Regex Min Max for Expression that Allows Spaces - javascript

I am using this pattern:
^\w+( \w+)*$
to validate that a string is alphanumeric and may contain spaces. I can't figure out how to set a min and max though. I'd like something like this:
^(\w+( \w+)*){1, 50}$
but it's not working. What is the correct syntax?
EDIT: Sample input:
3this String is fine12
If the length of the entire string is greater than 50 though, it should not match.

If you want to limit the input string length you can use a restrictive positive lookahead at the start:
/^(?=.{1,50}$)\w+(?: \w+)*$/
The input string length can range from 1 to 50 characters.
See regex demo
^ - start of string
(?=.{1,50}$) - the positive lookahead that requires the string to have at least 1 character and up to 50 (note the $ is very important here)
\w+ - 1 or more word characters
(?: \w+)* - zero or more sequences of a space followed by 1 or more word characters
$ - end of string


Limit 10 characters is numbers and only 1 dot

I'm having a regex problem when input
That's the requirement: limit 10 characters (numbers) including dots, and only 1 dot is allowed
My current code is only 10 characters before and after the dot.
thank for support.
You could assert 10 chars in the string being either . or a digit.
Then you can match optional digits, and optionally match a dot and again optional digits:
The pattern matches:
^ Start of string
(?=[.\d]{10}$) Positive lookahead, assert 10 chars . or digit till the end of string
\d* Match optional digits
(?:\.\d*)? Optionally match a `. and optional digits
$ End of string
See a regex demo.
If the pattern should not end on a dot:
Regex demo
The decimal point throws a wrench into most single pattern approaches. I would probably use an alternation here:
This pattern says to match:
^ from the start of the number
\d{1,10} a pure 1 to 10 digit integer
| OR
(?=\d*\.) assert that one dot is present
(?!\d*\.\d*\.) assert that ONLY one dot is present
[0-9.]{2,11} match a 1 to 10 digit float
$ end of the number
You can use a lookahead to achieve your goals.
First, looking at your regex, you've used [0-9] to represent all digit characters. We can shorten this to \d, which means the same thing.
Then, we can focus on the requirement that there be only one dot. We can test for this with the following pattern:
\d* means any number of digit characters
\.? matches one literal dot, optionally
\d* matches any number of digit characters after the dot
$ anchors this to the end of the string, so the match can't just end before the second dot, it actually has to fail if there's a second dot
Now, we don't actually want to consume all the characters involved in this match, because then we wouldn't be able to ensure that there are <=10 characters. Here's where the lookahead comes in: We can use the lookahead to ensure that our pattern above matches, but not actually perform the match. This way we verify that there is only one dot, but we haven't actually consumed any of the input characters yet. A lookahead would look like this:
Next, we can ensure that there are aren't more than 10 characters total. Since we already made sure there are only dots and digits with the above pattern, we can just match up to 10 of any characters for simplicity, like so:
Putting these two patterns together, we get this:
This will only match number inputs which have 10 or fewer characters and have no more than one dot.
If you would like to ensure that, when there is a dot, there is also a digit accompanying it, we can achieve this by adding another lookahead. The only case that meets this condition is when the input string is just a dot (.), so we can just explicitly rule this case out with a negative lookahead like so:
Adding this back in to our main expression, we get:

Regex for String in React

How shall we write a regular expression to validate a string that should have a length of a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 50 characters, have both upper case and lower case, alphanumeric, include space, and have mostly used special characters like #,._-&$#? The first character should be either alphabet or number then the rest can be as mentioned above.
*If it is only one character then it should be an alphanumeric one
I have tried a regex with my limited knowledge which looks like
But I am not able to match the string if there is only one character given, can anyone guide me to fix this
You can use
See the regex demo
^ - start of string
(?=[\p{L}0-9]) - the first char must be a Unicode letter (\p{L}) or an ASCII digit
[\p{L}\p{N}_#,.&$%#\s-]{1,50} - one to fifty
\p{L} - any Unicode letter
\p{N} - any Unicode digit
_#,.&$%#- - any of these chars
\s - any whitespace
$ - end of string.

RegEx - contain specific number after period

I have strings similar to; First Half Goals 1.5/2. The text at the beginning can be anything so cannot depend on that as part of the RegEx as it varies. What I want to do is to match the number sequence at the end. Test samples would be:
The sequence can either contain a slash or it cannot. If it contains a slash, there must be a value after it - either integer or decimal. The value before the decimal (if one is present) can be any number of digits - \d+ - but the value after should must be 0 or 5 - (0|5). The 1st value before the slash (/) is either an integer or a decimal. If the sequence contains a slash, then the number after is also either a integer or a decimal. All values are positive.
The main point of this RegEx is that I need it to only match once. The was the RegEx I was using:
The issue with the regex above is that the example string I use; First Half Goals 1.5/2 matched twice. Once on the 1.5 & the 2nd on the 2. I have now altered it to be this:
This is slightly better but if I give the test sample; 1.6/2, it will match 6/2. This will be because the decimal section on the former number is optional. I'm not sure if a lookbehind would come in handy here, I don't have much experience with them. Sadly the text beforehand is so unpredictable otherwise I could trim the string to only get the wanted substring & then match from the start of the string but can't do that. An outline of what should match & what should not:
1 // Match
5.5 // Match
7.8 // No Match
0/0.5 // Match
147/147.5 // Match
2. // No Match
6.5/ // No Match
7.0/8 // Match
10.0 // Match
1./2.5 // No Match
5./6 // No Match
/157 // No Match
/4.5 // No Match
I've tried to explain as best I could but if you need more details then I'll provide them
In Node.js, RegExp supports lookbehinds and you may use
See the regex demo
\b - word boundary
(?<!\d\.|\/) - no digit + dot or a slash are allowed immediately to the left of the current location
\d+ - one or more digits
(?:\.[05])? - an optional sequence of
\. - a dot
[05] - 0 or 5
(?:\/\d+(?:\.[05])?)? - an optional sequence of
\/\d+ - a / and 1+ digits
(?:\.[05])? - an optional sequence of a dot and then 0 or 5
$ - end of string.

Writing regular expression that will filter entered username

I want to write a regexp that will filter any username which:
Starts with number or letter (not case sensitive)
Can include - but cannot contain more than one in a row
example u-s-e-r✔ us-er✔ us--er✖
Also username cannot start with - or end with -
example -user✖ user-✖
It also needs to be at least 1 character (letter or number) and max 39.
The closest I've come to my result is something like this:
This matches exactly what it should match, but it also matches some things that it shouldn't.
Basically these shouldn't be valid:
And these should be valid:
You may use
See the regex demo and the Regulex graph:
^ - start of string
(?=.{1,39}$) - the length must be 1 to 39 chars
[a-zA-Z\d]+ - 1+ alphanumeric chars
(?:-[a-zA-Z\d]+)* - 0 or more repetitions of
- - a hyphen
[a-zA-Z\d]+ - 1+ alphanumeric chars
$ - end of string.
You could use negative look ahead to implement the hyphen restrictions:

Javascript Regular Expresion [duplicate]

I'm trying to write a RegExp to match only 8 digits, with one optional comma maybe hidden in-between the digits.
All of these should match:
Right now I have:
but of course that erroneously matches 012,,,67
I know optionals exist but don't understand how to keep the 8 digit length applying to the comma while also keeping the comma limited to 1.
Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!
To match 8 char string that can only contain digits and an optional comma in-between, you may use
See the regex demo
The lookahead will require the string to contain 8 chars. ,? will make matching a comma optional, and the + after \d will require at least 1 digit before and after an optional comma.
If you need to match a string that has 8 digits and an optional comma, you can use
See the regex demo
Actually, the string will have 9 characters in the string (if it has a comma), or just 8 - if there are only digits.
^ - start of string
(?:(?=.{9}$)\d+,\d+|\d{8}) - 2 alternatives:
(?=.{9}$)\d+,\d+ - 1+ digits followed with 1 comma followed with 1+ digits, and the whole string matched should be 9 char long (8 digits and 1 comma)
| - or
\d{8} - 8 digits
$ - end of string
See the Java code demo (note that with String#matches(), the ^ and $ anchors at the start and end of the pattern are redundant and can be omitted since the pattern is anchored by default when used with this method):
List<String> strs = Arrays.asList("0123,,678", "0123456", // bad
"01234,567", "01234567" // good
for (String str : strs)
You just need to replace + (match 1 or more occurrences) quantifiers to * (match 0 or more occurrences) in the first alternative branch to allow leading/trailing commas:
See this regex demo
You can use following regex if you want to let trailing comma:
Otherwise use following one:
(?<!,) is a negative-lookbehind.
I guess this cooperation of positive and negative look-ahead does just what's asked. If you remove the start and end delimiters and set the g flag then it will try to match the pattern along decimal strings longer than 8 characters as well.
Please try
Explanation: The negative look ahead (?!\d{0,6},\d{0,6},\d{0,6}) tries not to find any commas side by side if they have 6 or less decimal characters in between while the positive look ahead (?=\d[\d,]{6}\d) tries to find 6 decimal or comma characters in between two decimal characters. And the last .{8} selects 8 characters.

