How to request mobile site through iframe? - javascript

I have a use case where I need to open a small iframe to Bing. It has a min-width property of 990px and I only have about 400px to work with, so I am trying to open it as a mobile site.
As far as I can tell, Bing looks at user agent to determine the site version it should serve. However, from my research it appears that it's not possible to give an iframe a custom user agent. Did I misunderstand? Or is there some other way to force mobile?
Bing is not responsive to just limiting the width of the frame, which is what everyone seems to give as the "answer" for this sort of question.
This is not a "fix my code" question - I am trying to find the right approach to this problem, and have not found any way to get what I want to happen.


wix mobile not able to fit javascript embedding on mobile version

i have been having problems in wix mobile website version I have a javascript quoter embedded on the desktop version now how do i make that fit in the mobile dimension? any tips on getting that done is where it is i have resized the first page of the quoter where you put in your information and what not. i had to scale the image and push it out of the box to fit the screen, problem is when second page after that loads its not proportional to the mobile version and it looks like the page being displayed is greater than the mobile screen. Please help me out as i have no coding skills to be able to code my way out of it but I'm open to suggestions. Thank you for whoever takes the time of reading this and give me a suggestion much love god bless.
Hey #exodus seems like you're running into responsive site issues. Normally you could resolve it by developing with mobile-first in mind by setting #media responsive CSS.
I'm not too familiar with Wix, however I did find this Wix documentation here which guides you through having a mobile-friendly view and layout.

Chrome Extension - Show custom notification/popup (HTML element) on top of a fullscreen video

I want to write an extension for Chrome (as seems the easiest option) that would show notifications on top of a full screen video.
For example, say you're watching a Netflix video, the chrome recognises what video you're watching, checks databases for popups, and if it found some, it shows them at specific times (say when video is at 1:05 or something).
While most of the parts seem doable, main question is, how to display some HTML element on top of a video that is in full-screen mode?
Thanks a lot!
After some research and links provided by the answer, I could not find an answer for Flash players - I guess that is not (easily) possible.
However, as per my example, I tested Netflix videos, and whether it's fullscreen or not, a simple div with absolute positioning and high value for z-index was visible at all times. As many of the systems are now are or moving onto HTML5 video's, the simple solution should apply to all of them.
Thanks Marc Guiselin for helping.
I asked this a while back for my extension: Force a div to show up and overlay whatever is in fullscreen
The result was this: you can't on things like flash, however, I found out you can detect if an html element is in fullscreen in your content script using document.fullscreenElement||document.webkitFullscreenElement.
If it's null, nothing is in full screen, but if isn't, then you can append stuff to it while its in fullscreen.
Also if you want to do this, you might want to allow your content scripts to work within iframes using "all_frames": true in your manifest, since a lot of sites now use embeded iframe html5 players that can go full screen.
Good luck.

Which technique to hide right column with heavy content?

I'm building a mobile site for a great magazine with a lot of content that is partly heavily. The problem now is that I have to hide the entire right column on the mobile site (yes, I need it in this case).
I've done a great research on mobile design, read a lot of articles, but can't find a solution that addresses this problem. It's usual to hide the right column with CSS or JS. But then everything still loaded. In this case the right column is so big, with a lot of content, it seems worthwhile to not load it for the page to load faster.
What should I do?
You should be able to detect the user's browser on the backend (I assume you're using PHP) and then make a simple control structure where you decide whether to load or not load that right-hand column on your site.
Here are some libraries that you may find useful (obviously you shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel for such a trivial task): (uses regex)
If you think that it is not a problem that mobile users wont be able to see that content, then you should not load it. There are php classes to check for mobile devices and based on that you can decide to not load some part of content. There is one problem - php class can only base on user agent settings, not browser size, so in theory someone with high resolution mobile device wont be able to see that content anyway.
One more idea on my mind - you can not load content in php, but after general content is loaded, check in js viewport width and eventually load part of content by ajax if there is enough place.
In summary, as we dont know your site content, it is up to you to decide if you can afford to not show part of content at all (for mobile devices). In this case when resolution change, users still wont be able to see it (i.e. changing device position horizontal to vertical). Of course in this case page will load faster, which also migh be crucial for mobile internet connections.

Maximum Browser Width and Height On Page Load

Ive Googled and stackoverflowed since earlier on today and i just cant find a solution. I'm looking for a way using JQuery/JS to open up a webpage ive created with a maximized window. So on the page loading whichever browser the user is using, my webpage will be displayed as though the user has hit the maximise button on their browser, but automatically on load.
I need to make an interactive website which is best displayed maximised, any ideas? Btw im very new to building websites so any solution JS fiddle based or properly explained would be so much appreciated.
For security reasons, JavaScript cannot change the window's size (including minimizing or maximizing it).
You can, however, open a new window set to a certain size - but not automatically - only in response to user interaction, like a click on the page (again, for security reasons).
I don't know what your site's content is - but if it isn't flexible enough to fit different screen sizes (like a game, maybe?) then your best bet from a user experience perspective may be to just put some text up somewhere on the page that says something like "Site best viewed in fullscreen". Or, if it is something like a game, maybe a nice big button on the homepage that says "Launch Game"?
Your best bet, however, is to have your content fit any screen size/shape. This is often called things like "responsive webdesign", and there's tons of info out there on how to design a website responsively, as well as how to implement said design.
Good luck!
window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth

Can I tell a browser to start display of a web page already scrolled down?

I have a web page with a fixed-size layout, it's fine in its current implementation even if it's far from "state of art", but a little too high for a mobile device screen.
Since the "header" part doesn't really matter to anyone, everyone wants to immediately pan / scroll down a little when viewing the page on a mobile device (or, broadly speaking, on a viewport shorter than the page fixed height).
Is there some HTML or JS magic I can do to tell the browser to start displaying the page already-scrolled-down X pixels?
You can try something like links and anchors.
If you're using jQuery, you could try scrollTo. You'll need to work out where on the page your target is, though...
Anchors is one solution, but the way I find really nice is to use So use can detect User Agent in Javascript and scroll down in proper place using this plugin.
Not sure anchors would work if you are trying to implement this on the homepage.
If the header is completely pointless in mobile browser this you could use html to detect that a mobile browser is being used then from this load CSS with the header hidden, or load it at the bottom perhaps. If this sounds like a viable option I can post examples.

