Angular select and ng-options - javascript

I have this angular select:
<select ng-model='obj.status' ng-options='status.code as (status.code + " " + status.phrase) for status in track by status.code'>`
My $scope.status_codes is like this:
data: [
My $scope.obj.status is updated to "300" or "100" or whatever as I change my select, but the select display is always blank. So, the model updates to the selected value of the select input but the input does not show the currently selected value, it shows a blank item.
If i change ng-options to be ng-options='status as (status.code ...' it works, but I only want status.code in my model, not the whole status array. What gives?
I have {{obj | json }} in my HTML and it reads:
obj = {
"name": "",
"description": "",
"payload": "",
"status": "200",
"responseHeaders": {
"entry": [
"key": "",
"value": ""
"key": "",
"value": ""

Remove track by.
From the Docs:
Be careful when using select as and track by in the same expression.
My best guess is that the as uses a normal value, like "300", but the track by is using a typed value, like "int:300". Removing one or the other should do it, preferably the track by.
They are giving this as an example:
This will work:
<select ng-options="item as item.label for item in items track by" ng-model="selected"></select>
but this will not work:
<select ng-options="item.subItem as item.label for item in items track by" ng-model="selected"></select>

According to the docs here:
select as label for value in array
So in your example this should work (you will get code value as select value in model):
status.code as (status.code + " " + status.phrase) for status in
track by should be used when you have object as value in model, array of objects for options and you want to match current model value to one of objects in array.


How to find data from a GET array with parameters already present

Sorry, the title isn't worded very well. I'm using a category choose to choose a category from an API. I currently get the list of categories, filter through their names, and display them in the category chooser. When the user clicks submit, I want the to parse through the API and find the id associated with that category name. Here's an example output from the API:
"_id": "5c2fde414502d923ceafaa30",
"title": "Category 2",
"description": "My second category, testing 123",
"createdAt": "2019-01-04T22:29:21.047Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-01-04T22:29:21.047Z",
"__v": 0
Here's the code I use for the Category Chooser:
$.getJSON("http://localhost:2672/categories", function (json) {
$('#category-chooser').append($('<option>').text("Choose a Category"));
$.each(json, function (i, obj) {
<select id="category-chooser" class="form-control" name="category">
<option selected="selected">blank</option>
If you store the json returned from getJSON somewhere outside the callback, your submit button would fire off something like below:
function getCategoryId(){
const categoryChooser = document.getElementById('category-chooser');
const categorySelected = categoryChooser.value;
json.forEach(entry => {
if(entry.title === categorySelected){
return entry["_id"];

get select value from a drop with angulars reads error

I'm trying to get the selected value from a drop down list with angularjs. When I select the value I get this error angular.min.js:108 TypeError: Cannot read property 'ftype' of undefined
<select name="select" ng-model="queryBy" ng-change="get_search_value(item)">
<option ng-repeat="item in filter" value="{{item.ftype}}">{{item.ftype}}</option>
$scope.filter = [
{ id: 1, ftype: "Complaint Type"},
{ id: 2, ftype: "Region" },
{ id: 3, ftype: "District"},
My guess is item is invisible on the level of <select>. Whatever is in the <option>(so, the 'item') should be saved in the ng-model value, which is queryBy. Why are you passing item to the get_search_value? Try acessing the queryBy in the get_search_value function instead
I think you've misunderstood AngularJS... It does all of this for you. You don't need to update a separate value and you don't need a change event to do this for you.
Here is what I think you're trying to achieve:
<select name="select" ng-model="queryBy">
<option ng-repeat="item in filter" value="{{item.ftype}}">{{item.ftype}}</option>
$scope.filter = [
{ id: 1, ftype: "Complaint Type"},
{ id: 2, ftype: "Region" },
{ id: 3, ftype: "District"}
// you can access the selected value by using $scope.queryBy
That's right, just using $scope.queryBy (or just queryBy in your HTML) will give you the value of the selected option. As tymeJV mentioned, you can also use ngOptions instead of ngRepeat for your options. I'd also recommend looking into using ngBind instead of curly braces where you can, it will avoid the expression itself flashing before being evaluated.
You should be using ngOptions - your item is inaccessible the way you currently have it. Here's a quick refactor that should work:

AngularJS select default option according to url

I have a dropdown menu that contains some links for various section of the page. The application is written with AngularJS version 1.4, the dropdown menu does works, but when I enter the page directly through the url in the dropdown menu is always selected the empty voice instead of the correct one. Here' the code:
<select ng-options=" for menu_voice in menu_voices track by menu_voice.url" ng-model='selectedOption' ng-change="changeLink()">
$scope.changeLink = function(){
$scope.menu_voices = [
"url": '',
"name": 'Company'
"url": 'account.billing',
"name": 'Billing'
"url": 'account.password',
"name": 'Password'
"url": '',
"name": 'Design'
"url": '',
"name": 'Social'
"url": 'account.notifications',
"name": 'Notifications'
If I select a voice in the dropdown menu, I go to the correct link with the correct voice selected. But if in the url bar I enter something like:
I go to the correct page but in the dropdown menu the selected voice is empty.
How can I solve this?
EDIT after first reply:
I added this:
var name = $window.location.pathname;
name = name.substring(9);
name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
var url = $window.location.pathname.substring(1).replace(/\//g, '.');
$scope.getSelectedFromUrl = function(){
$scope.selectedOption = {"name": name, "url": url};
If I print in the console
I get the correct object, e.g:
Object {name: "Design", url: ""}
In the html I simply added the ng-init:
<select ng-options=" for menu_voice in menu_voices track by menu_voice.url" ng-model='selectedOption' ng-change="changeLink()" ng-init="selectedOption = getSelectedFromUrl()">
But nothing changed.
You could use the ng-init directive to call a function that parses the route and matches it to an item from the voices array. Then set the selectedOption model to that array item, which will set the select option.
ng-init="selectedOption = getSelectedFromURL()"

Angular JS: default value in select menu with ng-repeat options

I have tried to follow the examples on the Angular 1.4.12 docs and what I've found here, still I cannot set a default value for a select menu.
My html (using controller as of mob):
<select name="userCurrencyType"
ng-options=" + ' - ' + s.code for s in mob.currencyTypes"></select>
Which correctly gives me a menu like:
Where my json is an array of objects:
[{ "code": "USD", "name": "United States Dollar" },
{ "code": "GBP", "name": "United Kingdom Pound" }...]
I want the default menu item to be the first item (USD). I have tried setting the ng-model to mob.currencyType and setting this in the controller both like:
_this.currencyType = _this.currencyTypes[0];
_this.currencyType = { "code": "USD", "name": "United States Dollar" }
Neither approach gives me a default value set. What am I missing?
After some good suggestions from other users, and some experimenting, it would seem the problem was my data service call was not returning a promise:
_this.currencyTypes = MockDataFactory.query({ filename: 'currency_codes' });
So I added
_this.currencyTypes.$promise.then(function () {
And then
function init () {
_this.currencyType = _this.currencyTypes[0];
You can set using ng-init
<select ng-model="currency" ng-init="currency='United States Dollar'" ng-options=" as for code in currencyTypes">
What you have is fine, just include a track by:
<select name="userCurrencyType"
ng-options=" + ' - ' + s.code for s in mob.currencyTypes track by s.code"></select>

Change ng-model before submit

I have simple model that submits a form that are all from a select I am using an ng-repeat like so:
isdom.scheduleOptions = ['Pass', 'N/A'];
<select ng-model="isdom.isdomForm.isDom101">
<option ng-repeat="option in isdom.scheduleOptions" value="{{option}}">{{option}}</option>
The person who has built the api end point is asking for the data in this format:
"outcomes": [
{ "itemNo": "is11", "outcome": "Pass" }
{ "itemNo": "is12", "outcome": "Pass" }...
How can I do this when my model is like so?
"isDom11": "N/A",
"isDOm12": "Pass",...
I thought about try to get all the elements in the model that start with isDom and pushing them into an outcomes array that has been modified into objects to copy the format required.
Is there a different way I can use ng-repeat to achieve this?
You could use ng-options for populating the select.
See: ngOptions or select
So it should be something like this:
$scope.isdom.scheduleOptions = [
{ "itemNo": "is11", "outcome": "N/A" }
{ "itemNo": "is12", "outcome": "Pass" }
<select ng-model="isdom.isdomForm.isDom101"
ng-options="item as item.outcome for item in isdom.scheduleOptions track by item.itemNo"></select>
Try using the (key, value) syntax as given in angular docs.
Key value in ng-repeat
(key, value) in expression –
where key and value can be any user defined identifiers, and expression is the scope expression giving the collection to enumerate.
For example: (name, age) in {'adam':10, 'amalie':12}.
Your example,
isdom.scheduleOptions = {
"isDom11": "N/A",
"isDOm12": "Pass",...
<select ng-model="isdom.outcomes">
<option ng-repeat="(itemNo, outcome) in isdom.scheduleOptions" value="{{outcome}}">{{outcome}}</option>

