calculating a textbox value - javascript

I am working on a requirement where I want to do some calculation on the numbers entered in the dxtextbox,
For example if I am entering:
then the calculation will be like
num1=1 *3;num2=2 *7;num3=3 ;num4=4 *3;num5=5 *7;num6=6;num7=7 *3;num8=8*7;num9=9;
if(sum != 0 && sum % 10 == 0){it will return true}else it should return false
I searched this in your documentation section but didn't got any thing.
Can you please help me to solve this requirement .
I have attached a sample solution where you can see the kind of validation structure I trying to accomplish this task.
Thank You

var enteredNumber = 123456789;
var numTotal = 0;
var multiplikator = Array(3,7,1);
var multiplikatorCnt = 0;
for(a=0;a < enteredNumber.toString().length; a++)
numTotal += parseInt((enteredNumber.toString())[a]) * multiplikator[multiplikatorCnt];
if(multiplikatorCnt > 2)
multiplikatorCnt = 0;
if(numTotal != 0 && numTotal % 10 == 0)
return true
return false
Edit: forgot to return true or false.

Shorter would be:
var enteredNumber = 123456789;
var numTotal = 0;
var multiplikator = Array(3,7,1);
for(a=0;a < enteredNumber.toString().length; a++)
numTotal += parseInt((enteredNumber.toString())[a]) * multiplikator[a % multiplikator.length];
if(numTotal != 0 && numTotal % 10 == 0)
return true
return false

Thank You for your quick response,I am able to solve it by my self
here is the code what I am using
var valuenum = $("#txt_value").dxTextBox("instance");
var checknumber = valuenum .option('value');
var arr = checknumber.split('');
var num1, num2, num3, num4;
num1 = (arr[0]) * 3;
num2 = (arr[1]) * 7;
num3 = (arr[2]);
num4 = (arr[3]) * 3;
var totalval = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2) + parseInt(num3) + parseInt(num4) ;
if (totalval != 0 && totalval % 10 == 0) {
return true;


