JS/HTML function - javascript

Can someone please help me understand why the function writeOptions logs optionCounter twice?
console.log("<option values=" + optionCounter + ">"+optionCounter);
Why is there a second optionCounter placed after the option element?
<script type = "text/javascript">
function writeOptions(startNumber,endNumber)
var optionCounter;
for(optionCounter = startNumber;
optionCounter <= endNumber; optionCounter++)
document.write("<option value=" + optionCounter + ">" + optionCounter);
function writeMonthOptions()
var theMonth;
var monthCounter;
var theDate = new Date(1);
for(monthCounter = 0; monthCounter < 12; monthCounter++)
theMonth = theDate.toString();
theMonth = theMonth.substr(4,3);
document.write("<option value=" + theMonth + ">" + theMonth);
function recalcDateDiff()
var myForm = document.form1;
var firstDay =
var secondDay =
var firstMonth =
var secondMonth =
var firstYear =
var secondYear =
var firstDate =
new Date(firstDay + " " + firstMonth + " " + firstYear);
var secondDate = new Date(secondDay + " " + secondMonth + " " + secondYear);
var daysDiff = (secondDate.valueOf() - firstDate.valueOf());
daysDiff = Math.floor(Math.abs((((daysDiff/1000)/60)/60)/24));
myForm.txtDays.value = daysDiff;
function window_onload()
var theForm = document.form1;
var nowDate = new Date();
theForm.firstDay.options[nowDate.getDate() - 1].selected =true;
theForm.secondDay.options[nowDate.getDate() - 1].selected = true;
theForm.firstMonth.options[nowDate.getMonth() - 1].selected = true;
theForm.secondMonth.options[nowDate.getMonth() - 1].selected = true;
theForm.firstYear.options[nowDate.getFullYear() - 1970].selected = true;
theForm.secondYear.options[nowDate.getFullYear() - 1970].selected = true;
as you can see this is the entire Javascript codeblock for this particular example.

I believe you know HTML. Each <option> tag has a display text (or label) and a value. And your code is creating the html option tag with both. So, when you write:
document.write("<option value=" + optionCounter + ">" + optionCounter);
the first optionCounter is for value and second one is for label/display text.
Note: I don't see the option tag being closed which could result in issues if not handled properly by the browser, so modify the statement as follows to render correct HTML:
document.write("<option value=" + optionCounter + ">" + optionCounter + "</option>");
Refer more about select tag & option tag on w3schools.com.


Jquery Clone method increment name tag

Hello I am trying to add increment in my all form fields from zero to the number whenever I add new clone it assigns the next number to the name tag, I tried all the ways but no any methods works for me.
Here is my fiddle
and here is my JS code
var formItem;
$(document).ready(function() {
//Clone and remove your div instead of hiding it
formItem = $('.ScheduleextraPartTemplate').clone();
formItem.addClass('clone clone-1');
$(document).on('click', '#ScheduleaddRow', function() {
var cloneForm = $('.clone').last().clone();
var cloneNum = $('.clone').length;
cloneForm.removeClass('clone-'+cloneNum).addClass('clone-' + (cloneNum+1));
var date = cloneForm.find('[name="txtSchedule"]').val();
function addOneMonth(date) {
var year = parseInt(date.split("-")[0]);
var month = parseInt(date.split("-")[1]) + 1;
var day = parseInt(date.split("-")[2]);
if(month > 12) {
month = month - 12;
return year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
I fixed it by changing a little piece of code
var formItem;
var counter = 0;
$(document).ready(function() {
//Clone and remove your div instead of hiding it
formItem = $('.ScheduleextraPartTemplate').clone();
formItem.find('[name^=txtSchedule]')[0].name = "txtSchedule" + counter;
formItem.find('[name^=txtScheduleAmountPay]')[0].name = "txtScheduleAmountPay" + counter;
formItem.addClass('clone clone-1');
$(document).on('click', '#ScheduleaddRow', function() {
var lens = counter++;
var cloneForm = $('.clone').last().clone();
var cloneNum = $('.clone').length;
cloneForm.removeClass('clone-'+cloneNum).addClass('clone-' + (cloneNum+1));
var date = cloneForm.find('[name^="txtSchedule"]').val();
cloneForm.find('[name^=txtSchedule]')[0].name = "txtSchedule" + (lens+1);
cloneForm.find('[name^=txtScheduleAmountPay]')[0].name = "txtScheduleAmountPay" + (lens+1);
function addOneMonth(date) {
var d = new Date( date );
d.setMonth( d.getMonth( ) + 1 );
return d.getFullYear() + '-' + ("0" + ((d.getMonth() + 1))).slice(-2) + '-' + ("0" + (d.getDate())).slice(-2);

Why is line break being written as a string?

