Remove the next element together with the selected one in jquery - javascript

I am bulk deleting all div elements with the id that starts with leg-:
I also want to delete <hr> element that comes after each div:
<div id="leg-1">
There is no event fired that's why, I am unable to select the element like this:
How can I do this?

You can cache the selection made by jQuery in an intermediate variable like following:
var selection = $('div[id^="leg-"]');;
Like in the $(this) methodology you wanted to use, the variable selection now contains a reference to all the divs you want to remove. Calling next() on that selection returns the immediate sibling, thus the hr you want to delete, for each of those div.
In general: Wherever you need the same selection in jQuery twice, consider saving it to a variable to speed up your scripts and reduce DOM querying to a minimum.

You can select next hr of div using .next() and use .addBack() to adding div to jquery selector.
<script src=""></script>
<div id="leg-1">leg-1 text</div>
<div id="leg-2">leg-2 text</div>

Try this First remove next <hr> element the remove selection element
var selection = $('div[id^="leg-"]');'hr').remove();
<script src=""></script>
<div id="leg-1">
<div id="leg-2">
<div id="">
3 not leg

You could remove the hr by combining the jQuery next and remove functions in this way:
$(function() {
$('div[id^="leg-"]').each(function(i, v) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="leg-1">#leg-1</div>
<div id="not-leg-1">#not-leg</div>
<div id="leg-2">#leg-2</div>

You are not removing the next element only selecting it.
Please to also add: $(this).next().remove(); before removing the div element.
You can use jQuery.each():
// when document ready
var $this= $(this);


jQuery - Display divs one by one

I am trying to write a simple script which will be able to read/display every single DIV one by one (without interfering with the other divs inside). Unfortunately, my idea didn't work as I thought it will. I achieved what I aimed for with .children().remove().each but found out that it skips the first div and deletes all the others inside. I will be really grateful if someone can help me or point what I am doing wrong.
$(function Testing(){
var Div = $(this).text();
<script src=""></script>
<div id="Alpha">
<div id="Bravo">
<div id="Charlie">
<div id="Delta">
It looks like you want to have the nested structure. If that is the case you can do it at least a couple of ways:
$(function Testing() {
$("#container div").each(function() {
// my variation on this answer:
var Div = $(this).contents().not($(this).children()).text();
/* or another way:
var Div = $(this)
.clone() //clone the element
.children() //select all the children
.remove() //remove all the children
.end() //again go back to selected element
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container">
<div id="Alpha">
<div id="Bravo">
<div id="Charlie">
<div id="Delta">
I added div#container ONLY because I didn't like the extra alerts generated from the divs created by having a code snippet. It's not necessary to do this in your code... you can ignore it and just use your selector $("div").
To get your desired output, you need to change your HTML so that each div only contains the text that you want it to output.
You'll notice two blank alerts when running this code snippet. This is because there are additional divs placed in the code snippet by SO (hidden). These extra alerts would not show in your local script.
$(function Testing() {
$("div").each(function() {
var div_text = $(this).text();
<script src=""></script>
<div id="Alpha">Alpha</div>
<div id="Bravo">Bravo</div>
<div id="Charlie">Charlie</div>
<div id="Delta">Delta</div>
Also, use descriptive variables. It is best to start this practice now (since you're learning) so you don't form bad habits. I changed Div to div_text as an example.

How to get text of div and set in background color of element using jquery

$(".child").css("background-color", $(".child div").val());
<div class="flexbox" id="flexbox">
<div class="child">
I am trying to get the value and make it background-color of that element but i don't know what's wrong
The .val() method is primarily used to get the values of form elements such as input, select and textarea.
You need to use .text() to getting text of div tag.
$(".child").css("background-color", $(".child div").text());
If you have multiple .child in your document you need to use bottom code
$(this).css("background-color", $("div", this).text());
<script src=""></script>
<div class="flexbox" id="flexbox">
<div class="child">
<div class="child">
<div class="child">
Make sure that you are referencing the script file correctly and that it is truly in the root of your project. If not use relative paths to specify the location. Something like:
<script src="<%= Url.Content("~/scripts/jquery-1.3.2js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then it does not appear like you are actually calling the document ready function that prevents jquery from running before the document is loaded.
$(document).ready(function(){ // jQuery methods go here... });

Setting 'value' of hidden input in jQuery [duplicate]

I have a really simple problem.
How can I find the first previous element of another element? I tried the code below without success.
<div class = "A">HERE</div>
<div class="B">
<div class="C" style="width:50px;height:50px;background-color:#000000;"></div>
$('.C').click(function() {
If you are trying to get the preceding sibling, use .prev().
If you are trying to get the sibling of the parent (like in your example) use .parent().prev().
Try this:
$('.C').click(function() {
$('.C').click(function() {
if you want to target closest children of top parent you can do so as something define below.
lets assume you have an HTML like
<div class="top-parent">
<div class="parent">
<button class="add-button">Child of 1st Parent DIV</button>
<div class="parent">
<button class="add-button">Child of 2nd Parent DIV</button>
$(this).parents('.parent').prev().closest('.parent').find('.add-button').text('im clicked by one of the button next to my parent')
similarly if you want to target grandparent next parent containers children just change .prev() to .next()
hope i made it simple to define :)

Find third parent from a parent-child in jquery

<div class="one">child of 1 st Div</div>
<div class="two'>child of 2 st Div</div>
<div class="three">child of 3 st Div</div>
Here what I want to do is on clicking the div with class="one" I want to change the content of the third div where class="three"
You have a typo error here : <div class="two'> it should be this : <div class="two">
For the script, there are many way to do it, here is one :
Live example
In jQuery, you can attach a click event handler to a jQuery object using the click method. You select an element using the global jQuery function (usually jQuery or $). To select an element with a specific class, prepend . to the class.
$('.one').click(function(event) {
// this function will be fired when the div with class `one` is clicked
var $three = $('.three');
// $three is now a jQuery object representing the div
// DOM element with the class `three`
// your code here
First of all in your code you should correct your code for class = "two". In order to select a div use jquery .on() event handler.
Refer to the following code.
I have also created a jsFiddle:

this find parent of another div and toggle its child using jQuery

I've done some research and nothing seems to be working. Here is the HTML followed by the JavaScript I am putting together. What I am trying to do is set it up so that whenever dashboard_gear_options is clicked, it toggles the appropriate hidden options row. Each block of code exists multiple times at different locations on the page. I tried using this, find, parent, next and children to no avail.
// start block
<div class="content_block_holder">
<div class="content_top">
<div class="dashboard_gear_options"></div>
<div class="dashboard_gear_divider"></div>
<div class="dashboard_holder">
<div class="hidden_options_row"></div>
// end block
// start block
<div class="content_block_holder">
<div class="content_top">
<div class="dashboard_gear_options"></div>
<div class="dashboard_gear_divider"></div>
<div class="dashboard_holder">
<div class="hidden_options_row"></div>
// end block (etc..)
Try using closest([selector]) ( ) instead of parent in your selector. It will traverse up the tree and find "content_block_holder". parent([selector]) will just check the immediate parent and return an empty set if it doesn't match the selector provided.
JSFiddle based on your code:
try this
Also this chain works:

