Loading grunt tasks from a remote Gruntfile.js - javascript

In the root directory of a project, I'm trying to load Grunt tasks, and all the content of the file as well, from a remote Gruntfile.js, accessible through a network (web or internal network).
I've already tried several things (see below), first hosting the Gruntfile.js on a local Apache server for the tests.
Using the --gruntfile option
> /project/path> grunt --gruntfile=http://localhost/Gruntfile.js build
Reading "Gruntfile.js" Gruntfile...ERROR
Fatal error: Unable to find "/project/path/http://localhost/Gruntfile.js" Gruntfile.
Using the --base option
> /project/path> grunt --base=http://localhost/Gruntfile.js build
process.chdir(grunt.option('base') || path.dirname(gruntfile));
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory
Creating a Gruntfile.js located at the root directory of my project, which contains only the following code :
module.exports = function (grunt) {
grunt.loadTasks( 'http://localhost/Gruntfile.js' );
The result was :
> /project/path> grunt build
>> Tasks directory "http://localhost/Gruntfile.js" not found.
Warning: Task "build" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Another try with the Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function (grunt) {
require( 'http://localhost/Gruntfile.js' )( grunt );
Gave me this :
> /project/path> grunt build
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
>> Error: Cannot find module 'http://localhost/Gruntfile.js'
Warning: Task "build" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Edit: It seems there is no way of loading tasks from a grunt file not located on the disk. I will find another solution.

I ran into the same problem and this is my solution. I hope it helps someone in the present/future:
Create a npm package to host the Gruntfile.js and upload it to a repository (I´am currently using Bitbucket) This is how my package.json looks like:
"name": "my-remote-gruntfile-package",
"private": true,
"version": "0.0.1"
Configure it in the package.json of your current project and install it using npm install or just run
npm install git+ssh://git#bitbucket.org:user/my-remote-gruntfile-package.git#0.0.1
Create a bash script (or windows bash equivalent) to cover the problem of changing Gruntfile.js location and setting current base path. This is to avoid passing --gruntfile and --base parameters on every execution (this step is not mandatory)
grunt --base ./ --gruntfile ./node_modules/my-remote-gruntfile-package/GruntFile.js $1
Note: take care of relative paths used on your Gruntfile.js

Requiring a separate file should work, note that you shouldn't refer to it via localhost, but rather the location on disk, for example ./somedir/yourtask.js. Here's an example:
module.exports = {
// your task config goes here
Your Gruntfile.js:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var externalFile = require('./somedir/yourtask.js');
// some random tasks go here
yourtask: externalFile
This should work but I'm not able to run it right now and you haven't posted what kind of info you have defined in your separate file. You can also have a function in there as well.


Vue "npm run build" Ignores vue.config.js File

I have a Webpack-templated Vue project, initiated through vue-cli.
I have created a simple 'vue.config.js' file stored in the root folder (where package.json is at) containing the following:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
productionSourceMap: false
Though when building the project using "npm run build" it ignores it.
I have tried different configurations to check if the problem is with the file or the setting, and the problem is with the file.
I am using webpack#3.12.0, vue#2.6.11, #vue/cli 4.2.3 and npm#6.9.0.
Make sure your build confiuration (in your case the webpack build configs) include your file.
Generally, you will have a source folder (often src) and the builder will build all the files in that dir only. Then you have your destination directory (often dist or build) where your build files will be stored.
Two solutions:
add your conf file to the build source.
move your vue.conf.js file into your source directory
For some reason, I did not manage to get vue.config.js to work.
Alternatively, I edited my webpack config, which as my build files mentioned was located at /config/index.js
Then, I proceeded to pass my build configurations to the build parameter which already appears on the file.
build: {
And it worked. I assume it may be because I used npm run dev instead of the vue-service-cli, so webpack did not go through the vue.config.js file.

Images not found when deploying Sails JS to Heroku

I have developed a Sails.js application which is working as expected locally. However, when I deploy it to production (Heroku) the images in the "/assets/images/"-folder cannot be found (404).
I know there are some tasks that transfer the files in the "/assets"-folder to a ".tmp/public"-folder to be accessible when the application is being lifted. The .js- and .less-files are being loaded as expected, but not the images.
How can I make sure that the "/assets/images"-folder is being transferred to the public-folder as well?
I had this issue.
The main idea is to make an uploads folder in .tmp.
And make a symbolic link in public folder leading to uploads.
The problem is that Grunt rewrite all the content of '.tmp/public' every time we lift application.
Thus I made a proper Grunt task which simply creates symlink.
sudo npm install grunt-contrib-symlink
Create Grunt task in tasks/config. And name it smth like symlink.js.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.config.set('symlink', {
dev: {
src: '.tmp/uploads/**',
dest: '.tmp/public/uploads/'
And finally add task to tasks/register/compileAssets.js.
module.exports = function (grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('compileAssets', [