I am trying to write a program that submits text on my website and I am having a lot of trouble trying to do a line break after the text because break line is being written as a string.
var main = function() {
var today = new Date();
var month = parseInt(today.getMonth() + 1);
var day = parseInt(today.getDate());
var year = parseInt(today.getFullYear());
$(".btn").click(function() {
var post = $(".status-box").val();
$("<li>").text(post + "<br>" + month + "/" + day + "/" + year).prependTo(".posts");
$(".status-box").keyup(function() {
var postlength = $(this).val().length;
var charactersLeft = 140 - postlength;
if (charactersLeft < 0) {
} else if (charactersLeft === 140) {
} else {
You are using .text() which will ALWAYS html-encode the text provided...use .html() instead
$("<li>").html(post + "<br>" + month + "/" + day + "/" + year).prependTo(".posts");

How to insert Javascript variables into a database

i would like to insert variables into my database, some are php wich works fine, but the problem is the javascript variables, it does not work. im quite new to this any help would be nice.
this is my first question, im sorry if i get the code blocks wrong.
echo '<br>
<form><input type="button" id="startbutton" value="start time control" onClick="starttime()" style="width:225px; margin-top:0px; "><br>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tekst = "";
var startdatum;
var starttijd;
var stopdatum;
var stoptijd;
var startdatumtijd;
function starttime()
var d = new Date();
var curr_date = d.getDate();
var curr_month = d.getMonth() + 1;
var curr_year = d.getFullYear();
starttijd = d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes();
startdatum=(curr_year + "-" + curr_month + "-" + curr_date);
startdatumtijd = (startdatum + " " + starttijd);
startbutton.value = "stop timecontrol";
startbutton.onclick = timecontrol;
function timecontrol()
var d = new Date();
var curr_date = d.getDate();
var curr_month = d.getMonth() + 1;
var curr_year = d.getFullYear();
tekst = document.getElementById("inputtekst").value;
stoptijd = d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes();
stopdatum=(curr_year + "-" + curr_month + "-" + curr_date);
var stopdatumtijd = (stopdatum + " " + stoptijd);
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO `vtiger_timecontrol` (`title`,`relconcept`, `relatedto`, `date_start`,`time_start`,`date_end`,`time_end`)VALUES ('.$ticketno.' , \'Support_\' , '.$ticketnummer.' , startdatum , starttijd , einddatum , eindtijd );");
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO `vtiger_crmentity` (`description`,`setype`,`createdtime`,`modifiedtime`,`viewedtime`)VALUES(tekst,\'Timecontrol\',stopdatumtijd,stopdatumtijd,stopdatumtijd);");
What should happen is when i press a button, it saves the time in a variable, the second time i press the button it will save the time in another variable, now i want these time variables to be saved in my database.
Thank you.
ajax worked:
if (radio2.checked == true)
var checked = 0;
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("post","tc.php?ticketid='.$ticketnummer.'&ticketnummer='.$ticketno.'&hidden1=" + startdatum+"&hidden2=" + starttijd+"&hidden3=" + stopdatum+"&hidden4=" + stoptijd+"&hidden5=" + tekst+"&hidden6=" + stopdatumtijd + "&hidden7=" + checked, false);
else if (radio3.checked == true)
var checked = 1;
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("post","tc.php?hidden8='.$current_user.'&ticketid='.$ticketnummer.'&ticketnummer='.$ticketno.'&hidden1=" + startdatum+"&hidden2=" + starttijd+"&hidden3=" + stopdatum+"&hidden4=" + stoptijd+"&hidden5=" + tekst+"&hidden6=" + stopdatumtijd + "&hidden7=" + checked , false);
thank you for the advice.

Unique ID that gets a date in specific format?

