How to compare for two different objects inside ng-repeat - javascript

What is the best way to compare two different objects for equality inside of ng-repeat, why doesn't angular.equals work for me here:
<tr ng-repeat="row in ctrl.filteredItems" ng-class="{'active':angular.equals(row,ctrl.ngModel), 'focus': angular.equals(row,ctrl.focusedRow)}">
<td ng-repeat="value in ctrl.sort(row) track by $index" class="text-center">
I want to add the active class if the current row and the pre-selected row coming from the controller match.

Write a function in JS which will do angular.equals(obj1, obj2) and use this function to check is it active or not?
<tr ng-repeat="row in ctrl.filteredItems" ng-class="{'active': checkEqualiy(row, ctrl.ngModel), 'focus': checkEquality(row,ctrl.focusedRow)}">
<td ng-repeat="value in ctrl.sort(row) track by $index" class="text-center">
$scope.checkEquality= function(param1, param2){
return angular.equals(param1, param2)


Loop for object n HTML

My code is quite simple. I only want to add John and Marie to my table.
Works great but my issue is if there is no John and Marie I want to create a row and show a - in my td.
How do I know if there was not added any row when the ng-repeat ends?
<tr class="text-center" ng-if="name == 'John' || name == 'Marie'" ng-repeat="name in vm.names track by $index">
Use the ng-switch directive:
<tr class="text-center" ng-switch"name" ng-repeat="name in vm.names track by $index">
<td ng-switch-when="John">{{name}}</td>
<td ng-switch-when="Marie">{{name}}</td>
<td ng-switch-when="Paul">{{name}}</td>
<td ng-switch-default>-</td>
You could map your original object in the controller with something like this:
this.names = => {
name ? name : '-';

passing $scope objects to ng-if and ng-class ternary condition not working

$scope.status = [
{name:'SQL', stat:"up"},
{name:'Web Server', stat:"down"},
{name:'Index', stat:"down"}
<td ng-repeat="x in status">
<div ng-if="{{}}=='SQL'"> {{x.stat}} </div>
<td ng-repeat="x in status">
<div ng-if="{{}}=='SQL'" ng-class="{{x.stat}}=='up'? 'squareGreen':'squareRed'"> {{ +" : "+x.stat}} </div>
I am trying to pass status array to index.html to compare the 'name' to a string then apply class squaregreen or red depending upon comparison of 'stat' to 'up' or 'down'. The goal is to match the name of the server and apply green when up and red when down. I have 2 problems below. 1. parse error in syntax for ng-if 2. all servers are applied Squarered, though 1st server(sql)'s 'stat' is 'up'
Remove all the curly braces from your ng-if and ng-class expressions and it should work. E.G:
$scope.status = [
{name:'SQL', stat:"up"},
{name:'Web Server', stat:"down"},
{name:'Index', stat:"down"}
<td ng-repeat="x in status">
<div ng-if="'SQL'"> {{x.stat}} </div>
<td ng-repeat="x in status">
<div ng-if="'SQL'" ng-class="x.stat=='up'? 'squareGreen':'squareRed'"> {{ +" : "+x.stat}} </div>
Curly braces are not necessary here because ng-if and ng-class bindings are evaluated as scope expressions already. Use curly braces when a directive does not do this by default (e.g. with '#' bindings). AngularJS docs on scope binding
Take out your curly braces. ng-if=" === 'SQL'"
You don't need to use the extrapolation {{}} operator within ng-if and you need to use the {} within your ng-class
<div ng-if=" == 'SQL'" ng-class="{x.stat=='up'? 'squareGreen':'squareRed'}"> {{ +" : "+x.stat}} </div>

Splitting a string in JSON and using them in two separate tds with angular

So I'm calling a JSON string, and I want to split it in two at the ":" and use the two values to show in two separate td tags.
function testCtrl($scope) {
$scope.response = {"name":["The name field is required."],"param":["Hobby: Coding", "Country: USA"]};}
to visualize a little more at what I'm trying to do
You could try this:
<tr ng-repeat="resp in response.param">
<td ng-repeat="val in resp.split(':')">{{ val }}</td>
This is a entirely angular solution, no need to call the function split in the ng-repeat.
<tr ng-repeat="resp in response.param track by $index">
<td ng-repeat="i in [$index]">

How to access and use index of each item inside ng-repeat

I have a table where the last column in each row contains a little loading icon which I would like to display when a button inside the table is clicked.
When each table row is generated with ng-repeat, the loader shows up in every row rather than the individual one. How can I set ng-show to true or false for only the current index clicked?
<tr ng-repeat="record in records">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a ng-click="someAction(">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="loading">Loading...</td>
$scope.someAction = function(recordName) {
$scope.loading = true;
You can pass in the $index parameter and set/use the corresponding index. $index is automatically available in the scope of an ng-repeat.
<td><a ng-click="someAction(, $index)">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="loading[$index]">Loading...</td>
$scope.someAction = function(recordName, $index) {
$scope.loading[$index] = true;
Here's a generic sample with all the logic in the view for convenience: Live demo (click).
<div ng-repeat="foo in ['a','b','c']" ng-init="loading=[]">
<p ng-click="loading[$index]=true">Click me! Item Value: {{foo}}<p>
<p ng-show="loading[$index]">Item {{$index}} loading...</p>
There are many ways to handle this.
The problem here is that your variable loading is sharing the scope between the rows.
One approach could be use $index
<tr ng-repeat="record in records">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a ng-click="someAction(, $index)">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="loading">Loading...</td>
$scope.someAction = function(recordName, $index) {
$scope.loading[$index] = true;
Using a property in your object record:
<tr ng-repeat="record in records">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a ng-click="someAction(record)">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="record.loading">Loading...</td>
$scope.someAction = function(record) {
var name =;
record.loading = true;
Best regards
The scope inside ng-repeat is different form the one outside. Actually the scope outside ng-repeat is the parent of the one inside. So the html code goes here
<tr ng-repeat="record in records">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><a ng-click="someAction(record)">Some Action</a></td>
<td ng-show="$parent.loading">Loading...</td>

How to format table dynamically within ng-repeat in AngularJS

I have a list of items of different types and I would like to display them in a table.
The items of one type will have two columns and items of another type just one. Any suggestions how to change conditionally the colspan on the <> tag on fly?
<div ng-init="items = [
{name:'item1', old:1, new:2},
{name:'item2', old:2, new:2},
{name:'item3', msg: 'message'},
{name:'item4', old:0, new:2}
<table border=1>
<tr ng-repeat="item in items" >
<td colspan='2'>{{item.msg}}</td>
Here is the example to play in jsfiddle:
You can use conditional directives, such as ng-show, to do something like this:
<table border=1>
<tr ng-repeat="item in items" >
<td colspan="2" ng-show="item.type == 'typeA'">{{item.msg}}</td>
<td ng-show="item.type == 'typeB'">{{item.msgB1}}</td>
<td ng-show="item.type == 'typeB'">{{item.msgB2}}</td>
More info about ng-show:
ngShow directive