bundle a large node.js application into a single .js file

I would like to bundle a largish node.js cli application into a single .js file.
My code is structured as follows:
|- main.js
|----| <bunch of js files>
|----| <bunch of js files>
I can use browserify to bundle the whole thing into one file using main.js as the entry point, but Browserify assumes the runtime environment is a browser and substitutes its own libraries (e.g. browserify-http for http). So I'm looking for a browserify-for-node command
I tried running
$ browserify -r ./main.js:start --no-builtins --no-browser-field > myapp.js
$ echo "require('start') >> myapp.js
but I'm getting a bunch of errors when I try to run $ node myapp.js.
The idea is that the entire application with all dependencies except the core node dependencies is now in a single source file and can be run using
$ node myapp.js
JMM's answer below works but only on my machine. The bundling still does not capture all dependencies, so when I try to run the file on another machine, I get dependency errors like
ubuntu#ip-172-31-42-188:~$ node myapp.js
return binding.open(pathModule._makeLong(path), stringToFlags(flags), mode);
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/ruchir/dev/xo/client/node_modules/request/node_modules/form-data/node_modules/mime/types/mime.types'
You can use pkg by Zeit and follow the below steps to do so:
npm i pkg -g
Then in your NodeJS project, in package JSON include the following:
"pkg": {
"scripts": "build/**/*.js",
"assets": "views/**/*"
"main": "server.js"
Inside main parameter write the name of the file to be used as the entry point for the package.
After that run the below command in the terminal of the NodeJS project
pkg server.js --target=node12-linux-x64
Or you can remove target parameter from above to build the package for Windows, Linux and Mac.
After the package has been generated you have to give permissions to write:
chmod 777 ./server-linux
And then you can run it in your terminal by
This method will give you can executable file instead of a single .js file
Check out the --node option, and the other more granular options it incorporates.

Running grunt just opens up a Notepad file instead of actually running the tasks

I'm trying to create a basic Grunt file to execute some tasks.
Trouble is, when I execute grunt from within the directory of the project, a Notepad file opens, displaying the contents of grunt.js rather than actually running.
I've also tried naming the file Gruntfile.js but then I get a message
grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface. (v0.1.13)
Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
If you're seeing this message, either a Gruntfile wasn't found or grunt
hasn't been installed locally to your project. For more information about
installing and configuring grunt, please see the Getting Started guide:
and I've already installed grunt-cli.
The grunt.js and Gruntfile.js both look like:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('foo', 'A sample task that logs stuff.', function(arg1, arg2) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
grunt.log.writeln(this.name + ", no args");
} else {
grunt.log.writeln(this.name + ", " + arg1 + " " + arg2);
grunt.registerTask('default', []);
The problem was that I was missing a package.json file. I simply never created one.
I resolved the problem by running
npm init
to generate it
Even if grunt is installed globally, you also need to add it to your project - in your project directory, run:
npm install grunt --save-dev
Do not rename your task file (keeg Gruntfile.js), then running grunt should work fine.

Grunt - get current calling folder, and not gruntfile current folder

If I have Grunt installed in some folder /foo, but my current folder is /foo/bar/baz, and I run "grunt sometask" from within my current folder, how can I get Grunt (or NodeJS for that matter) to determine my current path? That is to say, how can I programmatically GET the folder I was in when I called grunt?
When I use process.cwd(), I get the path of the gruntfile, ie, "foo", which is not what I want.
I don't have to do this in Grunt specifically, any nodejs-based solution would work.
According to the source code:
By default, all file paths are relative to the Gruntfile
And, voilá, this line of code shows how grunt actually changes the current directory to the path of the Gruntfile:
process.chdir(grunt.option('base') || path.dirname(gruntfile));
However, option --base is there for just that. See docs: http://gruntjs.com/api/grunt.file
If you don't need to do it from inside the Gruntfile, simply run a script that captures the process.cwd() and then execs grunt.
See: https://www.npmjs.com/package/exec
var exec = require('exec');
process.cwd(); // Will have your current path
exec(['grunt', 'mytask'], function(err, out, code) {
if (err instanceof Error)
throw err;
in the Mac or Linex, you can get this by
in the windows, unknown
You can edit the grunt-cli to get finish this.
then in the gruntfile.js, you can follows:

