how to handle jsonarray response using angular js? i am getting - javascript

I am getting this error:
Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Repeater: session in privateKeyList key: string:I
This is my JavaScript code:
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.privateKeyList = data.privateKeyList;
This is my JSP code:
<tbody ng-repeat="session in privateKeyList">
This is the response in JSON string:
"[\"{key1:9315, key2:27108, key3:122 }\",
\"{key1:9315, key2:27108, key3:122}\"]",
"totalPrivateKey": 888 }

Use the track by $index with ng-repeat and Use ng-repeat with <tr> tag.
<tr ng-repeat="session in privateKeyList" track by $index>
Use the track by $index with ng-repeat
<div ng-repeat="obj in collection track by $id(obj)">
<div ng-repeat="n in [42, 42, 43, 43] track by $index">
for more know

By ref and by value
You are not creating a separate object for each item in your array. your array just holds a ref.
To get around this you can go to your repeat and add
ng-repeat="session in privateKeyList track by $index"
Should you need a new object for whatever reason you should just create it before you push to the array with Object.create
here is a link to a question that explains it.


generate dropdown using angularJS controller

I am trying to dynamically add a dropdown using $sce.trustAsHtml() function but I am getting an empty list in the UI. Here is the code:
$scope.addRowtrain = function() {
$scope.locomotivesList = [{"name": "loco1", "value":"1"}, {"name": "loco2", "value":"2"}];
tableData[id] = $sce.trustAsHtml('CTRun'+counter++);
tableData[type] = $sce.trustAsHtml("<select data-ng-model='selectedLoco' data-ng-options=' for loco in locomotivesList'></select>");
In the HTML, I want to render it as a table:
<tr ng-repeat="data in tableData track by $index">
<td ng-repeat="(k, p) in data track by $index"><span ng-bind-html=p>{{p}}</span></td>
<a class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="addRowtrain()">Add Run</a>
but it is displaying an empty table, please help
you are adding it dynamically you must not pass binding values instead pass Complete JSON object.
It's working with
this example
md-select in angular material

ng-repeat of json in value of another ng-reapeat

I have an ng-repeat that iterates through a JSON and renderes a table. What I want to do is to iterate through the value that is a JSON itself. But It behaves like a string.
ng-repeat="(key,value) in event.kibana._source track by $index"
<span ng-repeat="(k,val) in value track by $index">{{k}}|{{val}} </span>
"value" is a JSON. The result inside the td looks like this:
{"bezeichnung":"Basis","name":"Basis","id":16} 0|{ 1|" 2|b 3|e 4|z 5|e
6|i 7|c 8|h 9|n 10|u 11|n 12|g 13|" 14|: 15|" 16|B 17|a 18|s 19|i 20|s
21|" 22|, 23|" 24|n 25|a 26|m 27|e 28|" 29|: 30|" 31|B 32|a 33|s 34|i
35|s 36|" 37|, 38|" 39|i 40|d 41|" 42|: 43|1 44|6 45|}
Of course this is not what I want. i want to iterate through the JSON and not the string. How can I do that?
THIS is what the JSON looks like:
You have to parse JSON.(ex. JSON.parse(yourString))
try removing track by $index. read the documentation here: ngRepeat
<tr id="{{key}}"
ng-repeat="(key,value) in event.kibana._source"
<span>{{value}}</span> //array of objects, [{"bezeichnung":"Basis","name":"Basis","id":16}]
<div ng-repeat="val in value track by"> //single value in 'value' array
<span ng-repeat="(k,v) in val track by k">{{k}}|{{v}} </span>
Problem was "value" was an array of object and you had "basis" as value for two keys. So, if tracked using key in the object, AngularJS can differentiate.
I've consider "id" key is unique for a particular value.

How to ng-repeat array of an object in object?

