Angular loop through object array - javascript

I have the following function which creates an array of objects inside models, however when I come to use models further down the app I'm unable to loop through it's contents to pull out data.
Every loop method I've tried so far containing a single console.log() message just prints out the message once message when models will contain two objects so I think the problem actually lies with the creation of models. If I create a promise and print out the value of models.devices when it's finished processing an empty array is returned.
Any ideas?
var d = devices.split(','),
count = 0,
models = {devices:[]};
angular.forEach(d, function (device, i) {
var index = i;
if (index <= 1) {
var deviceName = device.replace(/ /g,"+").toLowerCase(),
req = '?__url_path_param=' + deviceName;
.get('/api/cheapest_by_name' + req)
.success(function (obj) {
$q.all(models).then(function (data) {
apiDeal.multi(data, 3, 2);
Then... (in api-deal.factory.js)
function apiDeal($http, $rootScope) {
return {
multi: function (devices, limit, type) {
console.log(devices); // equal to below image
console.log(devices.devices); // equal to '[]'
I then need to loop through devices in apiDeal.multi

You need to keep an array of promises, which should replace the models you're using the $q.all on. It has to be an array of promises.
So change your code to this:
var d = devices.split(','),
count = 0,
models = {devices:[]},
promises = [];
var promise = $http
.get('/api/cheapest_by_name' + req)
.success(function (obj) {
And then, do:
$q.all(promises).then(function (data) {
apiDeal.multi(data, 3, 2);
Simple Fiddle demonstration


Chaining Promises while maintaining data (angular js)

Ive seen that there are questions about chaining promises, but this one is a little bit different.
I'm making http get requests in my code. The first call returns an array. For each object in the array, i need to make another http call which returns another array and so on (this chains 3 levels deep).
The problem is, I need to keep track of which array element was used for to make each http call, and I dont know how to do this using promises.
I also want to end the chain by returning a promise.
I have the code for what I want to do written in nodejs without promises:
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
function makeRequest(options){
var httpopts = {
host: '',
path: '/gatech/terms/201601/majors/' + options.p,
method: 'GET'
var response = "";
var req = https.request(httpopts, function(res) {
res.on('data', function(d) {
response += d;
req.on('error', function(e) {
var classData = {};
function getCourses(m){
var majors = JSON.parse(m);
classData[maj] = {};
var options = {
p:maj.ident +'/courses',
var classCount = 0;
function getSections(c,opts){
var courses = JSON.parse(c);
var options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts));
options.p += '/'+course.ident+'/sections';
options.course = course
options.cb = buildData
var sectionCount = 0;
function buildData(r, options){
var major = options.major.ident;
classData[major] = {
classData[major].classes[options.course.ident] = {,
console.log('classCount-sectionCount '+classCount + '---'+sectionCount);
if(classCount === sectionCount){
function writeIt(){
fs.writeFileSync('./classData.js', 'module.exports = ' + JSON.stringify(classData));
I managed to get the promises to nest while keeping track of the data, but how can i return a promise that eventually resolves with the final data object?
My code:
Thanks four your help! I've managed to code it so that the promises work, my only problem now is in returning the final data as a promise
fact.factory('ClassFactory', ['$http',function ($http) {
var eventData = {};
var promise;
var courseData = [];
var baseURL ='';
eventData.getClasses = function (event) {
promise = $http.get(baseURL).then(
Promise.all( => $http.get(baseURL + m.ident+'/courses')
if(! = []; => $http.get(baseURL+ m.ident+'/courses/' +c.ident+'/sections' )
c.sections =;;
return promise;
return eventData;
Almost certainly, each time you deal with an array of Promises, you'll want to use Promise.all in order to connect and merge your promises into a new promise. That promise will then contain an array of the results from each call. Nested Promise.alls can thus return Arrays of Arrays with all your levels of results as long as you use something like a map and a closure to capture the outer levels.
var fakeCall = x => Promise.resolve(x||Math.random());
results => Promise.all( x => fakeCall(5).then( results2 => [x, results2]) ))
.then( x => console.log(x));//-> [[1,5],[2,5]]
The first array of calls generates an array of results, and mapping over those with a function that makes yet more calls will return a single result that can be paired with its parent.
Explicitly nesting things in this way will work for even deeper levels, but is not going to be pretty. There's probably an abstraction you can create using Array.reduce which can generalize this pattern.
You forgot some returns in your code. The function you pass to .then should always return something. Also you are modifying majors but then throw it away without using it. When working with promises - especially when they are complex and nested - it's not a good idea to modify any data structures contained in those promises unless you are sure nothing bad can possibly happen.
I would split it into several functions.
var baseURL ='';
function getSections(major, course) {
return $http.get(baseURL+ major.ident+'/courses/' +course.ident+'/sections')
.then(sections =>
.catch(e => []);
function getCourses(major) {
return $http.get(baseURL + major.ident+'/courses')
.then(courses => Promise.all( =>
getSections(major, course).then(sections => ({[course.ident]: {name:, sections: sections}})))))
.then(courses => angular.extend({},
.catch(e => ({}));
function getClassData() {
return $http.get(baseURL)
.then(majors => Promise.all( =>
getCourses(major).then(courses => ({[major.ident]: {name:, classes: courses}})))))
.then(majors => angular.extend({}, ...majors))
.catch(e => ({}));
getClassData().then(data => console.log(data));

Wait for promises inside of a angular.forEach loop

I know this has been asked quite a few times already but after a day of search I still don't get it to work, although it's just like what is shown as a solution everywhere...
I have a async request to a database which returns an array of data. For each object in this array I need to start another async request to the database and as soon as ALL of these async requests resolve, I want to return them. I read you could do it with $q.all(...)
So here's the code:
Factory.firstAsyncRequest(id).then(function (arrayWithObjects) {
var promises = [];
var dataArr = [];
angular.forEach(arrayWithObjects, function (object, key) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
Factory.otherAsyncRequest(key).then(function (objectData) {
key: key,
status: objectData.status
deferred.resolve();'Object ' + key + ' resolved');
$q.all(promises).then(function () {
$ = dataArr;'All resolved');
From the console I see that the $q.all is resolved BEFORE each object. Did I get something wrong? This seems to work for everyone...
Your help is highly appreciated, been looking the whole night, it's 5:30am now lol..
So for anyone who's coming here later: It was just the promises.push(deferred.PROMISE) bit. Tho, I read that anguar.forEach is actually not a recommended method to loop through array because it was originally not constructed to be used by the end-user. Don't know if that's correct but I figured out another way if you don't want to use angular.forEach:
Users.getAll(uid).then(function (users) {
var uids = ObjHandler.getKeys(users); //own function just iterating through Object.keys and pushing them to the array
var cntr = 0;
function next() {
if (cntr < uids.length) {
Users.getProfile(uids[cntr]).then(function (profile) {
var Profile = {
key: uids[cntr],
status: profile.status
dataArr[uids[cntr]] = Profile;
if(cntr===uids.length-1) {
defer.resolve();'Service: query finished');
} else {cntr++;next}
And the getKey function:
.factory('ObjHandler', [
function () {
return {
getKeys: function(obj) {
var r = [];
for (var k in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(k))
return r
Instead of
Try this:

Understanding JavaScript promises in Parse

I am developing an app in Parse and I'm trying to understand promises. I'm not finding very many working examples other than the very simple ones here:
I'm querying the _User table. Then I loop through the users in an _.each loop. I'm running 2 cloud functions inside the loop for each iteration. At what point do I create the promise? Do I create one for each cloud function success within the loop? Or do I push each success return value onto an array and make that the promise value outside of the loop? I've tried both but I can't figure out the correct syntax to do either, it seems.
I'll break it down in pseudo-code because that may be easier than actual code:
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
loop through each user in an _.each loop and run a cloud function for each that returns a number.
If the number > 0, then I push their username onto array1.
Then I run a 2nd cloud function on the user (still within the _.each loop) that returns a number.
If the number > 0, then I push their username onto array2.
// I would like "promisesArray" to either be the 2 arrays created in the preceding section, or a concatenation of them.
// Ultimately, I need a list of usernames here. Specifically, the users who had positive number values from the cloud functions in the preceding section
concatenate the 2 arrays, if they're not already concatenated
remove duplicates
send push notifications to the users in the array
- At what point do I create & return promises & what syntax should I use for that?
- Should .then(function(promisesArray){ be .when(function(promisesArray){ (when instead of then)?
Thank you both for your ideas! This is what ultimately worked:
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
var allPromises = [];
var promise1, promise2;
_.each(users, function(user){
if(user.get("myvalue") != "undefined" && user.get("myvalue") != ""){
promise1 ="getBatch1", {param1: param1value, param2: param2value})
if(Number(numResult) > 0){
promise2 ="getBatch2", {param1: param1value, param2: param2value})
if(Number(numResult2) > 0){
// Return when all promises have succeeded.
return Parse.Promise.when(allPromises);
var allPushes = [];
_.each(arguments, function(pushUser){
// Only add the user to the push array if it's a valid user & not already there.
if(pushUser != null && allPushes.indexOf(pushUser) === -1){
// Send pushes to users who got new leads.
if(allPushes.length > 0){
channels: allPushes,
data: {
alert: "You have new leads."
}, {
success: function () {
response.success("Leads updated and push notifications sent.");
error: function (error) {
}, // If the query was not successful, log the error
I'm not familiar with Parse API but I'd do it this way. Of course, I can't test my code so tell me if it works or not:
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
.then(function(users) {
var promises = [];
users.forEach(function(user) {
// the first API call return a promise so let's store it
var promise = cloudFn1(user)
.then(function(result) {
if (result > 0) {
// just a way to say 'ok, the promise is resolved, here's the user name'
} else {
// return another promise for that second API call
return cloudFn2(user).then(function(res) {
if (result > 0) {
// store this promise for this user
// return a promise that will be resolved when all promises for all users are resolved
return Parse.Promise.when(promises);
}).then(function(myUsers) {
// remove duplicates is easy with _
myUsers = _.uniq(myUsers);
// do your push
myUsers.forEach( function(user) {
First, you need to understand what Promises are. From what I understand of what you're trying to do it should look something like this:
//constructs the Parse Object
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
//find method returns a Promise
var res = query.find()
//good names will be a Promise of an array of usernames
//whose value is above 0
var goodNames = res
.then(function(data) {
//assumes the find method returns an array of
//objects, one of the properties is username
//we will map over it to create an Array of promises
//with the eventual results of calling the AJAX fn
var numberPromises = {
//wrap the call to the cloud function in a new
return new Promise(resolve, reject) {
someCloudFn(obj.username, function(err) {
if (err) {
} else {
//Promise.all will take the array of promises of numbers
//and return a promise of an array of results
return [data, Promise.all(numberPromises)];
.then(function(arr) {
//we only get here when all of the Promises from the
//cloud function resolve
var data = arr[0];
var numbers = arr[1];
return data
.filter(function(obj, i) {
//filter out the objects whose username number
//is zero or less
return numbers[i] > 0;
.map(function(obj) {
//get the username out of the query result obj
return obj.username;
.catch(function(err) {
Now whenever you need to use the list of usernames whose number isn't zero you can call the then method of goodNames and get the result:
goodNames.then(function(listOfNames) {
//do something with the names

Dynamically adding key/value pairs to Javascript object in a loop

Looking to create an object of data in an angular factory i can return to a controller but having some issues:
app.factory('simpleFactory', function ($http) {
var mykey = 'akjhas3892kh8adsak9';
var apiResource = [{
type: 'type1',
abbr: 'abc'
}, {
type: 'type2',
abbr: 'efg'
}, {
type: 'type3',
abbr: 'hij'
var data = {};
var setDataKeyValues = function (key, value) {
data[key] = value
for (var i = 0; i < apiResource.length; i++) {
var key = apiResource[i].type;
$http.get('' + key + '/' + apiResource[i].abbr + '/anotherpath?apikey=' + mykey).success(function (info) {
setDataKeyValues(key, info);
return data;
The Angular http request is returning a JSON object, but when the data object is returned, it is empty. What is the correct why to add these key/values to this object?
$http.get is asynchronous, and your return is synchronous. You need to use a queue. Angular has this built in.
app.factory('simpleFactory', function ($http) {
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < apiResource.length; i++) {
var key = apiResource[i].type;
var promise = $http.get('' + key + '/' + apiResource[i].abbr + '/anotherpath?apikey=' + mykey).success(function (info) {
setDataKeyValues(key, info);
// Once all asynchronous HTTP GET requests are complete
$q.all(promises).then(function () {
// Do something with the data, e.g.
return data;
simpleFactory is a misnomer. The factory method synchronously returns an object, which is then provided wherever you inject it. The values you set in your callbacks will be available later.
Since the requests are asynchronous, the data values are only set after the callback runs, but you are returning data before any of the callbacks have a chance to run.
If you want to do something after all data has returned, increment a counter every time you request some data and decrement the counter after setting the data. Then check if the counter is at 0, and run the function that depends on the data.

Return an object from a function that has nested ajax calls

I would like to write a javascript function that returns informations from youtube videos; to be more specific I would like to get the ID and the length of videos got by a search, in a json object. So I took a look at the youtube API and I came out with this solution:
function getYoutubeDurationMap( query ){
var youtubeSearchReq = ""+ query +
var youtubeMap = [];
$.getJSON(youtubeSearchReq, function(youtubeResult){
var youtubeVideoDetailReq = "";
for(var i =0;i<youtubeResult.feed.entry.length;i++){
var youtubeVideoId = youtubeResult.feed.entry[i].id.$t.substring(27);
$.getJSON(youtubeVideoDetailReq + youtubeVideoId + "?alt=json&v=2",function(videoDetails){
return youtubeMap;
The logic is ok, but as many of you have already understood because of ajax when I call this function I get an empty array. Is there anyway to get the complete object? Should I use a Deferred object? Thanks for your answers.
Yes, you should use deferred objects.
The simplest approach here is to create an array into which you can store the jqXHR result of your inner $.getJSON() calls.
var def = [];
for (var i = 0; ...) {
def[i] = $.getJSON(...).done(function(videoDetails) {
... // extract and store in youtubeMap
and then at the end of the whole function, use $.when to create a new promise that will be resolved only when all of the inner calls have finished:
return $.when.apply($, def).then(function() {
return youtubeMap;
and then use .done to handle the result from your function:
getYoutubeDurationMap(query).done(function(map) {
// map contains your results
See for a demonstration using this YouTube API of how deferred objects allow you to completely separate the AJAX calls from the subsequent data processing for your "duration search".
The code is a little long, but reproduced here too. However whilst the code is longer than you might expect note that the generic functions herein are now reusable for any calls you might want to make to the YouTube API.
// generic search - some of the fields could be parameterised
function youtubeSearch(query) {
var url = '';
return $.getJSON(url, {
q: query,
'max-results': 20,
duration: 'long', category: 'film', // parameters?
alt: 'json', v: 2
// get details for one YouTube vid
function youtubeDetails(id) {
var url = '' + id;
return $.getJSON(url, {
alt: 'json', v: 2
// get the details for *all* the vids returned by a search
function youtubeResultDetails(result) {
var details = [];
var def =, i) {
var id =$t.substring(27);
return youtubeDetails(id).done(function(data) {
details[i] = data;
return $.when.apply($, def).then(function() {
return details;
// use deferred composition to do a search and then get all details
function youtubeSearchDetails(query) {
return youtubeSearch(query).then(youtubeResultDetails);
// this code (and _only_ this code) specific to your requirement to
// return an array of {id, duration}
function youtubeDetailsToDurationMap(details) {
return {
return {
// and calling it all together
youtubeSearchDetails("after earth").then(youtubeDetailsToDurationMap).done(function(map) {
// use map[i].id and .duration
As you have discovered, you can't return youtubeMap directly as it's not yet populated at the point of return. But you can return a Promise of a fully populated youtubeMap, which can be acted on with eg .done(), .fail() or .then().
function getYoutubeDurationMap(query) {
var youtubeSearchReq = "" + query + "&max-results=20&duration=long&category=film&alt=json&v=2";
var youtubeVideoDetailReq = "";
var youtubeMap = [];
var dfrd = $.Deferred();
var p = $.getJSON(youtubeSearchReq).done(function(youtubeResult) {
$.each(youtubeResult.feed.entry, function(i, entry) {
var youtubeVideoId =$t.substring(27);
//Build a .then() chain to perform sequential queries
p = p.then(function() {
return $.getJSON(youtubeVideoDetailReq + youtubeVideoId + "?alt=json&v=2").done(function(videoDetails) {
//Add a terminal .then() to resolve dfrd when all video queries are complete.
p.then(function() {
dfrd.resolve(query, youtubeMap);
return dfrd.promise();
And the call to getYoutubeDurationMap() would be of the following form :
getYoutubeDurationMap("....").done(function(query, map) {
alert("Query: " + query + "\nYouTube videos found: " + map.length);
In practice, you would probably loop through map and display the .id and .runtime data.
Sequential queries is preferable to parallel queries as sequential is kinder to both client and server, and more likely to succeed.
Another valid approach would be to return an array of separate promises (one per video) and to respond to completion with $.when.apply(..), however the required data would be more awkward to extract.