JavaScript function changes object argument and all associated variables

Links: and these are just links to the main code if needed. The first link is the source, the second is the run environment.
The function expo has a very critical issue. I will explain what it does, then I will explain the exact issue and what I've tried to fix it. So the function is meant to calculate exponents up to 264-1 digits long. (For the answer.) It works by running the multiplication function multiple times (on lines 196-197: final = multi(num1, num1); for (var i="2"; isLessThan(i, num2); i=add({num:i.split(""),isNeg:false,decimals:0}, {num:["1"],isNeg:false,decimals:0})) final = multi(final, num1);)
The objects that you see are passed into the isLessThan() function are examples of me passing pre-parsed numbers to the function doesn't have to re-parse them and take up computer resources. This passing of a pre-parsed object is where the error is. On line 197, you can see final = multi(final, num1); The final variable is not pre-parsed for obvious reasons, but num1 is. However, if you go into the chrome debugger and watch the num1 variable, the multi() function changes the content of the property num1.num from (if you did 264) from ["2"] to ["0","2"] causing and incorrect answer.
I've tested force-removing this behavior is intended for the multi function, but it shouldn't be modifying the argument. I've tried naming the variable something else, using const, and trying to set the object to be read-only nothing has worked. I've even tried something like this:
num1save = num1;
final = multi(num1, num1);
for (var i="2"; isLessThan(i, num2); i=add({num:i.split(""),isNeg:false,decimals:0}, {num:["1"],isNeg:false,decimals:0})) {
final = multi(final, num1);
num1 = num1save;
However, somehow, the variable manages to change num1save. Any variable referenced at some point to the object is changed. I have no idea why this is happening. This same thing happens with the isLessThan() function and the variable num2 on line 197.
This includes only the required code, so the lines won't match up:
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
function parseNums(num1pre, num2pre, mode) {
if (["string", "object"].indexOf(typeof num1pre) == -1) throw new TypeError("The first number wasn't a string (or object). It has to be a string (or object). Note that an object input is ment to submit a pre-parsed number.");
if (["string", "object"].indexOf(typeof num2pre) == -1) throw new TypeError("The second number wasn't a string (or object). It has to be a string (or object). Note that an object input is ment to submit a pre-parsed number.");
if (typeof mode != "number" || [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].indexOf(mode) == -1) throw new TypeError("The mode must be a number from 1-5.");
var num1 = num1pre,
num2 = num2pre,
skip = false,
stringMode1 = true,
stringMode2 = true,
neg = [false, false, false],
decimal = 0,
decimal1 = 0,
decimal2 = 0,
num1pos, num2pos, maxChar, numl;
if (num1.num != undefined) neg[1] = num1pre.isNeg, decimal1 = num1pre.decimals, num1 = num1pre.num, stringMode1 = false;
if (num2.num != undefined) neg[2] = num2pre.isNeg, decimal2 = num2pre.decimals, num2 = num2pre.num, stringMode2 = false;
if (stringMode1 && num1.split("-").length == 2) num1 = num1.split("-")[1], neg[1] = true;
if (stringMode2 && num2.split("-").length == 2) num2 = num2.split("-")[1], neg[2] = true;
if (neg[1] != neg[2] && mode != 1 && mode != 2) neg[0] = true;
if (stringMode1) num1 = num1.split('').filter(w => w != ",");
if (stringMode2) num2 = num2.split('').filter(w => w != ",");