I have this data:
"foods":"{'foods':[{'id':2, 'name':'Nasi Minyak', 'qty':1}]}",
"drinks":"{'drinks':[{'id':1,'name':'Teh O Ais','qty':1}]}",
"foods":"{'foods':[{'id':2, 'name':'Nasi Goreng', 'qty':1}]}",
"drinks":"{'drinks':[{'id':1,'name':'Milo Ais','qty':1}]}",
I try to grab all foods name inside table like this:
<table class="table-bordered table table-striped">
<tr ng-repeat="order in orders">
<button class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="">Delete</button>
And this is my $http.get to get the data:
.success(function(data) {
var order = data.order;
$scope.orders = order;
I managed to bind the id but I could't bind the name inside the foods array.
How to get the name inside the foods array of this data?
You need another ng-reapeat. Something like this:
<tr ng-repeat="order in orders">
<span ng-repeat="item in order.foods.foods">{{}}/</span>
<button class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="">Delete</button>
Another consideration is about the format of your JSON. this line:
"foods":"{'foods':[{'id':2, 'name':'Nasi Minyak', 'qty':1}]}"
the way it is, "foods" is holding a String, and not a Object. To make the ng-reapeat work, you will need to force JSON from string using
or change your JSON to:
"foods":{"foods":[{"id":2, "name":"Nasi Minyak", "qty":1}]}
Side note, why repeat the keys "foods" and "drinks"? Doesn't seem logic to me. Change your data structure to:
"foods":[{"id":1, "name":"Nasi Kerabu", "qty":1},{"id":2, "name":"Nasi Minyak", "qty":1}],
"drinks":[{"id":1,"name":"Sirap Ais","qty":1},{"id":2, "name":"Milo Ais", "qty":1}],
and use:
<td> <span ng-repeat="item in order.foods">{{}}</span> </td>
Here is a plunker with these modifications:
Here is a plunker that works
Consider modifying your JSON file. Use double quotation marks instead of single quotation marks.
In your modified JSON file in your new plunker remove double quotations marks here "[{'id':1,
I have made some changes in your data and it fix the issue you are facing.
Here is plunker link
Each order would be an object like this:
"foods":"{'foods':[{'id':2, 'name':'Nasi Goreng', 'qty':1}]}",
"drinks":"{'drinks':[{'id':1,'name':'Milo Ais','qty':1}]}",
Note that foods points to an object, whose only key 'foods' points to an array... whose first component should be an object. However, if you read more closely:
"foods":"{'foods':[{'id':2, 'name':'Nasi Goreng', 'qty':1}]}",
Notice the double quotes surrounding foods's value? They mean that it points to a String instead of an object.
First, you need to delete the double quotes surrounding the values of both foods and drinks:
"foods":{'foods':[{'id':2, 'name':'Nasi Goreng', 'qty':1}]},
"drinks":{'drinks':[{'id':1,'name':'Milo Ais','qty':1}]},
And then replace all the single quotes with double ones, to make the object comply with the JSON object definition:
"foods":{"foods":[{"id":2, "name":"Nasi Goreng", "qty":1}]},
"drinks":{"drinks":[{"id":1,"name":"Milo Ais","qty":1}]},
Now, to get 'name', you need to access order.foods.foods[0].name instead of

Obtain data from Json using angular

Below is my code:
"client_name":"MM Hope House",
"campaign_name":"MM Hope House",
My HTML code:
function PostsCtrlAjax($scope, $http) {
$http({method: 'POST', url: 'assets/js/posts.json'})
.success(function(data) {
$scope.posts = data;
.error(function(data, status) {
$scope.posts = data || "Request failed";
My HTML code where I want to populate data:
<th>Campaign ID</th>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<th>Email ID.</th>
<th>Pledge Date</th>
<tr ng-repeat="post in posts" >
I am trying to get client_id pleg_fname from array, but do not know how to.
Your pledgess object is an array of objects so you should do this instead and your entire JSON is contained within an array so you need the first element which will be your entire object and you call it with posts[0] and then you specify the object you are trying to iterate : pledgees.
<tr ng-repeat="post in posts[0].campaigns.pledgees" >
You're right, I totally missed that array. See this plunker where I tested it
Edit 2
If you want the campaign ID just add this (updated the original code with this change)
Because of your posts object contains an array of one element, you should use posts[0] to get the first (and the only one) element. Moreover, your pledgees array is inside a campaigns object, so posts[0] become posts[0].compaigns.pledgees.
You should try this :
<tr ng-repeat="post in posts[0].campaigns.pledgees" >
And, if you want the id from the campagin object at the same index than your pledgee item, you have to add track by $index to posts[0].campaigns.pledgees. So it's become posts[0].campaigns.pledgees track by $index.
So, now with $index you get the right index to get the right campaign ID in the campaign object with {{posts[0].campaigns.campaign[$index].id}}
And the result is :
<tr ng-repeat="post in posts[0].campaigns.pledgees track by $index" >
You can see the result here :

AngularJS - Using variable name in JSON selector

I have a table using angularjs where I want to loop through an array to print specific headers from a json object. The header prints out fine, but the problem comes when I try to use a variable from my nested ng-repeat as a json selector. If you replace the inner ng-repeat with the commented section below it, it will work.
<th ng-repeat="column in tableHeader">{{column}} <a ng-click="sort_by(column);"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-sort"></i></a></th>
<tr ng-repeat="data in filtered>
<td ng-repeat="column2 in tableHeader">{{data.column2}}</td>
<!-- <td>{{data.Environment}}</td>
<td>{{data.BasePath}}</td> -->
Array located in controller:
$scope.tableHeader = ['Environment', 'HostIP', 'Status', 'ServiceName', 'StartTime', 'Capacity', 'Txn', 'Errors', 'Build', 'Project', 'Author', 'ModifyDate', 'Port', 'BasePath'];
I think you're looking for {{data[column2]}}. Since column2 is just the string value of the property you want, treat data like an associative array in this case to get the property you're trying to display.
column2 was created by the ng-repeat and is what you want. Note {{column2}}:
<td ng-repeat="column2 in tableHeader">{{column2}}</td>

