ng-include doesn't load template from script - javascript

I have an angular template script
script(type="text/ng-template" id="signalthread_template")
.message(style='padding-left: 50px;')
.n(style='margin-top: -3px;')
span.bold Name here
span , Title here
I have this ng-repeat
.message_wrapper.content_inner_content.p10(ng-repeat='message in [{type:"signalthread"}, {type:"jobthread"}, {type:"jobthread"}]' style='min-height:50px;')
p {{message.type}}
.include(ng-include src="'signalthread_template'")
The paragraph prints the correct thread template name. But the ng-include tries to make an http call for the template which does not exist.
Where am I going wrong?

According to the docs (, src expects angular expression evaluating to URL
You can save your template into a separate html file and then use file's name for the src


Open link contents in django template

I have a django application and in one of the templates I have something similar to:
This code is called multiple times - for each memb there is an associated .svg image that can be accessed with this url. Of course at the moment, there is just a link on the word 'image' to a separate page with the .svg.
What I want is to have the .svg's loaded into the template page instead of a link out. What is the easiest/best way to do this?
I am relatively new to Python/Django but I understand the basic concepts as well as HTML/CSS, however, I have zero experience with JavaScript.
EDIT: The .svg's are not stored in the filesystem. There is a separate view (separate to the main one for the template I'm working on here) that goes a bit like this:
def svg_image(request, entry_nr):
svg_string = utils.DrawSVG.get_svg(entry_nr)
return HttpResponse(svg_string)
I then have the url, which is accessed in the HTML template code above:
url(r'^images/(?P<entry_nr>[0-9]+)/$', views.svg_image, name='svg_image')
{% load static %}
<img src="/location/images/{{memb.EntryNr}}" width="200"/>
While rendering the django template you need to pass the content_type
def myview(request):
svg_data = generate_some_svg_data()
return HttpResponse(svg_data, content_type="image/svg+xml")

Angularjs convert string to html in view

I am currently trying to add links in my view. I do have links which basically contains html tags as strings.
I tried:
<p data-ng-repeat='i in links' >{$ $}</p>
which basically just deploy in my view : mylink
So I did try:
<p data-ng-repeat='i in links' ><span data-ng-bind-html=""></span></p>
It doesn't work though, any idea how could I achieve this ?
Add the $sce as a dependancy of the module
angular.module('myApp', ['$sce']);
When getting the links
angular.forEach($scope.links, function(value){ = $sce.trustAsHtml(;
Using Safe Contextual Escaping ($sce) and using trustAs delegate you're telling Angular that this value is safe to use within that context. In this example. $sce.trustAsHtml returns an object that angular can trust is safe to as HTML.
In the first case, you'll actually want to use:
<p data-ng-repeat='i in links' >{{ }}</p>
Double braces, not brace-dollar. In the second case, ng-bind-html will require that you have added "ngSanitize" to your module's dependency list.
angular.module('yourAppNameHere', ['ngSanitize'])
If you really do want clickable links on the page, then do pretty much what #sreeramu suggested (Though I'd see if you can't find a way to add a nice description):
<p data-ng-repeat='i in links' ><a ng-href="{{}}">{{i.desc}}</a></p>
(Notice that he suggested using ng-href, instead of href. He's right.)
Insert ngSanitize as a dependency to you app:
angular.module('myApp', ['ngSanitize'])
But before be ensure that you are including the script angular-sanitize.js.
Good luck!
It might be that your links have already got the a tags with it so in this case you do not need to re-add the a tags...
In this case do this...
Add this to you scripts (include acc. to your angular version)
<script type="text/javascript"
Add this to your app.js
var app = angular.module('modulename', [ 'ngSanitize']);
And than in your view do this
If it is the div that you want the link to attach to...
<div ng-bind-html=""></div>
The above would give you something as this
<div><a href='your link'></a></div>

AngularJS - Run directives explicitly

I'm new to AngularJS and I'm struggling with the following issue.
I need to implement a 3 step workflow as follows:
Make a call to a web service that returns a list of strings. For example, ["apple", "banana", "orange"], etc. I intercept the response and add the angle brackets around each of these strings before I send it to the Views.
For each of the string returned by the service, I have to render
<apple />
<banana />
<orange />
Finally, get the actual AngularJS directive corresponding to each of those strings to "execute" (not sure what the right word is) and replace the elements above with the content from the templateUrl property as mentioned in each of their respective directives.
Right now, I'm doing Step 1 and Step 2 above using AngularJS. But I understand that they can be done using plain JavaScript using AJAX calls.
My problem is that the directives don't get "run" or "executed" and I have these tags displayed as plain text on the page -
<apple />
<banana />
<orange />
How do I tell Angular to replace the custom tags with the actual content from their templates?
Thanks for your help.
UPDATE: Here's what the code looks like:
<div class="content" ng-controller="mainController">
<ul class="feeds">
<li ng-repeat="fruit in fruits">
<div ng-controller="fruitSpecificController"> {{fruit}} </div> <!-- This renders <apple />, <banana />, etc. -->
Also note that each fruit can have its own controller. In the code above, I say "fruitSpecificController", but ideally that would also be generated at runtime. For example, "appleController", "orangeController", etc. and yes, they'll be child controllers of the parent "mainController".
You can use the compile method, but there is a built in directive that will do this for you - if you are willing to load in via a URL.
Using ng-include="'/path/to/template.html'" - the evaluated expression URL will be requested and added to the DOM as a child (compiled for you).
You can also cache the templates using $templateCache (if you want to request multiple templates at the same time or cache it for multiple includes).
That would look something like this:
$templateCache.put(/path/to/template.html, 'apple html string');
custom directive (with $compile)
Otherwise, if you want to load in and compile a string - use a directive inside of a ng-repeat.
.directive('unsafeHtmlCompile', function($compile){
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
scope.$watch(attrs.unsafeHtmlCompile, function(val){
if(val !== undefined){
var el = angular.element(val);
Remember to remove the watcher, if your data won't change :-)
You probably just need to use the $compile service. The docs aren't super helpful but the gist is that you call $compile, passing in the DOM element (in your case the parent of your directives). That returns a function that you then execute, passing in the scope that you want to use ($rootscope is probably safe).

template inside html mustache js

I'm using mustache to render portion of html. To do this , I'm using this javascript :
var template = $("#div_name").html();
As the <div id="div_name"></div> still remain inside the html , I use it only to get a template i was wondering : is it convenient to keep templated div html be inside the html or is better to load it e.g. with partials through ajax ?
Thanks in advance.
You can also keep templates inside script elements like so:
<script type="application/mustache" id="div_name">
//Mustache template code here
And fetch the template code from there using $("#div_name").html(). It won't be shown on the page and the script tag is not executed because of the invalid type.

Image Get Requests with AngularJS

I am storing the the source string of an image to be rendered in HTML in the AngularJS controller, however it yields a 404 before the Angular controller is initialized.
Here is the HTML:
<div ng-controller="Cont">
<img src="{{imageSource}}">
Angular controller:
var Cont = function($scope) {
$scope.imageSource = '/tests.png';
And the error I get (%7D%7D corresponds to the {{ in the template).
GET https://localhost:9000/%7B%7BimageSource%7D%7D 404 (Not Found)
How can I prevent this from happening? That is, only load the image when the Angular controller has been initialized?
Try replacing your src with ng-src for more info see the documentation:
Using Angular markup like {{hash}} in a src attribute doesn't work
right: The browser will fetch from the URL with the literal text
{{hash}} until Angular replaces the expression inside {{hash}}. The
ngSrc directive solves this problem.
<div ng-controller="Cont">
<img ng-src="{{imageSource}}">
If someone is searching the solution for styling background-image then use this:
<div ng-style="{'background-image': 'url({{ image.source }})'}">...</div>