I have code that will generate a random unique id.. but is there a way I can edit this code so that it grabs a date in a specific way like yyyy-mm-dd-0001. the last 4 digits I want it to add 1 each time the generateid button is clicked. so it will change to 0002. Here is the current code I have. Is there a function that can grab the date automatically?
var counter = 0000;
function Counter() {
if((document.getElementById("generateid").clicked == true)
return counter;
function Month() {
var m = new Date();
var mm = m.getMonth() + 1;
if (mm < 10) {
mm = '0' + mm;
return mm;
function Year() {
var y = new Date();
var yy = y.getFullYear();
return yy;
function Day() {
var d = new Date();
var dd = d.getDate();
return dd;
//generate id
function guidGenerator() {
var theID = (Year() + "-" + Month() + "-" + Day() + "-" + Counter);
return theID;
function generateID() {
var TheTextBox = document.getElementById("generateidtxt");
TheTextBox.value = TheTextBox.value + guidGenerator();
document.getElementById("generateid").disabled = true;
You can use the following object:
var idGenerator = {
seq: 0,
generateId: function () {
return (new Date()).toISOString().substring(0, 10) + '-' + ('000' + this.seq).substr(-4)
after declaration like this, try
function generateID() {
var TheTextBox = document.getElementById("generateidtxt");
TheTextBox.value = TheTextBox.value + idGenerator.generateId();
If you are asking for a way to keep track of how many times an ID is generated by all your site visitors using javascript alone then, no it is not possible without tying in some back end to keep track. However, the following code will do what you ask per visitor.
var ttlIds = 0;
function guidGenerator() {
var S4 = function () {
return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);
return (S4() + S4() + S4());
function generateID() {
var TheTextBox = document.getElementById("generateidtxt");
TheTextBox.value = TheTextBox.value + guidGenerator().toString().toUpperCase();
if(ttlIds < 10){
ttlIds_formatted = '000'+ttlIds;
}else if(ttlIds < 100){
ttlIds_formatted = '00'+ttlIds;
}else if(ttlIds < 1000){
ttlIds_formatted = '0'+ttlIds;
d = new Date();
var funkydate = d.getFullYear() +'-' + (d.getMonth()+1) + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + ttlIds_formatted;
document.getElementById("funkydate").value = funkydate;

Storing data in JavaScript array

This is my jsp code where I am trying to push some data in javaScript array.
int proListSize = proList.size();
ProfileDAO proDAO = null;
for(int i = 0, j=1; i < proListSize; i++){
proDAO = (ProfileDAO)proList.get(i);%>
entireArray.push(<%= proDAO.getNetworkmapId()%> + ":"+<%=proDAO.getAssetId()%> + ":" + <%= proDAO.getCode()%>);
<%} %>
And this is the function where I am trying to use it by using pop function.
function GenDemographicTag() {
var ptag = "<!-- Begin "+networkNameToUpperCase+" -->\n" ;
var t = "";
if (WhiteTagLabelDomain) {
ptag += "<iframe src=\"http://"+WhiteTagLabelDomainTrim+"/jsc/"+folderName+"/dm.html?";
} else {
ptag += "<iframe src=\"http://"+cdnName+"/jsc/"+folderName+"/dm.html?";
ptag += "n="+networkId+";";
for(var i = 0;i< entireArray.length;i++){
var combinedString = entireArray.splice(1,1);
var rightSide = combinedString.split(':')[0];
var middle = combinedString.split(':')[1];
var leftSide = combinedString.split(':')[2];
t = "";
if ( $("proElementEnable_"+rightSide) && $("proElementEnable_"+leftSide).checked) {
if ( middle == "1") {
if ( $("zip").value.length <= 0) {
t = "0";
} else {
t = $("zip").value;
} else if ( $("targetList_"+rightSide) && $("targetList_"+rightSide).length > 0 && $("targetList_"+rightSide).options[0].value != "-1") {
t = makeProelementList($("targetList_"+rightSide));
ptag += leftSide+"=" + t+ ";";
proDAO = null;
ptag += "\" frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=\"no\" allowTransparency=\"true\" width=1 height=1>\n</iframe>\n<!-- end "+networkNameToUpperCase+" -->\n";
document.forms[0].tag.value = ptag;
Basically I am trying to get the data from proList and store it in javaScript array(entireArray)...so that I can use in the javascript function..but after doing the above I get a javaScript error as follow:
entireArray.push(3 + ":"+3 + ":" + d3);
entireArray.push(185 + ":"+5 + ":" + d4);
entireArray.push(2 + ":"+2 + ":" + d2);
entireArray.push(186 + ":"+5 + ":" + d9);
entireArray.push(183 + ":"+5 + ":" + d6);
entireArray.push(184 + ":"+5 + ":" + d7);
entireArray.push(187 + ":"+5 + ":" + da);
entireArray.push(445 + ":"+5 + ":" + db);
Reference Error:d3 is not defined.
what is the exact problem..?
The return type of splice is an ARRAY , so you can try following code
var combinedString = entireArray.splice(1,1);
var rightSide = combinedString[0].split(':')[0];
var middle = combinedString[0].split(':')[1];
var leftSide = combinedString[0].split(':')[2];
d3 should be in quotes. "d3"
You need to put the out of JSP in quotes.
entireArray.push(<%= proDAO.getNetworkmapId()%> + ":"+<%=proDAO.getAssetId()%> + ":" + '<%= proDAO.getCode()%>');

