Storing data in JavaScript array - javascript

This is my jsp code where I am trying to push some data in javaScript array.
int proListSize = proList.size();
ProfileDAO proDAO = null;
for(int i = 0, j=1; i < proListSize; i++){
proDAO = (ProfileDAO)proList.get(i);%>
entireArray.push(<%= proDAO.getNetworkmapId()%> + ":"+<%=proDAO.getAssetId()%> + ":" + <%= proDAO.getCode()%>);
<%} %>
And this is the function where I am trying to use it by using pop function.
function GenDemographicTag() {
var ptag = "<!-- Begin "+networkNameToUpperCase+" -->\n" ;
var t = "";
if (WhiteTagLabelDomain) {
ptag += "<iframe src=\"http://"+WhiteTagLabelDomainTrim+"/jsc/"+folderName+"/dm.html?";
} else {
ptag += "<iframe src=\"http://"+cdnName+"/jsc/"+folderName+"/dm.html?";
ptag += "n="+networkId+";";
for(var i = 0;i< entireArray.length;i++){
var combinedString = entireArray.splice(1,1);
var rightSide = combinedString.split(':')[0];
var middle = combinedString.split(':')[1];
var leftSide = combinedString.split(':')[2];
t = "";
if ( $("proElementEnable_"+rightSide) && $("proElementEnable_"+leftSide).checked) {
if ( middle == "1") {
if ( $("zip").value.length <= 0) {
t = "0";
} else {
t = $("zip").value;
} else if ( $("targetList_"+rightSide) && $("targetList_"+rightSide).length > 0 && $("targetList_"+rightSide).options[0].value != "-1") {
t = makeProelementList($("targetList_"+rightSide));
ptag += leftSide+"=" + t+ ";";
proDAO = null;
ptag += "\" frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=\"no\" allowTransparency=\"true\" width=1 height=1>\n</iframe>\n<!-- end "+networkNameToUpperCase+" -->\n";
document.forms[0].tag.value = ptag;
Basically I am trying to get the data from proList and store it in javaScript array(entireArray) that I can use in the javascript function..but after doing the above I get a javaScript error as follow:
entireArray.push(3 + ":"+3 + ":" + d3);
entireArray.push(185 + ":"+5 + ":" + d4);
entireArray.push(2 + ":"+2 + ":" + d2);
entireArray.push(186 + ":"+5 + ":" + d9);
entireArray.push(183 + ":"+5 + ":" + d6);
entireArray.push(184 + ":"+5 + ":" + d7);
entireArray.push(187 + ":"+5 + ":" + da);
entireArray.push(445 + ":"+5 + ":" + db);
Reference Error:d3 is not defined.
what is the exact problem..?

The return type of splice is an ARRAY , so you can try following code
var combinedString = entireArray.splice(1,1);
var rightSide = combinedString[0].split(':')[0];
var middle = combinedString[0].split(':')[1];
var leftSide = combinedString[0].split(':')[2];

d3 should be in quotes. "d3"
You need to put the out of JSP in quotes.
entireArray.push(<%= proDAO.getNetworkmapId()%> + ":"+<%=proDAO.getAssetId()%> + ":" + '<%= proDAO.getCode()%>');


Razor Pages Javascript Ajax not passing parameters to c#

I have a Javascript function that is meant to end with passing an array back into my c# code
I have got it to reach the c# code, but it never passes a parameter
My Javascript is as follows
var errorsubmits = [];
var filelists = [];
var nameselect = document.getElementById("username");
var nameselected = nameselect.options[nameselect.selectedIndex].text;
if (nameselected.includes("User"))
errorsubmits.push("User Name");
var prioritylevel = document.getElementById("priority");
var priorityselected = prioritylevel.options[prioritylevel.selectedIndex].text;
if (priorityselected.includes("Priority"))
var table = document.getElementById("FileTable");
var counter = 0;
var filename = "";
var images = "";
var envs = "";
var printmethod = "";
var encmethod = "";
var colour = "";
var commentsforprint = "";
var commentsforenclose = "";
for (var i = 1, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
if (counter == 0) {
if (j == 0)
filename = table.rows[i].cells[j].children[0].value;
if (j == 1)
images = table.rows[i].cells[j].children[0].value;
if (j == 2)
envs = table.rows[i].cells[j].children[0].value;
if (j == 3)
printmethod = table.rows[i].cells[j].children[0].value;
if (j == 4)
encmethod = table.rows[i].cells[j].children[0].value;
if (j == 5)
colour = table.rows[i].cells[j].children[0].value;
else {
if (j == 1) {
if (table.rows[i].cells[j - 1].innerHTML.includes("Print"))
commentsforprint = table.rows[i].cells[j].children[0].value;
commentsforenclose = table.rows[i].cells[j].children[0].value;
if (i % 3 == 0) {
if (filename == "")
errorsubmits.push("Filename (row:" + i + ")");
if (images == "")
errorsubmits.push("Images (row:" + i + ")");
if (envs == "")
errorsubmits.push("Envs (row:" + i + ")");
if (printmethod.includes("Method"))
errorsubmits.push("Print Method (row:" + i + ")");
if (encmethod.includes("Method"))
errorsubmits.push("Enc Method (row:" + i + ")");
if (colour.includes("?"))
errorsubmits.push("Colour (row:" + i + ")");
// alert(filename + "\n" + images + "\n" + envs + "\n" + printmethod + "\n" + encmethod + "\n" + colour + "\n" + commentsforprint + "\n" + commentsforenclose);
filelists.push(nameselected + "\t" + priorityselected + "\t" + document.getElementById('Email').textContent + "\t" + filename + "\t" + images + "\t" + envs + "\t" + printmethod + "\t" + encmethod + "\t" + colour + "\t" + commentsforprint + "\t" + commentsforenclose)
filename = "";
images = "";
envs = "";
printmethod = "";
encmethod = "";
colour = "";
commentsforprint = "";
commentsforenclose = "";
counter = 0;
else {
if (errorsubmits.length != 0) {
alert("Cannot submit!\nThe following lines need filling:\n" + errorsubmits.join("\n"));
else {
url: '?handler=Test',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(filelists)
My C# code which is currently functionless as i cant get the data is this
public JsonResult OnGetTest(IEnumerable<object>x)
return new JsonResult("TEST");
I have done an alert(JSON.stringify(filelists)) so i know that this works
(If possible i'd like to pass the raw array rather than stringifying it but i was following another SO suggestion)
The url '?handler=Test' send request like https://localhost:44389/?handler=Test&filelists=%5B%22nameselected%22%2C%22nameselected1%22%5D, because it's a HttpGet request not a POST.
Edit as per comment
1 - Function JS :
Push any string in the array filelists, and change your data to { "filelists": JSON.stringify(filelists) }
var filelists = [];
// push strings here
url: '?handler=Test',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: { "filelists": JSON.stringify(filelists) }
2 - In the server side
public JsonResult OnGetTest(string filelists)
IEnumerable<string> files = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<string>>(filelists);
return new JsonResult("TEST");
Note that, if you need to send javascript objects in the array, you should create classes for deserializing data.

Multiple Group By using two look-up columns which have multi valued selection enabled on an SP 2013 list using JavaScript

So I'm working on SP 2013 and have a document library which has three Lookup columns viz : Business Unit, Axis Product and Policy form. What I'm trying to do is I have managed to group by the List items first by Business Unit column and then by the Axis Product Column. This works fine but recently I'm trying to show the count of the number of items inside a particular Axis Product. Which would be like - Axis Product : "Some Value" (Count).
I'm able to show this count with Business Unit, but not able to do this with Axis Product. So I tried querying the library with both Business Unit and Axis Product to get the count for Axis Product, I'm not sure about this approach and currently I'm getting an error message:
'collListItemAxisProduct' is undefined.
Any help would be appreciated as I've been stuck on this for a long time now. Here is my code below :
// JavaScript source code
$(function () {
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', oGroupBy.GetDataFromList);
function GroupBy()
this.clientContext = "";
this.SiteUrl = "/sites/insurance/products";
this.lookUpLIst = "AxisBusinessUnit";
this.AxisProductlookUpList = "AXIS Product";
this.lookUpItems = [];
this.lookUpColumnName = "Title";
this.AxisProductlookupItems = [];
this.AProducts = [];
this.index = 0;
this.secondindex = 0;
this.parentList = "AXIS Rules Library";
this.html = "<div id='accordion'><table cellspacing='35' width='100%'><tr><td width='8%'>Edit</td><td width='13%'>Name</td><td width='13%'>Modified</td><td width='13%'>Underwriting Comments</td><td width='13%'>Policy Form Applicability</td><td width='13%'>AXIS Product</td><td width='13%'>Business Unit</td></tr>";
function MultipleGroupBy()
this.AxProducts = [];
this.SecondaryGroupBy = [];
this.count = "";
this.BusinessUnit = "";
this.html = "";
function UI()
{ = ""; = "";
this.modified = "";
this.acturialComments = "";
this.underWritingComments = "";
this.policyFormApplicability = [];
this.axisProduct = [];
this.businessUnit = [];
this.itemcheck = "";
this.Count = 0;
this.header = "";
this.AxisProductCount = 0;
this.trID = "";
this.SecondaryID = "";
this.LandingUrl = "&Source=http%3A%2F%2Fecm%2Ddev%2Fsites%2FInsurance%2FProducts%2FAXIS%2520Rules%2520Library%2FForms%2FGroupBy%2Easpx";
var oUI = new UI();
var oGroupBy = new GroupBy();
var oMultipleGroupBy = new MultipleGroupBy();
GroupBy.prototype.GetDataFromList = function () {
oGroupBy.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(oGroupBy.SiteUrl);
var oList = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.lookUpLIst);
var APList = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.AxisProductlookUpList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);
var secondcamlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.secondListItem = APList.getItems(secondcamlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.BindDataFromlookUpList), Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.onError));
GroupBy.prototype.BindDataFromlookUpList = function (seneder,args) {
var listenumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();
while (listenumerator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = listenumerator.get_current();
GroupBy.prototype.GetDataFromParent = function(lookUpItems)
var oList1 = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.parentList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'Business_x0020_Unit\'/>' +
'<Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + '</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>');
this.collListItem1 = oList1.getItems(camlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.load(this.collListItem1, 'Include(ID, Business_x0020_Unit, Title, FileLeafRef, ModifiedDate, Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability, AXIS_x0020_Product, Underwriting_x0020_Comments)');
oGroupBy.clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.CreateHTMLGroupBy), Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.onError));
GroupBy.prototype.CreateHTMLGroupBy = function (sender,args)
var listenumerator = this.collListItem1.getEnumerator();
var axisproductlistenumarator = secondListItem.getEnumerator();
while (axisproductlistenumarator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = axisproductlistenumarator.get_current(); oGroupBy.AxisProductlookupItems.push(currentitem.get_item(oGroupBy.lookUpColumnName));
oUI.Count = this.collListItem1.get_count();
if (oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] != undefined && oUI.Count > 0) {
oUI.trID = oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index];
oMultipleGroupBy.BusinessUnit = oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index];
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + "<table style='cursor:pointer' id='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' onclick='javascript:oUI.Slider('><tr><td colspan='7'><h2 style='width:1100px;font-weight: bold;border-bottom:1px solid #888888;padding:5px;'>Business Unit : " + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + " " + "<span> (" + oUI.Count + ")</span></h2></td></tr></table>";
oUI.businessUnit.length = 0;
oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy.length = 0;
oMultipleGroupBy.html = "";
if (oUI.Count > 0) {
if (listenumerator != undefined) {
while (listenumerator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = listenumerator.get_current();
if (currentitem != undefined) { = currentitem.get_item("ID"); = currentitem.get_item("FileLeafRef");
oUI.modified = currentitem.get_item("ModifiedDate");
//oUI.policyFormApplicability = currentitem.get_item("Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability");
oUI.underWritingComments = currentitem.get_item("Underwriting_x0020_Comments");
//oUI.axisProduct = currentitem.get_item("AXIS_x0020_Product");
var lookupPolicyFormApplicability = currentitem.get_item("Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability");
var lookupField = currentitem.get_item("Business_x0020_Unit");
var lookupAxisProduct = currentitem.get_item("AXIS_x0020_Product");
oUI.businessUnit.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lookupField.length; i++) { oUI.businessUnit.push(lookupField[i].get_lookupValue());
oUI.axisProduct.length = 0;
for (var m = 0; m < lookupAxisProduct.length; m++) { oUI.axisProduct.push(lookupAxisProduct[m].get_lookupValue());
oUI.policyFormApplicability.length = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < lookupPolicyFormApplicability.length; a++)
