trying to create timer for quiz - javascript

var myVar = setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
var d = 1;
function myTimer() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = d++;
Can any one help me how to set the dynamic timer in JavaScript?
I'm trying to create a quiz application and I need to run a timer for the questions which is already available in the database.
I have to retrieve a time from the database and I have to run a count-down timer.

What about something like this. It doesn't reply on the timer being perfect.
var running = false;
var timeToRun = 10000; // 10 seconds
var startTime;
var timer;
var output = document.getElementById("output");
function start(){
running = true;
startTime = new Date();
timer = setInterval(check, 100);
output.innerHTML = "Started<br>" + output.innerHTML;
function stop(){
running = false;
function check(){
var now = new Date();
var left = (startTime - now) + timeToRun;
output.innerHTML = left + "<br>" + output.innerHTML;
if (left < 0){
output.innerHTML = "times up <br>" + output.innerHTML;
<div id="output">o</div>

function myTimer(d) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = d;
return d;
var d = 1;
var myVar = setInterval(function() {
d = myTimer(d);
}, 1000);
like this?
[Edit after reading comments:]
var endpoint = [php_timestamp_here];
var countdown = setInterval(function() {
var d = new Date();
var ts = d.getTime();
if( ts >= endpoint ){
// stuff after reach the point...
// stuff every second
}, 1000);


timer implementation in javascript

I had written following code for implementing a timer in JS. But the issue is, for the subsequent recursive calls, the method throws reference error for timeChkSplitTime. How does it happen as its being passed in settimeout().
Also, later I used the easy timer js lib for this. If possible, pls provide an idea to configure the timer for minutes and seconds alone.
function timeChkold(timeChkSplitTime) {
var min = timeChkSplitTime[0], sec = timeChkSplitTime[1];
if (!(timeChkSplitTime[0]==0 && splitTime[1]==0)) {
var strSec, strMin = "0"+min.toString();
if (sec < 10) strSec = "0"+ sec.toString();
else strSec = sec.toString();
$(".timer-btn time").html(strMin+":"+strSec);
if (sec > 0) timeChkSplitTime[1]--;
else timeChkSplitTime[1] = 59;
setTimeout( "timeChk(timeChkSplitTime);", 1000);
else {
var startBtn = $(".start-btn");
startBtn.css( {
"border": "1px solid #56B68B",
"background": "#56B68B",
var startTime = "01:00";
$(".timer-btn time").html(startTime);
setTimeout( "timeChk(timeChkSplitTime);", 1000);
should be
setTimeout( timeChk(timeChkSplitTime), 1000);
Variables aren't parsed through strings, on the line with the code:
setTimeout( "timeChk(timeChkSplitTime);", 1000);
It's literally reading the parameter as the value as the text timeChkSplitTime and not the value of the variable timeChkSplitTime. Other than using a string use a function for setTimeout:
setTimeout( timeChk(timeChkSplitTime), 1000);
your code is a little bit of a spaghetti code. you should seperate your code logic from the view. split them into functions. and most importantly, using setTimeout is not efficient in this case.
var CountdownTimer = function(startTime) {
var timeInSeconds = this.stringToSeconds(startTime);
this.original = timeInSeconds;
this.time = timeInSeconds;
this.running = false;
CountdownTimer.prototype.start = function(callback) {
this.running = true;
this.interval = setInterval(function() {
if(this.time < 1) {
this.running = false;
} else {
this.time -= 1;
}.bind(this), 1000);
CountdownTimer.prototype.pause = function() {
if(this.running) {
this.running = false;
CountdownTimer.prototype.restart = function() {
this.time = this.original;
CountdownTimer.prototype.stringToSeconds = function(timeSting) {
var timeArray = timeSting.split(':');
var minutes = parseInt(timeArray[0], 10);
var seconds = parseInt(timeArray[1], 10);
var totalSeconds = (minutes*60) + seconds;
return totalSeconds;
CountdownTimer.prototype.secondsToStrings = function(timeNumber) {
finalString = '';
var minutes = parseInt(timeNumber/60, 10);
var seconds = timeNumber - (minutes*60);
var minStr = String(minutes);
var secStr = String(seconds);
if(minutes < 10) minStr = "0" + minStr;
if(seconds < 10) secStr = "0" + secStr;
return minStr + ":" + secStr;
to run this code you can add the following
var countdownTest = new CountdownTimer("01:15");
function onEachTick() {
var time = countdownTest.secondsToStrings(countdownTest.time);
you can write your custom code in the onEachTick funciton.
you can check if the timer is running by typing countdownTest.running.
you can also restart and pause the timer. now you can customize your views however you want.

