Wait for promises inside of a angular.forEach loop - javascript

I know this has been asked quite a few times already but after a day of search I still don't get it to work, although it's just like what is shown as a solution everywhere...
I have a async request to a database which returns an array of data. For each object in this array I need to start another async request to the database and as soon as ALL of these async requests resolve, I want to return them. I read you could do it with $q.all(...)
So here's the code:
Factory.firstAsyncRequest(id).then(function (arrayWithObjects) {
var promises = [];
var dataArr = [];
angular.forEach(arrayWithObjects, function (object, key) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
Factory.otherAsyncRequest(key).then(function (objectData) {
name: objectData.name,
key: key,
status: objectData.status
console.info('Object ' + key + ' resolved');
$q.all(promises).then(function () {
$rootScope.data = dataArr;
console.info('All resolved');
From the console I see that the $q.all is resolved BEFORE each object. Did I get something wrong? This seems to work for everyone...
Your help is highly appreciated, been looking the whole night, it's 5:30am now lol..
So for anyone who's coming here later: It was just the promises.push(deferred.PROMISE) bit. Tho, I read that anguar.forEach is actually not a recommended method to loop through array because it was originally not constructed to be used by the end-user. Don't know if that's correct but I figured out another way if you don't want to use angular.forEach:
Users.getAll(uid).then(function (users) {
var uids = ObjHandler.getKeys(users); //own function just iterating through Object.keys and pushing them to the array
var cntr = 0;
function next() {
if (cntr < uids.length) {
Users.getProfile(uids[cntr]).then(function (profile) {
var Profile = {
name: profile.name,
key: uids[cntr],
status: profile.status
dataArr[uids[cntr]] = Profile;
if(cntr===uids.length-1) {
console.info('Service: query finished');
} else {cntr++;next}
And the getKey function:
.factory('ObjHandler', [
function () {
return {
getKeys: function(obj) {
var r = [];
for (var k in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(k))
return r

Instead of
Try this:


Collecting Api Returns In An Array

I am making a call to a 3rd party api and I am having problems collecting all the returns and returning them as 1 array In my API. I can see that I am successfully making the calls and they are returning. Due to asynch the final array is returning before it is populated. Is there an elegant solution to handling this?
var itemIds = ['1','2','3','4','5','6']
exports.getItemData = function getItemData(req, res) {
var items = [];
var errors = [];
for(var itemId in itemIds) {
var options = {
uri: itemEndpoint + itemIds[itemId] +'/',
json: true
RequestPromise(options).then(function (item){
Felix is right. You need to create an array of RequestPromise(options) Promises and then use the Promise.all([array-of-promises]).then(function (<array-of-result-arrays>){}).
So your refactored code will look like this:
var allPromises = [];
for(var itemId in itemIds) {
var options = {
uri: itemEndpoint + itemIds[itemId] +'/',
json: true
allPromises .push(RequestPromise(options));
//so now you have an array of promises in allPromises. Now when they all resolve:
Promise.all(allPromises).then(function (allResults){
//do whatever with the results...
I hope this helps.

Native/$q Javascript For Loop Promise Resolve

I think I'm getting closer to understanding Javascript Promises, but there's a new issue with for loops. I've got a function that feeds another Spotify URIs, for the second method to retrieve track information and then return to be included in an array. So far I've been finding solutions that use the Bluebird library, but when using AngularJS, integration isn't quite as simple that I can tell.
I'm basically getting back a collection of promises that are not resolved to data.
This is the function in my controller, feeding data to the second function in services:
$scope.getUserRecent = function () {
var id = window.localStorage.getItem('id');
return UserService.getTracks(id).then(function (data) {
var tracks = {}, i;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
tracks[i] = SpotifyService.getTrack(i, data[i].uri, data[i].loved, data[i].from);
console.log(i + ": " + tracks[i]);
return tracks;
.catch(function (error){
The function on the other side works absolutely fine, pulling the data down and returning it as it should; the promises, however, are not resolved. How can I fix this?
Edit: Access to $scope.getUserRecent():
$scope.refresh = function () {
$q.all($scope.getUserRecent()).then(function (data) {
$scope.tracks = data;
.catch(function (error) {
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function (e) {
UserService.getTracks(id) returns:
[Object, Object]
In order to use a consumer function $scope.refresh as is you should resolve the promises, then return a new (different) one:
Same as you wrote.
function () {
var id = window.localStorage.getItem('id');
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
.then(function (data) {
var tracks = {}, i;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
tracks[i] = SpotifyService.getTrack(i, data[i].uri, data[i].loved, data[i].from);
console.log(i + ": " + tracks[i]);
.catch(function (error){
Some observation in the original OP's $scope.getUserRecent:
Please note that then function has no return value, this way you output only undefined;
return tracks; written inside the then statement returns data only to the calling environment, i.e. $scope.getUserRecent and not the outer runtime environment that is the real goal.

