What IDE to use for standalone Javascript debugging? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a few projects that are scripted via javascript. Not a web pages, unfortunately - just a javascript code that calls a few external methods like api.Log( "This is log" );. Is it some IDE exists that i can use to debug such javascript code? I just want to run some unit tests on math and logic so i can break into program, walk it step-by-step and see what is going around. I have tried Visual Studio for Web Developers, aptanta, eclipse - but all of them wants badly to integrade into web browser and debug 'web pages with some javascript' :(. Maybe anyone can suggest a better solution? Maybe some Emacs extension? :) Or IDE / IDE extension / Eclipse distro / IDEA fork i don't know about?

You could use Aptana Studio..


Use Netbeans Ide for HTML Project with NO Java [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I don't know who to ask or where to post this question: I have a Html project (html, css, php, javascript, mysql) which I edit with Notepad++. The project works OK so far, except the typing error correction & debugging is very basic (print statements in PHP, Firefox in-built debugger for Javascript, no on-line help when typing source code).
I would like to switch to the NetBeans IDE for this project, hoping the IDE will help me be more productive. I don't know Java and don't want to learn it. I am not a longtime Web Developer, this (Web projects development) is only temporary.
Is that possible ? Do you know a link to a tutorial for what I want ? If not here, where can I ask this question ?
There's no reason to learn java if you want use Netbeans as your favorite IDE.
Netbeans Download Options . You should download the HTML5/JavaScript version which comes for support for html,css,javascript and php.
However, you need the JDK (JavaDevelopmentKit) installed on your machine as Netbeans needs Java to run , not you. I'm using netbeans and is very useful. I decide to download the version for all the the supported languages since i start developing plugins for cordova (java).
Netbeans definitely will help you to be productive according to what you use (PHP,HTML and Javascript).

Google Chrome app: Any SSH/SFTP JS libraries? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been going through the samples for Google Chrome extension/app development and liked some of them. Especially the Telnet client example here:
Is there a library/source that I can use with google Chrome for an SSH client?
Two years ago, I tried to find SSH/SFTP JavaScript Library, however, I could not find any libraries. Therefore, I created my app with libssh2. That is, I created NaCl module with C++ to use the libssh2 C library. Also, I created the SFTP client NaCl module with libssh2 library as well.
And, you can also refer the source code of SSH Client app.
Probably, it is difficult to calculate encryption/decryption for SSH2 negotiation protocol with JavaScript...

full featured debugger for javascript and ExtJS [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to write a web application that uses ExtJS Javascript and PHP in the back end, I need a tool that help me to debug javascript also set break points while executing
Please advise
Zend studio 8.x supports JavaScript debugging, break points and content assist for some js frameworks such as extjs, prototype, Jquery and Dojo.
Read more on Zend studio on http://www.zend.com/en/products/studio/studio-whats-new#jsdebug You may download a free trial from here
and use it for free for 90days.This is the ideal solution if you are willing to develop using PHP and html and JavaScript.
You may have an eye on spket IDE too. http://spket.com/javascript-editor.html it's feature rich and you could integrate it into eclipse based IDE`s such as Zend Studio.
Jetbrains webstorm has some great features including break points and you may get a free download and use it for 30days for free.

Looking for a Javascript unit testing framework [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What do you recommend as the best and most documented Unit Test Framework for Javascript?
Jasmine is a BDD testing framework for javascript that works client-side or server-side. It works well in Rails, Node, Maven, etc. There's also a lot of plugins for things like jQuery.
Jquery team is using its Qunit for client side testing . It has a potential.
Check out this post. JSUnit is probably very effective, but I've found that Firebug now has an extension called FireUnit.
JSUnit is fairly useful, though it's been discontinued.
There are a whole bunch of modules found on the npm if you search for "unit test".
There is also the CommonJS testing specification.
I've written implementations of them which are on github. But I wouldn't call them production ready. There reasonably stable.
Very young, but still nicely functioning framework - bob.js.

Alternatives to libxmljs [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Goal: Use Node.js to access a web page, manipulate the DOM using xpath syntax, and print the new DOM.
libxmljs is okay, but it has several dependencies which NPM doesn't resolve. Which libraries do you use to xpath arbitrary HTML?
I develop libxmljs on Mac OS X, so this shouldn't be your major hurdle. You need the libxml2 library and the scons utility in order to build successfully. Both of these are available via macports or homebrew. Once you have libxml2, make sure the xml2-config command-line utility is in your path. That's what I use to get the appropriate build flags.
#mcandre I believe you're the same person who submitted a ticket to the github repo. I hope you've gotten things worked out. If not, give more info about your problem. https://github.com/polotek/libxmljs