How to Pause the timer on window blur and resume the timer on window focus event?

Thanks for seeing my question.
I am using wp-pro-quiz plugin for quiz. I want to know that how can I pause the timer if the window is not in focus or is blur and resume it when it is back to focus.?
My code:
I get reset when it get focused
var timelimit = (function () {
var _counter = config.timelimit;
var _intervalId = 0;
var instance = {};
instance.stop = function () {
if (_counter) {
instance.start = function () {
var x;
var beforeTime;
if (!_counter)
var $timeText = globalElements.timelimit.find('span').text(plugin.methode.parseTime(_counter));
var $timeDiv = globalElements.timelimit.find('.wpProQuiz_progress');;
$.winFocus(function (event) {
console.log("Blur\t\t", event);
function (event) {
console.log("Focus\t\t", event);
x = _counter * 1000;
beforeTime = +new Date();
_intervalId = window.setInterval(function () {
var diff = (+new Date() - beforeTime);
var elapsedTime = x - diff;
if (diff >= 500) {
$timeText.text(plugin.methode.parseTime(Math.ceil(elapsedTime / 1000)));
$timeDiv.css('width', (elapsedTime / x * 100) + '%');
if (elapsedTime <= 0) {
}, 16);
return instance;
Use this wrapper function to pause, resume your timeout.
var Timer;
Timer = function(callback, delay) {
var remaining, start, timerId;
timerId = void 0;
start = void 0;
remaining = delay;
this.pause = function() {
remaining -= new Date - start;
this.resume = function() {
start = new Date;
timerId = window.setTimeout(callback, remaining);
Intialize it like this, timer = new Timer("callback_function_here", 45000)
In this case total time is 45 seconds for the callback and upon event triggers(blur or focus in your case) it will pause or resume the timer accordingly.
timer.pause() //pause the timer
timer.resume() //resume the timer
P.S - Use this function as per the logic of your code. You will have to make the timer calls accordingly in your code
I did it this way:
var time0 ; var setTimeout_Int; var focused = true; var resume_Fun ;
var addTime =0; var addTimeDiff =0;
window.onfocus = function() {
focused = true;
var d = new Date();
addTimeDiff = addTimeDiff +( d.getTime() - addTime );
window.onblur = function()
focused = false;
function init()
var d = new Date();
time0 = d.getTime();
setTimeout_Int = setTimeout(update, 1000 )
function update()
var d = new Date();
if(d.getTime() -(time0+addTimeDiff) < 20000)
setTimeout_Int= setTimeout(update, 1000 )
addTime = d.getTime();
resume_Fun = update;

Coundown cokie set up

I cant figuret how set cookie for my countdownt timeer, that if i refresh page it vill not disapear but vill counting.
i be glad if eny can help. i use jquery 2.1.4 and this java countdown script, but when i refresh page all my coundown timers are lost!
* Created by op on 18.07.2015.
function leadZero (n)
n = parseInt(n);
return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n;
function startTimer(timer_id) {
var timer = $(timer_id);
var time = timer.html();
var arr = time.split(":");
var h = arr[0];
h = h.split(" / ");
h = h[1];
var m = arr[1];
var s = arr[2];
if (s == 0)
if (m == 0)
if (h == 0)
m = 60;
s = 59;
timer.html(' / '+leadZero(h)+":"+leadZero(m)+":"+leadZero(s));
setTimeout(function(){startTimer(timer_id)}, 1000);
function timer (name, time)
var timer_name = name;
var timer = $(timer_name);
var time_left = time;
timer.html(' / '+ time);
$('.fid').click(function (e)
var timer_name = '.timer_'+$(this).data('fid');
var timer = $(timer_name);
if (timer.html() == '')
var time_left ='timer');
var hours = leadZero(Math.floor(time_left / 60));
var minutes = leadZero(time_left % 60);
var seconds = '00';
timer.html(' / '+hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds);
$.each($('.tab'), function () {
$(this).click(function () {
$.each($('.tab'), function() {
if (window.location.hash != '')
var tab = window.location.hash.split('-');
tab = tab[0];
It would help if you actually set a cookie.
Setting the cookie would go like:
document.cookie="timer=" + time;
And then call it at the beginning of your code
var time = getCookie("timer");
The getCookie() function is outlined in that link, as well as a base knowledge about them.

Cant a function be implemented into while loop?

function start() {
var work = document.getElementById("work").value;
var rest = document.getElementById("rest").value;
var rounds = document.getElementById("rounds");
var timer = document.getElementById("timer");
function countdown() {
var roundsValue = rounds.value;
while (roundsValue > 0) {
var worktime = setInterval(function () {
timer.value = work + "sec";
work = work - 1;
if (work === 0) {
}, 1000);
var resttime = setInterval(function(){
timer.value = rest + "sec";
rest = rest-1;
if(rest === 0){
}, 1000);
roundsValue = roundsValue-1;
I am working on my javascript progress right now and I came here with this problem. I want to repeat the same amount of work time and rest time as rounds are but it doesnt work like this and I cant help myself. For example: 8 rounds of 10 seconds of work and then 5seconds of rest. It maybe doesnt work because function cant be implemented into a WHILE loop.
Here is a quick fix, may not be the best way to go about it but will get what to do.
function start() {
var rounds = document.getElementById("rounds");
var timer = document.getElementById("timer");
var roundsValue = parseInt(rounds.value);
(function countdown() {
var work = document.getElementById("work").value;
var rest = document.getElementById("rest").value;
if (roundsValue > 0) {
var worktime = setInterval(function () {
timer.value = work + "sec(work)";
work = work - 1;
if (work === 0) {
var resttime = setInterval(function() {
timer.value = rest + "sec(rest)";
rest = rest - 1;
if (rest === 0) {
}, 1000);
}, 1000);

Converting a countdown timer into minutes

I have created a simple countdown timer, that counts down the total seconds inputted.
However, I am unsure how to turn 3 minutes (the number entered) into seconds with a format like 1:79, 1:78, etc.
$('.click').click(function () {
var rawAmount = $('input').val();
var cleanAmount = parseInt(rawAmount);
var totalAmount = cleanAmount * 60
$('input').val(" ");
var loop, theFunction = function () {
if (totalAmount == 0) {
var loop = setInterval(theFunction, 1000);
Any help would be great.
This will show the time like 2:59, 2:58, 2:57, and so on...
1:79, 1:78 isn't a valid time, since a minute has 60 seconds.
Here's the fiddle:
$('.click').click(function () {
var rawAmount = $('input').val();
var cleanAmount = parseInt(rawAmount);
var totalAmount = cleanAmount * 60;
$('input').val(" ");
var loop, theFunction = function () {
if (totalAmount == 0) {
var minutes = parseInt(totalAmount/60);
var seconds = parseInt(totalAmount%60);
if(seconds < 10)
seconds = "0"+seconds;
$('p').text(minutes + ":" + seconds);
var loop = setInterval(theFunction, 1000);
try this code
$('.click').click(function () {
var rawAmount = $('input').val().split(':');
var showTime;
var cleanAmount = ((parseInt(rawAmount[0])*60) +parseInt(rawAmount[1]));
$('input').val(" ");
var loop, theFunction = function () {
if (cleanAmount == 0) {
var minutes="0";
var seconds ="0";
if(cleanAmount >60){
minutes = parseInt(cleanAmount/60);
seconds = parseInt(cleanAmount%60);
seconds = cleanAmount;
minutes ="0";
seconds = "0"+seconds;
var loop = setInterval(theFunction, 1000);