num1pos = num1.indexOf("."), decimal1 = num1pos != -1 ? num1.filter(w => w != ".").length - num1pos : 0, num2pos = num2.indexOf("."), decimal2 = num2pos != -1 ? num2.filter(w => w != ".").length - num2pos : 0, decimal = mode == 1 || mode == 2 ? Math.max(decimal1, decimal2) : mode == 3 ? decimal1 + decimal2 : decimal1 - decimal2, maxChar = Math.max(num1.length, num2.length);
for (var i = 0; !skip && num2.length == maxChar && i < num2.length && (((neg[1] || neg[2]) && mode == 1) || mode == 2); i++)
if (+num2[i] > +num1[i]) neg[0] = true, skip = true;
if (decimal < 0) decimal = 0;
if (maxChar == num2.length && mode == 3) num1 = [num2, num2 = num1][0]
if (decimal1 != decimal2 && [1, 2].indexOf(mode) > -1) {
if (decimal1 == decimal)
for (var i = 0; i < decimal1 - decimal2; i++) num2.push("0");
else if (decimal2 == decimal)
for (var i = 0; i < decimal2 - decimal1; i++) num1.push("0");
if (num1.length != num2.length && [1, 2].indexOf(mode) > -1) {
numl = [num1.length, num2.length];
if (maxChar == numl[0])
for (var i = 0; i < numl[0] - numl[1]; i++) num2.unshift("0");
else if (maxChar != num1[0])
for (var i = 0; i < numl[1] - numl[0]; i++) num1.unshift("0");
if (mode == 3 && neg.every(e => (e == true))) neg[0] = false;
return {
num1: {
num: num1,
isNeg: neg[1],
decimals: decimal1
num2: {
num: num2,
isNeg: neg[2],
decimals: decimal2
isNeg: neg[0],
maxChar: maxChar,
decimals: decimal
function formatNums(final, decimals, neg) {
if (typeof final == "string") {
if (decimals > 0) {
final = final.split("");
final.splice(final.length - decimals, 0, ".");
final = final.join("");
} else if (typeof final == "object") {
if (decimals > 0) {
final = final.reverse();
final.splice(final.length - decimals, 0, ".");
final = final.join("");
} else final = final.reverse().join("");
final = neg[0] ? "-" + final : final;
final = ["", ".", "-"].indexOf(final) > -1 ? "0" : final;
return final;
function add() {
function tempadd(num1, num2) {
var parsedNums = parseNums(num1, num2, 1),
neg = [parsedNums.isNeg, parsedNums.num1.isNeg, parsedNums.num2.isNeg],
maxChar = parsedNums.maxChar,
decimal = [parsedNums.decimals, parsedNums.num1.decimals, parsedNums.num2.decimals],
num1 = parsedNums.num1.num,
num2 = parsedNums.num2.num,
time, final = [],
carry = "0",
if (neg[2]) return sub(parsedNums.num1, {
num: num2,
isNeg: false,
decimals: decimal[1]
else if (neg[1]) return sub(parsedNums.num2, {
num: num1,
isNeg: false,
decimals: decimal[2]
for (var i = maxChar - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
finali = maxChar - i - 1;
if (time != i + 1) carry = "0";
final[finali] = String(+num1[i] + (+num2[i]) + (+carry));
if (+final[finali] > 9) {
var temp = final[finali].split('');
final[finali] = temp[1], carry = temp[0], time = i;
if (i - 1 < 0) final.push(carry);
return formatNums(final, decimal[0], neg);
var permfinal, a = arguments;
if (Array.isArray(a[0])) a = a[0];
permfinal = tempadd(a[0], a[1]);
for (var i = 2; i < a.length; i++) permfinal = tempadd(permfinal, a[i]);
return permfinal;
function sub() {
function tempsub(num1pre, num2pre) {
var parsedNums = parseNums(num1pre, num2pre, 2),
neg = [parsedNums.isNeg, parsedNums.num1.isNeg, parsedNums.num2.isNeg],
maxChar = parsedNums.maxChar,
decimal = [parsedNums.decimals, parsedNums.num1.decimals, parsedNums.num2.decimals],
num1 = parsedNums.num1.num,
num2 = parsedNums.num2.num,
final = [],
finali, fans;
if (neg[0] && !neg[1] && !neg[2]) num1 = [num2, num2 = num1][0];
else if (neg[1] && neg[2]) num1 = [num2, num2 = num1][0];
else if (neg[2] && !neg[1]) return add(parsedNums.num1, {
num: num2,
isNeg: false,
decimals: decimal[2]
else if (neg[1] && !neg[2]) return "-" + add({
num: num1,
isNeg: false,
decimals: decimal[1]
}, parsedNums.num2);
for (var i = maxChar - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
finali = maxChar - i - 1, fans = num1[i] - num2[i];
if (fans < 0 && i != 0) {
var j = i - 1;
final[finali] = String(fans + 10), num1[j] = String(num1[j] - 1);
while (num1[j] < 0 && j != 0) num1[j] = String((+num1[j]) + 10), j = j - 1, num1[j] = String(num1[j] - 1);
} else if (fans < 0 && i == 0) final[finali] = String(fans).split("-")[1];
else final[finali] = fans;
return formatNums(final, decimal[0], neg);
var permfinal, a = arguments;
if (Array.isArray(a[0])) a = a[0];
permfinal = tempsub(a[0], a[1]);
for (var i = 2; i < a.length; i++) permfinal = tempsub(permfinal, a[i]);
return permfinal;
function isLessThan() {
function templessthan(num1, num2) {
var num = sub(num2, num1);
if (num.split("-").length == 1 && num != 0) return true;
return false;
var permfinal, a = arguments;
if (Array.isArray(a[0])) a = a[0];
permfinal = templessthan(a[0], a[1]);
for (var i = 2; i < a.length; i++) permfinal = templessthan(permfinal, a[i]);
return permfinal;
function multi() {
function tempmulti(num1pre, num2pre) {
var parsedNums = parseNums(num1pre, num2pre, 3),
neg = [parsedNums.isNeg, parsedNums.num1.isNeg, parsedNums.num2.isNeg],
final = "",
decimals = parsedNums.decimals,
numArray = [],
num2 = parsedNums.num2,
num1 = parsedNums.num1;
if (num2.num.length == 1 && num2.num[0] == "1") return formatNums(num2.num, decimals, neg);
else if (num2.length == 1 && num2[0] == "0") return "1";
else {
final = add(num1, num1);
for (var i = "2"; isLessThan(i, num2); i = add({
num: i.split(""),
isNeg: false,
decimals: 0
}, {
num: ["1"],
isNeg: false,
decimals: 0
})) final = add(final, num1);
return formatNums(final, decimals, neg);
var permfinal, a = arguments;
if (Array.isArray(a[0])) a = a[0];
permfinal = tempmulti(a[0], a[1]);
for (var i = 2; i < a.length; i++) permfinal = tempmulti(permfinal, a[i]);
return permfinal;
function expo() {
function tempexpo(num1pre, num2pre) {
var parsedNums = parseNums(num1pre, num2pre, 5),
num1 = parsedNums.num1,
num2 = parsedNums.num2,
decimals = parsedNums.decimals,
decimal2 = parsedNums.num2.decimals,
neg = [parsedNums.isNeg, parsedNums.num1.isNeg, parsedNums.num2.isNeg],
numArray = [],
final = "";
if (neg[1]) num1.num.unshift("-");
if (neg[2]) num2.num.unshift("-");
if (decimal2 > 0) {
// root_of_decimal2*10(num1)**(num2*(10*decimal2))
alert("Decimal exponents aren't supported yet");
throw new TypeError("Decimal exponents aren't supported yet");
} else {
if (num2.num.length == 1 && num2.num[0] == "1") return formatNums(num2.num, decimals, false);
else if (num2.num.length == 1 && num2.num[0] == "0") return "1";
else {
final = multi(num1, num1);
for (var i = "2"; isLessThan(i, num2); i = add({
num: i.split(""),
isNeg: false,
decimals: 0
}, {
num: ["1"],
isNeg: false,
decimals: 0
})) {
final = multi(final, num1);
console.log(num1, num2, i);
return final;
//Need to fix div -> if (neg[2]) return div("1", final);
var permfinal, a = arguments;
if (Array.isArray(a[0])) a = a[0];
permfinal = tempexpo(a[0], a[1]);
for (var i = 2; i < a.length; i++) permfinal = tempexpo(permfinal, a[i]);
return permfinal;
console.log(expo("2", "64"));
Why is this happening? Is there a work-around?
If you saw the previous post, sorry. I've been very frustrated with this bug.
Doing the following:
var num1save = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(num1));
var num2save = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(num2));
sets a save variable that isn't just a reference but is instead a good copy and then doing this to set the save:
num1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(num1save));
num2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(num2save));
doesn't prevent the problem from happening, but prevents it from causing any issues. Appling this in a way other than in the for loop would prevent the issue from happening.