if (oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] != undefined && oUI.Count > 0) {
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + oMultipleGroupBy.html;
oGroupBy.index = oGroupBy.index + 1;
if (oGroupBy.index <= oGroupBy.lookUpItems.length) {
if(oGroupBy.index == oGroupBy.lookUpItems.length + 1)
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + "</table></div>";
UI.prototype.Slider = function (id) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-show="' + id + '"]');
UI.prototype.SecondarySlider = function (id) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-secondary="' + id + '"]');
GroupBy.prototype.CreateUI = function (oUI) {
var BusinessUnit = "";
var AxisProduct = "";
var Policyformapplicability = "";
var tempBUnit = "";
for (var i = 0; i < oUI.businessUnit.length; i++) {
BusinessUnit = BusinessUnit + oUI.businessUnit[i] + ",";
for (var m = 0; m < oUI.axisProduct.length; m++) {
AxisProduct = AxisProduct + oUI.axisProduct[m] + ",";
for (var a = 0; a < oUI.policyFormApplicability.length; a++) {
Policyformapplicability = Policyformapplicability + oUI.policyFormApplicability[a] + ",";
oGroupBy.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(oGroupBy.SiteUrl);
var oList1SecondGroupBy = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.parentList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'Business_x0020_Unit\' /><Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + '</Value></Eq>' +
'<Eq><FieldRef Name=\'AXIS_x0020_Product\' /><Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.AxisProductlookupItems[oGroupBy.secondindex] + '</Value></Eq></And></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'Title\' Ascending=\'True\' /></OrderBy></Query><View>');
this.collListItemAxisProduct = oList1SecondGroupBy.getItems(camlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.load(this.collListItemAxisProduct, 'Include(ID, Business_x0020_Unit, Title, FileLeafRef, ModifiedDate, Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability, AXIS_x0020_Product, Underwriting_x0020_Comments)');
if (collListItemAxisProduct != undefined) {
var AxisProductlistenumerator = this.collListItemAxisProduct.getEnumerator();
if (AxisProductlistenumerator != undefined) {
oUI.AxisProductCount = this.collListItemAxisProduct.get_count();
oGroupBy.AProducts.length = 0;
if (AxisProduct != "") {
oGroupBy.AProducts = AxisProduct.split(',');
oGroupBy.AProducts.splice(oGroupBy.AProducts.length - 1, 1);
var link = "/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=" + + oUI.LandingUrl;
var editicon = "/sites/insurance/products/_layouts/15/images/edititem.gif?rev=23";
for (var i = 0; i < oGroupBy.AProducts.length; i++) {
var SecondaryGBTableID = "";
if (oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(" ", "") != "") {
SecondaryGBTableID = oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, "") + oMultipleGroupBy.BusinessUnit.replace(/\s/g, "");
SecondaryGBTableID = SecondaryGBTableID.replace("&", "");
var isPresent = $.inArray(oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, ""), oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy);
oUI.SecondaryID = oUI.trID.replace("/\s/g", "") + oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace("/\s/g", "");
if ((isPresent <= -1)) {
oMultipleGroupBy.html = oMultipleGroupBy.html + "<tr style='margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:1px solid grey;' cellspacing='36'><td ><h3 class='hide' onclick='javascript:oUI.SecondarySlider(;' id='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "' data-show='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' style='cursor:pointer;width:100%;font-weight: bold;border-bottom:1px solid #888888;padding:5px;'>    -    AXIS Product : " + oGroupBy.AProducts[i] + " " + "<span> (" + oUI.AxisProductCount + ")</span></h3></td></tr>";
oMultipleGroupBy.html = oMultipleGroupBy.html + "<tr><td><table class='hide' data-show='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' width='100%' cellspacing='36' id='" + SecondaryGBTableID + "'><tr class='sd-hide' data-secondary='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "'><td width='8%'><a href='" + link + "'><img src='" + editicon + "'></a></td><td width='13%'><a href='/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/" + + "' target='_self'>" +\.[^/.]+$/, "") + "</a></td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.modified + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.underWritingComments + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.policyFormApplicability + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.axisProduct + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.businessUnit + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
else {
if ($("#" + SecondaryGBTableID).html() != undefined) {
$("#" + SecondaryGBTableID).append("<tr class='sd-hide' data-secondary='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "'><td width='8%'><a href='" + link + "'><img src='" + editicon + "'></a></td><td width='13%'><a href='/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/" + + "' target='_self'>" +\.[^/.]+$/, "") + "</a></td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.modified + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.underWritingComments + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.policyFormApplicability + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.axisProduct + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.businessUnit + "</td></tr>");
oMultipleGroupBy.html = $("#divMultiplegroupBy").html();
document.getElementById("divMultiplegroupBy").innerHTML = oMultipleGroupBy.html;
if ((isPresent <= -1) && (oGroupBy.AProducts[i] != "")) {
oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy.push(oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, ""));
else {
oGroupBy.secondindex = oGroupBy.secondindex + 1;
GroupBy.prototype.onError = function (sender, args) {
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message() + '\n');
// JavaScript source code
You have to call clientContext.executeQueryAsync after calling clientContext.load in order to populate any results from the SharePoint object model.
executeQueryAsync takes two parameters: first the function to execute on success, and second the function to execute if an error is encountered. Any code that depends on successfully loading values from the query should be placed in the on success function.

JS/HTML function

Can someone please help me understand why the function writeOptions logs optionCounter twice?
console.log("<option values=" + optionCounter + ">"+optionCounter);
Why is there a second optionCounter placed after the option element?
<script type = "text/javascript">
function writeOptions(startNumber,endNumber)
var optionCounter;
for(optionCounter = startNumber;
optionCounter <= endNumber; optionCounter++)
document.write("<option value=" + optionCounter + ">" + optionCounter);
function writeMonthOptions()
var theMonth;
var monthCounter;
var theDate = new Date(1);
for(monthCounter = 0; monthCounter < 12; monthCounter++)
theMonth = theDate.toString();
theMonth = theMonth.substr(4,3);
document.write("<option value=" + theMonth + ">" + theMonth);
function recalcDateDiff()
var myForm = document.form1;
var firstDay =
var secondDay =
var firstMonth =
var secondMonth =
var firstYear =
var secondYear =
var firstDate =
new Date(firstDay + " " + firstMonth + " " + firstYear);
var secondDate = new Date(secondDay + " " + secondMonth + " " + secondYear);
var daysDiff = (secondDate.valueOf() - firstDate.valueOf());
daysDiff = Math.floor(Math.abs((((daysDiff/1000)/60)/60)/24));
myForm.txtDays.value = daysDiff;
function window_onload()
var theForm = document.form1;
var nowDate = new Date();
theForm.firstDay.options[nowDate.getDate() - 1].selected =true;
theForm.secondDay.options[nowDate.getDate() - 1].selected = true;
theForm.firstMonth.options[nowDate.getMonth() - 1].selected = true;
theForm.secondMonth.options[nowDate.getMonth() - 1].selected = true;
theForm.firstYear.options[nowDate.getFullYear() - 1970].selected = true;
theForm.secondYear.options[nowDate.getFullYear() - 1970].selected = true;
as you can see this is the entire Javascript codeblock for this particular example.
I believe you know HTML. Each <option> tag has a display text (or label) and a value. And your code is creating the html option tag with both. So, when you write:
document.write("<option value=" + optionCounter + ">" + optionCounter);
the first optionCounter is for value and second one is for label/display text.
Note: I don't see the option tag being closed which could result in issues if not handled properly by the browser, so modify the statement as follows to render correct HTML:
document.write("<option value=" + optionCounter + ">" + optionCounter + "</option>");
Refer more about select tag & option tag on

