Find third parent from a parent-child in jquery - javascript

<div class="one">child of 1 st Div</div>
<div class="two'>child of 2 st Div</div>
<div class="three">child of 3 st Div</div>
Here what I want to do is on clicking the div with class="one" I want to change the content of the third div where class="three"

You have a typo error here : <div class="two'> it should be this : <div class="two">
For the script, there are many way to do it, here is one :
Live example

In jQuery, you can attach a click event handler to a jQuery object using the click method. You select an element using the global jQuery function (usually jQuery or $). To select an element with a specific class, prepend . to the class.
$('.one').click(function(event) {
// this function will be fired when the div with class `one` is clicked
var $three = $('.three');
// $three is now a jQuery object representing the div
// DOM element with the class `three`
// your code here

First of all in your code you should correct your code for class = "two". In order to select a div use jquery .on() event handler.
Refer to the following code.
I have also created a jsFiddle:


On click button apply event only for it top ancestor

I'm recently learning JS/jQuery and I need help to apply a particular style/class to the top div when click the button inside it, but the problem is that the html has different sections with the same button and the same class on ancestor, and I want it to only apply to the actual div that contains the triggered button.
<div class="class">
<button data-action="action">
<div class="class">
<button data-action="action">
$('[data-action="action"]').click(function() {
With this code obviously new-class is applied to all existing class classes regardless of the activated button.
Use the below code :
$('[data-action="action"]').click(function() {
Use the "closest" which selects the first ancestor with a selector passed (in this case, first ancestor with "class" classname). The $(this) selector applies to the specific element that is clicked, in this case.
$('[data-action="action"]').click(function() {
You can find the parent for the clicked element like this:
$('[data-action="action"]').click(function() {
You can provide id for the div along with class as..
<div class="class" id = "my_id">
<button data-action="action">
<div class="class">
<button data-action="action">
$('[data-action="action"]').click(function() {
$("#my_id .class").addclass("new-class")
try this it will work

Remove the next element together with the selected one in jquery

I am bulk deleting all div elements with the id that starts with leg-:
I also want to delete <hr> element that comes after each div:
<div id="leg-1">
There is no event fired that's why, I am unable to select the element like this:
How can I do this?
You can cache the selection made by jQuery in an intermediate variable like following:
var selection = $('div[id^="leg-"]');;
Like in the $(this) methodology you wanted to use, the variable selection now contains a reference to all the divs you want to remove. Calling next() on that selection returns the immediate sibling, thus the hr you want to delete, for each of those div.
In general: Wherever you need the same selection in jQuery twice, consider saving it to a variable to speed up your scripts and reduce DOM querying to a minimum.
You can select next hr of div using .next() and use .addBack() to adding div to jquery selector.
<script src=""></script>
<div id="leg-1">leg-1 text</div>
<div id="leg-2">leg-2 text</div>
Try this First remove next <hr> element the remove selection element
var selection = $('div[id^="leg-"]');'hr').remove();
<script src=""></script>
<div id="leg-1">
<div id="leg-2">
<div id="">
3 not leg
You could remove the hr by combining the jQuery next and remove functions in this way:
$(function() {
$('div[id^="leg-"]').each(function(i, v) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="leg-1">#leg-1</div>
<div id="not-leg-1">#not-leg</div>
<div id="leg-2">#leg-2</div>
You are not removing the next element only selecting it.
Please to also add: $(this).next().remove(); before removing the div element.
You can use jQuery.each():
// when document ready
var $this= $(this);

get respective div element under same class using jquery

I have a main document div to add some html element through variable "str"
<div id='documentDiv'></div>
I have a functionality which will add some html element to my #documentDiv.
var str="<div class='customElement'></div><a href='' onclick='append(event);'>append</a>"
And I have a functionality to append str to documentDiv as many time I want:
after appending two times I have the same structure appended twice inside my documentDiv element
<div id='documentDiv'>
<div class='customElement'></div><a href='' onclick='append(event);'>append</a> // want to append some text to respective .customElement div
<div class='customElement'></div><a href='' onclick='append(event);'>append</a>
My problem is with onclick ,i want to append something inside the respective div under customElement class.But with onClick ,it always gets appended to the first div.How can i get respective div element using jquery?
function append(event){
$('.customElement').append("some text");
Maybe this could help you:
Without a-tag:
$(this).append("some text");
or with a-tag:
$('.customElement a').bind('click',function(){
$(this).parent().append("some text");
I believe you want to use this.
function append(event){
$(this).append("some text");
Since you are adding your elements dynamically you should delegate the events by adding the on method to the parent element.
Here is an example.
function append(event){
$(this).prev().append("some text");
$('#documentDiv').on('click', 'a', append);
<script src=""></script>
<div id='documentDiv'>
<div class='customElement'></div><a href='#'>append</a>
<div class='customElement'></div><a href='#'>append</a>

jquery select single tag class onclick

seems a little trivial but am having a hard time solving it, i have a jquery function to select the class of a tag on click but the problem is that it selects every other tag underneath the tag clicked as well in structural order where as i only want the very first one
for example if i have
<div class="1">
<div class="2">
<div class="3">
<p class="4">Hello World</p>
and i clicked on the (p) tag that says hello world i would get an alert
saying 4 then 3 then 2 then 1
but like i said i only want the first one witch in this case is 4
here is my jquery code
if(!$(this).hasClass("") && !$(this).hasClass("main")){
i know the problem is happening because technically i am clicking all of the tags so it continus to loop trough but i still need a way to break it after the first class is selected or better yet is there a way to select only the topmost object
Just add return to the function like so:
if(!$(this).hasClass("") && !$(this).hasClass("main")){
return false;
I would pass in event to your click function, and after you've finished your logic, use event.stopPropagation(). This prevents the event from bubbling up to parent elements
if(!$(this).hasClass("") && !$(this).hasClass("main")){
Run this example and look your console.
$("body > div").dblclick(function(){
<script src=""></script>
<div class="1">
<div class="2">
<div class="3">
<p class="4">Hello World</p>
You should read about event bubbling and event propagation.
Here is function which does what you want:
if(!$(this).hasClass("") && !$(this).hasClass("main")){
And here is working example:
Although it's not a good solution to attach event listening to all of the tags on the page. Much better solution is to add for example id or clickable class attribute for elements that should have event listening.
Here is another working example with better approach:
Here is another working example with bubbling disabled using jquery:

Detecting clicks inside a div using wildcards in jQuery

I have got to this so far using the jQuery docs
$('[class^="layout"] > ("*")').click(function(e) {
What I am trying to achieve is detecting whether something inside a div which has a class beginning with the name 'layout' is clicked and returning that parent div's class.
For context an example div would be something like
<div class="builder_body" id="the_content">
<div class="layout_2cwlh_header">
<div class="layout_2cwlh_wrapper">
<div class="layout_2cwlh_content">
<div class="layout_2cwlh_sidebar">
So when I click on anything like a h1/p or anything inside a div, I need to return the parent div's class
I'd suggest:
$('[class^="layout"]').click(function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(); // added to prevent a new alert every
// time the click bubbles to a new parent
JS Fiddle demo.
Quite simple actually:
$('[class^="layout"]').click(function(e) {
var parent = $(this).parent;
// do something with the parent.prop('class');

