Use Netbeans Ide for HTML Project with NO Java [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I don't know who to ask or where to post this question: I have a Html project (html, css, php, javascript, mysql) which I edit with Notepad++. The project works OK so far, except the typing error correction & debugging is very basic (print statements in PHP, Firefox in-built debugger for Javascript, no on-line help when typing source code).
I would like to switch to the NetBeans IDE for this project, hoping the IDE will help me be more productive. I don't know Java and don't want to learn it. I am not a longtime Web Developer, this (Web projects development) is only temporary.
Is that possible ? Do you know a link to a tutorial for what I want ? If not here, where can I ask this question ?

There's no reason to learn java if you want use Netbeans as your favorite IDE.
Netbeans Download Options . You should download the HTML5/JavaScript version which comes for support for html,css,javascript and php.
However, you need the JDK (JavaDevelopmentKit) installed on your machine as Netbeans needs Java to run , not you. I'm using netbeans and is very useful. I decide to download the version for all the the supported languages since i start developing plugins for cordova (java).
Netbeans definitely will help you to be productive according to what you use (PHP,HTML and Javascript).


Can I debug node.js applications in Sublime 2? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is this the right IDE for node.js or it's just a fast text editor? Can you guys suggest which IDE should be used for node.js?
Using the Chrome Browser with node-inspector has been very valuable for debugging node.js applications.
Microsoft just released a new free & cross-platform text editor called Visual Studio Code, with built-in Node.js debugging capabilities that looks very exciting -
WebStorms is an IDE with a very strong debugger for Node.js built in. It's just like the traditional debuggers in Eclipse or .NET.
It also has good support for things like CoffeeScript, etc.
Maybe you should consider using a modern, open source text editor called Brackets, which has extension called Node.js Debugger.
To start using it first you'll need to install it from Brackets Extensions Manager. Then start your script with node --debug-brk yor-script.js or node --debug your-script.js
Go into Brackets and click on Debug -> Node.js Debugger or use Ctrl-Shift-I
More information available on the github of the extension.
If you set up a new build system for sublime 2 you can run it with the ctr-B command.
See: Build Systems
You could try the node.js plugin for eclipse which allows you to build node.js projects. I haven't used it in a while now but as far as I know you can just debug like normal using that.
You could give it a shot anyway, here's the link:

Looking for a IDE plus SDK of JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am interested to know the best way to develop en JS. If I could get a list of tools for developing and debugging in JS. I am not sure if there. Currently, I am using:
Sumariing :)
JLint N++ pluggin
Chrome web inspector
Sublime Text 2
NetBeans 7.3
Development Tools are always going to be subjective, but my current setup is:
Visual Studio 2010 - The express edition is free and still supports javascript intellisense.
WebStorm by JetBrains - There's a paid version thats amazing.
Firebug Incredibly useful for debugging
Fiddler Web Proxy - Incredibly useful for debugging
You might also want to check out this list from Scott Hanselman: Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
Try NetBeans 7.3
Project Easel: HTML5 Application Development
HTML5 Application project with JavaScript testing support
JavaScript Editor significantly improved
Page inspector and visual CSS style editor
JavaScript Debugger
Embedded WebKit browser; deep integration with Chrome
Depending on what other languages you are using, your IDE may have JavaScript support.
I am using JetBrains PHPStorm to write PHP and the JavaScript support is excellent as it pre-compiles to check your code and give you intillisense.
This is a feature in many IDEs and it can really improve productivity as you will catch errors much earlier in your workflow.
I use Vim + jslint plugin + javascript syntax, I also installed ctags which is very useful to switch between different functions.
snippets is also a very useful vim plugin.
I find Webstorm to be the best but if you want free and open source try Eclipse. Also, firebug seems to work better than chrome debugger since you can install add-ons on firebug such as firecookie and many more.
Dreamweaver is also pretty good

Free Javascript+Jquery IDE ? Features like - intellisense etc [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for JavaScript IDE that is good and free.
I have read many post of stackoverflow itself, asking same question but most of the tools suggested are paid.
But I am looking specifically and free IDE.
I use Eclipse for all my non-.NET coding. Mostly PHP/JS/jQuery and XUL/JS. It doesn't have autocompletion for jQuery though. Many people recommend Aptana since it does have jQuery support, however overall Aptana performed far slower and was buggy, so I just use plain Eclipse, but YMMV.
EDIT: There are plugins that may add jQuery support to Eclipse. Here's one: I last searched for one about a year ago and didn't find any, but I might try installing this one at work tomorrow...
I had a similar issue not very long ago. While I personally now chose the not-very-expensive Jetbrains' Webstorm (, another VERY close contender was the Aptana, and Komodo Edit - as I was initially looking for a free IDE/Editor as well. I sometimes still use Komodo Edit for some rather tiny and quick things.
Eclipse is the best option for you. It is free and has plugins to support most of the programming languages. The intellisense for javascript and jQuery is also there.
Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Web Developers is free, and will help you.
For the beginner, Aptana Studio 3 is my suggestion. Basically it's Eclipse focused to the web. And since it's eclipse-based, eclipse plugins will work on it also. It has auto-complete support for HTML5, CSS3, JS, PHP and many others i don't use.
For speed, i suggest Notepad++ with it's Explorer plugin and BeSpin Theme (for a similar feel to Aptana).
All of which don't have jQuery autocomplete though but you can have a quick look-up using jQuery's dynamic API Browser (Also available as an AIR app)
Sublime text editor with jquery plug-in for sublime is all that is required
Follow these steps if you are manually installing the plug-in
After you have installed sublime text editor
Create a jQuery folder (in 'Packages' folder)
copy the snippets to this folder
auto-completion would work in any .js file

full featured debugger for javascript and ExtJS [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to write a web application that uses ExtJS Javascript and PHP in the back end, I need a tool that help me to debug javascript also set break points while executing
Please advise
Zend studio 8.x supports JavaScript debugging, break points and content assist for some js frameworks such as extjs, prototype, Jquery and Dojo.
Read more on Zend studio on You may download a free trial from here
and use it for free for 90days.This is the ideal solution if you are willing to develop using PHP and html and JavaScript.
You may have an eye on spket IDE too. it's feature rich and you could integrate it into eclipse based IDE`s such as Zend Studio.
Jetbrains webstorm has some great features including break points and you may get a free download and use it for 30days for free.

What IDE to use for standalone Javascript debugging? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a few projects that are scripted via javascript. Not a web pages, unfortunately - just a javascript code that calls a few external methods like api.Log( "This is log" );. Is it some IDE exists that i can use to debug such javascript code? I just want to run some unit tests on math and logic so i can break into program, walk it step-by-step and see what is going around. I have tried Visual Studio for Web Developers, aptanta, eclipse - but all of them wants badly to integrade into web browser and debug 'web pages with some javascript' :(. Maybe anyone can suggest a better solution? Maybe some Emacs extension? :) Or IDE / IDE extension / Eclipse distro / IDEA fork i don't know about?
You could use Aptana Studio..