Hiding elements with JS

I changed my script to this and it works. Way simpler and it works.
function myFunction(valor) {
var elementos = document.getElementsByClassName("inner");
var i;
for (i = 1; i < elementos.length+1; i++) {
document.getElementById("age"+i).style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("age"+valor).style.visibility = "visible";
I have this script:
function myFunction(valor) {
alert("Has seleccionado " + valor);
var elementos = document.getElementsByClassName("inner");
//alert ("Tienes " + elementos.length + " elementos.");
var i;
for (i = 1; i < elementos.length + 1; i++) {
var sty = document.getElementById("age" + i);
if (getComputedStyle(sty).getPropertyValue("visibility") == "hidden") {
document.getElementById("age" + valor).style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
document.getElementById("age" + i).style.visibility = "hidden";
That I control with a slider control. What I'm doing is hiding or showing some divs with depending of what I choose from the slider.
This is how I paint my data before trying to hide or shsow elements with the slider:
$(window).load(function() {
$.getJSON('http://xxxxx/xxxxx.json', function(data) {
var output = "<ul class='lista'><div class='outer'>";
for (var i in data.lbclassic) {
output += "<div style='visibility:hidden;' class='inner'id=" + "age" + data.lbclassic[i].ageinweeks + ">" + "<p>" + data.lbclassic[i].ageinweeks + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].cumul + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].perhh + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].perhd + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].eggweightinweek + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].eggmasscumul1 + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].eggmassinweek + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].eggmasscumul + "</p></div>";
output += "</div></ul>";
document.getElementById("placeholder").innerHTML = output;
This works great until one point - once I get to the last element (90 in this case), it won't show up.
Isn't it more easy to use the css "display:none;" feature for hidding your element.
just edit the class with js
Link to CSS
function myFunction(valor) {
var elementos = document.getElementsByClassName("inner");
var i;
for (i = 1; i < elementos.length+1; i++) {
document.getElementById("age"+i).style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("age"+valor).style.visibility = "visible";

