Onsen UI utilizes Hammer.js for gesture detection.
There is a way or there is someone who has tried to make an sortable list?
I tried using as explained here in the documentation:
but without success.
Tks David
If you are developing with AngularJs, you may try to look at these two plugins.
ng-sortable by a5hik
UI.Sortable directive
Is there a plugin which supports drag and drop of columns for Datatable without having any bugs
Looking forward for a reply.
Yes there is everything in the web.
You can use jQuery UI. It's very easy to use. I suggest that you visit the official site of this library
I'm trying to get a content slider working. We are using Kendo UI as a UI framework for the application that I'm working on, and I'm not too keen or writing my own jQuery slider or using one of the self.
I was wondering if anyone has tried using Kendo UI to build a simple content slider. Like http://www.sequencejs.com/
Are there any libraries that add in support for standard drag and drop functionality that is built with either jQuery or just plain JavaScript? I would perfer something other than jQuery UI.
Your best option is going with jQuery UI Draggable. But there are other options like script.aculo.us
http://threedubmedia.com/code/event/drag is a great dragging jquery plugin if your looking for an alternative to jquery ui
I have been reading about emberjs in order to use dhtmlx components (http://dhtmlx.com/) with emberjs. What should I do to be able to use dhtmlx grid or combobox components along with emberjs?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
there is a updated version of the article ghempton have posted : http://www.lukemelia.com/devblog/archives/2012/03/10/using-ember-js-with-jquery-ui/
Perhaps you can apply the same technique.
Good luck, currently I am trying to mix jq mobile and emberjs... But I have some issues ;-)
Not familiar with dhtmlx, but if its anything like jQuery UI, the following link will help: http://yehudakatz.com/2011/06/11/using-sproutcore-2-0-with-jquery-ui/
I need to have lists that are sortable. I made my own jquery plugin that has two methods: .drag() and .drop(). I made my own methods because I need capability with the IOS and Android. I am stuck with sortable, though. My plugin has all the parameters of the jquery draggable and droppable. I need this project to help my team of developers and other people to create interactive web apps. You can use jQuery methods, but only the UI methods to make animations and such.