Angular loop through object array

I have the following function which creates an array of objects inside models, however when I come to use models further down the app I'm unable to loop through it's contents to pull out data.
Every loop method I've tried so far containing a single console.log() message just prints out the message once message when models will contain two objects so I think the problem actually lies with the creation of models. If I create a promise and print out the value of models.devices when it's finished processing an empty array is returned.
Any ideas?
var d = devices.split(','),
count = 0,
models = {devices:[]};
angular.forEach(d, function (device, i) {
var index = i;
if (index <= 1) {
var deviceName = device.replace(/ /g,"+").toLowerCase(),
req = '?__url_path_param=' + deviceName;
.get('/api/cheapest_by_name' + req)
.success(function (obj) {
$q.all(models).then(function (data) {
apiDeal.multi(data, 3, 2);
Then... (in api-deal.factory.js)
function apiDeal($http, $rootScope) {
return {
multi: function (devices, limit, type) {
console.log(devices); // equal to below image
console.log(devices.devices); // equal to '[]'
I then need to loop through devices in apiDeal.multi
You need to keep an array of promises, which should replace the models you're using the $q.all on. It has to be an array of promises.
So change your code to this:
var d = devices.split(','),
count = 0,
models = {devices:[]},
promises = [];
var promise = $http
.get('/api/cheapest_by_name' + req)
.success(function (obj) {
And then, do:
$q.all(promises).then(function (data) {
apiDeal.multi(data, 3, 2);
Simple Fiddle demonstration

Multiple Q.all inside function?

I want to send a list of new books to a user. So far the below code works fine. The problem is that I don't want to send a book multiple times, so I want to filter them.
Current code works fine:
function checkActiveBooks(books) {
var queue = _(books).map(function(book) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// Get all alerts on given keywords
request('http://localhost:5000/books?l=0&q=' + book.name, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
var books = JSON.parse(body);
if (!_.isEmpty(books)) {
// Loop through users of current book.
var userBooks = _(book.users).map(function(user) {
// Save object for this user with name and deals.
return {
user: user,
book: book.name,
books: books
if (_.isEmpty(userBooks)) {
} else {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
return Q.all(queue);
But now I want to filter already sent books:
function checkActiveBooks(books) {
var queue = _(books).map(function(book) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// Get all alerts on given keywords
request('http://localhost:5000/books?l=0&q=' + book.name, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
var books = JSON.parse(body);
if (!_.isEmpty(books)) {
// Loop through users of current book.
var userBooks = _(book.users).map(function(user) {
var defer = Q.defer();
var userBook = user.userBook.dataValues;
// Check per given UserBook which books are already sent to the user by mail
checkSentBooks(userBook).then(function(sentBooks) {
// Filter books which are already sent.
var leftBooks = _.reject(books, function(obj) {
return sentBooks.indexOf(obj.id) > -1;
// Save object for this user with name and deals.
var result = {
user: user,
book: book.name,
books: leftBooks
return deferred.resolve(result);
return Q.all(userBooks);
} else {
return deferred.promise;
return Q.all(queue);
But above code doesn't work. It doesn't stop looping. I thought it made sense to use q.all twice, because it contains two loops. But I guess I'm doing it wrong...
First of all you should always promisify at the lowest level. You're complicating things here and have multiple deferreds. Generally you should only have deferreds when converting an API to promises. Promises chain and compose so let's do that :)
var request = Q.nfbind(require("request")); // a promised version.
This can make your code in the top section become:
function checkActiveBooks(books) {
return Q.all(books.map(function(book){
return request('http://.../books?l=0&q=' + book.name)
.get(1) // body
.then(JSON.parse) // parse body as json
if(_.isEmpty(book.users)) return null;
return book.users.map(function(user){
return {user: user, book: book.name, books: books };
Which is a lot more elegant in my opinion.
Now, if we want to filter them by a predicate we can do:
function checkActiveBooksThatWereNotSent(books) {
return checkActiveBooks(books).then(function(books){
return books.filter(function(book){
return checkSentBooks(book.book);
It's worth mentioning that the Bluebird library has utility methods for all this like Promise#filter and Promise#map that'd make this code shorter.
Note that if checkSentBook is asynchronous you'd need to modify the code slightly:
function checkActiveBooksThatWereNotSent(books) {
return checkActiveBooks(books).then(function(books){
return Q.all(books.map(function(book){ // note the Q.all
return Q.all([book, checkSentBooks(book.book)]);
return results.filter(function(x){ return x[1]; })
.map(function(x){ return x[0]; });
Like I said, with different libraries this would look a lot nicer. Here is how the code would look like in Bluebird which is also two orders of magnitude faster and has good stack traces and detection of unhandled rejections. For fun and glory I threw in ES6 arrows and shorthand properties:
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var checkActiveBooks = (books) =>
map(books, book => request("...&q=" + book.name).get(1)).
map(book => book.users.length ?
book.users.map(user => {user, books, book: book.name) : null))
var checkActiveBooksThatWereNotSent = (books) =>
Which I find a lot nicer.
Acting on #Benjamins's suggestion, here is what the code would look like when checkSentBooks returns a promise:
var request = Q.nfbind(require("request")); // a promised version.
function checkActiveBooks(books) {
return Q.all(_(books).map(function(book) {
// a callback with multiple arguments will resolve the promise with
// an array, so we use `spread` here
return request('http://localhost:5000/books?l=0&q=' + book.name).spread(function(response, body) {
var books = JSON.parse(body);
if (_.isEmpty(books)) return null;
return Q.all(_(book.users).map(function(user) {
return checkSentBooks(user.userBook.dataValues).then(function(sentBooks) {
// ^^^^^^ return a promise to the array for `Q.all`
return {
user: user,
book: book.name,
books: _.reject(books, function(obj) {
return sentBooks.indexOf(obj.id) > -1;

How to know when a long series of async calls is finished in AngularJS?

I have a service SQLService on my PhoneGap/AngularJS app that runs when the app is loading. It iterates through a long array of Guidelines, and makes a DB transaction for each one. How can I signal that the final transaction has been completed?
What I want to have happen is something like:
In the controller, call `SQLService.ParseJSON`
ParseJSON calls `generateIntersectionSnippets`
`generateIntersectionSnippets` makes multiple calls to `getKeywordInCategory``
When the final call to getKeywordInCategory is called, resolve the whole chain
SQLService.ParseJSON is complete, fire `.then`
I really don't understand how to combine the multiple asynchronous calls here. ParseJSON returns a promise which will be resolved when generateIntersectionSnippets() is completed, but generateIntersectionSnippets() makes multiple calls to getKeywordInCategory which also returns promises.
Here's a simplified version of what's not working (apologies for any misplaced brackets, this is very stripped down).
What I want to happen is for $scope.ready = 2 to run at the completion of all of the transactions. Right now, it runs as soon as the program has looped through generateIntersectionSnippets once.
in the controller:
SQLService.parseJSON().then(function(d) {
console.log("finished parsing JSON")
$scope.ready = 2;
.factory('SQLService', ['$q',
function ($q) {
function parseJSON() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
function generateIntersectionSnippets(guideline, index) {
var snippet_self, snippet_other;
for (var i = 0; i < guideline.intersections.length; i++) {
snippet_self = getKeywordInCategory(guideline.line_id, snippets.keyword).then(function() {
//Should something go here?
snippet_other = getKeywordInCategory(guideline.intersections[i].line_id, snippets.keyword).then(function() {
//Should something go here?
deferred.resolve(); //Is fired before the transactions above are complete
return deferred.promise;
} //End ParseJSON
function getKeywordInCategory(keyword, category) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var query = "SELECT category, id, chapter, header, snippet(guidelines, '<b>', '</b>', '...', '-1', '-24' ) AS snip FROM guidelines WHERE content MATCH '" + keyword + "' AND id='" + category + "';",
results = [];
db.transaction(function(transaction) {
transaction.executeSql(query, [],
function(transaction, result) {
if (result != null && result.rows != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
var row = result.rows.item(i);
return deferred.promise;
return {
parseJSON : parseJSON
I'd appreciate any guidance on what the correct model is to doing a chain of promises that includes an iteration across multiple async transactions- I know that how I have it right now is not correct at all.
You can use $q.all() to wait for a list of promises to be resolved.
function parseJSON() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var promiseList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < guideline.intersections.length; i++) {
promiseList.push(getKeywordInCategory(guideline.line_id, snippets.keyword));
promiseList.push(getKeywordInCategory(guideline.intersections[i].line_id, snippets.keyword));
$q.all(promiseList).then(function() {
return deferred.promise;
} //End ParseJSON