Adding javascript loops into SQL database

What i am trying to achieve is adding the javascript loops and the named variables into an sql database, some of them are already added to an external script so work fine however some which i have named in the SQL script at the bottom still need adding, however as the database won't accept a colon ":" they won't enter it and is returning an error, looking at the code at the bottom with replace function im sure you can see what i am trying to achieve but failing miserably, help is much appreciated!
window.status = 'Loading contingency scripts - please wait...';
audit('Loading contingency scripts');
var conting = {
i: 0,
start: function() {
window.status = 'Loading form - please wait...';
var t = '';
t += '<form name="frm_conting" id="frm_conting" onsubmit="return false;">';
t += '<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">';
t += '<tr><td>Date (DD/MM/YY):</td><td><input type="text" size="8" value="' + current_date + '" id="date"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Time Started:</td><td><select id="timefrom"><option></option>';
for (h = 8; h < 23; h++) {
for (m = 0; m < 46; m = m + 15) {
t += '<option value=' + nb[h] + ':' + nb[m] + '>' + nb[h] + ':' + nb[m] + '</option>';
t += '</select></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Time Finished:</td><td><select id="timeto"><option></option>';
for (h = 8; h < 23; h++) {
for (m = 0; m < 46; m = m + 15) {
t += '<option value=' + nb[h] + ':' + nb[m] + '>' + nb[h] + ':' + nb[m] + '</option>';
t += '</select><tr><td>Extension #:</td><td><input type="text" size="5" value="' + my.extension + '" id="staffid"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Desk ID:</td><td><input type="text" size="5" value=' + my.deskid + ' id="desk"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Number of calls:</td><td><input type="text" size="5" id="calls"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td>Avid ID:</td><td><input type="text" size="5" id="avid"></td></tr>';
t += '<tr><td><input type="button" value="Submit" onClick=""></td>';
t += '</table>';
t += '</form>';
div_form.innerHTML = t;
window.resizeTo(400, 385);
window.status = '';
save: function() {
var conting_date =;
if (!isdate(conting_date)) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect date.");
return false;
var conting_timefrom = frm_conting.timefrom.value;
var conting_timeto = frm_conting.timeto.value;
if (conting_timefrom == '' || conting_timeto == '') {
alert("You need to enter a starting & finishing time.");
return false;
if (conting_timefrom > conting_timeto) {
alert("The time you have entered is after the finish time.");
return false;
var conting_staffid = frm_conting.staffid.value;
if (conting_staffid.length != 5) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect extension number.");
return false;
var conting_desk = frm_conting.desk.value;
if (conting_desk.length != 5) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect desk ID.");
return false;
var conting_calls = frm_conting.calls.value;
if (isNaN(conting_calls)) {
alert("You have not entered amount of calls.");
return false;
var conting_avid = frm_conting.avid.value;
if (isNaN(conting_avid)) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect avid ID.");
return false;
if (conting_avid.length != 5) {
alert("You have entered an incorrect avid ID.");
return false;
};["contingency"]);"SELECT MAX(prac_id) FROM practice", conn);
var prac_id = rs.fields(0).value + 1;
var prac_timefrom = parseFloat(frm_conting.timefrom.value);
var prac_timeto = parseFloat(frm_conting.timefrom.value);
var prac_calls = frm_conting.calls.value;
var prac_avid = frm_conting.avid.value;
var q = "INSERT INTO practice (prac_id, prac_staffid, prac_date, prac_timefrom, prac_timeto, prac_extension, prac_desk, prac_calls, prac_avid) VALUES (" + prac_id + "," + + ", " + current_date + ", " + prac_timefrom + ", " + prac_timeto + ", " + my.extension + ", " + my.deskid + ", " + prac_calls + ", " + prac_avid + ")";
var q = "UPDATE SELECT practice REPLACE ('isNaN', ':', 'isNull')"
alert(prac_timefrom);, conn);
window.status = '';​
This bit of code looks extremely dubious.
var q = "INSERT INTO practice (prac_id, prac_staffid, prac_date, prac_timefrom, prac_timeto, prac_extension, prac_desk, prac_calls, prac_avid) VALUES (" + prac_id + "," + + ", " + current_date + ", " + prac_timefrom + ", " + prac_timeto + ", " + my.extension + ", " + my.deskid + ", " + prac_calls + ", " + prac_avid + ")";
var q = "UPDATE SELECT practice REPLACE ('isNaN', ':', 'isNull')"
alert(prac_timefrom);, conn);
you should use parameterised queries to avoid SQL injection. Additionally even without any deliberate SQL injection attempts this code will fail if any of the form fields contain the ' character.
You are assigning to the variable q twice and aren't executing the result of the first assignment. (And declaring it twice actually?!)
There is no syntax such as UPDATE SELECT it would need to be something like UPDATE practice SET SomeColumn = REPLACE (SomeColumn, 'isNaN', 'isNull') presumably except see 4 and 5.
I'm not clear what the Replace is meant to be doing anyway. What are the 3 parameters you have given it?
It would be better to do the Replace on the value before inserting into the database rather than inserting it wrong then updating it to the new value.