Minimum value javascript in result

I'm working on a smart pdf with easy javascript fields.
But i've got an issue with one on them :
var a = this.getField("caution").value;
var b = 0;
if (a < "3000")
{event.value = a * 0.08 ;}
{event.value = b ;}
I would like to add a minimal value of 75. For example, if a = 500 the result is 40 and I want 75 instead. It seems easy but i cant handle with it.
Any help ?
Maybe you can try this,
var a = this.getField("caution").value;
var b = 0;
if (a < "3000")
{event.value = a * 0.08 ;
if(event.value < "75")
{event.value = 75;}
{event.value = b ;}
You could add another check.
var a = +this.getField("caution").value;
var b = 0;
if (event.value < 75 / 0.08) { // event.value < 937.5
event.value = 75;
else if (a < 3000) {
event.value = a * 0.08;
} else {
event.value = b;
This can be simplified to:
var a = this.getField("caution").value;
var b = 0;
if (a < "3000" && a > 0) {
event.value = Math.max(a * 0.08, 75) ;
} else {
event.value = b ;
An that does it.
Note: edit: added a condition for a <= 0, where event value is to be 0.

Factorialize a Number

I'm taking the freecodecamp course one of the exercises it's to create a Factorialize function, I know there is several ways to do it just not sure what this one keeps returning 5
function factorialize(num) {
var myMax = num;
var myCounter = 1;
var myTotal = 0;
for (i = 0; i>= myMax; i++) {
num = myCounter * (myCounter + 1);
return num;
This is a recursive solution of your problem:
function factorialize(num) {
if(num <= 1) {
return num
} else {
return num * factorialize(num-1)
This is the iterative solution:
function factorialize(num) {
var cnt = 1;
for (var i = 1; i <= num ; i++) {
cnt *= i;
return cnt;
with argument 5, it will return the 5! or 120.
To answer your question, why your function is returning 5:
Your function never reaches the inner part of the for-loop because your testing if i is greater than myMax instead of less than.
So you are just returning your input parameter which is five.
But the loop does not calculate the factorial of num, it only multiplies (num+1) with (num+2);
My solution in compliance with convention for empty product
function factorializer(int) {
if (int <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return int * factorializer(int - 1);
Here is another way to solve this challenge and I know it is neither the shortest nor the easiest but it is still a valid way.
function factorialiaze(num){
var myArr = []; //declaring an array.
if(num === 0 || num === 1){
return 1;
if (num < 0){ //for negative numbers.
return "N/A";
for (var i = 1; i <= num; i++){ // creating an array.
// Reducing myArr to a single value via .reduce:
num = myArr.reduce(function(a,b){
return a * b;
return num;
Maybe you consider another approach.
This solution features a very short - cut to show what is possible to get with an recursive style and a implicit type conversion:
function f(n) { return +!~-n || n * f(n - 1); }
+ convert to number
! not
~ not bitwise
- negative
function f(n) { return +!~-n || n * f(n - 1); }
var i;
for (i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Try this function
const factorialize = (num) => num === 0 ? 1 : num * factorialize(num-1)
Use it like this:
factorialize(5) // returns 120
Try this :
function factorialize(num) {
var value = 1;
if(num === 1 || num ===0) {
return value;
} else {
for(var i = 1; i<num; i++) {
value *= i;
return num * value;
// My solution
const factorialize = num => {
let newNum = 1;
for (let i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
newNum *= i
return newNum;
I love syntactic sugar, so
let factorialize = num => num <= 1 ? num : num * factorialize(num -1)

A while loop to add the digits of a multi-digit number together? (Javascript)

