Google Maps API v3... non-mobile? - javascript

I'm trying to make a Google Maps widget for my website but all of the examples are for full-screen mobile devices. The tutorials work when I copy paste them exactly as shown but they don't seem to work when I want them to only occupy a portion of the page.
From what I've read, the v3 is the best API yet (for what I need) because of its speed and compatibility with mobile devices. I plan to make a widget very similar to the MarkerClusterer example from the demo gallery but I can't get it working.
Is this a common issue? I know I'm being vague but I would appreciate some help.

One minute after I post this question, I find the problem...
The examples have the map_canvas div set to width:100%;height:100% which I have changed as follows:
Hope this helps somebody after me...


Is there a way to view all custom marker icons in the Google maps javascript API?

The Issue:
I've viewed the tutorial on the Google Maps API documentation on how to change the icon of a marker. Here's a screenshot of that:
Google Maps tutorial
In this tutorial though, they don't actually elaborate on how they got the link to that icon. And I would like to know if there's anyway to view all the available icons and their corresponding links.
What I've tried
I tried going directly to the link: "", but that returns a 404 error.
After doing some research, I found this: ...This should work, but the icons are a bit outdated and don't really fit with what I'm going for.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. :)

I am trying to make my extension change background-color of every event containing certain word(or set of characters) in Google Calendar

I am taking my first steps in JS, I know that I have a lot of reading ahead of me, but I am searching and trying to make this little thing work. Maybe I've chosen a bad example of a website for testing influence of chrome extensions, but maybe solving this problem will somehow enlighten me and help with future learning.
I want to change the background-color of google calendar events depending on words/set of characters they contain.
I tried using contains() selector which seemed to work on simplier websites (I could see the CSS applied in DevTools) but divs with events on Google Calendar stay untouched.
Can the script somehow be blocked by Google Calendar? Should I use some of the permissions listed on ?
Sorry that I am not attaching any code at the moment, I don't have it with me, and I can't recreate it from the head. I wanted to post it in my free time, and at least get some new ideas.
I'll be grateful for any help!

Share some part of screen using webrtc

I need help in webRTC.
I am developing an application in which I need to share only some part of screen using webRTC.
I am able to share whole screen using it.
But I want to share some element of screen.
Anyone can help me please?
I was experimenting with this some time ago and came up with this. Maybe it will help.
Chrome only!
Edit: Uploaded the source to github and created a full implementation example -- it comes with some limitations (image size over RTC), but those can be solved.

Google Maps Javascript API V3 scroll less responsive than simple google map embed

I am working on a store locator web app and I have a problem with the scroll. The scroll/zoom works only if I scroll really intense.
This problem is on their demo codes as well:
But if you scroll on the scroll works really well.
Do you know any solution for this?
Stated in my comment to the OP:
I've observed this in IE8 and maps api v3. This is due to the tiles fading in and out, as far as I can see so I sniff browsers and if my users are using IE8, I serve them up a v2 map where the scroll/zoom works much much better. As far as I know, there's no way to turn off the tile fading when zooming/panning in v3

Adding Google Maps to website with MapInnovations

I'm trying to integrate Google Maps on to my website, but the Google Maps api is a little bit complicated (for getting driving directions to show up). I'm wondering if anyone has had success using the tool from MapInnovations, as I've seen it on a couple of sites but I'm having some trouble getting the directions box to show up on my page. I put the addressbox div in the body tag and the other piece of code before my HTML tag, but all that shows up is a grey line.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
I don't have experience with MapInnovations, but MapStraction one of the standards for map abstraction.

