What are the main differences between AngularJS and ReactJS [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to create a web site which will be converted to a mobile application (What I want to build is more suited to be a web site than an application so the building itself should be as a website).
Since I'm more familiar with the desktop and Android native dev world, I got very little knowledge of web client side development. After reading a little I've decided to use these technologies for the client side: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React.js
The problem is that I've read that Angular is actually a full MVC framework while React has some more specific roles and it's like comparing a car (Angular) to an engine (React). I have already seen comparisons regarding how to do some actions with both technologies like hello world and event handling and stuff like that so I don't need to know how to specific things like what they show in some comparison websites.
So my question is what is the difference between what I can accomplish with Angular compared to React? If I use React, are there going to be things I wouldn't be able to do? When should I use one over the other? If I use React, will I still be able to build a fully operational client side?
I would like to emphasize I don't want a personal opinion. I just want the facts regarding client development and to know what I can and can't do with them.

AngularJS is a full framework like you said, which is designed to write single page applications (SPA) using the MVC design.
On the other hand, ReactJS is consider to be for the development of the View only, or in other words, UI components.
In my opinion Angular is rather complex to learn while React is relatively a small library, but React is faster for its virtual DOM (It doesn't manipulate the DOM directly unless needed).
Also react can be used with other libraries for things like routing while angular already have it.
I think you can build the same website using both techologies, even though React is for UI, it still can have logic and big websites are built with it (Instagram and Facebook for example).

I think the main difference between Angular and React is the fact that Angular is using 2 way data binding, while React is using one way. Maybe this article will make the things clearer for you: https://www.airpair.com/angularjs/posts/angular-vs-react-the-tie-breaker
p.s. I really don't understand why this question is downvoted...


Can standard JS libraries be used in Vue.js/React? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Without Vue/React I "developed" applications in Vanilla Javascript. There I used some libraries to reuse code from others. Take chart.js as an example: I used it to plot a chart in an election application.
Bootstrap, for example, has a package that is specific to Vue or React. What are the benefits of an specific "library" to the framework?
Applications that don't have specific packages
Now, let's see chart.js: out of my research I haven't found a specific package to Vue.js. How can I use it if so? What about CSS wrappers like Primer and Fomantic-ui? Can I do the same thing as in static applications?
Sorry if this is confuse somehow. If necessary, please ask me for clarification in the comments.
I think any UI library is mostly concerned with the framework specific way of handling things like view updates, rendering, and styling. The frameworks have different concepts regarding those things and therefore individual libs are often necessary to utilize a frameworks ability. When something is being rendered differences in the frameworks have to be taken into account. Therefore you often see library versions for each FE-framework
On the other side, Javascript will always work and therefore a library which bundles functionality (e.g. moment, lodash) can be used in every framework in usually the same way.
If you want to share UI components I strongly recommend using web components which solve framework specific problems like styling as a web standard. You can use them with every framework (e.g Ionic).
In conclusion: JS libraries which aren't concerned with rendering can usually be reused. When it comes to UI libraries, like bootstrap as you mentioned, components often have to be written for each framework. Web components can be a solution because they work with every framework as well as vanilla JS.

How is the best combination for Laravel VueJs? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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actually i just learn about Vue.js and i have some knowledge using Laravel. I want to combine both of them, im searching for tutorials on internet and i found 2 kind of combination.
the first one is they separate Laravel and Vue, and the second one they combine both of them in Laravel Directory. Which one is the best for use guys? and can you guys tell me what is the benefits of each other? thank you so much.
These are different types of frameworks. You can build a nice UI independently. Yes, you can use both together. In your case, the Laravel will be API backend.
That don't have to be SSR. A Vue.js project can work with any API backend if you can. For example, you have developed a CRM front-end. Its backend can develop using Laravel or .NET Core. Vue doesn't care about it.
If the returned results are the same, you don't need to spend more effort.
What's the SPA?
A single-page application works in the browser and requires no page reloads and no extra time for waiting. The page doesn’t need to be updated since the content is downloaded automatically.
You already use these types of applications every day. Twitter, Trello, Facebook, Gmail, etc.
Actually, if your project needs to Vue.js, use it. In this case, you should ask this question yourself, "Why do we need a Single Page Application?".
The answer to the second question, yes you can. But you don't need to put them to the same directory.
As I said, benefits depend on your project's needs. Enterprise applications are could want to have different microservices, layers, etc.
Laravel and similar frameworks helping these kinds of needs.
I hope these pieces of information could help you.
Why do we need a Single Page Applications
Single-page application vs. Multi-page application
Single Page Application: advantages and disadvantages

How to best analyze and understand the .sln file I've been given? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been handed off a rather complex web app from a prior developer with whom I have no way of communicating going forward. My experience in development is still beginner, and I need to determine the best way to wrap my head around what is going on with this app.
I've been given the full .sln file. I am very comfortable with the basics of navigating Visual Studio. I was trained in C#, but this app contains several additional components that I'm still learning (js extensions, cshtml files). I know the answer is to learn what I don't know, but I'm under a tight time constraint for my employer. What I mainly want to be able to do to start is be able to get to the underlying code of any given functionality within the UI of the web app, e.g. there is a button called "Perform a Test Run" - as simple as it should be to navigate to the underlying code that is run when that button is clicked, I can not seem to locate it. It's certainly not where I expect it to be for the way I was taught.
I tried an app called NDepend to run an analysis but that wasn't helpful to me, unfortunately.
Can anyone suggest a tool or an approach for me to start understanding how this all works together? There are almost no developer comments within any of the code.
I don't know if this helpful, but here is a screenshot of the top-level of the solution to see what different kinds of components are included. The 2nd image is the Scripts folder expanded.
This solution is for an ASP.NET MVC project. The files you are not familiar with (.js, .cshtml) are very common and frequently used file extensions for MVC projects.
".js" files are Javascript files
".cshtml" files are files that are html and/or Razor syntax.
The good news is, ASP.NET MVC is one of the best ways of making web applications currently, and learning it is fairly straight forward and not too daunting. Especially if you say you have familiarity with the concept of MVC.
I will direct you to a few key resources:
This is Microsoft's MVC portal with tutorials and documentation
This is a great Pluralsight course on some MVC5 fundamentals

Does Javascript and Jquery languages are enough to make a working web messenger application? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can we make a web based messenger application through the use of just these two languages javascript and jquery?
You will at least need to learn some basics of HTML as well.
(Hopefully) you also want to style your application, which means you should learn at least some CSS.
As far as programming languages go you will however need to know JavaScript and can use jQuery (among other things) to manipulate DOM.
Many modern applications however user React or Angular heavily to make the application building process easier in the long run.
You will also need to store your data somewhere, which means either server-side code and learning how to use a database such as mySQL, MongoDB or CouchDB to name a few (noSQL such as MongoDB or CouchDB are probably more appropriate for a messaging app). Or make it easier on yourself and use Firebase or something similar to store and retrieve data as well as handle user account and authentication.
I know all this may seem overwhelming, but making web apps involves a lot of moving parts.
If you are starting out, I would recommend simpler challenges than a web app, but if that is what you are set on, the easiest in my opinion would be:
HTML + CSS + JQUERY (this is how your app UI is handled)
JAVASCRIPT (connects UI and data)
FIREBASE (stores data and enables user management and authentification)
Resources to help you get started:

Is angularjs a good fit for large datacentric enterprise web application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to build a web application which will have many different pages. each page mainly shows data in table and various graphs based on data.
I want to decouple front end completely from the backend. for this reason I am considering angularjs.
My concern is following two points:
angular js is considered best for SPA style applications
angularjs will load the partial view when required and will load data through ajax, every page needs at least two seperate http requests to render the page.
Is it really a good choice to select angular or any better approach?
I think that using Angular is a good solution, I am working in a very big project, that manage a lot of data and angular is working perfectly.
There are a lot of advantages of using Angular. However, I think that it depends on your needs, if you don't need a rich experience of user, maybe you can select other option different from a SPA that could be faster, if you don’t have experience developing a SPA..
I think that in your case, it is most important choosing well the backend technology than the frontend technology, because the responsibility of managing the data is from the backend.
I hope that helps.
Angular JS is a good for these kind of applications.
1.) Angular JS simplifies your code.
2.) It builds on HTML so you don't have to learn something entirely new and it is fast to catch up.
3.) It has a large community so you can get help on topics easily.
4.) It is continuously evolving.
5.) It is based on MVC structure.
P.S: Read on dirty checking part of angular as it is considered best in some scenarios and not so good in others. It is considered to keep no. of objects to 1000 or less while using angular for good performance.
Hope that helps! :)
From my experience I would say yes, is good. But maybe you can see with your eyes some case studies and applications built with angular: builtwith.angularjs.org.
Check this blog post also: Building large apps with AngularJS.