I need to add the digits of a number together (e.g. 21 is 2+1) so that the number is reduced to only one digit (3). I figured out how to do that part.
1) I may need to call the function more than once on the same variable (e.g. 99 is 9+9 = 18, which is still >= 10) and
2) I need to exclude the numbers 11 and 22 from this function's ambit.
Where am I going wrong below?
var x = 123;
var y = 456;
var z = 789;
var numberMagic = function (num) {
var proc = num.toString().split("");
var total = 0;
for (var i=0; i<proc.length; i++) {
total += +proc[i];
while(x > 9 && x != 11 && x != 22) {
} else {
xResult = x;
//repeat while loop for y and z
Here are the problems with your code
var x = 123;
var y = 456;
var z = 789;
var numberMagic = function (num) {
var proc = num.toString().split("");
var total = 0;
for (var i=0; i<proc.length; i++) {
total += +proc[i]; // indentation want awry
}; // don't need this ; - not a show stopper
// you're not returning anything!!!!
while(x > 9 && x != 11 && x != 22) {
}; // ; not needed
// because x never changes, the above while loop would go on forever
} else { // this else has no if
xResult = x; // even if code was right, x remains unchanged
Hope that helps in some way
Now - here's a solution that works
var x = 123;
var y = 456;
var z = 789;
var numberMagic = function (num) {
while (num > 9) {
if (num == 11 || num == 22) {
return num;
var proc = num.toString().split("");
num = proc.reduce(function(previousInt, thisValueString) {
return previousInt + parseInt(thisValueString);
}, 0);
return num;
I'm not sure to understand what you want..
with this function you reduce any number to one single digit
while(num > 9){
if(num == 11 || num == 22) return;
var proc = num.toString();
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<proc.length; i++) {
sum += parseInt(proc[i]);
num = sum;
is it what you are looking at?
I wrote an example at Jsfiddle that you can turn any given number into a single digit:
Example input: 551
array of [5, 5, 1] - add last 2 digits
array of [5, 6] - add last 2 digits
array of [1, 1] - add last 2 digits
array of [2] - output
Here is the actual code:
var number = 1768;
var newNumber = convertToOneDigit(number);
console.log("New Number: " + newNumber);
function convertToOneDigit(number) {
var stringNumber = number.toString();
var stringNumberArray = stringNumber.split("");
var stringNumberLength = stringNumberArray.length;
var tmp;
var tmp2;
var tmp3;
console.log("Array: " + stringNumberArray);
console.log("Array Length: " + stringNumberLength);
while (stringNumberLength > 1) {
tmp = parseInt(stringNumberArray[stringNumberLength - 1]) + parseInt(stringNumberArray[stringNumberLength - 2]);
tmp2 = tmp.toString();
if (tmp2.length > 1) {
tmp3 = tmp2.split("");
for (var i = 0; i < tmp3.length; i++) {
} else {
stringNumberLength = stringNumberArray.length;
console.log("Array: " + stringNumberArray);
console.log("Array Length: " + stringNumberLength);
return stringNumberArray[0];
function addDigits(n) {
let str = n.toString().split('');
let len = str.length;
let add,
acc = 0;
for (i=0; i<=len-1; i++) {
acc += Number(str[i]);
return acc;
console.log( addDigits(123456789) ); //Output: 45
Just make it a While loop, remember a While loops it's just the same as a For loop, only you add the counter variable at the end of the code, the same way you can do with a Do{code}while(condition) Only need to add a counter variable at the end and its gonna be the same. Only that the variable its global to the loop, I mean comes from the outside.
let i = 0; //it's global to the loop, ( wider scope )
while (i<=x) {
//Code line;
//Code line;
//Code line;
//Code line;
Now this is working with an outside variable and it's NOT recommended.. unless that var its local to a Function.
Please look at the this solution also
var x = 123;
var y = 456;
var z = 789;
var numberMagic = function (num) {
var total = 0;
while (num != 0) {
total += num % 10;
num = parseInt(num / 10);
if (total > 9)
return total;
//Call first time function

Why is my prime number calculator not working?

Here is my code. It would really help me if someone could tell me what is wrong. And performance tips are also highly appreciated.
btw the html is just a button onclick prime().
function prime() {
var teller = 1;
var n = document.getElementById("a").value;
document.write("2, ");
checkPrime(n, 1);
function checkPrime(n, teller) {
if(isPrime(teller)) {
document.write(teller + ", ");
if(teller < n) {
checkPrime(n, teller = teller + 2);
function isPrime(n) {
var isPrime = true;
if (n < 2 || n != Math.round(n) ) {
return false;
for (var i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i++) {
if (n % i == 0) {
isPrime = false;
return isPrime;
Your logic for checking with modulus seems correct but the teller variable seemed strange to me. Here is a fiddle and your code without the teller var.
function prime() {
var teller = 1;
var n = document.getElementById("a").value;
function checkPrime(n) {
var primes = isPrime(n);
if (primes) alert(primes.length + " primes found : " + primes.join())
else alert("Error");
function isPrime(n) {
var isPrime = true;
var primeArray = new Array();
if (n <= 2 || n != Math.round(n)) {
return false;
for (var j = 3; j <= n; j++) {
var primeFound = true;
for (var i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(j); i++) {
if (j % i == 0) {
primeFound = false;
if (primeFound) primeArray.push(j);
return primeArray;
This isn't the most efficient code though. It would be faster to check by only the primes already found instead of trying to divide by all the integers up to sqrt(j).

