overlay.
Any way of avoding this?
Specifically, I'm talking about the png files imgs8, iw3 & undo_poly.. together they 'weigh in' at 20kB.
You really shouldn't be bothered about these little images/sprites as map itself takes up much more space, so these images practically doesn't affect the total download time.

Missing Google Markers In IE8

I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please with a error that I can't explain.
I was using this page yesterday and the markers were plotted on the map correctly. However, I've gone back in today and the markers have disapeared. I've also tried other files and I've got the same issue.
I know that the co-ordinates are being plotted on the map, because if I select the location in the left hand sidebar, the 'detail map' renders as it should, I've also checked the page with Firefox and the markers are shown.
I've reinstalled Interent Explorer and I've still got this problem. Could someone perhaps tell me please has anyone else come across this or a similar problem, and could someone perhaps please provide some guidnace on what I've done wrong.
Many thanks and kind regards
Your placeholder icon;
icon: '',
is a 404 so not displayed.

Google Maps API v3... non-mobile?

I'm trying to make a Google Maps widget for my website but all of the examples are for full-screen mobile devices. The tutorials work when I copy paste them exactly as shown but they don't seem to work when I want them to only occupy a portion of the page.
From what I've read, the v3 is the best API yet (for what I need) because of its speed and compatibility with mobile devices. I plan to make a widget very similar to the MarkerClusterer example from the demo gallery but I can't get it working.
Is this a common issue? I know I'm being vague but I would appreciate some help.
One minute after I post this question, I find the problem...
The examples have the map_canvas div set to width:100%;height:100% which I have changed as follows:
Hope this helps somebody after me...

